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The detection of three classes of C-heterochromatin by in situ restriction endonuclease digestion allowed a karyotype differentiation between the American and the European eel.  相似文献   
We have established a series of 20 colorectal cancer cell lines and performed cytogenetic and RFLP analyses to show that the recurrent genetic abnormalities of chromosomes 1, 5, 17 and 18 associated with multistep tumorigenesis in colorectal cancer, and frequently detected as recurrent abnormalities in primary tumours, are also retained in long-term established cell lines. Earlier studies by us and other investigators showed that allelic losses of chromosomes 1 and 17 in primary colorectal cancers predicted poorer survival for the patients (P = 0.03). We utilized the cell lines to identify specific chromosomal sites or gene(s) on chromosomes 1 and 17 which confer more aggressive phenotype. Cytogenetic deletions of chromosome 1p were detected in 14 out of the 20 (70%) cell lines, whereas allelic deletions for 1p using polymorphic markers were detected in 13 out of 18 (72%) informative cell lines for at least one polymorphic marker. We have performed Northern blotting, immunohistochemical staining (p53 mRNA, protein) and RFLP analysis using several probes including p53 and nm23. RFLP analysis using a total of seven polymorphic markers located on 17p and 17q arms showed allelic losses aroundthe p53 locus in 16 out of the 20 cell lines (80%), four of which were losses of thep53 locus itself. In addition, seven cell lines (out of nine informative cases) also showed losses of thenm23 gene, four with concurrent losses of thep53 locus, while the remaining three were homozygous. In addition, five out of seven cell lines withnm23 deletions were derived from hepatic metastatic tumours, and one cell line was obtained from recurrent tumour. A comparison between allelic deletions of 1p and functional loss ofnm23 gene revealed a close association between these two events in cell lines derived from hepatic metastasis. Following immunohistochemical staining, nine out of the twenty cell lines showed high levels (25–80%) of mutant p53, four showed intermediate levels (>20%), and seven had undetectable levels of the protein. Of these seven, four showed complete absence of mRNA. Of the remaining three cell lines one showed aberrant mRNA due to germline rearrangement of thep53 gene, whereas in two cell lines normal levels of mRNA were present. Nineteen of the 20 cell lines had normal germline configurations for thep53 gene, while one showed a rearrangement. These data suggest that functional loss ofp53 andnm23 genes accomplished by a variety of mechanisms may be associated with poor prognosis and survival. In addition, concurrent deletions of chromosome regions 17p, 17q and 1p were closely associated with high-stage hepatic metastatic disease. These cell lines with well-characterized genetic alterations and known clinical history provide an invaluable source of material for various biological and clinical studies relating to multistep colorectal tumorigenesis.  相似文献   
The first record of Misgurnus anguillicaudatus in Germany   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Oriental weatherfish Misgurnus anguillicaudatus , from southern China, have been imported to Germany in large numbers for the garden pond trade. The first record of M. anguillicaudatus from Central Europe, a population that has been established for at least 14 years in a small nature reserve in Germany, is detailed.  相似文献   
This paper presents methods for the stereological analysis of spatial fibre systems on the base of planar or thin sections. Under the assumption that the cross-section figures of the tubular fibres can be measured, the orientation distribution of the fibre system and its line density Lv can be determined from one section only and without distributional assumptions. A simple way to study the degree of randomness of fibre systems consists in the statistical analysis of the point pattern of centres of intersection figures. More sophisticated methods are of stereological nature and yield the spatial reduced second moment measure. Similarly also correlations between two fibre systems can be quantified. The methods are demonstrated by two examples concerning samples of human brain.  相似文献   
This paper presents the results of karyological analysis of seven Alchemilla species collected from north-east Anatolia, Turkey, belonging to Alchemilla sect. Alchemilla subsect. Heliodrosium ser. Vulgares and subsect. Calycanthum ser. Elatae and ser. Calycinae. The following chromosome numbers were determined: A. haraldi 2n = 85–105, A. heterophylla 2n = 85–97, A. hirtipedicellata 2n = 86–100, A. oriturcica 2n = 86–102, A. persica 2n = 78–99, A. procerrima 2n = 69–78 and A. trabzonica 2n = 78–88. The chromosome numbers of three of these seven species are presented for the first time.  相似文献   
