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Isoelectric focusing was performed on parotid salivas selected for their electrophoretic phenotypes of proline-rich acidic salivary proteins. Fractions encompassing narrow pH regions were pooled and examined by polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis. Isoelectric focusing yielded partial purification of major and minor acidic proline-rich proteins which were subsequently compared by immunoelectrophoresis and double immunodiffusion against goat anti-human parotid saliva. Cross-reactivity without spurring between all fractions containing major Pr proteins in both immunoelectrophoresis and double immunodiffusion suggests that these proteins are immunologically very similar or identical.This study was supported in part by an award from the American Cancer Society Institutional Grant IN-88F to Fels Research Institute.  相似文献   
The competitive inhibition of [3H]-flunitrazepam binding by CL 218872 and propyl beta-carboline-3-carboxylate (PCC), non-benzodiazepine compounds that show differential affinities for benzodiazepine (BZD) receptor subtypes, was studied in the rat cerebral cortex and hippocampus at different temperatures of incubation. The potency of both inhibitors was significantly greater at 0° than at 37°C. The magnitude of temperature induced enhancement of potency may correlate with the pharmacological efficacy of compounds that interact with BZD receptors. Hill slopes for CL 218872 shifted from 0.52 to 0.97 in the cerebral cortex when incubations were performed at 0° and 37°C, respectively. Hill values for PCC changed from 0.68 to 0.93 under similar temperature conditions. These observations suggest the presence of a homogenous population of benzodiazepine receptors at physiological temperatures or the inability of CL 218872 and PCC to distinguish between receptor subtypes at 37°C.  相似文献   
Summary The single and combined actions of transforming growth factor (TGF)-beta and osteogenin were evaluated with regard to induction of colony formation and reexpression of the differentiated phenotype by dedifferentiated rabbit articular chondrocytes in soft agarose under serum-free conditions. TGF-beta alone did not promote colony formation and induced accumulation of proteoglycans and type II collagen at significantly lower levels than those induced by osteogenin. Although synergism between these two growth factors occurred with respect to the induction of colony formation, their joint action on reexpression of the differentiated phenotype was additive. Complex interactions between the two growth factors may explain the latter phenomenon.  相似文献   
R J Watson  L P Visentin 《Gene》1982,19(2):191-200
The colicin and immunity genes of plasmid ColE3-CA38 have been localized by characterization of bacteria carrying its cloned restriction fragments. They are within a 3.14-kb EcoRI segment, such that the immunity gene contains the KpnI site, and the colicin gene is adjacent to it within a 2.1-kb KpnI-HincII segment. The immunity gene and one end of the colicin gene are in the region of ColE3-CA38 which is not homologous to the closely related plasmid ColE2-P9. A 0.64-kb PvuI-EcoRI segment of the plasmid adjacent to that containing the colicin and immunity genes was found to augment colicin production on solid media, and also affected the morphology of clearing zones produced by the cells when used as indicators in overlays of stabs of colicin E2 or E7 producers. The 0.64-kb segment was required in its native orientation relative to the 3.14-kb EcoRI segment to cause its effects.  相似文献   
Comparative electrophoretic phenotypes of 18 of the 32 species of the lizard genus Varanus have been determined for four proteins. The animals studied were representative of species from Africa, Israel, Southeast Asia and Australia. Malate dehydrogenase (A2) exhibited a single phenotype throughout. Lactate dehydrogenase (B4) showed four distinctive electrophoretic forms which grouped the various subgenera as follows: (1) Polydaedalus, Empagusia (African); (2) Psammosaurus (Israel); (3) three species of Varanus, V. gouldii, V. spenceri, V. mertensi (Australian); (4) Dendrovaranus, Indovaranus (Southeast Asian), other Varanus species, Odatria (Australian). Electrophoretic and previously reported karyotypic data were used to interpret the phylogenetic relationships as well as the mode and direction of evolution of these animals. In particular, the results questioned the reality of the subgenus Varanus as a taxonomic unit, since four distinct karyotypic forms and two LDH-B4 phenotypes were observed for these animals, of which one belongs to another subgenus. Serum albumin and carbonic anhydrase phenotypes were of little use in deciding phenotypic groupings.  相似文献   
