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Spectrally pure reaction center preparations from Chloroflexus aurantiacus have been obtained in a stable form; however, the product contained several contaminating polypeptides. The reaction center pigment molecules (probably three bacteriochlorophyll a and three bacteriopheophytin a molecules) are associated with two polypeptides (Mr = 30000 and 28000) in a reaction center complex of Mr = 52000. No carotenoid is present in the complex. These data together with previous spectral data suggest that the Chloroflexus reaction center represents a more primitive evolutionary form of the purple bacterial reaction center, and that it has little if any relationship to the green bacterial component. A reaction center preparation from Rhodopseudomonas sphaeroides R26 was fully denatured at 50°C while the Chloroflexus reaction center required higher temperatures (70–75°C) for complete denaturation. Thus, an intrinsic membrane protein of a photosynthetic thermophile has been demonstrated to have greater thermal stability than the equivalent component of a mesophile.  相似文献   
为了探讨天山北麓中段水库细菌的多样性及其功能,选取蘑菇湖水库(MGW)、奎屯/车排子水库(KCW)、安集海水库(AJW)和八一水库(BYW)为典型水库进行宏基因组学分析。多点采集水库水样,收集水样中的微生物,CTAB法提取总DNA,用细菌16S rDNA通用引物扩增V3-V4区,扩增产物进行高通量测序,使用BLAST、USEARCH、QIIME等软件和在线工具分析水库细菌的多样性,使用PICRUSt软件和KEGG数据库预测细菌功能基因组成。结果表明,水库细菌分属18个门、38个纲和181个属,其中AJW的操作分类单元(Operational taxonomic units,OTUs)数量和多样性指数较高。4个水库菌群组成有一定的共性,在门分类阶元上优势菌为变形菌门(Proteobacteria)和拟杆菌门(Bacteroidetes);在纲分类阶元上优势菌为黄杆菌纲(Flavobacteriia);在属分类阶元上优势菌为黄杆菌属(Flavobacterium)。然而各水库菌群组成也存在较大差异,在变形菌门中,γ-变形菌纲(Gammaproteobacteria)的相对丰度在MGW和BYW较高,α-变形菌纲(Alphaproteobacterial)和β-变形菌纲(Betaproteobacteria)分别于AJW和KCW具有较高丰度;芽孢杆菌纲(Bacilli)在AJW和MGW具有较高丰度;相对丰度较高的菌属还包括AJW的动性杆菌属(Planomicrobium)、KCW的马赛菌属(Massilia)、MGW的不动杆菌属(Acinetobacter)和动性杆菌属以及BYW的假单胞菌属(Pseudomonas)和嗜冷杆菌属(Psychrobacter);另外,AJW特有多种丰度较高的菌纲和菌属,其中微小杆菌属(Exiguobacterium)和CL500-29_marine_group均有利于水质和菌群多样性的维持。PICRUSt功能预测分析表明,4个水库菌群的多种代谢以及遗传信息处理、信号传递和细胞生长相关功能基因丰度较高,并含有环境异生物降解代谢相关基因,其中苯甲酸、氨基苯甲酸酯、氯烷烃和氯烯烃以及萘降解相关基因的相对丰度较高。以上结果提示,天山北麓中段不同水库菌群组成存在差异,其与水源、周边环境和人类活动等因素相关。水库菌群含有芳香族和有机氯等化合物降解相关基因,其可在污染物的降解和生物修复中发挥作用。  相似文献   
浓度高于毫摩尔级的铯离子即可对一般的微生物产生毒害作用。迄今为止,研究发现多株可以耐受铯离子的细菌,一些细菌耐受铯离子的浓度甚至超过200毫摩尔,这对于揭示细菌耐受铯离子机制,开展微生物修复铯污染环境具有重要意义。本文系统总结在筛选耐受铯离子细菌方面的研究进展,探讨这些菌株耐受高浓度铯离子的分子机制,展望利用微生物进行铯污染环境修复的前景,以期为探索放射性铯污染环境的微生物生态修复提供参考。  相似文献   
一株高含玫红品的红树林海洋紫色硫细菌分离鉴定及特性   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
