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Prenatal exposure to alcohol causes a wide range of deficits known as fetal alcohol spectrum disorders (FASDs). Many factors determine vulnerability to developmental alcohol exposure including timing and pattern of exposure, nutrition and genetics. Here, we characterized how a prevalent single nucleotide polymorphism in the human brain‐derived neurotrophic factor (BDNF) gene (val66met) modulates FASDs severity. This polymorphism disrupts BDNF's intracellular trafficking and activity‐dependent secretion, and has been linked to increased incidence of neuropsychiatric disorders such as depression and anxiety. We hypothesized that developmental ethanol (EtOH) exposure more severely affects mice carrying this polymorphism. We used transgenic mice homozygous for either valine (BDNFval/val) or methionine (BDNFmet/met) in residue 68, equivalent to residue 66 in humans. To model EtOH exposure during the second and third trimesters of human pregnancy, we exposed mice to EtOH in vapor chambers during gestational days 12 to 19 and postnatal days 2 to 9. We found that EtOH exposure reduces cell layer volume in the dentate gyrus and the CA1 hippocampal regions of BDNFmet/met but not BDNFval/val mice during the juvenile period (postnatal day 15). During adulthood, EtOH exposure reduced anxiety‐like behavior and disrupted trace fear conditioning in BDNFmet/met mice, with most effects observed in males. EtOH exposure reduced adult neurogenesis only in the ventral hippocampus of BDNFval/val male mice. These studies show that the BDNF val66met polymorphism modulates, in a complex manner, the effects of developmental EtOH exposure, and identify a novel genetic risk factor that may regulate FASDs severity in humans.  相似文献   
The cultivation of perennial wild plant mixtures (WPMs) in biogas cropping systems dominated by maize (Zea mays L.) restores numerous ecosystem functions and improves both spatial and temporal agrobiodiversity. In addition, the colorful appearance of WPM can help enhance landscape beauty. However, their methane yield per hectare (MYH) varies greatly and amounts to only about 50% that of maize. This study aimed at decreasing MYH variability and increasing accumulated MYH of WPM by optimizing the establishment method. A field trial was established in southwest Germany in 2014, and is still running. It tested the effects of three WPM establishment procedures (E1: alone [without maize, in May], E2: undersown in cover crop maize [in May], E3: WPM sown after whole‐crop harvest of spring barley [Hordeum vulgare L.] in June) on both MYH and species diversity of two WPMs [S1, S2]). Mono‐cropped maize and cup plant (Silphium perfoliatum L.) were used as reference crops. Of the WPM treatments tested, S2E2 achieved the highest (19,296 , 60.5% of maize) and S1E1 the lowest accumulated MYH (8,156 , 25.6% of maize) in the years 2014–2018. Cup plant yielded slightly higher than S2E2 (19,968 , 62.6% of maize). In 2014, the WPM sown under maize did not significantly affect the cover crop performance. From 2015 onward, E1 and E2 had comparable average annual MYH and average annual number of WPM species. With a similar accumulated MYH but significantly higher number of species (3.5–10.2), WPM S2E2 outperformed cup plant. Overall, the long‐term MYH performance of WPM cultivation for biogas production can be significantly improved by undersowing with maize as cover crop. This improved establishment method could help facilitate the implementation of WPM cultivation for biogas production and thus reduce the trade‐off between bioenergy and biodiversity.  相似文献   
Waxes are components of the cuticle covering the aerial organs of plants. Accumulation of waxes has previously been associated with protection against water loss, therefore contributing to drought tolerance. However, not much information is known about the function of individual wax components during water deficit. We studied the role of wax ester synthesis during drought. The wax ester load on Arabidopsis leaves and stems was increased during water deficiency. Expression of three genes, WSD1, WSD6 and WSD7 of the wax ester synthase/diacylglycerol acyltransferase (WS/DGAT or WSD) family was induced during drought, salt stress and abscisic acid treatment. WSD1 has previously been identified as the major wax ester synthase of stems. wsd1 mutants have shown reduced wax ester coverage on leaves and stems during normal or drought condition, while wax ester loads of wsd6, wsd7 and of the wsd6wsd7 double mutant were unchanged. The growth and relative water content of wsd1 plants were compromised during drought, while leaf water loss of wsd1 was increased. Enzyme assays with recombinant proteins expressed in insect cells revealed that WSD6 and WSD7 contain wax ester synthase activity, albeit with different substrate specificity compared with WSD1. WSD6 and WSD7 localize to the endoplasmic reticulum (ER)/Golgi. These results demonstrated that WSD1 is involved in the accumulation of wax esters during drought, while WSD6 and WSD7 might play other specific roles in wax ester metabolism during stress.  相似文献   
