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The nodulation ability was effectively eliminated from different Rhizobium trifolii strains incubated at elevated temperature (urkowski and Lorkiewicz, 1978). Non-nodulating (Nod-) mutants were stable and no reversion of Nod- to Nod+ phenotype was observed. Strains R. trifolii 24 and T12 which showed a high percentage of elimination of nodulation ability were examined in detail. Two plasmids were detected in strain 24 using neutral and alkaline sucrose gradient centrifugation of plasmid preparations. Molecular weights of the plasmids pWZ1 and pWZ2 were 460 Mdal and 190 Mdal, respectively. Rhizobium lysates labeled with 3H-thymidine and ultracentrifuged in caesium chloride — ethidium bromide gradients demonstrated a 40% reduction of the plasmid DNA content in R. trifolii 24 Nod- mutants in comparison with the nodulating wild type strain 24. It was found further that non-nodulation of mutants 24 Nod- was due to the absence of plasmid pWZ2. Sucrose gradient data also demonstrated that strain T12 contained two plasmids with molecular weights corresponding to those of pWZ1 and pWZ2, respectively. In Nod- mutant clones derived from strain T12, pWZ2 plasmid was missing.Non Standard Abbreviations CCC covalently closed circular - OC open cirucular - Sarkosyl sodium N-lauroylsarcosinate  相似文献   
When grown in short day conditions and at low light, leaves of Arabidopsis plants with mutations in the genes encoding two plastidial ATP/ADP transporters (so-called null mutants) spontaneously develop necrotic lesions. Under these conditions, the mutants also display light-induced accumulation of H(2)O(2) and constitutive expression of genes for copper/zinc superoxide dismutase 2 and ascorbate peroxidase 1. In the light phase, null mutants accumulate high levels of phototoxic protoporphyrin IX but have only slightly reduced levels of Mg protoporphyrin IX. The physiological changes are associated with reduced magnesium-chelatase activity. Since the expression of genes encoding any of the three subunits of magnesium-chelatase is similar in wild type and null mutants, decreased enzyme activity is probably due to post-translational modification which might be due to limited availability of ATP in plastids during the night. Surprisingly, the formation of necrotic lesions was absent when null mutants were grown either in long days and low light intensity or in short days and high light intensity. We ascribe the lack of lesion phenotype to increased nocturnal ATP supply due to glycolytic degradation of starch which may lead to additional substrate-level phosphorylation in the stroma. Thus, nocturnal import of ATP into chloroplasts represents a crucial, previously unknown process that is required for controlled chlorophyll biosynthesis and for preventing photooxidative damage.  相似文献   
Abstract The capacity to transport potassium and to discriminate between the different alkali cations has been found to affect sodium tolerance in Saccharomyces cerevisiae . Mutants with a defective capacity to transport K+ were more sensitive to high concentrations of Na+ because they accumulated more Na+ and less K+ than wild-type cells which showed high discrimination between K+ and Na+.  相似文献   
It has been suggested that abscisic acid (ABA) regulates a centralized response of plants to low soil resource availability that is characterized by decreased shoot growth relative to root growth, decreased photosynthesis and stomatal conductance, and decreased plant growth rate. The hypothesis was tested that an ABA-deficient mutant of tomato (flacca; flc) would not exhibit the same pattern of down-regulation of photosynthesis, conductance, leaf area and growth, as well as increased root/shoot partitioning, as its near isogenic wild-type in response to nitrogen or water deficiency, or at least not exhibit these responses to the same degree. Plants were grown from seed in acid-washed sand and exposed to control, nutrient stress, or water stress treatments. Additionally, exogenous ABA was sprayed onto the leaves of a separate group of flc individuals in each treatment. Growth analysis, based on data from frequent harvests of a few individuals, was used to assess the growth and partitioning responses of plants, and gas exchange characteristics were measured on plants throughout the experiment to examine the response of photosynthesis and stomatal conductance. Differences in growth, partitioning and gas exchange variables were found between flc and wild-type individuals, and both nutrient and water treatments caused significant reductions in relative growth rate (RGR) and changes in biomass partitioning. Only the nutrient treatment caused significant reductions in photosynthetic rates. However, flc and wild-type plants responded identically to nutrient and water stress for all but one of the variables measured. The exception was that flc showed a greater decrease in the relative change in leaf area per unit increase of plant biomass (an estimate of the dynamics of leaf area ratio) in response to nutrient stress—a result that is opposite to that predicted by the centralized stress response model. Furthermore, addition of exogenous ABA to flc did not significantly alter any of the responses to nutrient and water stress that we examined. Although it was clear that ABA regulated short-term stomatal responses, we found no evidence to support a pivotal role for ABA, at least absolute amounts of ABA, in regulating a centralized whole-plant response to low soil resource availability.  相似文献   
