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依托第四次全国中药资源普查,采用代表区域-样地-样方-样方套,结合样线调查方法,通过野外调查、走访调查及查阅相关资料等,对福建安溪药用植物资源种类和分布进行分析。结果显示,安溪县药用植物有1515种,隶属215科844属,草本为主要生活类型,药用部位主要以根及根茎类和全草类为主;其中福建重点药材115种、特色药材46种。安溪县药用植物资源丰富,物种多样性高,今后应加强资源保护与规划,合理开发利用该地药用植物资源。  相似文献   
The Bering‐Chukchi‐Beaufort Seas (BCBS) bowhead whale (Balaena mysticetus) has been considered at low‐risk for entanglement injuries and ship strikes because their range is mainly north of commercial fisheries; nevertheless, changes to their arctic habitat, including a longer open water period and declining sea ice, have resulted in increasing commercial activity and concern about fisheries interactions. We examined interyear matches (between 1985 and 2011) from a photo identification project and identified whales that had acquired entanglement injuries. We estimated the probability of a bowhead acquiring an entanglement injury using two statistical methods: interval censored survival analysis and a simple binomial model. Both methods give similar results, suggesting a 2.2% (95% CI: 1.1%–3.3%) annual probability of acquiring a scar. We also include an entanglement scar frequency analysis of aerial photographs from the 2011 spring and fall surveys near Point Barrow, Alaska, which suggest 12.4% of live bowheads show evidence of entanglement scarring. Entanglement rates for the BCBS bowhead stock are lower than many other large whale stocks, and abundance has increased over the past 35 yr; however, our findings indicate that fishing gear entanglement is a more serious concern for the BCBS bowhead whale population than previously thought.  相似文献   
Dispersal is the main determinant of the dynamics and persistence of predator–prey metapopulations. When defining dispersal as a predator exploitation strategy, theory predicts the existence of a continuum of strategies: from some dispersal throughout the predator–prey interaction (the Milker strategy) to dispersal only after the prey had been exterminated (the Killer strategy). These dispersal strategies relate to differences in prey exploitation at the population level, with more dispersal leading to longer predator–prey interaction times and higher cumulative numbers of dispersing predators. In the predatory mite Phytoseiulus persimilis, empirical studies have shown genetic variation for prey exploitation as well as for the timing of aerial dispersal in the presence of prey. Here, we test whether artificial selection for lines that differ in timing of dispersal also results in these lines differing in prey exploitation. Six rounds of selection for early or late dispersal resulted in predator lines displaying earlier or later dispersal. Moreover, it resulted—at the population level—in predicted differences in the local predator–prey interaction time and in the cumulative numbers of dispersers in a population dynamics experiment. We pose that timing of dispersal is a heritable trait that can be selected in P. persimilis, which results in lines that show quantitative differences in local predator–prey dynamics. This opens ways to experimentally investigate the evolution of alternative prey exploitation strategies and to select for predator strains with prey exploitation strategies resulting in better biological control.  相似文献   
Series of aerial photographs taken with an interval of 6 Minutes were used to study the dynamics of the suspended matter distribution in a 1 km section of the Elbe Estuary. The observations show heterogeneous distribution patterns which are different at each phase of the tidal cycle. The comparison with the bathymetry indicates that the distribution is mainly a function of the river bed topography, which modifies the local current structure. The surface distribution in the fairway region is especially determined by the ship traffic.  相似文献   
A survey was done in the summer months along the Alaska Highway, in other parts of British Columbia, in northern Alberta, and in the Yukon Territory for steinernematid and heterorhabditid nematodes occurring in the top 10 cm of soil. Steinernema feltiae and Steinernema spp. were found at 18 and Heterorhabditis megidis at 7 sites of 125 sampled. Most nematodes were found where visible insect infestation occurred and where human influence on the habitat was substantial (e.g., agricultural, forested and bush-hedgerow habitats); none was found in grassland or virgin forests. Heterorhabditis megidis occurred in only the southern, warmer, drier region of British Columbia. In the laboratory some steinernematid isolates and H. megidis killed Galleria mellonella larvae at 13 and 22 C, whereas some isolates of Steinernema killed the larvae at only 13 C. Steinernema spp. from three high altitude sites with low, average July temperatures (13-14 C) are cold-active in that they produced infective juveniles at 13 C and killed G. mellonella at 6 C.  相似文献   
In May and June 1994 a survey of diets fed to captive southeast Asian colobines in European (n = 12) and North American (n = 9) zoos was conducted. Most diets were very complex, comprising an average of 25 ingredients; 149 different foods were listed in responses. Comparison of diets fed showed that European zoos feed a greater variety of fruits and vegetables, and fewer browse plants, than North American zoos. No standardized diet recommendations, based on ingredient or nutrient composition, are currently available for colobines in captivity. Foods eaten by these primates in nature appear to contain higher amounts of fiber and lower protein and soluble carbohydrates than current zoo diets. Temperate browse plants (n = 11 spp.; leaves plus twigs) sampled in New York in summer and autumn contained higher fiber and lower protein levels than diets fed in this survey, and may approximate the nutrient content of food items selected by free-ranging colobines. Fast-growing roses grown in greenhouses, fed primarily in Europe, contained substantially less fiber and higher protein concentrations than other browses offered, and may not be an appropriate substitute for native foods. © 1996 Wiley-Liss, Inc.  相似文献   
