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Naringin is a flavanone that widely presents on daily diet and traditional medicinal materials. The ratios of naringin C‐2 diastereomers are found different in reported samples, thus suspiciously leading to various functions. In this study, we measured the interconversion of C‐2 diastereomers intensively with ultimate high‐performance liquid chromatography and circular dichroism spectra. We examined the diastereomeric naringins in fresh citrus fruit, Huajuhong decoction pieces, and naringin tablet; evaluated the impact of tablet production procedures in factory; and monitored the rapid racemization in incubation. The results not only confirmed that enzyme, temperature, and pH condition could influence the interconversion but also demonstrated that diverse ratios of diastereomers showed limited influence on metabolic behaviors of naringin in the blood, which consequently cause comparable bioactivities. This study could provide comprehensive understanding of diastereomeric interconversion and provide useful reference for drug development.  相似文献   
Based on previous work that established fused heterocycles as viable alternatives for the picolinamide core of our lead series of mGlu5 negative allosteric modulators (NAMs), we designed a novel series of 6-(pyrimidin-5-ylmethyl)quinoline-8-carboxamide mGlu5 NAMs. These new quinoline derivatives also contained carbon linkers as replacements for the diaryl ether oxygen atom common to our previously published chemotypes. Compounds were evaluated in a cell-based functional mGlu5 assay, and an exemplar analog 27 was >60-fold selective versus the other seven mGlu receptors. Selected compounds were also studied in metabolic stability assays in rat and human S9 hepatic fractions and exhibited a mixture of P450- and non-P450-mediated metabolism.  相似文献   
Deciphering antibody‐protein antigen recognition is of fundamental and practical significance. We constructed an antibody structural dataset, partitioned it into human and murine subgroups, and compared it with nonantibody protein‐protein complexes. We investigated the physicochemical properties of regions on and away from the antibody‐antigen interfaces, including net charge, overall antibody charge distributions, and their potential role in antigen interaction. We observed that amino acid preference in antibody‐protein antigen recognition is entropy driven, with residues having low side‐chain entropy appearing to compensate for the high backbone entropy in interaction with protein antigens. Antibodies prefer charged and polar antigen residues and bridging water molecules. They also prefer positive net charge, presumably to promote interaction with negatively charged protein antigens, which are common in proteomes. Antibody‐antigen interfaces have large percentages of Tyr, Ser, and Asp, but little Lys. Electrostatic and hydrophobic interactions in the Ag binding sites might be coupled with Fab domains through organized charge and residue distributions away from the binding interfaces. Here we describe some features of antibody‐antigen interfaces and of Fab domains as compared with nonantibody protein‐protein interactions. The distributions of interface residues in human and murine antibodies do not differ significantly. Overall, our results provide not only a local but also a global anatomy of antibody structures.  相似文献   
The short 8–10 amino acid “hinge” sequence in lactose repressor (LacI), present in other LacI/GalR family members, links DNA and inducer‐binding domains. Structural studies of full‐length or truncated LacI‐operator DNA complexes demonstrate insertion of the dimeric helical “hinge” structure at the center of the operator sequence. This association bends the DNA ~40° and aligns flanking semi‐symmetric DNA sites for optimal contact by the N‐terminal helix‐turn‐helix (HtH) sequences within each dimer. In contrast, the hinge region remains unfolded when bound to nonspecific DNA sequences. To determine ability of the hinge helix alone to mediate DNA binding, we examined (i) binding of LacI variants with deletion of residues 1–50 to remove the HtH DNA binding domain or residues 1–58 to remove both HtH and hinge domains and (ii) binding of a synthetic peptide corresponding to the hinge sequence with a Val52Cys substitution that allows reversible dimer formation via a disulfide linkage. Binding affinity for DNA is orders of magnitude lower in the absence of the helix‐turn‐helix domain with its highly positive charge. LacI missing residues 1–50 binds to DNA with ~4‐fold greater affinity for operator than for nonspecific sequences with minimal impact of inducer presence; in contrast, LacI missing residues 1–58 exhibits no detectable affinity for DNA. In oxidized form, the dimeric hinge peptide alone binds to O1 and nonspecific DNA with similarly small difference in affinity; reduction to monomer diminished binding to both O1 and nonspecific targets. These results comport with recent reports regarding LacI hinge interaction with DNA sequences.  相似文献   
p53 is a tetrameric protein with a thermodynamically unstable deoxyribonucleic acid (DNA)‐binding domain flanked by intrinsically disordered regulatory domains that control its activity. The unstable and disordered segments of p53 allow high flexibility as it interacts with binding partners and permits a rapid on/off switch to control its function. The p53 tetramer can exist in multiple conformational states, any of which can be stabilized by a particular modification. Here, we apply the allostery model to p53 to ask whether evidence can be found that the “activating” C‐terminal phosphorylation of p53 stabilizes a specific conformation of the protein in the absence of DNA. We take advantage of monoclonal antibodies for p53 that measure indirectly the following conformations: unfolded, folded, and tetrameric. A double antibody capture enzyme linked‐immunosorbent assay was used to observe evidence of conformational changes of human p53 upon phosphorylation by casein kinase 2 in vitro. It was demonstrated that oligomerization and stabilization of p53 wild‐type conformation results in differential exposure of conformational epitopes PAb1620, PAb240, and DO12 that indicates a reduction in the “unfolded” conformation and increases in the folded conformation coincide with increases in its oligomerization state. These data highlight that the oligomeric conformation of p53 can be stabilized by an activating enzyme and further highlight the utility of the allostery model when applied to understanding the regulation of unstable and intrinsically disordered proteins.  相似文献   