稳定的边坡群落是公路边坡生态防护的目标,为探究高速公路生态护坡工程10 a演替后群落特征,该研究以泌桐高速公路为依托,布设自然恢复、单一狗牙根播种和5个不同播种密度的草灌混播生态防护措施,分析不同恢复方式对边坡群落组成、生活型和物种多样性的影响。结果表明:(1)调查样方内共有52种植物,分属于17科49属。禾本科、菊科和豆科植物共26属29种,占种总数的55.77%,表明这三大科植物在边坡群落演替过程中起着重要作用。(2) 10 a演替后不同恢复方式下群落中多年生植物比例高于一年生草本植物。(3)在草灌混播样地中,群落物种多样性指数随着播种密度的增加呈先增加后降低的单峰变化趋势,在播种密度为每平方米500株时达到最大。(4)草灌混播的生态恢复效果优于纯草本种植和自然恢复方式。(5)播种密度对草灌混播群落类型,地上生物量和物种多样性指数没有显著影响。从植物的生长效果及成本方面考虑,初播密度每平方米为500~600株的草灌混播可构建较为稳定的边坡植物群落,实现最佳的边坡恢复效果,可应用于类似区域边坡生态恢复工程。  相似文献   
We report herein the synthesis of new alpha and beta aminooxylated L-fucopyranosyl derivatives for the preparation of glycoclusters through oxime ligation. The glycosylation reaction between activated triacetylated L-fucopyranosyl fluoride and N-hydroxyphthalimide was carried out in the presence of boron trifluoride-diethyl etherate and the stereochemical outcome of glycosylation was compared in dichloromethane, acetonitrile or tetrahydrofuran. Interestingly, an unexpected alpha and beta anomer ratio was obtained in spite of the presence of an acetate participating group at the carbon 2, particularly the 1,2-cis glycosylation was largely favoured in acetonitrile. The resulting alpha and beta N-oxyphthalimido fucopyranosyl derivatives were finally deprotected with methylhydrazine to obtain the corresponding free aminooxylated fucopyranosyls. The structure of single-crystal alpha anomer 12 was analysed by X-ray diffraction.  相似文献   
This study represents an efficient preliminary protocol for in vitro mass production of two Paulownia species (Paulownia hybrid and Paulownia tomentosa) seedlings by using seed explant. Different concentrations of benzyladenine (BA) or Kinetin (Kin) (0.0, 2.0, 4.0, 6.0, 8.0 and 10.0 mg/L) were tested during multiplication stage. The number of shoots/explants was significantly increased with increasing either BA or Kin concentration; however, the shoot length significantly decreased. Data show that media fortified by BA (10 mg/L) combined with indole butyric acid (IBA) at 1.0 or 1.5 mg/L recorded the highest number of shoots/explant (9.13 and 9.25, respectively). After six weeks during the multiplication stage, data cleared that media fortified by benzyladenine (10 mg/L) combined with IBA at 0.5 mg/L recorded the highest shoot length (3.23 cm). The inclusion of indole butyric acid (IBA) or naphthalene acetic acid (NAA) at 1.0–1.5 mg/L to the medium significantly increased the number of roots/plantlets and the highest root length. The results indicated that IBA supplementation was more effective than NAA for in vitro rooting of both Paulownia species. The best treatment for multiplication was 10 mg/L and 8.0–10 mg/L BA for P. hybrid and P. tomentosa, respectively. Peat moss and sand (1:1, v/v) or peat moss and sand (1:2, v/v) were investigated as soil mixture during the adaptation stage. The results referred that Paulownia species plantlets were successfully survived (100 %) in soil mixture contained peat moss: sand (1:2, v/v). This mixture recorded the highest values of plantlet height and number of leaves/plantlets.  相似文献   
Multicellular three-dimensional (3D) spheroids allow intimate cell–cell communication and cell–extracellular matrix interaction. Thus, 3D cell spheroids better mimic microenvironment in vivo than two-dimensional (2D) monolayer cultures. The purpose of this study was to evaluate the behaviors of human dental pulp cells (DPCs) cultured on chitosan and polyvinyl alcohol (PVA) membranes. The protein expression of hypoxia-inducible factor 1-α (HIF-1α) and vascular endothelial growth factor (VEGF), and the migration ability of the DPCs from 2D versus 3D environments were investigated. The results showed that both chitosan and PVA membranes support DPCs aggregation to form multicellular spheroids. In comparison to 2D cultures on tissue culture polystyrene, DPC spheroids exhibited higher protein expression of HIF-1α and VEGF. The treatment with YC-1 (inhibitor to HIF-1α) blocked the upregulation of VEGF, indicating a downstream event to HIF-1α expression. When DPC spheroids were collected and subjected to the transwell assay, the cells growing outward from 3D spheroids showed greater migration ability than those from 2D cultures. Moreover, DPCs aggregation and spheroid formation on chitosan membrane were abolished by Y-27632 (inhibitor to Rho-associated kinases), whereas the inhibitory effect did not exist on PVA membrane. This suggests that the mechanism regulating DPCs aggregation and spheroid formation on chitosan membrane is involved with the Rho-associated kinase signaling pathway. In summary, the multicellular spheroid structure was beneficial to the protein expression of HIF-1α and VEGF in DPCs and enhanced the migration ability of the cells climbing from spheroids. This study showed a new perspective in exploring novel strategies for DPC-based research and application.  相似文献   
