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One of the fundamental issues to ensure maximal performance improvement in a cluster computing environment is load distribution, which is commonly achieved by using polling-based load distribution algorithms. Such algorithms suffer from two weaknesses: (1) Load information exchanged during a polling session is confined to the two negotiating nodes only. (2) Such algorithms are not scalable in that growth of the distributed system is accompanied with increasing amount of polling sessions.In this paper, we proposed a LD algorithm which is based on anti-tasks and load state vectors. Anti-tasks travel around the distributed system for pairing up task senders and receivers. As an anti-task travels, timed load information is collected and disseminated over the entire system via the load state vector bundled with the anti-task. Guided by load state vectors, anti-tasks are spontaneously directed towards processing nodes having high transient workload, thus allowing their surplus workload to be relocated soonest possible. No peer-to-peer negotiations between senders and receivers are needed.To reduce the network bandwidth consumption caused by the anti-task algorithm, the number of hosts that an anti-task needs to travel to must be carefully limited. The algorithm achieves this by employing the mathematical notion of Finite Projective Plane (FPP). By employing FPP, the number of nodes that each anti-task has to travel is at most , where N is the number of nodes in the system, without sacrifying the spread of load information.  相似文献   
Endoplasmic streaming of characean cells of Nitella or Chara is known to be in the range 30-100 microm/second. The Chara myosin extracted from the cells and fixed onto a glass surface was found to move muscle actin filaments at a velocity of 60 microm/second. This is ten times faster than that of skeletal muscle myosin (myosin II). In this study, the displacement caused by single Chara myosin molecules was measured using optical trapping nanometry. The step size of Chara myosin was approximately 19nm. This step size is longer than that of skeletal muscle myosin but shorter than that of myosin V. The dwell time of the steps was relatively long, and this most likely resulted from two rate-limiting steps, the dissociation of ADP and the binding of ATP. The rate of ADP release from Chara myosin after the completion of the force-generation step was similar to that of myosin V, but was considerably slower than that of skeletal muscle myosin. The 19nm step size and the dwell time obtained could not explain the fast movement. The fast movement could be explained by the load-dependent release of ADP. As the load imposed on the myosin decreased, the rate of ADP release increased. We propose that the interaction of Chara myosin with an actin filament resulted in a negative load being imposed on other myosin molecules interacting with the same actin filament. This resulted in an accelerated release of ADP and the fast sliding movement.  相似文献   
Abstract. It has long been assumed that inbreeding depression in haplodiploid organisms is low due to their ability to purge genetic load in haploid males. It has been suggested that this low genetic load could facilitate the evolution of inbreeding behaviors driven by local mate competition in hymenopteran parasitoids. I have examined inbreeding depression in haplodiploids in two ways. First I show that an outbreeding haplodiploid wasp Uscana semifumipennis (Hymenoptera: Trichogrammatidae) suffers substantial inbreeding depression. Longevity was 38% shorter, fecundity was 32% lower, and sex ratio was 5% more male for experimentally inbred wasps when compared to outbred controls. There were interactions between size and both fecundity and sex ratio for inbred wasps that were not seen for outbred individuals. Second, an analysis of data from the literature suggests that when inbreeding is experimentally imposed on populations, haplodiploid insects and mites as a group do suffer less from inbreeding depression than diploid insects, although substantial inbreeding depression in haplodiploid taxa does exist. The meta-analysis revealed no difference in inbreeding depression between gregarious haplodiploid wasps, which are likely to have a history of inbreeding, and solitary haplodiploid species, which are assumed to be primarily outbred.  相似文献   
WCA: A Weighted Clustering Algorithm for Mobile Ad Hoc Networks   总被引:42,自引:0,他引:42  
