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Variations in male body size are known to affect inter‐ and intrasexual selection outcomes in a wide range of animals. In mating systems involving sexual signaling before mating, body size often acts as a key factor affecting signal strength and mate choice. We evaluated the effect of male size on courtship displays and mating success of the olive fruit fly, Bactrocera oleae (Diptera: Tephritidae). Wing vibrations performed during successful and unsuccessful courtships by large and small males were recorded by high‐speed videos and analyzed through frame‐by‐frame analysis. Mating success of large and small males was investigated. The effect of male–male competition on mating success was evaluated. Male body size affected both male courtship signals and mating outcomes. Successful males showed wing‐borne signals with high frequencies and short interpulse intervals. Wing vibrations displayed by successful large males during copulation attempt had higher frequencies over smaller males and unsuccessful large males. In no‐competition conditions, large males achieved higher mating success with respect to smaller ones. Allowing large and small males to compete for a female, large males achieve more mating success over smaller ones. Mate choice by females may be based on selection of the larger males, able to produce high‐frequency wing vibrations. Such traits may be indicative of “good genes,” which under sexual selection could means good social‐interaction genes, or a good competitive manipulator of conspecifics.  相似文献   
在广西桂林研究了同域分布的大蹄蝠(Hipposideros armiger)和中蹄蝠(H.larvatus)在不同开阔度环境中回声定位声波信号的变化。用超声波仪录制自由悬挂和分别释放于人工"大棚"和"小棚"内飞行的蝙蝠的回声定位声波,使用超声分析软件分析声脉冲时程、主频率及声脉冲间隔,通过重复测量方差分析比较不同状态下的声波参数。结果表明:中蹄蝠声波的主频在悬挂状态下最高,小棚内飞行时次之,大棚内飞行最低;两种蹄蝠声波的脉冲时程和脉冲间隔在悬挂状态下最长,大棚内飞行次之,小棚内飞行最低。总之,这两种蹄蝠的回声定位声波能够随所处状态的变化而变化,可根据生境的复杂度调节声讯号,具有明显的声波可塑性。  相似文献   
Species-specific disturbance calls of five commercially-important characiform species are described, the Curimatidae commonly called branquinhas: Potamorhina latior, Potamorhina altamazonica and Psectrogaster amazonica; Prochilodontidae: jaraquí Semaprochilodus insignis and curimatã Prochilodus nigricans. All species have a two-chambered swimbladder and the sonic mechanism, present exclusively in males, utilises hypertrophied red muscles between ribs that adhere to the anterior chamber. The number of muscles is unusually plastic across species and varies from 1 to 4 pairs suggesting considerable evolution in an otherwise conservative system. Advertisement calls are produced in river confluences in the Madeira Basin during the high-water mating season (January–February). Disturbance calls and sampling allowed recognition of underwater advertisement choruses from P. latior, S. insignis and P. nigricans. The advertisement calls of the first two species have largely similar characteristics and they mate in partially overlapping areas in the Guaporé River. However, P. latior sounds have a lower dominant frequency and it prefers to call from river confluences whereas S. insignis shoals occur mostly in the main river channel adjacent to the confluence. These results help identify and differentiate underwater sounds and evaluate breeding areas during the courtship of commercially important characids likely to be affected by two hydroelectric dams.  相似文献   
Many species approach predators to harass them and drive them away. Both the intensity of this antipredator strategy and its success are positively related to the size of the group that carries out this mobbing. To recruit individuals to the mob, members of prey species produce mobbing calls. In some songbirds—the Japanese tit, Parus minor, and the southern pied babbler, Turdoides bicolor—mobbing calls are structurally complex and it has been suggested that they convey information by means of compositional syntax, when meaningful items are combined into larger units. These two species combine alert and recruitment calls into an alert and recruitment sequence when attracting conspecifics to cooperate in mobbing a predator. Whether this rudimentary, two‐call, compositional structure is used by other bird species in mobbing calls and how it can alter the ability of heterospecifics to adequately recognize mobbing calls is not well understood. Heterospecifics’ responses to mobs are critical to the success of the mobbing strategy, so it is of great importance to understand whether and how syntax influences these responses. To address these questions, we conducted two playback experiments. Firstly, we investigated whether the great tit, Parus major, extracts different meanings from different individual motifs (i.e., component calls), and from combined motifs in both natural and artificially reversed order. We found that great tits extract different meanings from the two motifs involved in mobbing calls and that they also discriminate for motif order reversal in the mobbing call sequence. Secondly, we investigated whether heterospecifics (the coal tit, Periparus ater, and the common chaffinch, Fringilla coelebs) are sensitive to syntax alteration of great tit mobbing calls. While chaffinches did not respond to great tit mobbing calls, coal tits were sensitive to mobbing call sequence reversal although they did not react in the same way as conspecific subjects. Overall, whereas our results indicate that tits are sensitive to call reversal, this is not to say that tits actually use compositional syntax to increase the information content.  相似文献   
