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温带半干旱地区一年生植物种子的萌发特性   总被引:13,自引:0,他引:13  
在实验室条件下研究了中国温带半干旱地区科尔沁沙地的23种1年生植物的种子萌发特性(新采集种子、冷藏和干藏种子).大籽蒿、虎尾草、冠芒草、沙蓬和地锦的新种子萌发率达90%左右,11种植物新种子萌发率均低于70%,说明这些植物的新种子具有或多或少的休眠属性.经过150d的冷干藏后,大籽蒿、虎尾草萌发率保持在90%以上,说明这两种植物完全没有休眠机制;冠芒草、沙蓬和地锦的种子萌发率下降较多,可能是储藏的环境条件导致的2次休眠现象;冷藏和干藏处理均能使绿珠藜、毛马唐、细叶益母草、雾冰藜、金狗尾草、苋菜、马齿苋、碱地肤和水稗草的种子在生长季开始时完成生理后熟,萌发率达到80%以上;干藏有利于促进毛马唐、细叶益母草、马齿苋和鹤虱的种子成熟,冷藏有利于促进绿珠藜和金狗尾草的种子成熟;黄蒿、灰绿藜、画眉草和烛台虫实在不同处理下的萌发率都比较低,说明种子内在生理休眠作用较强,具有减少种子一次性萌发数量的风险分摊策略.大多数1年生植物均能在较短时间内达到最终萌发率的90%,表现出迅速萌发的特性;黄蒿、灰绿藜、碱地肤和沙蓬种子则在不同处理中表现出延长萌发时间的策略来适应半干旱地区不确定的环境条件.最后,探讨了几种主要1年生植物的种子萌发对策与其对环境适应机制之间的关系.  相似文献   
Plants are sessile organisms and, consequently, are exposed to a plethora of stresses in their local habitat. As a result, different populations of a species are subject to different selection pressures leading to adaptation to local conditions and intraspecific divergence. The annual brassicaceous plant Arabidopsis thaliana is an attractive model for ecologists and evolutionary biologists due to the availability of a large collection of resequenced natural accessions. Accessions of A. thaliana display one of two different life cycle strategies: summer and winter annuals. We exposed a collection of 308 European Arabidopsis accessions, that have been genotyped for 250K SNPs, to a range of stresses: one abiotic stress (drought), four biotic stresses (Pieris rapae caterpillars, Plutella xylostella caterpillars, Frankliniella occidentalis thrips and Myzus persicae aphids) and two combined stresses (drought plus P. rapae and Botrytis cinerea fungus plus P. rapae). We identified heritable genetic variation for responses to the different stresses, estimated by narrow‐sense heritability. We found that accessions displaying different life cycle strategies differ in their response to stresses. Winter annuals are more resistant to drought, aphids and thrips and summer annuals are more resistant to P. rapae and P. xylostella caterpillars. Summer annuals are also more resistant to the combined stresses of drought plus P. rapae and infection by the fungus Botryris cinerea plus herbivory by P. rapae. Adaptation to drought displayed a longitudinal gradient. Finally, trade‐offs were recorded between the response to drought and responses to herbivory by caterpillars of the specialist herbivore P. rapae.  相似文献   
Ellenberg indicator values (EIVs) describe the realized niche of species and habitat parameters, and are commonly used for vascular plants, bryophytes, and lichens. We provide a methodology for EIVs and an EIV list for nearly 650 species of macromycetes. We propose a new EIV scale, namely substrate openness (O). We also give the results of two applications and compare EIV values related to the Red List classification with those related to lifestyle classification. Mycorrhizal species on average have higher demands on substrate openness and are less tolerant of high nutrient levels than saprotrophic or parasitic species. Critically endangered species have on average distinctly higher demands on openness of habitat and substrate than not threatened or less strongly threatened species, which in turn have higher demands for nutrient availability. This pattern clearly highlights the points of threat for many macromycete species.  相似文献   
M. D. Burch 《Hydrobiologia》1988,165(1):59-75
The annual cycle of phytoplankton in saline, meromictic Ace Lake (68°2S.4S, 78°11.1E) in the Vestfold Hills, Antarctica, was studied from January, 1979 to January 1980. Ace Lake has permanent gradients of temperature, salinity, dissolved oxygen, and hydrogen sulphide, and is ice covered with up to 2 m of ice for 10–12 months each year. The phytoplankton community had low diversity, consisting of only four species, all flagellates — a prasinophyte Pyramimonas gelidicola McFadden et al., a cryptophyte of the genus Cryptomonas; an unidentified colourless microflagellate, and an unarmoured dinoflagellate. These were restricted to the oxic zone of the lake from the surface to 10 m.The phytoplankton had a cycle of seven months of active growth over spring and summer. Low numbers of cells survived in the water column over winter. Spring growth was initiated below the ice by increased light penetration through the ice into the lake, enhanced at the time by the removal of surface snow which accumulated on the ice over winter. Peak phytoplankton biomass production was by the shade adapted P. gelidicola and occurred at the interface of the oxic and anoxic zones where substantial available nitrogen as ammonia is found.The three dominant phytoplankton species displayed distinct vertical stratification over the oxic zone. This stratification was not static and developed over spring as the flagellates migrated to preferred light climate zones. Mean cell volume of two of the flagellates varied significantly over the year. Minimum volumes were recorded in winter and volume increased progressively over spring to reach maximum mean cell volume in summer. Mean cell volume was positively correlated with light intensity (maximum ambient PAR at the respective depth for date of sample). Low cell volume in winter may be related to winter utilization of carbohydrate reserves by slow respiration, and may represent a survival mechanism.  相似文献   
