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不同光环境下紫椴幼树树冠结构的可塑性响应   总被引:19,自引:1,他引:19  
从冠形、侧枝和叶片在树冠中的空间分布角度对天然更新紫椴幼树的树冠结构进行了论述,认为紫椴幼树树冠对光照条件的变化有显著的可塑性响应.强光通过抑制主干的生长促进了侧枝的分化,庇荫则通过抑制1级侧枝的生长促进了侧枝的再分枝.随着光照水平的降低,紫椴幼树的数量叶片密度显著降低,且叶片逐渐集中于冠上层.林冠下的紫椴幼树通过这种侧枝和叶片的分布格局,在形态上提高其对光的截获能力在适度庇荫环境中,紫椴幼树垂直生长采取演替先锋种的"避荫”对策,侧枝生长采取中等耐荫种的"掠光”对策;在弱光环境中,紫椴幼树则采取典型的忍耐适应行为.这种树冠结构的变化是提高紫椴幼树对光的截获能力的一种有益适应.  相似文献   
为探究不同产地暴马丁香﹝Syringa reticulata subsp. amurensis ( Rupr.) P. S. Green et M. C. Chang〕种子和幼苗的表型性状变异规律及其与地理-气候因子的关系,以来源于黑龙江、河北、北京、内蒙古、青海和山西的10个种源(包括6个野生种源和4个栽培种源)的种子和幼苗为实验材料,对种子长和宽、种翅长和宽、百粒质量、发芽率、叶长和宽、叶长与叶宽的比值、叶柄长、株高和地径12个表型性状进行测量;在此基础上,进行了方差分析、变异系数分析、主成分分析、聚类分析及相关性分析。结果显示:暴马丁香不同种源间种子和幼苗的表型性状均有极显著差异(P=0.01),差异较大的表型性状为发芽率、百粒质量、种翅长和种翅宽。种源内和种源间各表型性状的变异系数(CV)均差异较大,种源内CV值为1.39%~45.56%,种源间CV值为6.45%~42.76%;其中,种源内种翅长和种翅宽的CV平均值较大,发芽率和百粒质量的CV平均值均较小,而种源间发芽率和百粒质量的CV值则较大。主成分分析结果表明:暴马丁香表型性状间的差异主要体现在种子长、种子宽和叶长,其次为株高、发芽率、地径、叶宽和种翅宽。根据聚类分析结果,供试的10个种源被划分为4类,其中,来源于北京和内蒙古及3个来源于河北的种源聚为Ⅰ类,来源于黑龙江哈尔滨的2个种源聚为Ⅱ类,来源于山西的2个种源聚为Ⅲ类,来源于青海的1个种源单独聚为Ⅳ类,聚类结果与各种源的地理分布有关。相关性分析结果表明:各表型性状间及表型性状与地理-气候因子间均存在不同的相关性,其中,种子发芽率与种子的其他5个表型性状均无显著相关性;经度和纬度与各表型性状均无显著相关性,而海拔、年均温和无霜期则是影响表型性状变异的主要因子。综合分析结果显示:暴马丁香各种源间存在明显的地理遗传分化,地理隔离和生态因子的大幅变化导致其种子和幼苗的表型性状变异丰富。根据研究结果,对暴马丁香的保护和利用提出了一些建议。  相似文献   
自然条件下风箱果的克隆构型   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1       下载免费PDF全文
在自然条件下,风箱果(Physocarpus amurensis)主要靠克隆繁殖维持种群。植物克隆构型的可塑性变化对于其适应环境异质性具有重要意义。为探求风箱果的克隆构型及根茎生长动态,研究了其地下根茎的构筑型、形态特征、根茎的直径随长度变化的规律和地下根茎间的夹角。结果表明:风箱果的地下根茎的构筑型基本上属于游击型;风箱果无性系平均含有(6±2)个分株和(9.33±3.48)个根茎;根茎的直径随长度变化的曲线为抛物线型;分枝夹角较为稳定,多为30°和70°。风箱果生产大量的根茎系统,每一个克隆片段能够占据一定的空间,以保证自身生存和维持种群繁衍。  相似文献   
Contaminant exposures in natural systems can be highly variable. This variability is superimposed upon cyclic variability in biological processes. Together, these factors can confound determination of contaminant effects. Long term, multidisciplined studies with high frequency sampling can be effective in overcoming such obstacles. While studying trace metal contamination in the tissues of the clam, Potamocorbula amurensis, in the northern reach of San Francisco Bay, an episode of high Ag concentrations was identified (maximum of 5.5?µg g?1) at two mid-estuary sites. High concentrations were not seen in clams up-estuary (maximum of 1.92?µg g?1) from these sites and were reduced down-estuary (maximum of 2.67?µg g?1). Silver is not common naturally in the environment, so its elevated presence is usually indicative of anthropogenic influences such as municipal and industrial discharge. Monthly sampling of reproductive status of clams characterized the reproductive cycle and differences in the patterns of reproductive activity that corresponded to changes in Ag tissue concentrations. The proportion of reproductive clams was less than 60% during periods when tissue concentrations were high (generally >2?µg g?1). When tissue concentrations of Ag decreased (≤1?µg g?1), the proportion of reproductive clams was 80 to 100%. A comparison between the annual proportion of reproductive clams and annual Ag tissue concentrations showed a significant negative correlation. No other measured environmental variables were correlated with reproductive impairment. The weight-of-evidence approach strongly supports a cause and effect relationship between Ag contamination and reduced reproductive activity in P. amurensis.  相似文献   
