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How the complexity of food webs depends on environmental variables is a long-standing ecological question. It is unclear though how food-chain length should vary with adaptive evolution of the constitutive species. Here we model the evolution of species colonisation rates and its consequences on occupancies and food-chain length in metacommunities. When colonisation rates can evolve, longer food-chains can persist. Extinction, perturbation and habitat loss all affect evolutionarily stable colonisation rates, but the strength of the competition-colonisation trade-off has a major role: weaker trade-offs yield longer chains. Although such eco-evo dynamics partly alleviates the spatial constraint on food-chain length, it is no magic bullet: the highest, most vulnerable, trophic levels are also those that least benefit from evolution. We provide qualitative predictions regarding how trait evolution affects the response of communities to disturbance and habitat loss. This highlights the importance of eco-evolutionary dynamics at metacommunity level in determining food-chain length.  相似文献   
Horizontal biosedimentary gradients across the Sado estuary,W. Portugal   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
The topography of the Sado estuary, the second largest of Portugal, comprises the outer estuary inside the entrance channel and the inner estuary, on the inward side of which begins the tidal mudflats. The outer estuary subtidal area covers approximately 70 km2 and presents a series of longitudinal intertidal sandbanks, separating a northern and a southern channel. A benthic survey was undertaken in the outer estuary during June 1986, in which superficial sediments and macrofauna were sampled at 133 locations. The environmental variables measured in the superficial sediments were the temperature, the granulometric structure, the silt, sand and the gravel content, and the total organic matter content. The primary macrofauna biological variables studied were the species composition, abundance and biomass, calculated on wet, dry and ash-free dry weight. The granulometry and the organic content of superficial sediments agreed with the transient and the residual currents velocity field, simulated in a 2-D hydrodynamic model previously elaborated for the outer estuary. The northern channel superficial sediments showed higher silt and total organic matter content, while the model also suggested lower transient and residual velocities, water flow and shear stress in this channel. The distribution patterns of the subtidal macrofauna were separated into two main groups of species, one comprising taxa essentially settled near the estuarine mouth and the other inwards. Biological primary variables also showed consistent patterns, comparable to other Portuguese estuaries. The major subtidal benthic biotopes were obtained through classification analysis and related to the prevailing hydrophysical and sedimentary conditions in the outer estuary.  相似文献   
When there is a predictive biomarker, enrichment can focus the clinical trial on a benefiting subpopulation. We describe a two-stage enrichment design, in which the first stage is designed to efficiently estimate a threshold and the second stage is a “phase III-like” trial on the enriched population. The goal of this paper is to explore design issues: sample size in Stages 1 and 2, and re-estimation of the Stage 2 sample size following Stage 1. By treating these as separate trials, we can gain insight into how the predictive nature of the biomarker specifically impacts the sample size. We also show that failure to adequately estimate the threshold can have disastrous consequences in the second stage. While any bivariate model could be used, we assume a continuous outcome and continuous biomarker, described by a bivariate normal model. The correlation coefficient between the outcome and biomarker is the key to understanding the behavior of the design, both for predictive and prognostic biomarkers. Through a series of simulations we illustrate the impact of model misspecification, consequences of poor threshold estimation, and requisite sample sizes that depend on the predictive nature of the biomarker. Such insight should be helpful in understanding and designing enrichment trials.  相似文献   
Leveraging information in aggregate data from external sources to improve estimation efficiency and prediction accuracy with smaller scale studies has drawn a great deal of attention in recent years. Yet, conventional methods often either ignore uncertainty in the external information or fail to account for the heterogeneity between internal and external studies. This article proposes an empirical likelihood-based framework to improve the estimation of the semiparametric transformation models by incorporating information about the t-year subgroup survival probability from external sources. The proposed estimation procedure incorporates an additional likelihood component to account for uncertainty in the external information and employs a density ratio model to characterize population heterogeneity. We establish the consistency and asymptotic normality of the proposed estimator and show that it is more efficient than the conventional pseudopartial likelihood estimator without combining information. Simulation studies show that the proposed estimator yields little bias and outperforms the conventional approach even in the presence of information uncertainty and heterogeneity. The proposed methodologies are illustrated with an analysis of a pancreatic cancer study.  相似文献   
