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After 40 years of debate it remains unclear whether signallers produce vocalizations in order to provide receivers with information about call context or external stimuli. This has led some researchers to propose that call production is arousal‐ or affect‐based. Although arousal influences certain acoustic parameters within a call type, we argue that it cannot explain why individuals across vertebrates produce different call types. Given emerging evidence that calls are goal‐based, we argue that call type is a signal of a caller's goal to elicit a change in receiver behaviour. Using chimpanzees (Pan troglodytes) and vervet monkeys (Cercopithecus aethiops) as case studies, we demonstrate the two benefits of viewing call production as signalling both caller goal (which determines call type) and caller arousal (which affects within‐call‐type variation). Such a framework can explain first, why a single class of calls is apparently given in multiple contexts, and, second, why some species have larger call repertoires than others. Previous studies have noted links between sociality and repertoire size, but have not specified exactly why animals living in societies that are more complex might require a greater number of differentiated signals. The caller‐goal framework potentially clarifies how social complexity might favour call diversification. As social complexity increases, callers may need to elicit a larger number of distinct behaviours from a wider range of distinct audiences.  相似文献   
Limited information is available regarding the acoustic communication of Antillean manatees, however, studies have shown that other manatee taxa produce vocalizations as a method of individual recognition and communication. Here, the acoustic signals of 15 Antillean manatees in captivity were recorded, aiming to (1) describe their acoustic repertoire, (2) investigate the influence of sex and age on vocalization, and (3) examine manatee responses to call playback. Six acoustic signals ranging in mean fundamental frequencies from 0.64 kHz to 5.23 kHz were identified: squeaks and screeches were common to adult males, adult females, and juveniles; trills were common to adult males and females; whines were specific to males; creaks were specific to females; and rubbing was specific to juveniles. The structure of squeak vocalizations was significantly different between age and sex classes and screech structure was significantly different between age classes. Squeaks and screeches produced by juveniles had higher frequencies of maximum energy when compared to those produced by adult males and females. A significant increase in the vocalization rate following vocalization playbacks was found for all three age/sex groups. Our results introduce the potential of using acoustic signals in identifying and noninvasively monitoring manatees in the wild in Brazil.  相似文献   
Patterns of advertisement call were investigated in two genetically distinct water frog lineages ( Rana kl esculenta, Rana. kl grafi ), which were identified by starch gel electrophoresis – the aim being to determinate the role of vocalization in the hybridogenetic process. Both hybrids displayed major modifications from the basic structure of the Rana ridibunda call. In Rana kl grafi , the call structure tended to correspond to that of Rana perezi in most of the studied parameters (frequency, duration, number of pulses) whereas the call of Rana kl esculenta tended to resemble that of Rana lessonae . The ascendant hierarchical classification clearly revealed such a convergence toward parental species and accounted for a divergence between hybrids. Changes in call patterns might result from both the expression of the non- ridibunda genome and the sexual selective pressure through female mate choice. Only few non- ridibunda females exhibited a preference for hybrid calls which, however, allowed some hybridogenetic males to obtain successful mates. Thus, hybridogenesis induced character convergence in courtship signal with the non- ridibunda species in hybrid zones. In any case, these changes in the courtship signal favoured the particular hybridogenetic process, which constitutes a quasi-parasitism of the non- ridibunda genome.  相似文献   
This study investigated whether rainbow darters Etheostoma caeruleum can learn to recognize unfamiliar predators through the process of classical conditioning. Etheostoma caeruleum were conditioned by exposing them simultaneously to their chemical alarm cues (a known fright stimulus) and either chemical cues from larval ringed salamanders Ambystoma annulatum (unfamiliar predator) or to a blank water cue (control). Conditioning could result in either specific learning of the A. annulatum cue or increased wariness in response to any novel cue (neophobia). To distinguish between these possibilities, E. caeruleum in both groups were exposed to either A. annulatum cues alone or to chemical cues from western rat snakes Pantherophis obsoletus (novel cue) 2 days after conditioning. Treatment (A. annulatum‐conditioned) E. caeruleum, but not control E. caeruleum, showed a fright response when they were exposed to both the conditioned (A. annulatum) and novel (P. obsoletus) cues, indicating increased sensitivity to new stimuli. When E. caeruleum were retested after an additional 32 days, however, the fright response occurred only following exposure to the conditioned (A. annulatum) stimulus, indicating that specific learning of the A. annulatum cue had been retained whereas the neophobia to novel stimuli was temporary.  相似文献   
