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Despite recent work, uncertainty remains concerning how abiotic and biotic factors affect duckling survival. Additionally, upland habitat characteristics may affect duckling survival rates but this potential relationship has largely been ignored. We evaluated several unresolved hypotheses about causes of mallard (Anas platyrhynchos) duckling survival variation, with an emphasis on assessing effects of managed and remnant natural upland habitats. During 1993–2000, 617 radio-marked females provided information about brood habitat use and duckling survival on 27 sites in prairie Canada. We contrasted a priori and exploratory models that incorporated effects of upland, wetland, weather, female, and brood-related variables on duckling survival rates. Survival was highest for ducklings when a greater proportion of their surrounding landscape (i.e., within a 500-m radius buffer around the brood) was comprised of wetlands characterized by a central expanse of open water and a peripheral ring of flooded emergent vegetation. Cold and wet weather in the first week of life resulted in lower duckling survival. In a post hoc analysis, duckling survival (of older ducklings) was negatively related to increasing proportions of managed hayland. © 2011 The Wildlife Society.  相似文献   
Much of California's San Joaquin Valley is a desert and, like portions of other North American deserts, is experiencing an ecological shift from being dominated by ephemeral native forbs, with widely spaced shrubs, to fire-prone non-native annual grasses. Small terrestrial vertebrates, many of which are adapted to open desert habitats, are declining. One hypothesis is that the invasive plants contribute to the decline by altering vegetative structure. Although cattle may have originally been a factor in the establishment of these non-native plants, their grazing may benefit the terrestrial vertebrates by maintaining an open structure, especially during average or wet winters when the exotic grasses grow especially dense. We experimentally tested the effect of cattle grazing on invasive plants and a community of small vertebrates at a site in the southwestern San Joaquin Desert. We established and monitored 4 treatment (grazed) and 4 control (ungrazed) plots from 1997 to 2006, and assessed the abundances of blunt-nosed leopard lizards (Gambelia sila), giant kangaroo rats (Dipodomys ingens), short-nosed kangaroo rats (Dipodomys nitratoides nitratoides), and San Joaquin antelope squirrels (Ammospermophilus nelsoni), all of which are listed as threatened or endangered by state or federal agencies. We also recorded abundances of the non-protected western whiptail lizards (Aspidoscelis tigris), side-blotched lizards (Uta stansburiana), San Joaquin pocket mice (Perognathus inornatus inornatus), and Heermann's kangaroo rats (Dipdomys heermanni). Based on repeated measures analysis of variance (ANOVA) and a 0.05 alpha level, only Heermann's kangaroo rats showed a treatment effect; they were more abundant on the control plots. However, this effect could be accounted for by the natural re-establishment of saltbush (Atriplex spp.) on part of the study site. Saltbush return also favored western whiptail lizards and San Joaquin antelope squirrels. A regression analysis indicated that populations of blunt-nosed leopard lizard and giant kangaroo rat increased significantly faster in grazed plots than the ungrazed controls, and abundances of 6 of 8 species were negatively correlated with increased residual dry matter. With relaxed alpha values to decrease Type II error, populations of blunt-nosed leopard lizards (500% greater), San Joaquin antelope squirrels (85% greater), and short-nosed kangaroo rats (73% greater) increased significantly on grazed plots over the course of the study compared to ungrazed plots. We did not find grazing to negatively affect abundance of any species we studied. When herbaceous cover is low during years of below average rainfall in deserts and other arid areas, grazing may not be necessary to maintain populations of small vertebrates. However, if cattle grazing is closely monitored in space and time to minimize adverse effects on the habitat, it could be an effective tool to control dense stands of non-native grasses and benefit native wildlife. © 2011 The Wildlife Society.  相似文献   
