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Population sizes of ice‐associated pinnipeds have often been estimated with visual or photographic aerial surveys, but these methods require relatively slow speeds and low altitudes, limiting the area they can cover. Recent developments in infrared imagery and its integration with digital photography could allow substantially larger areas to be surveyed and more accurate enumeration of individuals, thereby solving major problems with previous survey methods. We conducted a trial survey in April 2003 to estimate the number of Pacific walruses (Odobenus rosmarus divergens) hauled out on sea ice around St. Lawrence Island, Alaska. The survey used high altitude infrared imagery to detect groups of walruses on strip transects. Low altitude digital photography was used to determine the number of walruses in a sample of detected groups and calibrate the infrared imagery for estimating the total number of walruses. We propose a survey design incorporating this approach with satellite radio telemetry to estimate the proportion of the population in the water and additional low‐level flights to estimate the proportion of the hauled‐out population in groups too small to be detected in the infrared imagery. We believe that this approach offers the potential for obtaining reliable population estimates for walruses and other ice‐associated pinnipeds.  相似文献   
ABSTRACT Unbiased estimates of mountain goat (Oreamnos americanus) populations are key to meeting diverse harvest management and conservation objectives. We developed logistic regression models of factors influencing sightability of mountain goat groups during helicopter surveys throughout the Cascades and Olympic Ranges in western Washington during summers, 2004–2007. We conducted 205 trials of the ability of aerial survey crews to detect groups of mountain goats whose presence was known based on simultaneous direct observation from the ground (n = 84), Global Positioning System (GPS) telemetry (n = 115), or both (n = 6). Aerial survey crews detected 77% and 79% of all groups known to be present based on ground observers and GPS collars, respectively. The best models indicated that sightability of mountain goat groups was a function of the number of mountain goats in a group, presence of terrain obstruction, and extent of overstory vegetation. Aerial counts of mountain goats within groups did not differ greatly from known group sizes, indicating that under-counting bias within detected groups of mountain goats was small. We applied Horvitz-Thompson-like sightability adjustments to 1,139 groups of mountain goats observed in the Cascade and Olympic ranges, Washington, USA, from 2004 to 2007. Estimated mean sightability of individual animals was 85% but ranged 0.75–0.91 in areas with low and high sightability, respectively. Simulations of mountain goat surveys indicated that precision of population estimates adjusted for sightability biases increased with population size and number of replicate surveys, providing general guidance for the design of future surveys. Because survey conditions, group sizes, and habitat occupied by goats vary among surveys, we recommend using sightability correction methods to decrease bias in population estimates from aerial surveys of mountain goats.  相似文献   
The relative dependence on branchial and pulmonary organs was studied in the African lungfish P. annectens and in the catfish Clarias lazera. The frequency of pulmonary ventilation varied, in the normal state, with the activity and age of the fish and followed a circadian rhythm. Small specimens of both species exhibited a higher branchial ventilatory rate than older specimens and depended largely on aquatic O2 uptake (over 85% and 90% in Clarias and Protopterus respectively). The dependence on aerial respiration appeared to develop gradually with age in Clarias but occurred over a limited age-range (200–300 g) in Protopterus. In mature fish (over 400 g), pulmonary respiration constituted 50–60% of the total in Clarias and 80–85% in Protopterus. Partitioning of O2 uptake between air and water depended on the O2 content of the water and that of O2 and CO2 in the pulmonary organs. Protopterus and Clarias surfaced for air when the O2 content of the respiratory organs was reduced to 90% and 85% (of that immediately following an air-breath) respectively. An increase in the pulmonary O2 content lengthened the apnoeic period and reduced pulmonary respiration more markedly in Protopterus than in Clarias whereas an increase of that of CO2 produced the reverse effects.  相似文献   
Although fungi have contributed tremendously to understanding biological phenomena common to all eukaryotic organisms, some of their properties testify as to their uniqueness. Among these are growth by apical extension of hyphae, the manufacture of hydrophobins for emergence into the air, and the possession of an extended somatic heterokaryon in basidiomycetes. This justifies studies on the molecular basis of development aimed particularly at this group of organisms, which are of great importance to life on earth and human society.  相似文献   
Aims Remote sensing technology has been proved useful in mapping grassland vegetation properties. Spectral features of vegetation cover can be recorded by optical sensors on board of different platforms. With increasing popularity of applying unmanned aerial vehicle (UAV) to mapping plant cover, the study aims to investigate the possible applications and potential issues related to mapping leaf area index (LAI) through integration of remote sensing imagery collected by multiple sensors.  相似文献   
ABSTRACT Accurately estimating large mammal populations is a difficult challenge because species of interest often occupy vast areas and exhibit low and heterogeneous visibility. Population estimation techniques using aerial surveys and statistical design and analysis methods provide a means for meeting this challenge, yet they have only rarely been validated because wild populations of known size suitable for field tests are rare. Our study presents field validations of a photographic aerial mark-recapture technique that takes advantage of the recognizable natural markings on free-roaming feral horses (Equus caballus) to accurately identify individual animals and groups of animals sighted on multiple occasions. The 3 small populations of feral horses (<400 animals each) in the western United States used in the study were all closely monitored on a weekly basis by local researchers, thus providing test populations of known size. We were able to accurately estimate these population sizes with aerial surveys, despite rugged terrain and dense vegetation that created substantial heterogeneity of sighting probability among horse groups. Our best estimates at the 3 sites were within −6.7%, 2.6%, and −8.6% of known truth (-4.2% mean error, 6.0% mean absolute error). In contrast, we found undercount bias as large as 32% before any statistical corrections. The necessary corrections varied both temporally and spatially, in response to previous sighting history (behavioral response), and by the number of horses in a group. Despite modeling some of the differences in horse-group visibility with sighting covariates, we found substantial residual unmodeled heterogeneity that contributed to underestimation of the true population by as much as 22.7% when we used models that did not fully account for these unmeasured sources. We also found that the cost of the accurate and validated methods presented here is comparable to that of raw count (so called, census) methods commonly employed across feral horse ranges in 10 western states. We believe this technique can assist managers in accurately estimating many feral horse populations and could be applied to other species with sufficiently diverse and distinguishable visible markings.  相似文献   
Migratory behaviour in relation to tides was investigated in the mudskipper Periophthalmus modestus at a small estuary in southern Japan. Fish remained and fed on the tideland at low tides, but migrated along the water edge and clung to the wall of the bank above high tidemark at high tides. The number of the mudskippers clung to the wall of the bank at high tides increased from spring to summer with an increase in air temperature, but then decreased as air temperature became lower. The seasonal fluctuation of the number of clinging fish was positively correlated to that of air temperature, and negatively correlated to that of dissolved oxygen. Since metabolic rate increases with the increase of environmental temperature, the migratory and clinging behaviours may reflect behavioural adaptation to terrestrial life in terms of oxygen respiration.  相似文献   
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