Many prey species suffer from different predators in the course of their ontogeny. Hence, the alarm signal a small prey individual sends can have a different meaning than the signal a large prey individual sends, both for small and for large receivers. Larvae of Western Flower Thrips face predators that attack only small larvae, or predators that attack small larvae and large larvae. Furthermore, thrips larvae release a two‐component alarm pheromone, which varies in composition with larval age. Here, we study whether their response to alarm pheromone varies with composition of the pheromone. First, we confirmed that large and small larvae respond when nearby larvae of both sizes were prodded with a brush to induce alarm pheromone excretion. Subsequently, we tested whether thrips larvae of a given size respond differentially to alarm pheromone excreted by a small or large companion larva. We analyzed two types of behavior used in direct defense against a predator and one type of escape response. Only small (not large) larvae attempted to escape more frequently in response to excretions from a large larva. This difference in response could have been due to the alarm pheromone or to the companion larva in the vicinity. We subsequently tested for, but did not find, an effect of size of the companion larva on the behavior of the test larva when exposed to synthetic pheromone mimicking that of a large larva. Finally, we tested how pheromone composition affects antipredator behavior by exposing thrips larvae to synthetic pheromones differing in amount and ratio of the two components. Only for small larvae, we found significant changes in escape behavior with pheromone amount, and a trend with the ratio. Overall, we conclude that small thrips larvae respond differentially to alarm pheromones excreted by small and large larvae and that this differential response is due to differences in pheromone quantity and possibly also quality. Our results suggest that responses to alarm signals can vary with the chemical composition of those alarm signals.  相似文献   
Antipredator strategies vary remarkably between individuals within populations. Parents tend to take greater risks when brood value is increased. Moreover, individuals consistently differ in a whole suite of correlated behaviours that may cause distinctive responses to predators. It is likely that individual differences in antipredator behaviour may co‐vary with proxies for fitness such as reproductive success. We used a 4‐year data from wild great tits (Parus major) to test whether passive and active antipredator strategies (females with no response vs. those giving hissing calls towards a nest predator) during the incubation stage can reflect variation in breeding success. Although clutch size did not depend on hissing behaviour, the number of surviving offspring from eggs and neonates to fledglings was higher for non‐hissing than hissing birds. We conclude that females with distinct antipredator strategies can prioritize different fitness components.  相似文献   
North Atlantic right whale monitoring in Roseway Basin, Canada, is primarily based on short‐term (<14 d) visual surveys conducted during August–September. Variability in survey effort has been the biggest limiting factor to studying changes in the population's occurrence and habitat use. Such efforts could be enhanced considerably using passive acoustic monitoring (PAM). We sought to determine if variation in whale presence, relative abundance, demography, and/or behavior (estimated through visual surveys) could be explained by variation in three right whale call types in this habitat. A generalized linear model was fit to 23 d of concurrent PAM and visual monitoring during four summers within the Roseway Basin Right Whale Critical Habitat boundaries. The model revealed significant positive relationships between relative abundance, call counts and presence of surface‐active group behavior. PAM can refine daily right whale presence estimates. While visual observations (n = 23 d) implied a 40% decline in right whale presence during 2014–2015 relative to 2004–2005, PAM data (n = 211 d) showed right whales were present between 71%–85% of survey days throughout all years analyzed. We demonstrate that PAM is a useful tool to extend periods of right whale monitoring, especially in areas where visual monitoring efforts may be limited.  相似文献   
Common marmosets vocalize phee calls as isolation calls, which seem to facilitate their reunion with family groups. To identify multiple acoustic properties with different time courses, we examined acoustic modulations of phees during different social contexts of isolation. Subject marmosets were totally isolated in one condition, were visually isolated and could exchange vocalizations in another condition, and were visually isolated and subsequently totally isolated in a third condition. We recorded 6,035 phees of 10 male–female marmoset pairs and conducted acoustic analysis. The marmosets frequently vocalized phees that were temporally elongated and louder during isolation, with varying time courses of these changes in acoustic parameters. The vocal rates and sound levels of the phees increased as soon as the marmosets saw their pair mates being taken away, and then gradually calmed down. The phee duration was longer in conditions during which there were no vocal responses from their pair mates. Louder vocalizations are conspicuous and seem to be effective for long‐distance transmission, whereas shorter call duration during vocal exchanges might avoid possible vocal overlap between mates. Am. J. Primatol. 72:681–688, 2010. © 2010 Wiley‐Liss, Inc.  相似文献   
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