The SHR-Lx congenic strain carrying a differential segment of chromosome 8 of BN and PD origin was recently shown to exhibit a significant decrease in blood pressure as compared to the SHR strain. There were two positional candidate genes for blood pressure control mapped to the differential segment: the rat kidney epithelial potassium channel gene (Kcnj1) and brain dopamine receptor 2 gene (Drd2). Bot these genes were separated into SHR.BN-RNO8 congenic substrains. In this communication, we are presenting the assignment of two further putative candidate genes, which might be involved in blood pressure control to the BN/PD differential segment of the SHR-Lx congenic strain. These are: the gene coding for smooth muscle cell specific protein 22 (Sm22) defined by the D8Mcw1 marker and neuronal nicotinic acetylcholine receptor gene cluster, defined by the D8Bord1 marker. Moreover, the glutamate receptor gene Grik4 which also maps to the differential segment of the SHR-Lx should be taken into account. The genetic separation of all these putative candidate genes of blood pressure control is being performed by recombinations and subsequent selection using (SHR×SHR-Lx) intercross population.  相似文献   
International actions to combat the threat posed by invasive alien species (IAS) to crops and biodiversity have intensified in recent years. The formulation of 15 guiding principles on IAS by the Convention on Biological Diversity (CBD) stimulated the International Plant Protection Convention (IPPC) to review its role in protecting biodiversity. IPPC standards now demonstrate clearly that the risks posed by any organism that is directly or indirectly injurious to cultivated or uncultivated plants can be assessed and managed under the IPPC. Since the IPPC, unlike the CBD, constitutes an international legal instrument recognised by the World Trade Organization, greater protection from the introduction of IAS is now available. However, phytosanitary measures can only be enacted if they can be justified by risk analysis and we outline some novel strategies to improve the assessment and management of the risks posed by IAS, highlighting some of the key challenges which remain.  相似文献   
Summary A cell line derived from a human ovarian carcinosarcoma was established in tissue culture and in nude mice. Two sublines, LDF and HDF, separated by discontinuous density centrifugation were also established from the parent line JoN. The cloning efficiency of the JoN line was 21%. Morphologic features of adenocarcinoma cells characteristic of the parent JoN cells were retained in the sublines and clones; all lines showed the same karyotype and DNA content (pseudodiploid and pseudotetraploid). Keratin, as demonstrated immunohistochemically, was strongly expressed in the parent line JoN and the xenograft tumor, but not at all in the LDF sublines and only moderately in the HDF sublines. Vimentin, however, was expressed in neither the parent line JoN nor the xenograft tumor, but was present in both sublines. Transglutaminase and plasminogen activator activity was high in the parent line JoN. Neither, sublines nor clones showed the same high enzyme activity as the parent line. It is concluded that this human tumor line JoN is comprised of epithelial cells, capable of multidirectional differentiation.  相似文献   
Genetic analysis of a proposed cis-acting temporal locus ( Adh-3t ), which regulates alcohol dehydrogenase C2 (ADH-C2) acitivity in mouse epididymis extracts, among F1 (ddN × BALB/c) × ddN male backcross progeny provided evidence for genetic distinctness between the structural ( Adh-3 ) and temporal ( Adh-3t ) loci on chromosome 3. Genetic analysis also confirmed the close, linkage of Adh-1 (encoding liver and kidney ADH-A2) and Adh-3 (encoding stomach ADH-C2) to within 0.3 centimorgans on the mouse genome. Evidence is presented for a proposed closely linked cis-acting temporal locus (designated Adh-1t ) for the A2 isozyme (encoded by Adh-1 ) controlling the activity of this enzyme in mouse kidney extracts, but having no apparent affect on liver and intestine ADH-A2 activities. An extensive survey of the distribution of Adh-1, Adh-3 and Adh-3t alleles among 65 strains of mice is reported — with the exception of two Japanese strains (ddN and KF), linkage disequilibrium between Adh-3 and Adh-3t was observed. Sex differences in mouse liver and kidney ADH-A2 activities were observed, with male/female ratios of approximately 0.6 and 3 respectively for these tissue extracts.  相似文献   
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