1. Identifying the macro-scale patterns and the underlying mechanisms of species richness are key aspects of biodiversity-related research. In China, previous studies on the mechanisms underlying insect richness have primarily focused on the current ecological conditions. Therefore, the impact of historical climate change on these mechanisms is less well understood. 2. Here, we use members of the Delphacidae family to evaluate the relative impact of the current environmental conditions and that of the Last Glacial Maximum on total species richness and endemism. Total species richness and endemic species richness were summed in 1° × 1° grid cells that the insects occupied. Generalised linear models, simultaneous autoregressive models, and random forest models were used to assess the effects of different environmental factors on total species richness and endemism. 3. The two patterns of species richness are jointly regulated by the current environment and the Last Glacial Maximum, but their key determinants differ. Winter coldness and the temperature annual range strongly affected the total species richness, but temperature variation during the Last Glacial Maximum also played an important role in the development of species richness. The distribution of endemic species was most strongly affected by the Last Glacial Maximum temperature change. 4. The studies confirm that historical climate change contributes to patterns of insect species richness, particularly patterns of endemism. Considering that China was mildly affected by the last glacial period, we propose that the incorporation of historical climate data into such studies will provide a better understanding of the underlying mechanisms.  相似文献   
Bet‐hedging theory makes the counter‐intuitive prediction that, if juvenile survival is low and unpredictable, organisms should consistently reduce short‐term reproductive output to minimize the risk of reproductive failure in the long‐term. We investigated the long‐term reproductive output of an Agassiz's desert tortoise (Gopherus agassizii) population and conformance to a bet‐hedging strategy of reproduction in an unpredictable but comparatively productive environment. Most females reproduced every year, even during periods of low precipitation and poor germination of food plants, and the mean percentage of reproducing females did not differ significantly on an annual basis. Although mean annual egg production (clutch size × clutch frequency) differed significantly among years, mean clutch size and mean clutch frequency remained relatively constant. During an El Niño year, mean annual egg production and mean annual clutch frequency were the highest ever reported for this species. Annual egg production was positively influenced by maternal body size but clutch size and clutch frequency were not. Our long‐term results confirm earlier conclusions based on short‐term research that desert tortoises have a bet‐hedging strategy of producing small clutches almost every year. The risk of long‐term reproductive failure is minimized in unpredictable environments, both through time by annually producing multiple small clutches over a long reproductive lifespan, even in years of low resource availability, and through space by depositing multiple annual clutches in different locations. The extraordinary annual reproductive output of this population appears to be the result of a typically high but unpredictable biomass of annual food plants at the site relative to tortoise habitat in dryer regions. Under the comparatively productive but unpredictable conditions, tortoises conform to predictions of a bet‐hedging strategy of reproduction with relatively small but consistent clutch sizes. Published 2015. This article is a U.S. Government work and is in the public domain in the USA, Biological Journal of the Linnean Society, 2015, 115 , 399–410.  相似文献   
Under global climate change, adaptation to new conditions is crucial for plant species persistence. This requires the ability to evolve in traits that are correlated with changing climatic variables. We studied between‐year seed dormancy, which correlates with environmental variability, and tested for clinal trends in its evolvability along an aridity gradient in Israel. We conducted a germination experiment under five irrigation levels with two dryland winter annuals (Biscutella didyma, Bromus fasciculatus) from four sites along the gradient. Species differed in means and evolvability of dormancy. Biscutella had high dormancy, which significantly increased with aridity but decreased with higher irrigation. In Bromus, dormancy was low, similar among populations, and only marginally affected by irrigation. Evolvability in Biscutella was high and varied among populations, without a clinal trend along the gradient. Conversely, in Bromus, trait evolvability was low and declined with increasing aridity. We argue that changes in evolvability along climatic gradients depend on the relative intensity of stabilizing selection. This may be high in Bromus and not only depends on environmental stress, but also on variability. Our findings point to the importance of measuring evolvability of climate‐related traits across different natural and artificial environments and for many coexisting species. © 2010 The Linnean Society of London, Biological Journal of the Linnean Society, 2010, 100 , 924–934.  相似文献   
The Abra alba community is considered as a faunistical unity well established on coastal areas of North Sea. This community shows, since several years, very important recruitments of certain species. Since 1978, recruitments of Abra alba, Tellina fabula, Phyllodoce (Anaïtides) mucosa, Lagis koreni or Lanice conchilega have been observed. However these demographic phenomena does not affect the structure of the community, which shows, through rank-frequency diagrams, the characteristic of a mature population, principally constituted of 7 species.An annual cycle study shows a succession of recruitments of several species. A correspondance factorial analysis was realised from grain size datas as well as abundances of 18 main species. This analysis shows an annual cycle which seems to be linked to the clay part. Maximal values of clay part appears in summer and minimal values at the end of winter or early springtime.The hydrological parameters studied, allowed to make the difference between external factors (continental contributions, phytoplanctonic activity etc...) and benthic activity.
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