Many forest tree species produce seed (mast) crops that are consumed by a variety of wildlife species and these pulsed resources may mediate interactions among predator and prey populations. In the northern hardwood forests of New York, we investigated interactions among mast production, prey abundance, and harvests of American martens (Martes americana) and fishers (Martes pennanti) during 1988–2009. Mast production for beech (Fagus grandifolia), sugar maple (Acer saccharum), and mountain ash (Sorbus americana) was synchronous and an alternate-year pattern in production was evident for most of the time series. We documented considerable temporal variation in summer small mammal relative abundance and our numerical response models received substantial support for 5 of the 8 species, indicating lagged responses to autumn mast crops. Trap response of martens to the autumn production of beech mast and mountain ash berries was immediate and numerical responses to the relative abundance of small mammal prey occurred during the preceding summer. The age structure of the marten harvest differed based on the dominant alternate-year pattern of summer prey relative abundance and autumn mast production (χ24 = 33.06, P < 0.001). The proportion of juvenile marten in the autumn harvest was 52% and 34% following summers when small mammal relative abundance was high and low, respectively and these differences resulted in a persistent cohort effect that was apparent until age 3.5. Trap response of fishers to the autumn production of beech mast was immediate and numerical responses to the relative abundance of Sciurid prey occurred during the preceding summer. Marten and fisher harvests fluctuated similarly among New York, Maine, and New Brunswick, which may indicate regional synchronization of mast crops and responses of martens and fishers to similar prey dynamics. A better understanding of how food availability influences demographic responses and trapping vulnerability of martens and fishers would aid our ability to manage harvests of these species on a sustained yield basis. © 2011 The Wildlife Society.  相似文献   
This article explores spatial and temporal changes in diurnal primate abundance and behavior in response to hunting, logging, and conservation at the Dzanga Sangha Dense Forest Reserve (RDS), Central African Republic over time. We use a combination of line-transect surveys in 2002 and 2009 (N = 540 km) and ethnographic interviews (N = 210) to investigate changes in the status of cercopithecines and colobines at RDS, with additional comparisons to earlier work. This protected area was lightly logged in the 1970s and the park was gazetted in 1990, with multiple-use reserve sectors allocated. Since the park's inception, hunting and the trade of primates have increased, along with human migration, greater accessibility of arms, and reduction of preferred ungulate prey. Primates have declined in both the park and reserve sectors. Our data further suggest that at RDS hunting has had a greater impact on primate diversity and abundance than logging. We have identified changes in species-specific vulnerability to hunting over time, with Cercopithecus nictitans and Lophocebus albigena initially having appeared to be relatively resistant to hunting pressure in 2002. However, subsequently as gun hunting has increased at RDS, these species have become vulnerable. Although monkeys at RDS have been responding behaviorally to increased gun hunting, they are not able to keep pace with changing hunting practices. This study allows us to begin to understand synergistic impacts of hunting and logging, necessary if we are to recommend strategies to better secure the future of primates in multiuse protected areas.  相似文献   
Protected areas constitute strategy for biodiversity conservation. Unfortunately, these sanctuaries of biodiversity are submitted to a high human pressure in Togo. This study carried out in the Alédjo protected area, aimed to make an analysis of various forms of human footprints and their impact on its plant resources. Methodological approach was based on forest inventory completed by inquiries. Ninety‐four wooded species belonging to 35 families were counted. Floristic data analysis showed that seven species: Isoberlinia doka Craib & Stapf, Daniellia oliveri (Rolfe) Hutch. & Dalz., Berlinia grandiflora (Vahl) Hutch. & Dalz., Pterocarpus erinaceus Poir., Zanha golungensis Hiern, Khaya senegalensis (Desv.) A. Juss., Pentadesma butyracea Sabine was prominent. Five vegetation types were identified: riparian forests, dry forests, open forests, savanna woodlands, tree/shrub savannas with variable structural characteristics. The diversity indices in these plant communities are well significant and indicate a good distribution of species in the area. Several human activities such as fuel wood, fruits and medicinal plants gathering, carbonization, pasture were found within the protected area. Local authorities and associations are involved in the management of the protected area, but the participation of local populations needs to be improved.  相似文献   
