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The nutrients animals ingest are allocated to serve different functions. We used contrasting C stable isotope signatures of dominant vegetation types in a North American subtropical desert to decipher how avian consumers allocate nutrients to fuel oxidative metabolism and to construct tissues. We conducted C stable isotope analysis of breath and feathers collected from nectarivores (hummingbirds) and of breath, plasma, and red blood cell samples collected from frugivores, granivores, and insectivores. Based on varying nutrient characteristics of food sources, we expected that for frugivores and granivores, CAM‐derived food (RCCAM) would have similar importance for oxidative metabolism and for tissue building, that RCCAM in nectarivores and insectivores would be more important for fueling metabolism than for generating tissues, and that (although low) RCCAM in insectivores would be higher for sustaining metabolism than for building tissues. Our predictions held true for nectarivores and granivores, but RCCAM use in tissue building was lower than expected in frugivores and higher than expected in insectivores. Our examination at the trophic guild, population, and individual levels showed that in general, nutrients used to sustain oxidative metabolism and tissue construction had a uniform isotopic origin. This finding suggests that the avian community under investigation does not route different food groups to fulfill different needs. However, we found some exceptions, indicating that birds can use different food sources for different functions, irrespective of trophic guild.  相似文献   
Environments causing variation in age‐specific mortality – ecological agents of selection – mediate the evolution of reproductive life‐history traits. However, the relative magnitude of life‐history divergence across selective agents, whether divergence in response to specific selective agents is consistent across taxa and whether it occurs as predicted by theory, remains largely unexplored. We evaluated divergence in offspring size, offspring number, and the trade‐off between these traits using a meta‐analysis in livebearing fishes (Poeciliidae). Life‐history divergence was consistent and predictable to some (predation, hydrogen sulphide) but not all (density, food limitation, salinity) selective agents. In contrast, magnitudes of divergence among selective agents were similar. Finally, there was a negative, asymmetric relationship between offspring‐number and offspring‐size divergence, suggesting greater costs of increasing offspring size than number. Ultimately, these results provide strong evidence for predictable and consistent patterns of reproductive life‐history divergence and highlight the importance of comparing phenotypic divergence across species and ecological selective agents.  相似文献   
以种植于新疆石河子的光果甘草( Glycyrrhiza glabra Linn.)、胀果甘草( G. inflata Batal.)、乌拉尔甘草( G. uralensis Fisch.)、黄甘草( G. eurycarpa P. C. Li)和蜜腺甘草( G. glabra var. glandulosa X. Y. Li)为研究对象,对植株不同部位的花序数量、花序正常发育率、每花序单花数量和果穗干质量,以及植株不同部位和花序不同部位的生物量投入比、座果率、结籽率、种子投影面积和种子千粒质量进行测定;在此基础上,对供试5种甘草属( Glycyrrhiza Linn.)植物的繁殖资源分配模式和种子生产策略进行分析。结果表明:同一植株内,光果甘草、乌拉尔甘草、黄甘草和蜜腺甘草的花序数量、花序正常发育率、每花序单花数量和果穗干质量从植株下部到上部总体上依次递减,而胀果甘草植株不同部位间这4项指标总体上无显著差异。同一植株内,胀果甘草植株中部的生物量投入比和座果率均较高,但其生物量投入比、座果率和结籽率在植株不同部位间均无显著差异;而供试另4种植物的生物量投入比、座果率和结籽率从植株下部到上部总体上依次递减。同一花序内,胀果甘草花序中部的生物量投入比明显高于花序上部和下部,座果率从花序下部到上部依次递减,结籽率则在花序不同部位间无显著差异,而供试另4种植物的生物量投入比、座果率和结籽率从花序下部到上部总体上依次递减。供试5种植物的种子投影面积和种子千粒质量在植株不同部位间和花序不同部位间均无显著差异。综合研究结果显示:在资源竞争、结构效应和花粉限制的影响下,供试5种甘草属植物存在2种不同的资源分配模式和种子生产格局。其中,光果甘草、乌拉尔甘草、黄甘草和蜜腺甘草通过减少对晚发育的花或果实的资源投入来保障早发育的花或果实获得较多的资源,达到繁殖成功的目的;而胀果甘草则采取对花和果实随机败育的方式减小资源竞争的压力,这2种繁殖资源分配模式和种子生产策略对提高甘草属植物的繁殖成功率具有重要作用。  相似文献   
樊燕  郭春兰  方楷  黎祖尧  施建敏 《广西植物》2016,36(10):1172-1178
