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人工繁育是濒危物种保护的重要手段,但是也会改变物种的表型。为了探究人工繁育对于鳄蜥(Shinisaurus crocodilurus)形态和健康状况的影响,本研究比较了人工繁育鳄蜥与野外鳄蜥新生幼体及亚成体形态特征与细菌感染率。结果发现,人工繁育鳄蜥与野外鳄蜥的新生幼体体型无显著差异,而人工繁育鳄蜥亚成体体型显著大于野外鳄蜥;两个年龄段的人工繁育鳄蜥断尾率均显著低于野外鳄蜥;人工繁育鳄蜥亚成体细菌感染率最高,但是各年龄组种群间的差异不显著。本研究表明,人工环境促进了鳄蜥的生长,减少了鳄蜥被捕食的风险,但有增加鳄蜥感染疾病的可能性,因此在鳄蜥的饲养管理中需要加强疾病防治。  相似文献   
The most common approach to predicting how species ranges and ecological functions will shift with climate change is to construct correlative species distribution models (SDMs). These models use a species’ climatic distribution to determine currently suitable areas for the species and project its potential distribution under future climate scenarios. A core, rarely tested, assumption of SDMs is that all populations will respond equivalently to climate. Few studies have examined this assumption, and those that have rarely dissect the reasons for intraspecific differences. Focusing on the arctic-alpine cushion plant Silene acaulis, we compared predictive accuracy from SDMs constructed using the species’ full global distribution with composite predictions from separate SDMs constructed using subpopulations defined either by genetic or habitat differences. This is one of the first studies to compare multiple ways of constructing intraspecific-level SDMs with a species-level SDM. We also examine the contested relationship between relative probability of occurrence and species performance or ecological function, testing if SDM output can predict individual performance (plant size) and biotic interactions (facilitation). We found that both genetic- and habitat-informed SDMs are considerably more accurate than a species-level SDM, and that the genetic model substantially differs from and outperforms the habitat model. While SDMs have been used to infer population performance and possibly even biotic interactions, in our system these relationships were extremely weak. Our results indicate that individual subpopulations may respond differently to climate, although we discuss and explore several alternative explanations for the superior performance of intraspecific-level SDMs. We emphasize the need to carefully examine how to best define intraspecific-level SDMs as well as how potential genetic, environmental, or sampling variation within species ranges can critically affect SDM predictions. We urge caution in inferring population performance or biotic interactions from SDM predictions, as these often-assumed relationships are not supported in our study.  相似文献   
生境影响植物花部特征的分化.为探究不同人为干扰强度生境是否影响杜鹃花特征分化和资源分配,以及不同颜色杜鹃花分布情况,该研究以百里杜鹃保护区高、中、低人为干扰强度生境的马缨杜鹃、迷人杜鹃和露珠杜鹃为实验材料,采用五点取样法统计不同生境杜鹃花的植株数量,游标卡尺测量花部特征,光学显微镜统计花粉数,海洋光谱仪测定花色的反射光...  相似文献   
Quantitative triat loci (QTLs) for yield and related traits in rice were mapped based on RFLP maps from two indica/indica F2 populations, Tesanai 2/CB and Waiyin 2/CB. In Tesanai 2/CB, 14 intervals carrying QTLs for eight traits were detected, including 3 for grain weight per plant (GWT), 2 for number of panicles per plant (NP), 2 for number of grains per panicle (NG), 1 for total number of spikelets per panicle (TNS), 1 for spikelet fertility (SF), 3 for 1000-grain weight (TGWT), 1 for spikelet density (SD), and 1 for number of first branches per main panicle. The 3 QTLs for GWT were located on chromosomes 1, 2, and 4, with 1 in each chromosome. The additive effect of the single locus ranged from 2.0 g to 9.1 g. A major gene (np4) for NP was detected on chromosome 4 within the interval of RG143–RG214, about 4cM for RG143, and this locus explained 26.1% of the observed phenotypic variance for NP. The paternal allele of this locus was responsible for reduced panicles per plant (3 panicles per plant). In another population, Waiyin 2/CB, 12 intervals containing QTLs for six of the above-mentioned traits were detected, including 3 for GWT, 2 for each of NP, TNS, TGWT and SD, 1 for SF. Three QTLs for GWT were located on chromosome 1, 4, and 5, respectively. The additive effect of the single locus for GWT ranged from 6.7 g to 8.8 g, while the dominance effect was 1.7–11.5 g. QTL mapping in two populations with a common male parent is compared and discussed.  相似文献   
