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Common bean is an important and diverse crop legume with several wild relatives that are all part of the Phaseoleae tribe of tropical crop legumes. Sequence databases have been a good source of sequences to mine for simple sequence repeats (SSRs). The objective of this research was to evaluate 14 sequence collections from common bean for SSRs and to evaluate the diversity of the polymorphic microsatellites derived from these collections. SSRs were found in 10 of the GenBank sequence collections with an average of 11.3% of sequences containing microsatellite motifs. The most common motifs were based on tri- and dinucleotides. In a marker development programme, primers were designed for 125 microsatellites which were tested on a panel of 18 common bean genotypes. The markers were named as part of the bean microsatellite-database (BMd) series, and the average polymorphism information content was 0.404 for polymorphic markers and predicted well the genepool structure of common beans and the status of the wild and cultivated accessions that were included in the study. Therefore, the BMd series of microsatellites is useful for multiple studies of genetic relatedness and as anchor markers in future mapping of wide crosses in the species.  相似文献   
We have evaluated High Resolution Melting (HRM) analysis as a method for one‐step haplotype identification in phylogeographic analysis. Using two adjoined internal amplicons (c. 360 and 390 bp) at the chloroplast rps16 intron (c. 750 bp) we applied HRM to identify haplotypes in 21 populations of two European arctic‐alpine herb species Arenaria ciliata and Arenaria norvegica (Caryophyllaceae). From 446 accessions studied, 20 composite rps16 haplotypes were identified by the melting‐curve protocol, 18 of which could be identified uniquely. In a comparative sensitivity analysis with in silico PCR‐RFLP, only seven of these 20 haplotypes could be identified uniquely. Observed in vitro experimental HRM profiles were corroborated by in silico HRM analysis generated on uMeltSM. In silico mutation analysis carried out on a 360 bp wild‐type rps16I amplicon determined that the expected rate of missed single‐nucleotide polymorphisms (SNP) detection in vitro was similar to existing evaluations of HRM sensitivity, with transversion SNPs being more likely to go undetected compared to transition SNPs. In vitro HRM successfully discriminated between all amplicon templates differing by two or more base changes (352 cases) and between 11 pairs of amplicons where the only difference was a single transition or transversion SNP. Only one pairwise comparison yielded no discernable HRM curve difference between haplotypes, and these samples differed by one transversion (C/G) SNP. HRM analysis represents an untapped resource in phylogeographic analysis, and with appropriate primer design any polymorphic locus is potentially amenable to this single‐reaction method for haplotype identification.  相似文献   
The middle Eocene Messel and Eckfeld localities are renowned for their excellently preserved faunas and diverse floras. Here we describe for the first time pollen from insect-pollinated plants found in situ on well-preserved ancient bees using light and scanning electron microscopy. There have been 140 pollen types reported from Messel and 162 pollen types from Eckfeld. Here we document 23 pollen types, six from Messel and 18 from Eckfeld (one is shared). The taxa reported here are all pollinated by insects and mostly not recovered in the previously studied dispersed fossil pollen records. Typically, a single or two pollen types are found on each fossil bee specimen, the maximum number of distinct pollen types on a single individual is five. Only five of the 23 pollen types obtained are angiosperms of unknown affinity, the remainder cover a broad taxonomic range of angiosperm trees and include members of several major clades: monocots (1 pollen type), fabids (7), malvids (4), asterids (5) and other core eudicots (1). Seven types each can be assigned to individual genera or infrafamilial clades. Since bees visit only flowers in the relative vicinity of their habitat, the recovered pollen provides a unique insight into the autochthonous palaeo-flora. The coexistence of taxa such as Decodon, Elaeocarpus, Mortoniodendron and other Tilioideae, Mastixoideae, Olax, Pouteria and Nyssa confirms current views that diverse, thermophilic forests thrived at the Messel and Eckfeld localities, probably under a warm subtropical, fully humid climate. Our study calls for increased attention to pollen found in situ on pollen-harvesting insects such as bees, which can provide new insights on insect-pollinated plants and complement even detailed palaeo-palynological knowledge obtained mostly from pollen of wind-pollinated plants in the dispersed pollen record of sediments. In the case of Elaeocarpus, Mortoniodendron, Olax and Pouteria the pollen collected by the middle Eocene bees represent the earliest unambiguous records of their respective genera.  相似文献   