该研究在江西省瑞昌市设置9个淡竹林样地,调查和测定了淡竹林密度、淡竹各构件的生物量和总生物量,以及土壤含水率、土层厚度、林下裸岩率、pH、电导率、全氮和全磷等7个土壤环境因子,并对竹林密度、土壤环境因子和淡竹生物量分配指标进行了相关分析和回归分析。结果表明:(1)密度与淡竹蔸比重相关系数r达0.66( P=0.02<0.05),而与叶比重、枝比重、秆比重、鞭比重、根比重及根冠比均无显著相关关系;土壤环境因子与生物量分配指标有密切相关,环境主成分Z1与叶比重、秆比重及蔸比重均显著相关(P<0.05),Z2与鞭比重显著相关(P=0.034<0.05)。(2)密度与土壤环境因子密切相关(P<0.05),控制土壤环境因子的偏相关分析显示密度与淡竹生物量分配不显著相关( P>0.05),而控制密度时,土壤环境因子与淡竹生物量分配仍有显著相关关系(P<0.05);逐步回归分析也验证了偏相关分析的结果,密度被排除出回归方程。分析认为,土壤含水率、土层厚度及土壤养分等环境因子是影响石灰岩山地优势种淡竹生物量分配的主因,密度对生物量分配的影响实为土壤环境因子的间接作用。该研究结果为石灰岩地区植被恢复提供了理论支撑。  相似文献   
Sexual selection is considered a potent evolutionary force in all sexually reproducing organisms, but direct tests in terms of experimental evolution of sexual traits are still lacking for simultaneously hermaphroditic animals. Here, we tested how evolution under enforced monogamy affected a suite of reproductive traits (including testis area, sex allocation, genital morphology, sperm morphology and mating behaviour) in the outcrossing hermaphroditic flatworm Macrostomum lignano, using an assay that also allowed the assessment of phenotypically plastic responses to group size. The experiment comprised 32 independent selection lines that evolved under either monogamy or polygamy for 20 generations. While we did not observe an evolutionary shift in sex allocation, we detected effects of the selection regime for two male morphological traits. Specifically, worms evolving under enforced monogamy had a distinct shape of the male copulatory organ and produced sperm with shorter appendages. Many traits that did not evolve under enforced monogamy showed phenotypic plasticity in response to group size. Notably, individuals that grew up in larger groups had a more male‐biased sex allocation and produced slightly longer sperm than individuals raised in pairs. We conclude that, in this flatworm, enforced monogamy induced moderate evolutionary but substantial phenotypically plastic responses.  相似文献   
Plant functional traits provide a link in process‐based vegetation models between plant‐level physiology and ecosystem‐level responses. Recent advances in physiological understanding and computational efficiency have allowed for the incorporation of plant hydraulic processes in large‐scale vegetation models. However, a more mechanistic representation of water limitation that determines ecosystem responses to plant water stress necessitates a re‐evaluation of trait‐based constraints for plant carbon allocation, particularly allocation to leaf area. In this review, we examine model representations of plant allocation to leaves, which is often empirically set by plant functional type‐specific allometric relationships. We analyze the evolution of the representation of leaf allocation in models of different scales and complexities. We show the impacts of leaf allocation strategy on plant carbon uptake in the context of recent advancements in modeling hydraulic processes. Finally, we posit that deriving allometry from first principles using mechanistic hydraulic processes is possible and should become standard practice, rather than using prescribed allometries. The representation of allocation as an emergent property of scarce resource constraints is likely to be critical to representing how global change processes impact future ecosystem dynamics and carbon fluxes and may reduce the number of poorly constrained parameters in vegetation models.  相似文献   
Interstitial photodynamic therapy (iPDT) has shown promise recently as a minimally invasive cancer treatment, partially due to the development of non‐toxic photosensitizers in the absence of activation light. However, a major challenge in iPDT is the pre‐treatment planning process that specifies the number of diffusers needed, along with their positions and allocated powers, to confine the light distribution to the target volume as much as possible. In this work, a new power allocation algorithm for cylindrical light diffusers including those that can produce customized longitudinal (tailored) emission profiles