Assessing the extent to which populations are limited by bottom‐up processes driven by food limitation is crucial to our understanding of how ecosystems should be managed. Using satellite‐derived Normalised Difference Vegetation Index (NDVI) as an index of resource availability, we investigated the relationships between greenness levels and African elephant (Loxodonta africana) population densities. Our results unveiled a positive relationship between NDVI and elephant densities in nonforest populations, but failed to capture any significant effects of survey area and type, number of years after the continental poaching ban and the IUCN category of the protected area in which the survey was undertaken. The number of forest elephant populations for which density estimates were available was very low, and no significant relationship between NDVI and forest elephant density could be established. Altogether, our study suggests that NDVI can successfully be linked to megaherbivore abundance across Africa and further highlights that a continental approach to energy–abundance relationships can be conducted in a relatively low‐cost manner and short timescale, supporting managers' efforts to identify future suitable areas for elephant populations.  相似文献   
The present study deals with the analysis of the floristic composition and plant diversity of Wadi Gimal protectorate. Its major aim is to identify community types and environmental factors that affect their growth and distribution. These quantitative data provide rangers with knowledge that is necessary for monitoring and managing plant communities within the protected areas, as well as restoration of vegetation‐depleted habitats. Twenty‐seven stands were selected along the length of Wadi and its tributaries. Thirty‐five species were recorded in Wadi Gimal; with Poaceae as the dominant family and Phanerophytes dominating over other life forms. Saharo‐Arabians were the predominant chorological element. Six vegetation groups were recognized in Wadi Gimal. Zilla spinosa (VG C) which inhabited the Wadi bed had the highest species richness, species turnover, relative evenness and relative concentration of dominance. Capparis sinaica (VG A) which inhabited the mountain slope had the lowest species richness, relative evenness and relative concentration of dominance, while Salvadora persica group had the lowest species turnover. Phoenix dactylifera–Hyphaene thebaica (VG F) which dominated the deltaic part of Wadi, had the highest salinity; whilst Acacia ehrenbergiana (VG E) which dominated the upper‐stream part of the Wadi had the lowest value of salinity.  相似文献   
A better knowledge of chick survival rates is required to enable understanding of the population dynamics of gamebirds and to develop management measures to conserve their populations. The Red‐legged Partridge Alectoris rufa is a highly valued game species in Spain but its populations have declined in recent decades. A lack of appropriate monitoring methods has been a limitation in gaining information on the mortality of Red‐legged Partridge chicks. We developed methods for the effective radiotagging of chicks in captivity and applied these methods in the field in northern Spain to estimate survival during the first 5 months of life. The most effective method for radiotagging captive chicks between 3 and 8 days old involved gluing small tags directly to the skin in the interscapular space using cyanoacrylate adhesive. Backpack harness tags attached with elastic bands were the most effective method of radiotagging 4‐week‐old chicks. Predation was the main cause of chick mortality identified during the field experiments. Survival between hatching and 5 months of age was estimated to be 16–21%. The lowest survival rates occurred during the first 7 days of life (62–70% cumulative survival) and this period seems to be a major determinant in the life history of the species.  相似文献   
Banana streak virus (BSV) is a significant constraint to banana production and genetic improvement. It is necessary to develop and use BSV detection strategies that are both reliable and sensitive for the management of the virus. A loop‐mediated isothermal amplification (LAMP) assay was developed and evaluated for the detection of BSV. Four primers matching a total of six sequences of the conserved ORF III polyprotein genes were synthesized for developing a specific and sensitive LAMP for DNA extracts from field‐infected banana plants. LAMP assay could detect as low as 1 pg/μl template DNA. Test results of all field samples collected from different regions of South China showed that LAMP is more sensitive than PCR. This relatively simple and sensitive technique showed excellent potential with field‐collected samples and for routine screening of tissue culture materials in South China.  相似文献   
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