Catalytic proteins such as human protein tyrosine phosphatase 1B (PTP1B), with conserved and highly polar active sites, warrant the discovery of druggable nonactive sites, such as allosteric sites, and potentially, therapeutic small molecules that can bind to these sites. Catalyzing the dephosphorylation of numerous substrates, PTP1B is physiologically important in intracellular signal transduction pathways in diverse cell types and tissues. Aberrant PTP1B is associated with obesity, diabetes, cancers, and neurodegenerative disorders. Utilizing clustering methods (based on root mean square deviation, principal component analysis, nonnegative matrix factorization, and independent component analysis), we have examined multiple PTP1B structures. Using the resulting representative structures in different conformational states, we determined consensus clustroids and used them to identify both known and novel binding sites, some of which are potentially allosteric. We report several lead compounds that could potentially bind to the novel PTP1B binding sites and can be further optimized. Considering the possibility for drug repurposing, we discovered homologous binding sites in other proteins, with ligands that could potentially bind to the novel PTP1B binding sites.  相似文献   
The α7 nicotinic acetylcholine receptors (nAChRs) are uniquely sensitive to selective positive allosteric modulators (PAMs), which increase the efficiency of channel activation to a level greater than that of other nAChRs. Although PAMs must work in concert with “orthosteric” agonists, compounds such as GAT107 ((3aR,4S,9bS)-4-(4-bromophenyl)-3a,4,5,9b-tetrahydro-3H-cyclopenta[c]quinoline-8-sulfonamide) have the combined properties of agonists and PAMs (ago-PAM) and produce very effective channel activation (direct allosteric activation (DAA)) by operating at two distinct sites in the absence of added agonist. One site is likely to be the same transmembrane site where PAMs like PNU-120596 function. We show that the other site, required for direct activation, is likely to be solvent-accessible at the extracellular domain vestibule. We identify key attributes of molecules in this family that are able to act at the DAA site through variation at the aryl ring substituent of the tetrahydroquinoline ring system and with two different classes of competitive antagonists of DAA. Analyses of molecular features of effective allosteric agonists allow us to propose a binding model for the DAA site, featuring a largely non-polar pocket accessed from the extracellular vestibule with an important role for Asp-101. This hypothesis is supported with data from site-directed mutants. Future refinement of the model and the characterization of specific GAT107 analogs will allow us to define critical structural elements that can be mapped onto the receptor surface for an improved understanding of this novel way to target α7 nAChR therapeutically.  相似文献   
Membrane-bound cGMP-dependent protein kinase (PKG) II is a key regulator of bone growth, renin secretion, and memory formation. Despite its crucial physiological roles, little is known about its cyclic nucleotide selectivity mechanism due to a lack of structural information. Here, we find that the C-terminal cyclic nucleotide binding (CNB-B) domain of PKG II binds cGMP with higher affinity and selectivity when compared with its N-terminal CNB (CNB-A) domain. To understand the structural basis of cGMP selectivity, we solved co-crystal structures of the CNB domains with cyclic nucleotides. Our structures combined with mutagenesis demonstrate that the guanine-specific contacts at Asp-412 and Arg-415 of the αC-helix of CNB-B are crucial for cGMP selectivity and activation of PKG II. Structural comparison with the cGMP selective CNB domains of human PKG I and Plasmodium falciparum PKG (PfPKG) shows different contacts with the guanine moiety, revealing a unique cGMP selectivity mechanism for PKG II.  相似文献   
Mitochondrial respiration is the predominant source of ATP. Excessive rates of electron transport cause a higher production of harmful reactive oxygen species (ROS). There are two regulatory mechanisms known. The first, according to Mitchel, is dependent on the mitochondrial membrane potential that drives ATP synthase for ATP production, and the second, the Kadenbach mechanism, is focussed on the binding of ATP to Cytochrome c Oxidase (CytOx) at high ATP/ADP ratios, which results in an allosteric conformational change to CytOx, causing inhibition. In times of stress, ATP‐dependent inhibition is switched off and the activity of CytOx is exclusively determined by the membrane potential, leading to an increase in ROS production. The second mechanism for respiratory control depends on the quantity of electron transfer to the Heme aa3 of CytOx. When ATP is bound to CytOx the enzyme is inhibited, and ROS formation is decreased, although the mitochondrial membrane potential is increased.  相似文献   
Cyclic nucleotide-gated channels contain four subunits, each with a binding site for cGMP or cAMP in the cytoplasmic COOH-terminal domain. Previous studies of the kinetic mechanism of activation have been hampered by the complication that ligands are continuously binding and unbinding at each of these sites. Thus, even at the single channel level, it has been difficult to distinguish changes in behavior that arise from a channel with a fixed number of ligands bound from those that occur upon the binding and unbinding of ligands. For example, it is often assumed that complex behaviors like multiple conductance levels and bursting occur only as a consequence of changes in the number of bound ligands. We have overcome these ambiguities by covalently tethering one ligand at a time to single rod cyclic nucleotide-gated channels (Ruiz, ML., and J.W. Karpen. 1997. Nature. 389:389-392). We find that with a fixed number of ligands locked in place the channel freely moves between three conductance states and undergoes bursting behavior. Furthermore, a thorough kinetic analysis of channels locked in doubly, triply, and fully liganded states reveals more than one kinetically distinguishable state at each conductance level. Thus, even when the channel contains a fixed number of bound ligands, it can assume at least nine distinct states. Such complex behavior is inconsistent with simple concerted or sequential allosteric models. The data at each level of liganding can be successfully described by the same connected state model (with different rate constants), suggesting that the channel undergoes the same set of conformational changes regardless of the number of bound ligands. A general allosteric model, which postulates one conformational change per subunit in both the absence and presence of ligand, comes close to providing enough kinetically distinct states. We propose an extension of this model, in which more than one conformational change per subunit can occur during the process of channel activation.  相似文献   
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