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Focusing our effort on the importance of FUra scheduling we have tested the hypothesis that pulse and continuous infusion (CI) of the fluoropyrimidine have different mechanisms of cytotoxicity. Our initial approach was to compare the mechanism of resistance of a cell line resistant to a short term exposure to FUra (HCT-8/FU4hR) to that of a cell line resistant to a prolonged exposure to the fluoropyrimidine (HCT-8/FU7dR). Cytotoxicity studies showed that HCT-8/FU4hR cells were still sensitive to FUra given as a 7-d exposure, suggesting different mechanisms of resistance. Indeed, rapid recovery of TS activity after drug removal was evident in the HTC-8/FU7dR cell line while HCT-8/FU4hR cells were similar to the parental cell line with regard to both the degree of in situ TS inhibition by FUra and duration of inhibition after FUra removal. In contrast, labelling studies with [3H-6] FUra (4 h exposure, 100 M) showed that the incorporation of the fluoropyrimidine into RNA is significantly decreased in HCT-8/FU4hR cells as compared to parental HCT-8 cells.Given the lack of cross resistance between the two schedulesin vitro, a pilot trial was done on patients with colorectal cancer refractory to bolus FUra. On 15 patients failing after FUra+LV or FUra alone 1 PR, 3 MR, 3 SD and 8 P were observed, confirmng a certain degree of activity of CI FUra in patients clinically resistant to bolus FUra.Based on this rationale, a phase II trial of schedule-oriented biochemical modulation of FUra in advanced colorectal cancer patients was conducted, employing a hybrid regimen of 2 biweekly cycles of FUra bolus (600 mg/sqm), preceeded by (24 h interval) methotrexate, 200 mg/sqm (in order to maximize the RNA effect of the drug) alternating with FUra continuous infusion, 200 mg/sqm daily for 3 weeks, modulated by leucovorin, 20 mg/sqm weekly bolus (in order to maximize the DNA effect).Thirty-three consecutive patients (median ECOG PS 1) with advanced measurable colorectal cancer and no prior therapy for metastatic disease entered the study, from February 1992 to August 1993. Three complete and 13 partial responses were obtained among these 33 patients (RR=48%, 95% confidence limis, 31–66%). After a median follow-up time of 23 months, 16 patients are still alive. The median progression free survival and overall survival were 9.6 and 20.8 months, respectively. No toxic deaths or grade 4 toxicity occurred. The incidence of grade 3 toxicity per patient in any cycle was: mucositis 6%, diarrhea 3% and vomiting 3% for the bolus part and 21%, 3% and 6% respectively, for the continuous infusion part of the regimen. Hand-foot syndrome occurred in 27% of the patients treated with the continuous infusion regimen.In conclusion, this experimental and clinical project has generated a novel regimen of schedule oriented biochemical modulation that is twice as active and half as toxic compared to bolus FU+LV given with either the daily x 5 or the weekly schedule. This high clinical activity is very encouraging, especially considering that 1) consecutive patients were entered, 2) the responses were independently reviewed, 3) the progression free survival and survival were much longer than those actually reported for this disease, 4) the toxicity of the program, in particular the bolus regimen, was relatively low allowing further intensification.  相似文献   
Nonenzymatically glycated proteins are preferentially transported across the glomerular filtration barrier, and the glomerular mesangium in diabetes is bathed with serum containing increased concentrations of glycated albumin. We investigated effects of glycated albumin on mesangial cells, which are involved in diabetic nephropathy. [3H]-thymidine incorporation was significantly inhibited when murine mesangial cells were grown in culture media containing human serum that had been nonenzymatically glycated by incubation for 4 days with 28 mM glucose. This inhibition was reversed when monoclonal antibodies that selectively react with Amadori products of glycated albumin were added to the culture media. Purified glycated albumin containing Amadori adducts of the glycation reaction induced significant inhibition of thymidine incorporation and stimulation of Type IV collagen secretion compared with cells cultured in the presence of purified nonglycated albumin. These changes were prevented when monoclonal antibodies specifically reactive with fructosyl-lysine epitopes in glycated albumin were added to the cultures. The antibodies had no effect on growth or collagen production in the presence of nonglycated albumin. The results provide the first evidence directly implicating Amadori adducts in glycated albumin in the pathogenesis of diabetic nephropathy, which is characterized by decreased cellularity in association with expansion of the mesangial matrix.  相似文献   