We study bias-reduced estimators of exponentially transformed parameters in general linear models (GLMs) and show how they can be used to obtain bias-reduced conditional (or unconditional) odds ratios in matched case-control studies. Two options are considered and compared: the explicit approach and the implicit approach. The implicit approach is based on the modified score function where bias-reduced estimates are obtained by using iterative procedures to solve the modified score equations. The explicit approach is shown to be a one-step approximation of this iterative procedure. To apply these approaches for the conditional analysis of matched case-control studies, with potentially unmatched confounding and with several exposures, we utilize the relation between the conditional likelihood and the likelihood of the unconditional logit binomial GLM for matched pairs and Cox partial likelihood for matched sets with appropriately setup data. The properties of the estimators are evaluated by using a large Monte Carlo simulation study and an illustration of a real dataset is shown. Researchers reporting the results on the exponentiated scale should use bias-reduced estimators since otherwise the effects can be under or overestimated, where the magnitude of the bias is especially large in studies with smaller sample sizes.  相似文献   
Commonly used semiparametric estimators of causal effects specify parametric models for the propensity score (PS) and the conditional outcome. An example is an augmented inverse probability weighting (IPW) estimator, frequently referred to as a doubly robust estimator, because it is consistent if at least one of the two models is correctly specified. However, in many observational studies, the role of the parametric models is often not to provide a representation of the data-generating process but rather to facilitate the adjustment for confounding, making the assumption of at least one true model unlikely to hold. In this paper, we propose a crude analytical approach to study the large-sample bias of estimators when the models are assumed to be approximations of the data-generating process, namely, when all models are misspecified. We apply our approach to three prototypical estimators of the average causal effect, two IPW estimators, using a misspecified PS model, and an augmented IPW (AIPW) estimator, using misspecified models for the outcome regression (OR) and the PS. For the two IPW estimators, we show that normalization, in addition to having a smaller variance, also offers some protection against bias due to model misspecification. To analyze the question of when the use of two misspecified models is better than one we derive necessary and sufficient conditions for when the AIPW estimator has a smaller bias than a simple IPW estimator and when it has a smaller bias than an IPW estimator with normalized weights. If the misspecification of the outcome model is moderate, the comparisons of the biases of the IPW and AIPW estimators show that the AIPW estimator has a smaller bias than the IPW estimators. However, all biases include a scaling with the PS-model error and we suggest caution in modeling the PS whenever such a model is involved. For numerical and finite sample illustrations, we include three simulation studies and corresponding approximations of the large-sample biases. In a dataset from the National Health and Nutrition Examination Survey, we estimate the effect of smoking on blood lead levels.  相似文献   
具有节点偏置的高阶神经网络模型   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
在汪涛文献基础上提出了一个具有节点偏置的高阶神经网络模型、给出了模型的哈密顿量和学习算法,证明了学习算法的收敛性,该模型能对每一神经元自动引入一个节点偏置使得网络能够存储所有学习图样包括相关图样,其存储容量远高于Hebb—rule—like学习算法下的高阶神经网络模型.对由30个神经元组成的二阶神经网络进行了计算机仿真,结果证实了上述结论.此外,对初始突触强度对学习效果的影响和不同存储图样数目下的平均吸引半径进行了仿真计算并分析了所得结果.新模型的特点使其具有良好的应用前景  相似文献   
脑部磁刺激场的理论模型   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
作为脑部磁刺激研究的一项基础工作,建立了刺激磁场中的球形头模型、对方形线圈在其内产生的时变磁场和感应电场进行了理论研究.导出(?).(?).(?)的解析表达式,分析了场的特性和刺激强度的分布规律.为进一步探索时变磁场对人脑的最佳刺激方式和作用机理提供了初步的理论基础.  相似文献   
视觉运动信息的感知过程,包括从局域运动检测到对模式整体运动的感知过程.我们以蝇视觉系统的图形-背景相对运动分辨的神经回路网络为基本框架,采用初级运动检测器的六角形阵列作为输入层,构造了一种感知视觉运动信息的简化脑模型,模拟了运动信息应该神经计算模型各个层次上的处理.该模型对差分行为实验结果作出了正确预测.本文并对空间生理整合的神经机制作了讨论.  相似文献   
理论上认为胆固醇逆向转运的速率与动脉粥样硬化程序呈负相关。但目前尚无完善的测试血浆脂蛋白-胆固醇体内代谢的方法。我们运用同位素^3H-胆固醇示踪方法,建立房室模型,选取健康兔与AS兔对照,研究血浆脂蛋白转运胆固醇能力的差异,并结合AS兔主动脉斑块程度对比,结果验证了上述理论,此法如改用短半衰期同位素或稳定性同位素标记的胆固醇,就可用于人体,这可为临床判断AS程度提供一种无创性的新方法。  相似文献   
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