Diabetic nephropathy is the leading cause of renal failure worldwide. This debilitating disorder has several underlying pathophysiologic mechanisms, and therefore a variety of pharmacologic agents have been developed to prevent or treat diabetic nephropathy; however, synthetic drugs may possess unfavorable side effects. In response to this, the global use of herbal-based pharmacologic agents is increasing among diabetic patients. Numerous studies have reported therapeutic benefits of herbal-based compounds against diabetes-induced renal dysfunction. These agents can prevent renal dysfunction and improve renal function by blocking or suppressing deleterious pathways such as oxidative stress, inflammation, apoptosis, necrosis, and nitric oxide deprivation that lead to vascular injuries. In the current study, we have reviewed the beneficial properties of the most common herbal agents used in renal complications and diabetic nephropathy.  相似文献   
Alcohol dehydrogenase (ADH) and amine dehydrogenase (AmDH)-catalyzed one-pot cascade conversion of an alcohol to an amine provides a simple preparation of chiral amines. To enhance the cofactor recycling in this reaction, we report a new concept of coupling whole-cells with the cell-free system to enable separated intracellular and extracellular cofactor regeneration and recycling. This was demonstrated by the respective biotransformation of racemic 4-phenyl-2-butanol 1a and 1-phenyl-2-propanol 1b to (R)-4-phenylbutan-2-amine 3a and (R)-1-phenylpropan-2-amine 3b . Escherichia coli cells expressing S-enantioselective CpsADH, R-enantioselective PfODH, and NADH oxidase (NOX) was developed to oxidize racemic alcohols 1a–b to ketones 2a–b with full conversion via intracellular NAD+ recycling. AmDH and glucose dehydrogenase (GDH) were used to convert ketones 2a–b to amines (R)- 3a–b with 89–94% conversion and 891–943 times recycling of NADH. Combining the cells and enzymes for the cascade transformation of racemic alcohols 1a–b gave 70% and 48% conversion to the amines (R)- 3a and (R)-3 b in 99% ee, with a total turnover number (TTN) of 350 and 240 for NADH recycling, respectively. Improved results were obtained by using the E. coli cells with immobilized AmDH and GDH: (R)- 3a was produced in 99% ee with 71–84% conversion and a TTN of 1410-1260 for NADH recycling, the highest value so far for the ADH–AmDH-catalyzed cascade conversion of alcohols to amines. The concept might be generally applicable to this type of reactions.  相似文献   
Aromatic compounds derived from lignin are of great interest for renewable biotechnical applications. They can serve in many industries e.g. as biochemical building blocks for bioplastics or biofuels, or as antioxidants, flavor agents or food preservatives. In nature, lignin is degraded by microorganisms, which results in the release of homocyclic aromatic compounds. Homocyclic aromatic compounds can also be linked to polysaccharides, tannins and even found freely in plant biomass. As these compounds are often toxic to microbes already at low concentrations, they need to be degraded or converted to less toxic forms. Prior to ring cleavage, the plant- and lignin-derived aromatic compounds are converted to seven central ring-fission intermediates, i.e. catechol, protocatechuic acid, hydroxyquinol, hydroquinone, gentisic acid, gallic acid and pyrogallol through complex aromatic metabolic pathways and used as energy source in the tricarboxylic acid cycle. Over the decades, bacterial aromatic metabolism has been described in great detail. However, the studies on fungal aromatic pathways are scattered over different pathways and species, complicating a comprehensive view of fungal aromatic metabolism. In this review, we depicted the similarities and differences of the reported aromatic metabolic pathways in fungi and bacteria. Although both microorganisms share the main conversion routes, many alternative pathways are observed in fungi. Understanding the microbial aromatic metabolic pathways could lead to metabolic engineering for strain improvement and promote valorization of lignin and related aromatic compounds.  相似文献   
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