A survey of 112 species of the Caryophyllales showed the presence of flavonols in all eleven families and of C-glycosylflavonoids in nine families, being absent from the Aizoaceae and Cactaceae. 18% of the species contained both classes of compound. C-glycosylflavonoids are reported for the first time in the Amaranthaceae, Basellaceae, Didieraceae, Nyctaginaceae, Phytolaccaceae, Portulacaceae and Molluginaceae. The Caryophyllaceae contained prodominantly C-glycosylflavonoids, suggesting they are the most advanced family in the order.  相似文献   
The glyoxalase system and its main enzyme, glyoxalase 1 (GLO1), protect cells from advanced glycation end products (AGEs), such as methylglyoxal (MG) and other reactive dicarbonyls, the formation of which is increased in diabetes patients as a result of excessive glycolysis. MG is partly responsible for harmful protein alterations in living cells, notably in neurons, leading to their dysfunction, and recent studies have shown a negative correlation between GLO1 expression and tissue damage. Neuronal dysfunction is a common diabetes complication due to elevated blood sugar levels, leading to high levels of AGEs. The aim of our study was to determine whether single nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs) in the GLO1 gene influence activity of the enzyme. In total, 125 healthy controls, 101 type 1 diabetes, and 100 type 2 diabetes patients were genotyped for three common SNPs, rs2736654 (A111E), rs1130534 (G124G), and rs1049346 (5′-UTR), in GLO1. GLO1 activity was determined in whole blood lysates for all participants of the study.  相似文献   
高世代杉木种源在不同立地条件下的生长适应性   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
本文进行高世代杉木种源在不同立地条件下的栽植试验,调查二年生种源的生长状况,结果表明:在坡的下、中、上部,二年生高世代杉木种源的地径(或胸径)与树高平均生长量分别为4.08、3.82、3.56 cm和1.90、1.74、1.63 m。在不同立地条件下,地径(或胸径)、树高生长量存在显著差异。  相似文献   
Advanced glycation end-products (AGEs) trigger multiple metabolic disorders in the vessel wall that may in turn lead to endothelial dysfunction. The molecular mechanisms by which AGEs generate these effects are not completely understood. Oxidative stress plays a key role in the development of deleterious effects that occur in endothelium during diabetes. Our main objectives were to further understand how AGEs contribute to reactive oxygen species (ROS) overproduction in endothelial cells and to evaluate the protective effect of an antioxidant plant extract. The human endothelial cell line EA.hy926 was treated with native or modified bovine serum albumin (respectively BSA and BSA-AGEs). To monitor free radicals formation, we used H2DCF-DA, dihydroethidium (DHE), DAF-FM-DA and MitoSOX Red dyes. To investigate potential sources of ROS, nicotinamide adenine dinucleotide phosphate (NADPH) oxidase and mitochondrial inhibitors were used. The regulation of different types of ROS by the polyphenol-rich extract from the medicinal plant Doratoxylon apetalum was also studied for a therapeutic perspective. BSA-AGEs exhibited not only less antioxidant properties than BSA, but also pro-oxidant effects. The degree of albumin glycoxidation directly influenced oxidative stress through a possible communication between NADPH oxidase and mitochondria. D. apetalum significantly decreased intracellular hydrogen peroxide and superoxide anions mainly detected by H2DCF-DA and DHE respectively. Our results suggest that BSA-AGEs promote a marked oxidative stress mediated at least by NADPH oxidase and mitochondria. D. apetalum plant extract appeared to be an effective antioxidant compound to protect endothelial cells.  相似文献   
目的:比较分析腹腔镜和开腹结肠癌根治术治疗老年局部进展期结肠癌的临床疗效和安全性及对患者免疫功能的影响。方法:根据随机数字表法,将64例老年局部进展期结肠癌患者随机分为腹腔镜组和开腹组,每组各32例,分别接受腹腔镜、开腹结肠癌根治术治疗。比较两组手术相关指标、手术前后免疫功能变化、术后近远期并发症的发生情况及预后。结果:与开腹组比较,腹腔镜组患者手术时间明显延长,而术中出血量、胃肠功能恢复时间则明显缩短(P<0.05)。两组淋巴结清扫数比较差异无统计学意义(P>0.05)。术后3个月,腹腔镜组CD4+、CD4+/CD8+比值均明显高于开腹组(P<0.05),且与术前比较差异均无统计学意义(P>0.05)。与开腹组比较,腹腔镜组患者术后切口感染的发生率明显降低(P<0.05),两组其他近期并发症如吻合口瘘、吻合口出血,远期并发症如黏连性肠梗阻、切口疝的发生率比较差异均无统计学意义(P>0.05)。腹腔镜组与开腹组术后2年的局部复发率、1年和2年生存率比较差异均无统计学意义(P>0.05)。结论:腹腔镜手术和开腹手术治疗老年局部进展期结肠癌患者的临床疗效和预后相当,但腹腔镜手术对患者的免疫功能影响更小,且安全性更高。  相似文献   

