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A dissected-leaved form of Ranunculus repens L. occurs in the temporary limestone lakes (turloughs) across the west of Ireland. Turloughs fill with groundwater for up to 8 months of the year. Under experimental conditions, these turlough populations demonstrated a higher rate of aerial and submerged photosynthesis than populations of the more typical broad-leaved ruderal form. The turlough populations also had higher rates of stomatal conductance and exhibited a higher stomatal index on the upper leaf surface and a lower index on the lower leaf surface than the ruderal populations. Neither population could utilize bicarbonate to any great extent, with rates of photosynthesis under submerged conditions being only 5 % of aerial rates. Respiration under submerged conditions was significantly higher in the turlough populations than in ruderal populations, and it is hypothesized that the more dissected leaf shape of the turlough population may have a thinner boundary layer and thus enhance gas exchange in submerged conditions.  相似文献   
The labrisomid Dialommus fuscus , endemic to the Galapagos archipelago, is a predator of crustaceans, which moves up and down the intertidal zone with the tides. Its divided eye and elongated body permit it to forage in the wet sections of the intertidal habitat during low tide, both on the rocks and below the water line and in tide pools. Compared with other intertidal fishes (e.g. Bathygobius sp.), it was present on the rock flat in significantly smaller tide pools nearer to the water line during low tide.  相似文献   

Background and Aims

Submergence and de-submergence are common phenomena encountered by riparian plants due to water level fluctuations, but little is known about the role of physiological integration in clonal plants (resource sharing between interconnected ramets) in their adaptation to such events. Using Alternanthera philoxeroides (alligator weed) as an example, this study tested the hypotheses that physiological integration will improve growth and photosynthetic capacity of submerged ramets during submergence and will promote their recovery following de-submergence.


Connected clones of A. philoxeroides, each consisting of two ramet systems and a stolon internode connecting them, were grown under control (both ramet systems untreated), half-submerged (one ramet system submerged and the other not submerged), fully submerged (both ramet systems submerged), half-shaded (one ramet system shaded and the other not shaded) and full-shaded (both ramet systems shaded) conditions for 30 d and then de-submerged/de-shaded for 20 d. The submerged plants were also shaded to very low light intensities, mimicking typical conditions in turbid floodwater.

Key Results

After 30 d of submergence, connections between submerged and non-submerged ramets significantly increased growth and carbohydrate accumulation of the submerged ramets, but decreased the growth of the non-submerged ramets. After 20 d of de-submergence, connections did not significantly affect the growth of either de-submerged or non-submerged ramets, but de-submerged ramets had high soluble sugar concentrations, suggesting high metabolic activities. The shift from significant effects of integration on both submerged and non-submerged ramets during the submergence period to little effect during the de-submergence period was due to the quick recovery of growth and photosynthesis. The effects of physiological integration were not found to be any stronger under submergence/de-submergence than under shading/de-shading.