摘要:【目的】挖掘我国海洋紫色硫细菌物种资源、深入理解紫色硫细菌在红树林生态系统中的作用。【方法】采用琼脂振荡稀释法、显微技术、紫外可见吸收光谱法、TLC、HPLC 和MS 法。【结果】从福建泉州洛阳桥红树林潮间带泥水样分离获得一株细胞内含多个硫粒的细菌菌株,光合内膜呈囊状、含细菌叶绿素a 和螺菌黄质系类胡萝卜素,结合16S rRNA 基因序列分析和系统发育分析,表明该菌株属于海洋着色菌属(Marichromatium)。该菌株细胞球杆状;最适pH 范围5.7-6.7;最适盐度范围2%-3.5%;温度范围20℃ -35℃;能耐受3.6 mmol/L 硫化物;主要积累玫红品类胡萝卜素,而不是螺菌黄质;3 种细菌叶绿素组分中,一种为BChl aP,另2 种未见报道;不需要生长因子;可光同化固定CO2、能很好利用多种有机酸盐、多价态氮化物和硫化物,尤其能利用柠檬酸、葡萄糖、蔗糖、果糖和丙醇;对氯霉素、头孢唑林、苯、对羟基联苯、恩诺沙星、啶虫脒、HgCl2 和CdCl2的IC50 值分别为70、100、20、20、3、170、5 mg /L和25 mg/L。【结论】该菌株是一株轻度耐酸、高含玫红品类胡萝卜素的紫色硫细菌,被鉴定为Marichromatium gracile 新菌株,编号YL28。该菌株具有广泛利用多种碳源、氮源和硫源物质的能力,对抗生素氯霉素和头孢唑啉、农药啶虫脒、重金属汞和镉具有较强耐受性,对抗生素恩诺沙星较敏感。  相似文献   
植物内生菌存在于植物的各个器官,种类繁多,对植物的生长发育具有重要作用。玉米是最重要粮食作物之一,通过研究玉米与其内生细菌的关系,对增产玉米以及生物防治有积极意义。本文归纳了玉米内生细菌资源的分离与收集,包括内生细菌的多样性及新种的鉴定;介绍了玉米内生细菌与宿主的相关性;总结了玉米内生细菌的生物学作用,包括抑菌性、耐受性、固氮作用和促生作用,以及内生细菌对玉米作用机制;并对玉米内生细菌研究趋势进行了前景展望,旨在为玉米内生细菌的研究提供参考。  相似文献   
Fifty bifidobacteria strains were isolated from fecal samples of allergic and age matched healthy infants. Allergic infants were found to have an adult type Bifidobacterium flora with high levels of Bifidobacterium adolescentis. Healthy infants had a typical infant Bifidobacterium flora with high levels of Bifidobacterium bifidum. These isolates were tested for their adhesive properties to human intestinal mucus. The adhesion of the fecal bifidobacteria from healthy infants was significantly higher (P<0.0001) than for allergic infants. This suggests a correlation between allergic disease and the composition of the intestinal bifidobacteria flora which has reduced adhesive abilities to the intestinal mucus. Therefore, dietary supplementation of bifidobacteria typical for healthy infants, may be beneficial in the treatment of allergic disorders.  相似文献   
Acetone degradation by cell suspensions of Desulfobacterium cetonicum was CO2-dependent, indicating initiation by a carboxylation reaction. Degradation of butyrate was not CO2-dependent, and acetate accumulated at a ratio of 1 mol acetate per mol butyrate degraded. In cultures grown on acetone, no CoA transfer apparently occurred, and no acetate accumulated in the medium. No CoA-ligase activities were detected in cell-free crude extracts. This suggested that the carboxylation of acetone to acetoacetate, and its activation to acetoacetyl-CoA may occur without the formation of free acetoacetate. Acetoacetyl-CoA was thiolytically cleaved to two acetyl-CoA, which were oxidized to CO2 via the acetyl-CoA/carbon monoxide dehydrogenase pathway. The measured intracellular acyl-CoA ester concentrations allowed the calculation of the free energy changes involved in the conversion of acetone to acetyl-CoA. At in vivo concentrations of reactants and products, the initial steps (carboxylation and activation) must be energy-driven, either by direct coupling to ATP, or coupling to transmembrane gradients. The G of acetone conversion to two acetyl-CoA at the expense of the energetic equivalent of one ATP was calculated to lie very close to 0kJ (mol acetone)-1. Assimilatory metabolism was by an incomplete citric acid cycle, lacking an