Summary From among a series of stable, aphidicolin-resistant mutant strains of mouse teratocarcinoma, derived from a multipotent parental line (PSA-1-80), three were selected for further study on the basis of their comparatively high degrees of resistance and elevated frequencies of spontaneous forward mutation to 6-thioguanine and ouabain resistance. Fluctuation tests confirmed that they were mutator strains. Since each of the three mutants was isolated after mutliple rounds of selection, and since a variety of biochemical abnormalities were observed, it is likely that a number of mechanisms, probably consisting of overlapping subsets, determine the phenotypes. Abnormalities in the metabolism of the nucleotide substrates for polymerization are likely to be of major importance in mutants designated Aph-2 and Aph-3, as there were marked alterations in the dCTP and dATP pool sizes. The specific activity of DNA polymerase was also increased. For the case of Aph-3, which exhibited the greatest (400-fold) increase in resistance to aphidicolin, a mutation in the structural gene for DNA polymerase may be an additional important component, since in vitro assays revealed that the isolated enzyme was resistant to aphidicolin. For the case of Aph-1 however, only minor alterations in dNTP pools were observed, and there was no increase in the specific activity of DNA polymerase or in the aphidicolin resistance of the isolated DNA polymerase , suggesting yet another mechanism(s) underlying the aphidicolin resistance/mutator phenotype. All three mutants formed subcutaneous tumors in syngeneic mice; both Aph-1 and Aph-2 were multipotent; whereas Aph-3 was nullipotent. Since the parental cells and at least one other derivative multipotent mutator strain have been shown to contribute to the development of injection chimeric embryos (Aizawa et al. 1985), it may be possible to investigate certain phenotypic consequences of Aph-1 and Aph-2 in vivo.  相似文献   
Kota P  Guo D  Zubieta C  Noel J  Dixon RA 《Phytochemistry》2004,65(7):837-846
Although S-adenosyl-l-methionine (SAM) dependent caffeic acid/5-hydroxyferulic acid 3/5-O-methyltransferase (COMT) is one of the key enzymes in lignin biosynthesis, the present work demonstrates that alfalfa COMT methylates benzaldehyde derivatives more efficiently than lignin pathway intermediates. 3,4-Dihydroxy, 5-methoxybenzaldehyde and protocatechuic aldehyde were the best in vitro substrates for OMT activity in extracts from developing alfalfa stems, and these compounds were preferred over lignin pathway intermediates for 3-O-methylation by recombinant alfalfa COMT expressed in Escherichia coli. OMT activity with benzaldehydes was strongly reduced in extracts from stems of transgenic alfalfa down-regulated in COMT. However, although COMT down-regulation drastically affects lignin composition, it does not appear to significantly impact metabolism of benzaldehyde derivatives in alfalfa. Structurally designed site-directed mutants of COMT showed altered relative substrate preferences for lignin precursors and benzaldehyde derivatives. Taken together, these results indicate that COMT may have more than one role in phenylpropanoid metabolism (but probably not in alfalfa), and that engineered COMT enzymes could be useful for metabolic engineering of both lignin and benzaldehyde-derived flavors and fragrances.  相似文献   
George Mourad  John King 《Planta》1992,188(4):491-497
We have isolated a triazolopyrimidine-resistant mutant csrl-2, of Arabidopsis thaliana (L.) Heynh. Here, we compare csrl-2 with the previously isolated mutants csrl and csr1-1, and with wild-type Arabidopsis for responses to members of four classes of herbicides, namely, sulfonylureas, triazolopyrimidines, imidazolinones, and pyrimidyl-oxy-benzoates. Two separable herbicide binding sites have been identified previously on the protein of acetolactate synthase (ALS). Here, the mutation giving rise to csrl, originating in a coding sequence towards the 5 end of the ALS gene, and that in csrl-2, affected the inhibitory action on growth and ALS activity of sulfonylurea and triazolopyrimidine herbicides but not that of the imidazolinones or pyrimidyl-oxybenzoates. The other mutation, in csrl-1, originating in a coding sequence towards the 3 end of the ALS gene, affected the inhibitory action of imidazolinones and pyrimidyl-oxy-benzoates but not that of the sulfonylureas or triazolopyrimidines. Additional, stimulatory effects of some of these herbicides on growth of seedlings was unrelated to their effect on their primary target, ALS. The conclusion from these observations is that one of the two previously identified herbicide-binding sites may bind sulfonylureas and triazolopyrimidines while the other may bind imidazolinones and pyrimidyl-oxy-benzoates within a herbicide-binding domain on the ALS enzyme. Such a comparative study using near-isogenic mutants from the same species allows not only the further definition of the domain of herbicide binding on ALS but also could aid investigation of the relationship between herbicide-, substrate-, and allosteric-binding sites on this enzyme.This research was supported by an Operating Grant from the Natural Sciences and Engineering Research Council of Canada to J.K.Abbreviations ALS acetolactate synthase - EMS ethylmethane sulfonate - POB pyrimidyl-oxy-benzoate The authors thank Mr. David Williams for his expert technical assistance and Mr. Dennis Dyck for help in preparing the figures.  相似文献   
Summary Ultrastructural observations on the principal endomembranes (endoplasmic reticulum, Golgi apparatus) of synchronously growing of wild type and mutant (CW 2, CW 15) strains ofChlamydomonas reinhardii have been carried out. The dictyosomes of the Golgi apparatus in all three cases are highly polar in morphology but lack intercisternal filaments. A clear spatial relationship between dictyosomes and endoplasmic reticulum is seen and a transfer of vesicles from the latter to the former is easily visualized. Coated vesicles invariably appear to be restricted to the trans-pole of the dictyosomes. The endoplasmic reticulum adjacent to the cis pole of dictyosomes is considerably hypertrophied in the case of the wild type, only partially so in the mutant CW 2 but not at all in the mutant CW 15. In the wild type this swelling is most extreme during the period of wall deposition and for several hours afterwards. The results are discussed in relation to the biosynthesis and intracellular transport of, particularly O-glycosidically linked, glycoproteins.  相似文献   
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