The results indicate that it is not just the beneficial effects of physiological integration that are crucial to the survival of riparian clonal plants during periods of submergence, but also the ability to recover growth and photosynthesis rapidly after de-submergence, which thus allows them to spread.  相似文献   
During several surveys made in the region of the lower Fly River and delta, Papua New Guinea, nine species of oxudercine gobies (Gobiidae: Oxudercinae) were recorded: Boleophthalmus caeruleomaculatus, Oxuderces wirzi, Periophthalmodon freycineti, Periophthalmus darwini, Periophthalmus novaeguineaensis, Periophthalmus takita, Periophthalmus weberi, Scartelaos histophorus and Zappa confluentus. An exploratory multivariate analysis of their habitat conditions discriminated five guilds, differentially distributed in habitats with different quantities of environmental water and three guilds corresponding to different levels of salinity. A partial correspondence between phylogenetic and ecological categories suggested the presence of parallel adaptive radiations within different genera. In particular, the species found in the most terrestrial habitats (P. weberi) was also found in the widest range of conditions, suggesting that colonization of extreme semi-terrestrial and freshwater habitats by this species was facilitated by eurytypy. It is proposed that these findings provide insight into convergent adaptations for the vertebrate eco-evolutionary transition from sea to land.  相似文献   
The leafless amphibious sedge Eleocharis vivipara develops culms with C4 traits and Kranz anatomy under terrestrial conditions, but develops culms with C3 traits and non-Kranz anatomy under submerged conditions. The culms of the terrestrial form have high C4 enzyme activities, while those of the submerged form have decreased C4 enzyme activities. The culms accumulate ribulose-1,5-bisphosphate carboxylase/oxygenase (Rubisco) in the mesophyll cells (MC) and the bundle sheath cells. The Rubisco in the MC may be responsible for the operation of the C3 pathway in the submerged form. To verify the presence of the C3 cycle in the MC, we examined the effects of 3,3-dichloro-2-(dihydroxyphosphinoylmethyl) -propenoate (DCDP), an inhibitor of phosphoenolpyruvate carboxylase (PEPC), on photosynthesis in culms of the terrestrial forms of E. vivipara and related amphibious species, E. baldwinii and E. retroflexa ssp. chaetaria. When 1 mM DCDP was fed via the transpiration stream to excised leaves, photosynthesis was inhibited completely in Fimbristylis dichotoma (C4 control), but by only 20% in potato (C3 control). In the terrestrial Eleocharis plants, the degree of inhibition of photosynthesis by DCDP was intermediate between those of the C4 and C3 plants, at 58–81%. These results suggest that photosynthesis under DCDP treatment in the terrestrial Eleocharis plants is due mainly to fixation of atmospheric CO2 by Rubisco and probably the C3 cycle in the MC. These features are reminiscent of those in C4-like plants. Differential effects of DCDP on photosynthesis of the 3 Eleocharis species are discussed in relation to differences in the degree of Rubisco accumulation and C3 activity in the MC. This revised version was published online in June 2006 with corrections to the Cover Date.  相似文献   
Effects of clonal integration on land plants have been extensively studied, but little is known about the role in amphibious plants that expand from terrestrial to aquatic conditions. We simulated expansion from terrestrial to aquatic habitats in the amphibious stoloniferous alien invasive alligator weed ( Alternanthera philoxeroides ) by growing basal ramets of clonal fragments in soils connected (allowing integration) or disconnected (preventing integration) to the apical ramets of the same fragments submerged in water to a depth of 0, 5, 10 or 15 cm. Clonal integration significantly increased growth and clonal reproduction of the apical ramets, but decreased both of these characteristics in basal ramets. Consequently, integration did not affect the performance of whole clonal fragments. We propose that alligator weed possesses a double-edged mechanism during population expansion: apical ramets in aquatic habitats can increase growth through connected basal parts in terrestrial habitats; however, once stolon connections with apical ramets are lost by external disturbance, the basal ramets in terrestrial habitats increase stolon and ramet production for rapid spreading. This may contribute greatly to the invasiveness of alligator weed and also make it very adaptable to habitats with heavy disturbance and/or highly heterogeneous resource supply.  相似文献   
1. Many amphibious plant species grow in the transition between terrestrial and submerged vegetation in small lowland streams. We determined biomass development, leaf turnover rate and invertebrate herbivory during summer in terrestrial and aquatic populations of three amphibious species to evaluate advantages and disadvantages of aerial and submerged life.
2. Terrestrial populations had higher area shoot density, biomass and leaf production than aquatic populations, while leaf turnover rate and longevity were the same. Terrestrial populations experienced lower percentage grazing loss of leaf production (average 1.2–5.1%) than aquatic populations (2.9–17.3%), while the same plant dry mass was consumed per unit ground area.
3. Grazing loss increased linearly with leaf age apart from the youngest leaf stages. Grazing loss during the lifetime of leaves was therefore 2.4–3.1 times higher than mean apparent loss to standing leaves of all ages. The results imply that variation in density of grazers relative to plant production can account for differences in grazing impact between terrestrial and aquatic populations, and that fast leaf turnover keeps apparent grazing damage down.
4. We conclude that the ability of amphibious plants to grow submerged permits them to expand their niche and escape intense competition on land, but the stream does not provide a refugium against grazing and constrains plant production compared with the terrestrial habitat.  相似文献   
A study was conducted on the habitat distribution of four sympatric species of Periophthalmus (the silver‐lined mudskipper Periophthalmus argentilineatus, the slender mudskipper Periophthalmus gracilis, the kalolo mudskipper Periophthalmus kalolo and the Malacca mudskipper Periophthalmus malaccensis) from northern Sulawesi. Molecular phylogenetic reconstructions based on one mtDNA marker (16S) were used to validate the morphological taxa, identifying five molecular clades. Periophthalmus argentilineatus includes two molecular species, which are named Periophthalmus argentilineatus clades F and K. Multivariate direct gradient analysis show that these species form three distinct ecological guilds, with the two molecular species occurring in different guilds. Periophthalmus clade F is ecologically eurytypic; Periophthalmus clade K and P. kalolo are prevalent in ecosystems isolated by strong oceanic currents and at shorter distances from the sea; P. gracilis plus P. malaccensis are prevalent in ecosystems connected by shallow coastal waters, in vegetated habitats at larger distances from the sea. This indicates for the first time that mudskipper species exhibit a range of adaptations to semiterrestrialism not only within genera, but even within morphospecies, delineating a much more complex adaptive scenario than previously assumed.  相似文献   
A leading hypothesis for the origin of insect wings is that they evolved from thoracic gills that were serial homologues of the abdominal gills present in fossil pterygotes and in the nymphs of some modern mayflies, damselflies and stoneflies. Co-occurrence of thoracic wings and abdominal gills is the primitive condition for fossil pterygote insects, whereas the winged stage of modern insects almost exclusively lacks abdominal gills. Here we examine the locomotor behaviour and gill morphology of a stonefly, Diamphipnopsis samali (Plecoptera), which retains abdominal gills in the winged adult stage. This species can fly, but also uses its forewings as oars to accomplish rowing locomotion along the surface of water. The abdominal gills are in contact with both air and water during rowing, and their elaborately folded surface suggests an ability to contribute to gas-exchange. D. samali nymphs also have behaviours that place them in locations where their gills are exposed to air; they forage at night at the stream margin and within bubble curtains in rapids. These traits may exemplify an early pterygote condition in which gill and protowing function overlapped in an amphibious setting during a transition from aquatic to aerial locomotion and gas exchange. Rowing locomotion provides a novel and mechanically intermediate stage for the wings-from-gills and surface-skimming hypotheses for the origin of insect wings and flight.  © 2003 The Linnean Society of London, Biological Journal of the Linnean Society , 2003, 79, 341–349.  相似文献   
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