In this paper, we propose an on-demand distributed clustering algorithm for multi-hop packet radio networks. These types of networks, also known as ad hoc networks, are dynamic in nature due to the mobility of nodes. The association and dissociation of nodes to and from clusters perturb the stability of the network topology, and hence a reconfiguration of the system is often unavoidable. However, it is vital to keep the topology stable as long as possible. The clusterheads, form a dominant set in the network, determine the topology and its stability. The proposed weight-based distributed clustering algorithm takes into consideration the ideal degree, transmission power, mobility, and battery power of mobile nodes. The time required to identify the clusterheads depends on the diameter of the underlying graph. We try to keep the number of nodes in a cluster around a pre-defined threshold to facilitate the optimal operation of the medium access control (MAC) protocol. The non-periodic procedure for clusterhead election is invoked on-demand, and is aimed to reduce the computation and communication costs. The clusterheads, operating in dual power mode, connects the clusters which help in routing messages from a node to any other node. We observe a trade-off between the uniformity of the load handled by the clusterheads and the connectivity of the network. Simulation experiments are conducted to evaluate the performance of our algorithm in terms of the number of clusterheads, reaffiliation frequency, and dominant set updates. Results show that our algorithm performs better than existing ones and is also tunable to different kinds of network conditions.  相似文献   
It has been argued that about 4–5% of male adults suffer from infertility due to a genetic causation. From studies in the fruitfly Drosophila, there is evidence that up to 1500 recessive genes contribute to male fertility in that species. Here we suggest that the control of human male fertility is of at least comparable genetic complexity. However, because of small family size, conventional positional cloning methods for identifying human genes will have little impact on the dissection of male infertility. A critical selection of well-defined infertility phenotypes in model organisms, combined with identification of the genes involved and their orthologues in man, might reveal the genes that contribute to human male infertility.  相似文献   
Abstract.— We investigated the effects of inbreeding on various fitness components and their genetic load in laboratory metapopulations of the butterfly Bicyclus anynana . Six metapopulations each consisted of four subpopulations with breeding population sizes of N = 6 or N = 12 and migration rate of m = 0 or m = 0.33. Metapopulations were maintained for seven generations during which coancestries and pedigrees were established. Individual inbreeding coefficients at the F7 were calculated and ranged between 0.01 and 0.51. Even though considerable purging had occurred during inbreeding, the genetic load remained higher than that of many outbreeding species: approximately two lethal equivalents were detected for egg sterility, one for zygote survival, one for juvenile survival, and one for longevity. Severe inbreeding depression occurred after seven generations of inbreeding, which jeopardized the metapopulation survival. This finding suggests that the purging of genetic load by intentional inbreeding cannot be recommended for the genetic conservation of species with a high number of lethal.  相似文献   
The formation of cartilage from stem cells during development is a complex process which is regulated by both local growth factors and biomechanical cues, and results in the differentiation of chondrocytes into a range of subtypes in specific regions of the tissue. In fetal development cartilage also acts as a precursor scaffold for many bones, and mineralization of this cartilaginous bone precursor occurs through the process of endochondral ossification. In the endochondral formation of bones during fetal development the interplay between cell signalling, growth factors, and biomechanics regulates the formation of load bearing bone, in addition to the joint capsule containing articular cartilage and synovium, generating complex, functional joints from a single precursor anlagen. These joint tissues are subsequently prone to degeneration in adult life and have poor regenerative capabilities, and so understanding how they are created during development may provide useful insights into therapies for diseases, such as osteoarthritis, and restoring bone and cartilage lost in adulthood. Of particular interest is how these tissues regenerate in the mechanically dynamic environment of a living joint, and so experiments performed using 3D models of cartilage development and endochondral ossification are proving insightful. In this review, we discuss some of the interesting models of cartilage development, such as the chick femur which can be observed in ovo, or isolated at a specific developmental stage and cultured organotypically in vitro. Biomaterial and hydrogel‐based strategies which have emerged from regenerative medicine are also covered, allowing researchers to make informed choices on the characteristics of the materials used for both original research and clinical translation. In all of these models, we illustrate the essential importance of mechanical forces and mechanotransduction as a regulator of cell behavior and ultimate structural function in cartilage. Birth Defects Research (Part C) 105:19–33, 2015. © 2015 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.  相似文献   