We monitored the haul-out behavior of 68 radio-tagged harbor seals ( Phoca vitulina ) during the molt season at two Alaskan haul-out sites (Grand Island, August-September 1994; Nanvak Bay, August-September 2000). For each site, we created a statistical model of the proportion of seals hauled out as a function of date, time of day, tide, and weather covariates. Using these models, we identified the conditions that would result in the greatest proportion of seals hauled out. Although those "ideal conditions" differed between sites, the proportion of seals predicted to be hauled out under those conditions was very similar (81.3% for Grand Island and 85.7% for Nanvak Bay). The similar estimates for both sites suggest that haul-out proportions under locally ideal conditions may be constant between years and geographic regions, at least during the molt season.  相似文献   
Historically, marine ecologists have lacked efficient tools that are capable of capturing detailed species distribution data over large areas. Emerging technologies such as high‐resolution imaging and associated machine‐learning image‐scoring software are providing new tools to map species over large areas in the ocean. Here, we combine a novel diver propulsion vehicle (DPV) imaging system with free‐to‐use machine‐learning software to semi‐automatically generate dense and widespread abundance records of a habitat‐forming algae over ~5,000 m2 of temperate reef. We employ replicable spatial techniques to test the effectiveness of traditional diver‐based sampling, and better understand the distribution and spatial arrangement of one key algal species. We found that the effectiveness of a traditional survey depended on the level of spatial structuring, and generally 10–20 transects (50 × 1 m) were required to obtain reliable results. This represents 2–20 times greater replication than have been collected in previous studies. Furthermore, we demonstrate the usefulness of fine‐resolution distribution modeling for understanding patterns in canopy algae cover at multiple spatial scales, and discuss applications to other marine habitats. Our analyses demonstrate that semi‐automated methods of data gathering and processing provide more accurate results than traditional methods for describing habitat structure at seascape scales, and therefore represent vastly improved techniques for understanding and managing marine seascapes.  相似文献   
Black dot and other fungal blemishing diseases were assessed on tubers from crops in eastern England in 1987 and 1988, and in 1989 and 1990 from crops throughout Great Britain. Black dot was found on tubers in crops from all areas of the country, and was most common in those from eastern and southern England. The disease was scarce on most Scottish crops, but occasionally some were severely affected. In 1988 there was no consistent relationship between the amounts of disease on the seed and subsequent ware crop. On average, the disease was more prevalent in irrigated crops and where the interval between successive potato crops was short. In 1990 treating seed tubers with fungicide had no effect on subsequent levels of disease. Few crops were unaffected by silver scurf, and it was most common in crops from southern and eastern England. In the national survey common scab was the most prevalent disease, black scurf was less common and skin spot and powdery scab uncommon except in some Scottish crops.  相似文献   
Aim Questions related to abundances of organisms are central to ecological research. A priori, a scale independent estimation of abundances would be expected. However, we find estimates of numbers of bird individuals from all over the world to increase less than proportionately with increasing plot size. At the whole assemblage level, the pattern holds across biogeographical regions and habitats. The slope of the interspecific and, for the majority of species, the intraspecific individuals–area relationship is also significantly shallower than 1. The question arises as to which mechanisms cause these patterns. Location Global. Methods At the assemblage, interspecific and intraspecific levels, we tested three mechanisms that could be responsible for these patterns by comparing the slope of the individuals–plot area relationship for subsets of a database compiled from the literature. Spatial autocorrelation was controlled for. Results There was no evidence for an influence of plot area choice in order to sample a constant number of individuals. Evidence for higher survey efficiency was available only with increasing number of visits at the intraspecific level. Evidence for influences of habitat heterogeneity was present at the assemblage, interspecific and intraspecific levels. This mechanism can work only if small plots are delimited non‐randomly in homogeneous habitat. Main conclusions Avian population size estimates without indication of the area over which they were obtained are of substantially less value than those coupled with that information. Ecologists planning to compare avian abundances between plots varying in some other factor of interest should minimize variations in their areas and/or account for them in data analyses. Population viability analyses, regional and global population size estimates, site prioritization and the scaling of ecosystem and species energy utilization need to address the plot area effect on assemblage and individual species abundances.  相似文献   
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