is introduced. The proposed formulation is convex to guarantee the minimum over‐dose possible on the surrounding organs‐at‐risk. The impact of varying the diffuser lengths and penetration angles on the quality of the plan is evaluated. The results of this study are demonstrated for different photosensitizers activated at different wavelengths and simulated on virtual tumors modeling virtual glioblastoma multiforme cases. Results show that manufacturable cylindrical diffusers with tailored emission profiles can significantly outperform those with conventional flat profiles with an average damage reduction on white matter of 15% to 55% and on gray matter of 23% to 58%.   相似文献   
In many ecosystems, plant growth and reproduction are nitrogen limited. Current and predicted increases of global reactive nitrogen could alter the ecological and evolutionary trajectories of plant populations. Nitrogen is a major component of nucleic acids and cell structures, and it has been predicted that organisms with larger genomes should require more nitrogen for growth and reproduction and be more negatively affected by nitrogen scarcities than organisms with smaller genomes. In a greenhouse experiment, we tested this hypothesis by examining whether the amount of soil nitrogen supplied differentially influenced the performance (fitness, growth, and resource allocation strategies) of diploid and autotetraploid fireweed (Chamerion angustifolium). We found that soil nitrogen levels differentially impacted cytotype performance, and in general, diploids were favored under low nitrogen conditions, but this diploid advantage disappeared under nitrogen enrichment. Specifically, when nitrogen was scarce, diploids produced more seeds and allocated more biomass toward seed production relative to investment in plant biomass or total plant nitrogen than did tetraploids. As nitrogen supplied increased, such discrepancies between cytotypes disappeared. We also found that cytotype resource allocation strategies were differentially dependent on soil nitrogen, and that whereas diploids adopted resource allocation strategies that favored current season reproduction when nitrogen was limiting and future reproduction when nitrogen was more plentiful, tetraploids adopted resource allocation strategies that favored current season reproduction under nitrogen enrichment. Together these results suggest nitrogen enrichment could differentially affect cytotype performance, which could have implications for cytotypes’ ecological and evolutionary dynamics under a globally changing climate.  相似文献   
The survival cost of reproduction has been revealed in many free‐ranging vertebrates. However, recent studies on captive populations failed to detect this cost. Theoretically, this lack of survival/reproduction trade‐off is expected when resources are not limiting, but these studies may have failed to detect the cost, as they may not have fully accounted for potential confounding effects, in particular interindividual heterogeneity. Here, we investigated the effects of current and past reproductive effort on later survival in captive females of a small primate, the gray mouse lemur. Survival analyses showed no cost of reproduction in females; and the pattern was even in the opposite direction: the higher the reproductive effort, the higher the chances of survival until the next reproductive event. These conclusions hold even while accounting for interindividual heterogeneity. In agreement with aforementioned studies on captive vertebrates, these results remind us that reproduction is expected to be traded against body maintenance and the survival prospect only when resources are so limiting that they induce an allocation trade‐off. Thus, the cost of reproduction has a major extrinsic component driven by environmental conditions.  相似文献   
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