We applied a 15N dilution technique called “Integrated Total Nitrogen Input” (ITNI) to quantify annual atmospheric N input into a peatland surrounded by intensive agricultural practices over a 2-year period. Grass species and grass growth effects on atmospheric N deposition were investigated using Lolium multiflorum and Eriophorum vaginatum and different levels of added N resulting in increased biomass production. Plant biomass production was positively correlated with atmospheric N uptake (up to 102.7 mg N pot−1) when using Lolium multiflorum. In contrast, atmospheric N deposition to Eriophorum vaginatum did not show a clear dependency to produced biomass and ranged from 81.9 to 138.2 mg N pot−1. Both species revealed a relationship between atmospheric N input and total biomass N contents. Airborne N deposition varied from about 24 to 55 kg N ha−1 yr−1. Partitioning of airborne N within the monitor system differed such that most of the deposited N was found in roots of Eriophorum vaginatum while the highest share was allocated in aboveground biomass of Lolium multiflorum. Compared to other approaches determining atmospheric N deposition, ITNI showed highest airborne N input and an up to fivefold exceedance of the ecosystem-specific critical load of 5–10 kg N ha−1 yr−1.  相似文献   
Cold storage is one means of preserving parasitoids prior to release in augmentation biological control programs. This study examined the feasibility of storing larval and pupal stages of a sexual population of Lysiphlebus fabarum Marshall (Hymenoptera: Braconidae: Aphidiinae) at 6 ± 1 and 8 ± 1 °C, 50–60% r.h., and L14:D10 photoperiod. These life stages were stored for periods of 1, 2, and 3 weeks under fluctuating thermal regimes (2 h daily at 21 ± 1 °C). Generally, pupae gave better results than larvae, and 6 °C was better than 8 °C, considering wasp survival, wasp size (tibial and antennal lengths), egg load, and egg size. The best results were obtained with pupae stored for 2 weeks under a fluctuating temperature regime at 6 °C. Females emerging from this treatment did not differ from controls (developing directly at 21 °C) in body size, egg size, or progeny sex ratio, and suffered less than 20% mortality. Egg loads were reduced in these wasps, but the reductions were substantially less than occurred in other 2‐week‐storage treatments. Wasps stored in this manner successfully parasitized similar numbers of aphids as controls and produced similar progeny sex ratios. These results reveal a suitable set of low‐temperature conditions that can be used to delay the development of L. fabarum for 2 weeks with minimal impact on wasp fitness.  相似文献   
With different prevalence in different regions, radio frequency (RF) electromagnetic fields (EMF) are widely used for therapeutic tissue heating. Although short‐wave diathermy (27.12 MHz) is the most popular treatment modality, quantitative data on patient's exposure have been lacking. By numerical simulation with the numerical anatomical model NORMAN, intracorporal distributions of specific absorption rates (SAR) were investigated for different treatment scenarios and applicators. Quantitative data are provided for exposures of target treatment areas as well as for vulnerable regions such as the eye lenses, central nervous system, and testes. Different applicators and distances were investigated. Capacitive and inductive applicators exhibit quite a different heating efficiency. It could be shown that for the same output power therapeutic heat deposition can vary by almost one order of magnitude. By mimicking therapist's practice to use patient's heat perception as an indicator for output power setting, numerical data were elaborated demonstrating that muscle tissue exposures may be several times higher for inductive than for capacitive applicators. Presented quantitative data serve as a guide for power adjustment preventing relevant overexposures without compromising therapy; they also provide a basis for estimating target tissue heat load and developing therapeutic guidelines. Bioelectromagnetics 31:12–19, 2010. © 2009 Wiley‐Liss, Inc.  相似文献   
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