Astrocytes play a critical role in brain function, but their contribution during ethanol (EtOH) consumption remains largely understudied. In light of recent findings on the heterogeneity of astrocyte physiology and gene expression, an approach with the ability to identify subtypes and capture this heterogeneity is necessary. Here, we combined measurements of calcium signaling and gene expression to define EtOH-induced astrocyte subtypes. In the absence of a demonstrated EtOH receptor, EtOH is believed to have effects on the function of many receptors and downstream biological cascades that underlie calcium responsiveness. This mechanism of EtOH-induced calcium signaling is unknown and this study provides the first step in understanding the characteristics of cells displaying these observed responses. To characterize underlying astrocyte subtypes, we assessed the correlation between calcium signaling and astrocyte gene expression signature in response to EtOH. We found that various EtOH doses increased intracellular calcium levels in a subset of astrocytes, distinguishing three cellular response types and one nonresponsive subtype as categorized by response waveform properties. Furthermore, single-cell RNA-seq analysis of astrocytes from the different response types identified type-enriched discriminatory gene expression signatures. Combining single-cell calcium responses and gene expression analysis identified specific astrocyte subgroups among astrocyte populations defined by their response to EtOH. This result provides a basis for identifying the relationship between astrocyte susceptibility to EtOH and corresponding measurable markers of calcium signaling and gene expression, which will be useful to investigate potential subgroup-specific influences of astrocytes on the physiology and pathology of EtOH exposure in the brain.  相似文献   
【目的】研究地毯草黄单胞菌双组分系统VgrS-VgrR与致病性的关系,为木薯细菌性病害的高效防控提供分子生物学证据。【方法】采用同源重组方法构建vgrS和vgrR的插入失活突变体,用可移动的cosmid载体p HM1构建互补菌株。检测突变体的致病性、细菌游动性、胞外酶、胞外多糖的变化,观察细菌对H_2O_2和金属离子胁迫的反应。【结果】相比野生型菌株,vgrS和vgrR突变体接种寄主植物木薯后致病力显著降低,突变体的游动性减少、蛋白酶活性减弱、H_2O_2耐受性降低,在高浓度金属离子Fe2+、Fe3+、Cu2+、Ni2+、Zn2+、Co2+的胁迫条件下菌体生长显著减弱。然而,vgrS和vgrR突变体的胞外多糖含量显著升高,分别是野生型的2.14和1.89倍。【结论】阐明了VgrS-VgrR系统在细菌致病过程中发挥的重要作用,为鉴定VgrS-VgrR调控机制提供线索,为药物筛选提供靶向目标。  相似文献   
本研究通过方法学的改良和观察方式的创新试图阐明这种现象的原因.微卫星非传统的检测方法仅能实现微卫星定性检测,我所在的研究组开发了自动片段分析双荧光标识技术,提高了微卫星检测的感度和重复性,并实现了微卫星片段变化长度的定量.小于6碱基的微卫星变化被定义为修饰型微卫星不稳定,大于8碱基的变化被定义为跳跃型微卫星不稳定,它们的电泳谱截然不同.前者表现为在非肿瘤来源微卫星位点基础上的增加或减少,后者表现为距离非肿瘤微卫星片段远隔部位的新波形的出现.通过研究我们发现,在DNA错配修复缺陷细胞系及基因敲除大鼠自发肿瘤样本,仅有修饰型微卫星不稳定性检出;在人类DNA错配修复缺陷细胞系连续80次传代也没有检出跳跃型变化.跳跃型变化不能通过简单重复序列不稳定基础上的增加或减少的累加而获得.在76例散发大肠癌,我们检测了微卫星不稳定性,KRAS基因突变,并对高频度微卫星不稳定性病例的两个主要DNA错配修复基因MSH2和MLHl进行了全长测序.我们发现,在大肠癌,按频度的传统分类与按波形变化的分类有高度的一致性,高频度微卫星不稳定性病例均检测到跳跃型表现,低频度微卫星不稳定性都表现为修饰型变化.在12例高频度微卫星不稳定病例,有三例检出了跳跃型和修饰型同时存在微卫星不稳定的特殊表型,这3例均检出KRAS的突变,更有趣的是该3例病例也同时检出了DNA错配修复基因MLH1的变异.而在其他9例高频度微卫星不稳定病例,KRAS突变及MLH1、MSH2交变未检出.通过对突变谱的分析我们还发现,修饰型微卫星不稳定与KTAS基因12号密码子的转换型突变高度相关,而微卫星稳定的病例检出的KRAS基因12号密码子突变多为颠换型突变.修饰型微卫星不稳定表型检出的高频度转换突变可由DNA错配修复缺陷的分子背景解释.通过本研究,我们认为以波形为基础的微卫星不稳定新分型可能是解决目前微卫星研究领域矛盾的一个选项.一直公认为高频度微卫星不稳定性是"真正"的DNA错配修复缺陷表型,我们的研究提示实际上高频度微卫星的可能是多元的.修饰型微卫星不稳定与DNA错配修复缺陷直接关联,而跳跃型微卫星不稳定的原因尚未阐明.在高频度为微型不稳定中,携带修饰型变化的病例可以通过DNA错配修复系统缺陷来解释其病因.  相似文献   
Old subjects exhibit a decline in circulating T cells and an impaired proliferative response to mitogens, plus a relative increase in cells with NK phenotype not associated with a concomitant increase in their cytolitic activity.In the present study a limiting dilution assay was used to evaluate the phenotype, the functional activity and the proliferative capacity of clones obtained from peripheral blood lymphocytes of old and young subjects. CD5+ CD8+ clones from old people showed a significant impairment in their proliferative capacity and a decreased lytic activity against K562 and P815-IgG cell lines.  相似文献   
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