After sections of left or right tracheosyringeal nerve (NXⅡts), greenfinches may repeat everyday calls, with no effect on temporal properties. It is suggested that either side of syrinx may produce sound alone and ipsilateral innervation of NXⅡts for the syringeal muscles. After section of left NXIIts, the bird produces the vocal pattern of partial tone increase, and effects on the sound intensity and sentence length average 1.4 and 2.8 times those after section of right NXIIts, suggesting that the innervation of NXIIts has left side dominance. After bilateral section of NXIIts, the call rhythm in company with expiratory motions is 98-146 times/min,on an average, and lose all sentence types and syllable structure of normal call. But the call spectra produced by tympaniform membrane vibrations without innervation still reserve frequency components similar to the tonic frequency and harmonics of normal calls.  相似文献   
Two way choice tests show a preference of female zebra finches for male songs four standard deviations longer than normal song. Further tests show the ontogeny of this preference to parallel song learning in general as well as a preference for songs with entirely heterogeneous notes compared to songs with four note repeats. These findings are discussed in relation to a theory of the evolution of bird song from bird calls due to female preferences for longer, more complex vocalizations. This revised version was published online in July 2006 with corrections to the Cover Date.  相似文献   
Coevolutionary interactions between avian brood parasites and their hosts often lead to the evolution of discrimination and rejection of parasite eggs or chicks by hosts based on visual cues, and the evolution of visual mimicry of host eggs or chicks by brood parasites. Hosts may also base rejection of brood parasite nestlings on vocal cues, which would in turn select for mimicry of host begging calls in brood parasite chicks. In cuckoos that exploit multiple hosts with different begging calls, call structure may be plastic, allowing nestlings to modify their calls to match those of their various hosts, or fixed, in which case we would predict either imperfect mimicry or divergence of the species into host-specific lineages. In our study of the little bronze-cuckoo (LBC) Chalcites minutillus and its primary host, the large-billed gerygone Gerygone magnirostris, we tested whether: (1) hosts use nestling vocalizations as a cue to discriminate cuckoo chicks; (2) cuckoo nestlings mimic the host begging calls throughout the nestling period; and (3) the cuckoo begging calls are plastic, thereby facilitating mimicry of the calls of different hosts. We found that the begging calls of LBCs are most similar to their gerygone hosts shortly after hatching (when rejection by hosts typically occurs) but become less similar as cuckoo chicks get older. Begging call structure may be used as a cue for rejection by hosts, and these results are consistent with gerygone defenses selecting for age-specific vocal mimicry in cuckoo chicks. We found no evidence that LBC begging calls were plastic.  相似文献   
Repeated calls are part of the vocal repertoire of a diverse array of species, often presented in sequences that take time and effort on the part of the signal producer. Rhythmic repeated call sequences make up a significant portion of long-finned pilot whale (Globicephala melas) vocal production, yet the function of these sequences has not been investigated until now. In this study, we explored the relationship between behavioural context and the presence of these vocal sequences using recordings of a population of pilot whales found off Cape Breton, Nova Scotia, Canada. We used a binomial logit-link generalized linear model to look for possible predictors of the presence of repeated call sequences. They were more common in recordings of socializing whales than in those of whales in other behavioural states, and least common in resting whales. These vocal repetitions were also more common with larger group size. These results suggest that sequences function in maintaining contact and cohesion within this social species, possibly also serving in individual or group identification. The context of repeated call sequences indicate that they are not primarily mother–calf interactions, as they are heard just as commonly from groups without young. Future studies of pilot whale repeated call sequences should include individual-level behaviour and detailed acoustic calling context.  相似文献   
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