activity oxidatively decarboxylating 2-oxoglutarate. The low specific activities of this cycle suggested its probable function in anabolic metabolism. Succinate and glyoxylate were formed from isocitrate by isocitrate lyase. Glyoxylate thus formed was condensed with acetyl-CoA to form malate, functioning as an anaplerotic sequence. A glyoxylate cycle thus operates in this strictly anaerobic bacterium. Phosphoenolpyruvate (PEP) carboxykinase formed PEP from oxaloacetate. No pyruvate kinase activity was detected. PEP presumably served as a precursor for polyglucose formation and other biosyntheses.Abbreviations MV 2+ Oxidized methyl viologen - PEP Phosphoenolpyruvate - PHB Poly--hydroxybutyrate  相似文献   
【目的】通过敲除生防菌Act12铁载体合成酶Ser基因,研究该铁载体在植物防病促生中的作用。【方法】以自杀型质粒p KC1132作为基本载体,两侧为Ser基因上下游片段作为同源交换臂,两个同源臂之间为卡那霉素抗性基因,构建重组质粒p CT12;借助接合转移技术,将该质粒导入Act12,筛选突变株并进行PCR验证;研究Ser基因缺失突变体和野生型菌株Act12在生长速率、铁载体产量、甜瓜种子促生、抗苹果轮纹病菌(Macrophoma kawatsukai)等方面的差异。【结果】经PCR验证及测序均证实Ser基因缺失突变体构建成功。Ser基因突变后,铁载体合成量明显减少,抑制甜瓜种子的萌发及生长,对苹果轮纹病菌拮抗作用降低。【结论】生防菌Act12 Ser合成酶基因参与控制合成的铁载体在对甜瓜种子促生作用和拮抗苹果轮纹病菌中发挥一定作用,为进一步研究Act12防病促生机制奠定基础。  相似文献   
【目的】构建柴油降解基因工程菌,提高柴油降解速率,研究p450基因在柴油降解过程中的作用。【方法】将Alcanivorax borkumensis SK2的p450基因合成后,连接至烷烃响应表达载体p Com8中,构建该基因的表达载体p450-SK2/p Com8,并将其转入大肠杆菌DH5α中,通过SDS-PAGE检测该基因在大肠杆菌DH5α中的表达,并将重组质粒p450-SK2/p Com8转入柴油降解菌Acinetobacter sp.Y9中,构建基因工程菌p450-SK2/Y9,研究工程菌p450-SK2/Y9对柴油的降解特性及p450基因在构建的工程菌p450-SK2/Y9中的表达。【结果】PCR、酶切及测序结果表明重组质粒p450-SK2/p Com8构建正确。当柴油诱导浓度大于1%时,目的基因在大肠杆菌DH5α中的蛋白表达量较大,且随着诱导时间的延长而呈增加趋势。通过PCR检测构建的基因工程菌p450-SK2/Y9中的p450基因表明,工程菌构建正确,利用单菌株降解柴油时,宿主菌Y9与工程菌p450-SK2/Y9的柴油降解效率未见明显差异,但工程菌p450-SK2/Y9在构建的菌群中对柴油降解的促进效果明显。SDS-PAGE结果表明,p450基因在构建的工程菌p450-SK2/Y9中能得到准确表达,在混合菌中的表达量高于单菌株。【结论】柴油降解基因工程菌在混合菌群中对柴油降解具有促进作用,而在单菌株情况下未见促进作用,且p450基因的蛋白表达在混合菌中也高于单菌株,这对于提高柴油的降解速率及研究p450基因在柴油降解过程中的作用机理具有一定意义。  相似文献   
A new species of halophilic photosynthetic bacteria, Rhodospirillum salinarum, has been isolated and described. Its natural habitat are the terminal crystallization ponds of solar salt production plants. R. salinarum grows optimally at 42°C in the presence of 6–18% NaCl (w/v). Growth requirements are complex, yeast extract and peptone being required both for aerobic heterotrophic and for anaerobic phototrophic growth. Increasing concentrations of NaCl in the growth media did not give rise to any corresponding increase in intracellular concentrations of K+, Na+, polyalcohols or amino acids. Malate dehydrogenase from R. salinarum is not halophilic, being inhibited even at low concentrations of Na+ or K+. The GC mol % of DNA from R. salinarum is markedly higher than that for DNA from R. salexigens, the only previously described halophilic species of the genus Rhodospirillum.  相似文献   
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