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酸铝胁迫是限制植物正常生长发育的重要非生物胁迫因子,严重制约了我国酸性土壤地区的农业生产水平。植物抵御酸铝胁迫的形式复杂多样,如分泌有机酸、提高根际pH、分泌黏液、细胞壁对Al3+的固定、有机酸对细胞溶质中Al3+的螯合与液泡区隔化等。现有研究多集中于常规生理特征分析,缺乏深入的分子生物学解析。基于此,本文对国内外植物适应酸铝胁迫机理的相关研究进行了归纳和总结,从酸铝胁迫对植物生长与生理代谢的影响、植物适应酸铝胁迫最主要的两种生理机制(Al排除机制、Al耐受机制)以及分子水平上调控相关耐铝基因进行了综述。最后针对现有研究的不足提出了展望,以期为深入揭示植物适应酸铝胁迫的机理以及挖掘适于酸土生长的优质作物资源提供理论依据。  相似文献   
Oxygen consumption, ammonia excretion and changes in O:N ratios by the dragonfly Somatochlora cingulata were measured in four nymphal growth stages, relative to aluminum concentrations and low pH. A differential reduction in respiration and ammonia excretion rates resulted in an increase in ON ratios for all nymphal stages. The earlier stages, however, were the most sensitive. The ratios obtained were indicative of a decreased dependence on protein reserves and increased utilization of carbohydrates or lipid reserves. Also observed was an increase in the haemolymph pH and glutamate levels with a concomitant accumulation of tissue ammonia.  相似文献   
Two phosphate rocks (PR), moderately reactive Hila PR from Colombia and slightly reactive Capinota PR from Bolivia, were compacted with triple superphosphate (TSP) such that 50% of total P in the mixture was in water-soluble form. The effectiveness of these materials as phosphorus sources was compared with that of partially acidulated phosphate rocks (PAPR) at 50% acidulation with sulfuric acid and TSP in Hartsells silt loam (pH 4.5) with maize as the test crop. Huila PAPR and Huila PR compacted with TSP were as effective as TSP as phosphorus sources. Huila PR was only half as effective. The slightly reactive Capinota PR with 8.8% Al2O3 + Fe2O3 content was not suited for direct application, and Capinota PAPR was only half as effective as TSP. Capinota PR compacted with TSP, however, was as effective as TSP. PR compacted with TSP, urea, and KCl was no more effective as phosphorus source than PR compacted with TSP alone.  相似文献   
The effect of high nonexchangeable aluminum on availability of nitrogen (N) and phosphorus (P) was studied in a Cryptopodzolic soil (Cademario) derived from mica schist in southern Switzerland. The research involved a greenhouse pot experiment comparing growth of barley on soil samples of three soil layers (10- to 25-, 40- to 60- and 70- to 90 cm) of the Cademario profile, representing a range of Al and organic matter properties, with the 10- to 40 cm layer of a profile of an acidic brown earth (Haplumbrept), derived from cherty limestone. The experiment, which included four nutrient treatments [check, N0 (PKS), P0 (NKS) and full (NPKS)], lime and no lime treatments and four replicates, was supplemented by soil chemical analysis. Results showed that liming alone produced greater yield responses in the Cademario soil than N or P added singly or together. On unlimed soils, barley yield for check, N0, and P0 treatments showed a positive linear relation with exchangeable Ca of soils and a negative linear relation with organically-complexed Al. Failure of liming to influence Pav, especially when combined with P fertilization, suggests that P was quickly absorbed on highly active surfaces formed from initially exchangeable Al.This research is a cooperative effort of the Arizona Agricultural Experiment Stations, Journal Article No. 7100 and the Swiss Federal Institute for Forest, Snow and Landscape; it was supported by the National Science Foundation, USA, Grant No. INT-8304490, and the Swiss National Science Foundation, Grant No. 2.919-803.This research is a cooperative effort of the Arizona Agricultural Experiment Stations, Journal Article No. 7100 and the Swiss Federal Institute for Forest, Snow and Landscape; it was supported by the National Science Foundation, USA, Grant No. INT-8304490, and the Swiss National Science Foundation, Grant No. 2.919-803.  相似文献   
Summary Trunk circumferences were measured on apple trees which had been grown for 5 to 10 years on land previously in apple orchard. Soil beneath each tree was analysed for soil acidity characteristics and basic cations. Tree growth (trunk circumference), was generally retarded but highly variable, but correlated well with the soil measurements in four of the six orchards investigated. Size of Delicious, Tydeman and Rome Beauty cultivars correlated positively with soil pH and negatively with 0.02M CaCl2-soluble Al and Mn, while that of McIntosh grown adjacent to the Delicious and Tydeman trees in two of those orchards correlated little or not at all with these soil acidity characteristics. However, in the three orchards where McIntosh trees were grown, their size correlated (r=0.72**, 0.71**, 0.54**) well with exchangeable soil Mg. The effects of soil acidity and associated nutrient deficiencies on growth of young apple trees is discussed.Contribution No. 602.  相似文献   