3种地中海橡树在叶脉和气孔性状上的个体发育性变化及其与叶片经济性状的关系 我们比较了3个地中海栎属(Quercus)树种幼苗和成龄树的叶脉和气孔性状。之前的研究表明,幼苗的气体交换率往往比成龄树的要高。我们的研究目标是确认叶脉和气孔的性状在整个植物个体发育过程中是否会随着气体交换率的变化而同步改变。我们提出了以下两个备选假设:幼苗比成龄树有着更高的叶脉和气孔密度(假设1);幼苗在维管组织上的投资更少,从而降低了建设成本(假设2)。本研究是在西班牙中西部进行的,我们对每个树种不同生长阶段的植株随机采集了10个样本。我们测量了气孔和叶脉的平均性状(单位叶面积里的气孔大小和数量、叶脉密度、叶脉体积、叶脉到表皮的距离),比叶质量和叶片厚度。研究结果表明,细脉密度和单位面积叶脉体积随着树龄的增加而增加,这似乎与气体交换率方面的个体发育趋势不一致。这种差异支持了我们的假设2,说明植株在幼苗阶段减少对维管组织的投资以最大限度地提高生长速度是其当务之急。幼苗叶片中较大的叶脉间距可以由叶脉到表皮的较短距离所补偿。因此,薄叶片可能是幼苗的一个必要性状,它可以让水分沿较短路径输送到蒸发点,而无需对高成本的维管组织进行大量投资。  相似文献   
Background and AimsRoot sprouting (RS), i.e. the ability to form adventitious buds on roots, is an important form of clonal growth in a number of species, and serves as both a survival strategy and a means of spatial expansion, particularly in plants growing in severely and recurrently disturbed habitats. Occurrence and/or success of plants in severely and recurrently disturbed habitats are determined by two components, namely the ability to produce adventitious buds on roots and the vigour of their production. As mechanisms behind different magnitudes of RS remain unclear, our study investigates: (1) whether the presence or absence of specific tissues in roots can promote or limit RS; and (2) whether there is some relationship between RS ability, RS vigour and species niche.MethodsWe studied RS ability together with RS vigour in 182 Central European herbaceous species under controlled experimental conditions. We used phylogenetic logistic regressions to model the presence of RS, RS vigour, the relationship between RS and anatomical traits and the relationship between RS and parameters of species niches.Key ResultsA quarter of herbs examined were able to produce adventitious buds on roots. They were characterized by their preference for open dry habitats, the presence of secondary root thickening and the occurrence of sclerified cortical cells in roots. Root sprouting vigour was not associated with any specific anatomical pattern, but was correlated with the environmental niches of different species, indicating that preferred disturbed and dry habitats might represent a selection pressure for more vigorous root sprouters than undisturbed and wet habitats.ConclusionsOur study shows that sprouting from roots is quite common in temperate dicotyledonous herbs. Two components of RS – ability and vigour – should be considered separately in future studies. We would also like to focus more attention on RS in herbs from other regions as well as on external forces and internal mechanisms regulating evolution and the functions of RS in both disturbed and undisturbed habitats.  相似文献   
通过分析珍稀濒危植物峨眉含笑(Michelia wilsonii)种子与果实的表型性状特征,研究其变异规律和空间自相关性,为峨眉含笑天然种群的保护利用工作提供依据。以雅安周公山的峨眉含笑为研究对象,测定12项种实表型性状指标,采用变异系数和半方差函数,探究峨眉含笑种实的空间变异特征。结果显示(:1)峨眉含笑种实表型性状的平均变异系数为27.59%,种实的形态变异程度最小,种子性状的变异程度比果实性状更为丰富。(2)聚合果下部的种子败育率与蓇葖败育率最高,分别为18.32%和38.22%;中部的败育率最低,分别为15.05%和23.45%。(3)半方差函数模型以指数和球状模型为主,呈聚集分布。除果实长、种子纵径和种子败育率外,其余9项指标具有中高等强度的空间自相关性。(4)9项指标的各向异性比接近于1,空间异质性表现为各向同性。因此,峨眉含笑种实表型性状在中等尺度的空间范围内具有丰富的变异性。  相似文献   
Animal vocalizations play an important role in individual recognition, kin recognition, species recognition, and sexual selection. Despite much work in these fields done on birds virtually nothing is known about the heritability of vocal traits in birds. Here, we study a captive population of more than 800 zebra finches ( Taeniopygia guttata ) with regard to the quantitative genetics of call and song characteristics. We find very high heritabilities in nonlearned female call traits and considerably lower heritabilities in male call and song traits, which are learned from a tutor and hence show much greater environmental variance than innate vocalizations. In both sexes, we found significant heritabilities in several traits such as mean frequency and measures of timbre, which reflect morphological characteristics of the vocal tract. These traits also showed significant genetic correlations with body size, as well as positive genetic correlations between the sexes, supporting a scenario of honest signaling of body size through genetic pleiotropy ("index signal"). In contrast to such morphology-related voice characteristics, classical song features such as repertoire size or song length showed very low heritabilities. Hence, these traits that are often suspected to be sexually selected would hardly respond to current directional selection.  相似文献   
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