Background and aims

Sustained interaction of advanced glycation end products (AGEs) with their receptor RAGE and subsequent signaling plays an important role in the development of diabetic complications. Genetic variation of RAGE gene may be associated with the development of vascular complications in type 2 diabetes mellitus (T2DM).


The present study aimed to explore the possible association of RAGE gene polymorphisms namely − 374T/A, − 429T/C and G82S with serum level of AGEs, paraoxonase (PON1) activity and macro-vascular complications (MVC) in Indian type 2 diabetes mellitus patients (T2DM).


A total of 265 diabetic patients, including DM without any complications (n = 135), DM-MVC (n = 130) and 171 healthy individuals were enrolled. Genotyping of RAGE variants were assessed by polymerase chain reaction-restriction fragment length polymorphism. Serum AGEs were estimated by ELISA and fluorometrically. and PON1 activity was assessed spectrophotometrically.


Of the three examined SNPs, association of − 429T/C polymorphism with MVC in T2DM was observed (OR = 3.001, p = 0.001) in the dominant model. Allele ‘A’ of − 374T/A polymorphism seems to confer better cardiac outcome in T2DM. Patients carrying C allele (− 429T/C) and S allele (G82S) had significantly higher AGEs levels. − 429T/C polymorphism was also found to be associated with low PON1 activity. Interaction analysis revealed that the risk of development of MVC was higher in T2DM patients carrying both a CC genotype of − 429T/C polymorphism and a higher level of AGEs (OR = 1.343, p = 0.040).


RAGE gene polymorphism has a significant effect on AGEs level and PON1 activity in diabetic subjects compared to healthy individuals. Diabetic patients with a CC genotype of − 429T/C are prone to develop MVC, more so if AGEs levels are high and PON1 activity is low.  相似文献   
糖基化终产物(AGEs)在糖尿病肾病的发生发展过程中起着重要的作用.但目前其作用机制还不太清楚.通过体外乳鼠肾脏细胞的原代培养,探讨AGEs对肾细胞的损伤作用及可能的作用机制.取出生3天的SD大鼠的乳鼠肾脏进行体外原代细胞培养,并取传代到4-6代的细胞进行实验研究.分别用不同浓度的AGEs(0、1.2、2.5、5、10、20 mg/ml),不同的作用时间(6、12、18、24 h)作用于体外培养的肾细胞,用MTT法检测AGEs对肾细胞的增殖情况,用酶试剂盒法检测AGEs对肾细胞培养液中乳酸脱氢酶(LDH)、β-N-乙酰氨基葡萄糖苷酶(NAG)的含量,以及肾细胞内还原型谷胱甘肽(GSH)和超氧化物歧化酶(SOD)的含量.实验结果表明随着AGEs作用肾细胞时间的延长和浓度的增加,细胞存活率、细胞内GSH含量和SOD活性均逐渐下降,而细胞培养液中LDH和NAG的含量则逐渐升高,与正常培养的对照组细胞相比差异非常显著(P<0.001),并且AGEs对细胞的作用与其浓度和作用时间呈显著的量效关系.实验结果说明AGEs对原代培养的肾细胞有明显的损伤作用,并随着AGEs作用浓度的增加和作用时间的延长对肾细胞的损伤越来越严重,实验结果也表明.肾细胞对AGEs的作用很敏感,其损伤细胞的途径和作用机制可能是由于改变了肾细胞膜的通透性和降低肾细胞抗氧化能力,该实验研究也进一步提示了AGEs是导致糖尿病肾脏并发症发生的重要原因之一.  相似文献   


Diabetes is a growing worldwide problem that is strongly associated with atherosclerosis. Screening and intervention for diabetes in the earliest stages are advocated for the prevention of diabetic complications and cardiovascular disease.

Scope of review

This review gives a background of and discusses the potential clinical utility of glycated albumin (GA) in diabetes.

Major conclusions

GA is a ketoamine formed via a non-enzymatic glycation reaction of serum albumin and it reflects mean glycemia over two to three weeks. GA can be used for patients with anemia or hemoglobinopathies for whom the clinically measured hemoglobin A1c level may be inaccurate. Because both serum and plasma samples can be used, GA can be analyzed from the same samples as common biological markers. GA is a useful marker for the screening of diabetes in a medical evaluation. It can be also used to determine the effectiveness of treatment before initiating or changing medications for diabetic patients. GA is potentially an atherogenic protein in the development of diabetic atherosclerosis.

General significance

GA measurement is useful as part of a routine examination to screen for both diabetes and atherosclerosis. This article is part of a Special Issue entitled Serum Albumin.  相似文献   
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