Aluminum showed a pH-dependent inhibitory effect on NADP-isocitrate dehydrogenase from porcine heart. Aluminum ions (Al3+) acted as a partial competitive inhibitor of the enzyme with respect to the substratethreo-Ds-isocitrate and inhibited the enzyme non-competitively with respect to NADP at pH 6.85. Fractional velocity plot analysis showed theK i of the enzyme for aluminum ions to be 0.88m. When pH was elevated to 8.0, aluminum ions, which occur as a form of the Al(OH)4 anion, acted as partial uncompetitive and non-competitive inhibitors of the enzyme with respect to the substrates isocitrate and NADP, respectively. TheK i of the enzyme was determined to be 5.64 m at pH 8.0 by fractional velocity plot analysis. The inhibition of NADP-isocitrate dehydrogenase by two forms of aluminum ions may explain aluminum toxicity in various tissues and organs.  相似文献   
Nickel‐rich layered oxide cathodes with the composition LiNi1?x?yCoxMnyO2 (NCM, (1?x?y) ≥ 0.6) are under intense scrutiny recently to contend with commercial LiNi0.8Co0.15Al0.05O2 (NCA) for high‐energy‐density batteries for electric vehicles. However, a comprehensive assessment of their electrochemical durability is currently lacking. Herein, two in‐house cathodes, LiNi0.8Co0.15Al0.05O2 and LiNi0.7Co0.15Mn0.15O2, are investigated in a high‐voltage graphite full cell over 1500 charge‐discharge cycles (≈5–10 year service life in vehicles). Despite a lower nickel content, NCM shows more performance deterioration than NCA. Critical underlying degradation processes, including chemical, structural, and mechanical aspects, are analyzed via an arsenal of characterization techniques. Overall, Mn substitution appears far less effective than Al in suppressing active mass dissolution and irreversible phase transitions of the layered oxide cathodes. The active mass dissolution (and crossover) accelerates capacity decline with sustained parasitic reactions on the graphite anode, while the phase transitions are primarily responsible for cell resistance increase and voltage fade. With Al doping, on the other hand, secondary particle pulverization is the more limiting factor for long‐term cyclability compared to Mn. These results establish a fundamental guideline for designing high‐performing Ni‐rich NCM cathodes as a compelling alternative to NCA and other compositions for electric vehicle applications.  相似文献   
Elevated aluminum (Al) concentrations are often associated with acid-stressed aquatic ecosystems, so it has been unclear whether acidic water or elevated Al is more responsible in changing community composition. Experiments were done to investigate effects of acidification and increased Al on the abundance of benthic algae in artificial streams supplied with natural water and nominal treatments of (a) pH 4.8, (b) 500 µg l-1 Al, or (c) the mixture of pH 4.8 and 500 µg l-1 Al compared to a control without added Al or acid. These treatments are referred to as Acid, Al-only, Acid + Al, and the control, respectively. In the Acid treatment the abundance of two diatoms, two green algae, dry weight biomass, and chlorophyll a decreased; one diatom and one filamentous blue-green alga increased. In the Al-only treatment, densities of two diatoms, one green alga, one blue-green alga, dry weight biomass, and chlorophyll a increased. In the Acid + Al treatment, abundances of one green alga, two blue-green algae, and concentrations of chlorophyll a decreased below the levels observed in the Acid treatment. Acid and Al concentrations were altered by each other and by chemical and biological processes in the stream system. Species of diatoms, green algae, and blue-green algae responded individually to treatments and mixtures of acid and Al. Shifts in the abundance of species may change food web relationships for higher-level consumers, and algae may be useful biomonitors of ecological stress.  相似文献   
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