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Photovoltaic (PV) waste is expected to significantly increase. However, legislation on producer responsibility for the collection and recovery of PV panels is limited to the European Union (EU) Waste Electrical and Electronic Equipment Directive Recast, which lays down design, collection, and recovery measures. Academic knowledge of closed‐loop supply chains (CLSCs) for PV panels is scarce. We analyze the supply chain using multiple cases involving the main stakeholders in the design, production, collection, and recovery of PV panels. Our article answers two research questions: How does the PV supply chain operate, and what are critical factors affecting the reverse supply chain management of used panels? Our research seeks to fill the gap in the CLSC literature on PV panels, as well as to identify barriers and enablers for PV panel design, collection, and recycling.  相似文献   
Several regularities were observed for the distribution of side-chain rotamers in α-α hairpins of globular proteins. In left-turned α-α hairpins, most side chains adopt t rotamers in d-positions and g? rotamers in g-positions. In right-turned α-α hairpins, most side-chains adopt g? rotamers in a-positions and t rotamers in e-positions. Analysis of these regularities suggested that selection of the side-chain conformation in α-α hairpins depends on two main factors, the mode of α-helix packing and the positions of side chains in α-helices. The regularities were explained by the squeezing mechanism: interhelical interactions bring the α-helices close together so that the side chains are squeezed out of the helix-helix interface and adopt unique conformations.  相似文献   
Effectively managing take of wildlife resulting from human activities poses a major challenge for applied conservation. Demographic data essential to decisions regarding take are often expensive to collect and are either not available or based on limited studies for many species. Therefore, modeling approaches that efficiently integrate available information are important to improving the scientific basis for sustainable take thresholds. We used the prescribed take level (PTL) framework to estimate allowable take for bald eagles (Haliaeetus leucocephalus) in the conterminous United States. We developed an integrated population model (IPM) that incorporates multiple sources of information and then use the model output as the scientific basis for components of the PTL framework. Our IPM is structured to identify key parameters needed for the PTL and to quantify uncertainties in those parameters at the scale at which the United States Fish and Wildlife Service manages take. Our IPM indicated that mean survival of birds >1 year old was high and precise (0.91, 95% CI = 0.90–0.92), whereas mean survival of first-year eagles was lower and more variable (0.69, 95% CI = 0.62–0.78). We assumed that density dependence influenced recruitment by affecting the probability of breeding, which was highly imprecise and estimated to have declined from approximately 0.988 (95% CI = 0.985–0.993) to 0.66 (95% CI = 0.34–0.99) between 1994 and 2018. We sampled values from the posterior distributions of the IPM for use in the PTL and estimated that allowable take (e.g., permitted take for energy development, incidental collisions with human made structures, or removal of nests for development) ranged from approximately 12,000 to 20,000 individual eagles depending on risk tolerance and form of density dependence at the scale of the conterminous United States excluding the Southwest. Model-based thresholds for allowable take can be inaccurate if the assumptions of the underlying framework are not met, if the influence of permitted take is under-estimated, or if undetected population declines occur from other sources. Continued monitoring and use of the IPM and PTL frameworks to identify key uncertainties in bald eagle population dynamics and management of allowable take can mitigate this potential bias, especially where improved information could reduce the risk of permitting non-sustainable take.  相似文献   
Three randomly chosen isolates of Idriella bolleyi differed markedly in tolerance of water stress down to—5 MPa in vitro. The differences were seen with respect to osmotic potential of media adjusted with KCl or matric potential of media adjusted with polyethylene glycol 8000. They were consistent when assessed by linear extension of colonies, spore germination, biomass production in liquid culture and sporulation in liquid culture. In comparative tests, one strain of I. bolleyi showed similar stress tolerance to that oF Fusarium culmorum, noted as a pathogen of cereals in dry conditions, whereas another strain of I. bolleyi showed low tolerance equivalent to that of the take‐all fungus Gaeumannomyces graminis and a Phialophora sp. from maize. The extreme variation in water stress tolerance of I. bolleyi might be used to select strains for biocontrol of different cereal root‐ and foot‐rot pathogens or strains might be combined in seed‐applied inocula for consistency of biocontrol in different site or seasonal conditions.  相似文献   
Experiments on the Rothamsted and Woburn Experimental Farms studied the effects on take‐all of different break crops and of set‐aside/conservation covers that interrupted sequences of winter wheat. There was no evidence for different effects on take‐all of the break crops per se but the presence of volunteers, in crops of oilseed rape, increased the amounts of take‐all in the following wheat. Severity of take‐all was closely related to the numbers of volunteers in the preceding break crops and covers, and was affected by the date of their destruction. Early destruction of set‐aside/conservation covers was usually effective in preventing damaging take‐all in the following wheat except, sometimes, when populations of volunteers were very large. The experiments were not designed to test the effects of sowing dates but different amounts of take‐all in the first wheats after breaks or covers apparently affected the severity of take‐all in the following (second) wheats only where the latter were relatively late sown. In earlier‐sown second wheats, take‐all was consistently severe and unrelated to the severity of the disease in the preceding (first) wheats. Results from two very simple experiments suggested that substituting set‐aside/conservation covers for winter wheat, for 1 year only, did not seriously interfere with the development of take‐all disease or with the development or maintenance of take‐all decline (TAD). With further research, it might be possible for growers wishing to exploit TAD to incorporate set‐aside/conservation covers into their cropping strategies, and especially to avoid the worst effects of the disease on grain yield during the early stages of epidemics.  相似文献   
Lax legislation and increasing demand for electronics are driving relentless growth in electronic waste (e‐waste) in the developing world. To reduce the damage caused by e‐waste and recover value from end‐of‐life (EoL) electronics, original equipment manufacturers (OEMs) have created, over the past decades, programs to divert e‐waste from landfills to recycling and reuse. Although the subject of intense debate, little is known about such initiatives in terms of levels of participation by OEMs or the extent to which they have succeeded in reducing e‐waste in developing economies. To broaden our understanding of these issues, we investigate take‐back initiatives in the thriving market of personal computers (i.e., desktop and laptop computers) in Brazil. Using a multimethod approach (electronic archival data collection and semistructured interviews with manufacturers), we find evidence that large multinational manufacturers are at the forefront of take‐back programs. However, these initiatives in many ways lag behind those implemented in the United States, a more developed market as far as product take‐back is concerned. We find the main reasons for the low levels of participation by OEMs in take‐back programs to be high collection costs, low residual values, and lax, unclear, and conflicting legislation. Moreover, we propose new avenues of research, in light of our scant knowledge of country‐specific, company‐specific, and product‐specific determinants that moderate participation.  相似文献   
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