Over the past 25 years, discoveries of Early Cretaceous fossil flowers, often associated with pollen and sometimes with vegetative parts, have revolutionized our understanding of the morphology and diversity of early angiosperms. However, few of these fossils have been integrated into the increasingly robust phylogeny of living angiosperms based primarily on molecular data. To remedy this situation, we have used a morphological data set for living basal angiosperms (including basal eudicots and monocots) to assess the most parsimonious positions of early angiosperm fossils on cladograms of Recent plants, using constraint trees that represent the current range of hypotheses on higher-level relationships, and concentrating on Magnoliidae (the clade including Magnoliales, Laurales, Canellales, and Piperales) and eudicots. In magnoliids, our results confirm proposed relationships of Archaeanthus (latest Albian?) to Magnoliaceae, Endressinia (late Aptian) to Magnoliales (the clade comprising Degeneria, Galbulimima, Eupomatia, and Annonaceae), and Walkeripollis pollen tetrads (late Barremian?) to Winteraceae, but they indicate that Mauldinia (early Cenomanian) was sister to both Lauraceae and Hernandiaceae rather than to Lauraceae alone. Among middle Albian to early Cenomanian eudicots, we confirm relationships of Nelumbites to Nelumbo, platanoid inflorescences and Sapindopsis to Platanaceae, and Spanomera to Buxaceae. With the possible exception of Archaeanthus, these fossils are apparently not crown group members of living families but rather stem relatives of one or more families.  相似文献   
Two homologues of INNER NO OUTER (INO) in Nymphaea alba and N. colorata (Nymphaeaceae) were isolated and the expression pattern of the N. alba INO homologue NaINO was examined by in situ hybridization. The INO homologues obtained have a portion similar to INO in the predicted amino acid sequences between the conserved zinc finger-like and YABBY domains. In an in situ hybridization analysis, NaINO is expressed in the outer epidermis of the outer integument, inner integument, and the tip of the nucellus. The pattern observed in the outer integument is very similar to that of Arabidopsis thaliana, while the expression in the inner integument and nucellus is not observed in A. thaliana.Edited by G. JürgensToshihiro Yamada is a Research Fellow of the Japan Society for the Promotion of Science  相似文献   
Large complete species-level molecular phylogenies can provide the most direct information about the macroevolutionary history of clades having poor fossil records. However, extinction will ultimately erode evidence of pulses of rapid speciation in the deep past. Assessment of how well, and for how long, phylogenies retain the signature of such pulses has hitherto been based on a--probably untenable--model of ongoing diversity-independent diversification. Here, we develop two new tests for changes in diversification 'rules' and evaluate their power to detect sudden increases in equilibrium diversity in clades simulated with diversity-dependent speciation and extinction rates. Pulses of diversification are only detected easily if they occurred recently and if the rate of species turnover at equilibrium is low; rates reported for fossil mammals suggest that the power to detect a doubling of species diversity falls to 50 per cent after less than 50 Myr even with a perfect phylogeny of extant species. Extinction does eventually draw a veil over past dynamics, suggesting that some questions are beyond the limits of inference, but sudden clade-wide pulses of speciation can be detected after many millions of years, even when overall diversity is constrained. Applying our methods to existing phylogenies of mammals and angiosperms identifies intervals of elevated diversification in each.  相似文献   
传统的植物学理论中, 被子植物雌蕊的基本单位心皮被认为是变态的叶(即大孢子叶)通过纵向对折和内卷演化而来。该理论造成了被子植物和裸子植物之间不可逾越的鸿沟。近年来提出的一统理论认为被子植物的心皮由长胚珠的枝和包裹这个枝的叶共同组成, 从而弥合了被子植物与裸子植物之间的鸿沟。最近, 当代植物学界两大权威人物Peter R. Crane和Peter K. Endress分别撰文, 发表了不同于传统理论的观点。Endress认为, 心皮由胚珠和叶性器官组成; 而Crane认为, 所有的胚珠都长在枝上。结合二者的结论, 不难得出“心皮实际上等同于一个长胚珠的枝加上一个叶”的论断。这在某种意义上等于认同了一统理论的观点。两位权威人物观点的转变预示着植物学理论将很快发生根本性的转变。该文向国内植物学同行通报这一最新动态, 以期让我国学者能够了解最新理论。  相似文献   
Besides tectate and columellate, 3-layered exine types, in theAnnonaceae, one also finds very fragile, thin exine types. Their single exine layer corresponds either to a former tectum (including infratectal layer) or a former basal layer. The interpretation of the different origin of the remaining layers is based on their different structure and position within the intine. The fact that reduced exine types are obviously not always homologous should be regarded in systematic interpretations.  相似文献   
Stomatal patterning in angiosperms   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
My thesis is that understanding stomatal patterning requires a holistic perspective. Since stomata are structures critical to the survival of terrestrial plants, they need to be viewed in relation to their function and their interface with other structural components. With this outlook, I begin by discussing pattern types, means of measuring them, advantages of each type of measurement, and then present patterning from evolutionary, physiological, ecological, and organ views. I suggest areas where I believe profitable studies might enable us to better understand stomatal patterning. The final sections of the paper review stomatal patterning on angiosperm leaves and present a theory of patterning. With the abundance of molecular information, and coming genomic sequences and new tools, an opportunity exists to dissect the process of how cells are selected to become different from their neighbors and assume a fate critical to plant survival. Understanding this biological process at the molecular level requires comprehending the broad base on which stomatal patterning rests.  相似文献   
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