山葡萄成熟果皮cDNA文库的构建及ESTs初步分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
以山葡萄成熟果皮为材料,采用Creator~(TM) SMART~(TM) cDNALibraryConstruction技术构建了cDNA文库。经鉴定,文库的库容量为1.001×10~6,重组率为94.1 1%,插入片段在0.25~1.9 kb。经随机测序,获得935个有效ESTs,聚类拼接后得到636条单基因簇(unigenes),包括107个重叠群(contigs)和529个单拷贝(singlets)。这些数据为今后山葡萄功能基因分离克隆和功能基因组学研究奠定了基础。  相似文献   
‘双优’两性花山葡萄浆果发育的研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
邵宏波  张德玉   《广西植物》1994,14(4):349-353
对两性花山葡萄‘双优’及雌性花‘左山一’山葡萄等生长发育规律及其果实性状进行了系统的研究,结果表明:浆果的生长发育曲线呈单‘S’型,表现出慢—快—慢的生长节奏。双优的果实性状明显优于其它山葡萄品种,而且能够自花结实,但双优的座果率低于‘左山一’。  相似文献   
为探明怀槐细胞生长、异黄酮染料木素合成与底物消耗间的关系,建立了怀槐细胞悬浮培养的结构化动力学模型。模型预测分析了胞内外的蔗糖代谢、胞内结构组分变化、胞内中间组分的变化、细胞呼吸损失以及胞内外异黄酮染料木素的合成情况。模型各参数灵敏度的分析表明kb1、kb2和kp是最为灵敏的参数,其调节10%时,目标函数变化的最大比例分别达12.8%、4.61%和2.54%,其它参数对目标函数变化的影响均小于0.5%。该模型预测值与实验值具有较好的吻合性。  相似文献   
采用RT-PCR和SMART RACE技术克隆了山葡萄VAmGST4基因的全长cDNA序列,GenBank登录号为FJ645770,基因全长885bp,包括开放阅读框(ORF)642bp,编码213个氨基酸。该基因表达产物相对分子质量为24.24kDa,等电点为5.72,是不稳定蛋白;该基因属于GST超基因家族,不包含信号肽。氨基酸序列与欧亚种葡萄(AY971515)、荔枝(EF613493)、矮牵牛(Y07721)、紫苏(AB362191)和玉米(EU964162)等植物的GST氨基酸序列的同源性系数分别为99%、67%、64%、61%和47%。半定量PCR显示,在果实着色过程中,VAmGST4在果皮中表达随花色苷的合成上调;在茎、果肉和果皮中均有表达,而在叶片中不表达,表明VAmGST4的表达与花色苷的生物合成密切相关。  相似文献   
用神经网络和遗传算法优化怀槐悬浮细胞合成异黄酮   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
为了获得怀槐悬浮细胞合成异黄酮的最适培养条件 ,采用ANNs(人工神经网络 )结合RAGA(实数编码加速遗传算法 )对培养基组成进行全局寻优。培养基中影响异黄酮染料木素产率的主要组成是KNO3、(NH4)2SO4 、2 ,4 D和 6 BA。在它们的有效作用浓度范围内 ,用随机10组培养基组合及细胞染料木素产率为输入和输出由ANNs对数据建模 ,由RAGA优化模型参数。建立的优化模型准确性高 ,依赖模型由RAGA全局寻优获得的最佳培养基组合是149.68mg L (NH4)2SO4 、2.936 1.0mg LKNO3、0.01mg L 2 ,4 D和 0.19mg L6-BA ,染料木素产率达14.13mg L ,与模型预测值的误差为 7.38%。结果表明 ,运用神经网络结合遗传算法优化怀槐细胞合成异黄酮的培养条件是可行的 ,优化后的培养基使怀槐细胞异黄酮合成能力比优化前有很大的提高.  相似文献   
Sialidosis and galactosialidosis are lysosomal storage diseases caused by the genetic defects of lysosomal sialidase (neuraminidase-1; NEU1) and lysosomal protective protein/cathepsin A (PPCA), respectively, associated with a NEU1 deficiency, excessive accumulation of sialylglycoconjugates, and development of progressive neurosomatic manifestations; in addition, the latter disorder is accompanied by simultaneous deficiencies of beta-galactosidase and cathepsin A. We demonstrated that a few soluble N-glycosylated proteins carrying sialyloligosaccharides sensitive to glycopeptidase F (GPF) can be specifically detected in cultured fibroblasts from sialidosis and galactosialidosis cases by blotting with a Maackia amurensis (MAM) lectin. We also examined the therapeutic effects of normal gene transfer and enzyme replacement by evaluating the decreases in sialylglycoconjugates accumulated in fibroblasts with these NEU1 deficiencies. The specific N-glycosylated proteins detected on MAM lectin blotting as well as the granular lysosomal fluorescence due to an avidin-FITC/biotinylated MAM lectin conjugate in sialidosis and galactosialidosis fibroblasts disappeared in parallel with the restoration of the intracellular NEU1 activity after transfection of the recombinant NEU1 fused to HA tag sequence and the wild-type PPCA cDNA as well as administration of the recombinant PPCA precursor protein. The detection method for the abnormal sialylglycoproteins in cultured cells involving MAM lectin was demonstrated to be useful not only for biochemical and diagnostic analyses of NEU1 deficiencies but also for therapeutic evaluation of these conditions.  相似文献   
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