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Sand lizard Lacerta agilis females characteristically mate with several males which, in staged mating experiments, results in multiple paternity of the offspring. In order to investigate multiple paternity in a natural population and interpret male reproductive behaviours in terms of sired young, we sampled the blood of females, potential fathers and hatchlings, and determined paternity using multilocus DNA fingerprinting as well as the variation at a single locus detected by the probe (TC) n . The paternity analyses were preceded by a laboratory experiment in which we established that the parental alleles identified by the single locus probe were inherited in a Mendelian way. Our molecular data demonstrated that 12 out of 13 males (92%) that sired offspring were correctly identified from the 56 sexually mature males in the population. Also smaller males were accepted as sexual partners by the females, but sired fewer young in competition with larger males and were less able to maintain prolonged post-copulatory mate guarding. This may result in that some sexually successful males are only observed inside a female's home range, but never in pair-association with the female.  相似文献   
The invasion by three different Utah populations of Pratylenchus neglectus (UTI, UT2, UT3) was similar in single and interplantings of ''Lahontan'' alfalfa and ''Fairway'' crested wheatgrass at 24 ñ 3 °C. Population UT3 was more pathogenic than UT1 and UT2 on both alfalfa and crested wheatgrass. Inoculum density was positively correlated with an invasion by P. neglectus. Invasions by UT3 at all initial populations (Pi) exceeded that of UT1 and UT2 for both single and interplanted treatments. The greatest reductions in shoot and root weights of alfalfa and crested wheatgrass were at a Pi of 8 P. neglectus/cm³ soil. Pi was negatively correlated with alfalfa and crested wheatgrass shoot and root growth and nematode reproduction. The reproductive factor (Rf) for UT3 exceeded that of UT1 and UT2 in single and interplantings at all inoculum levels. There were no differences in Rfin the Utah populations in single or interplantings. A nematode invasion increased with temperature and was greatest at 30 °C. Population UT3 was more pathogenic than UT1 and UT2 and reduced shoot and root growth at all soil temperatures. Populations UT1 and UT2 reduced shoot and root growth at 20-30 °C. Soil temperature was negatively correlated with shoot and root growth and positively correlated with nematode reproduction. Reproduction of UT3 exceeded that of UT1 and UT2 at all soil temperatures.  相似文献   
Systematic studies were undertaken on the Caloglossa continua ( Okamura) King et Puttock complex from Japan, Singapore, and Australia, based on morphology and reproductive compatibility. Specimens from Japan had two to six cell rows derived from a nodal axial cell, at the margin opposite the branch, whereas those from Australia possessed only a single cell row. Specimens from Singapore formed one to four cell rows per nodal axial cell and always contained at least one single cell row on any one thallus. These differences were maintained in cultured materials over a range of temperatures or salinities. Type material of C. continua had the same morphology as the Japanese specimens in this study. Carpospores discharged from the Japanese isolate germinated at 10°C, whereas those from Singapore and Australia died at this temperature. In hybridization experiments, the Japanese entity was completely nonfertile with both the Singaporean and Australian isolates. Many pseudocystocarps were produced in the crossing between the male from Australia and the female from Singapore, although the reciprocal combination did not produce any such structures. On the basis of the discontinuous morphology coupled with the complete reproductive isolation, the entities from Singapore and Australia are described here as C. monosticha sp. nov. The entities with multiple cell rows likely expanded their geographic range from tropical regions, where the majority of Caloglossa species are now distributed, to high-latitude regions, and such an expansion would be associated with acquiring low-temperature tolerance .  相似文献   
Much empirical evidence suggests that there is an optimal body size for mammals and that this optimum is in the vicinity of l00g. This presumably reflects an underlying fitness function that is greatest at this mass. Here, I combine such a fitness function with an equilibrium model of competitive character displacement to assess the potential influence of a globally optimal body size in structuring local ecological communities. The model accurately predicts the range of body sizes and the average difference in size for species in communities of varying species richness. The model also predicts a uniform spacing of body sizes, rather than the gaps and clumps in the sizes of coexisting species observed in real communities. Alternative explanations for this phenomenon are discussed. The allometric relationships that result in a body size optimum subsume a large number of characteristics associated with the physiological, behavioral, demographic, and evolutionary dynamics of the species. Further integration of the underlying dynamics (e.g. individual energetics) of these relationships into all hierarchical levels of ecology will have to incorporate multiple interactive sites, spatial heterogeneity, and phylogenetic structure, but it has the potential to provide important discoveries into the means by which natural selection operates.  相似文献   
Abstract. Chemical signals from secretions of different exocrine glands modulate a variety of behavioural patterns in termite societies. These signals have multiple functions and may be interactive. During food exploitation workers of the African termite Schedorhinotermes lamanianus (Isoptera: Rhinotermitidae) employ, on foraging trails, the secretion from the sternal gland both for orientation and recruitment to a food source. The secretion from the labial gland, released onto the food by gnawing termites, stimulates additional workers to gnaw at the same site, thereby forming aggregations of gnawing termites. An interaction between these two pheromones during food exploitation is demonstrated for the first time. The volatile signal from the sternal gland inhibits in a dose-dependent manner the non-volatile, highly persistent, signal from the labial gland. The development of gnawing aggregations is inhibited and established ones are dissolved. Behavioural evidence for the perception of both the volatile signal from the sternal gland by olfactory neurones and of the non-volatile signal from the labial gland by gustatory neurones on the antennae is given. The interaction of the two pheromones as a basis for the development of distinct commuting and gnawing zones on the food source, and as a means for a dynamic regulation of food exploitation, is discussed.  相似文献   
Six heifers were used in a series of experiments to study the effects of experimental Trypanosomavivax infection on bovine reproduction. Four three-year-old Zebu heifers were intravenously inoculated with T. vivax-strain Y58 — on days 14 and 16 of their estrous cycle and two control heifers in the same phase of estrus were not infected. All the heifers were bred in the research pens with a proven bull. The four infected heifers were bred at the first wave of parasitemia and the onset of pyrexia which characterised the infection. All the heifers were examined rectally 40 days after breeding. The four infected heifers were not pregnant but the two controls were. The infected heifers later became anestrous during the experimental period of more than five months. It is concluded that trypanosomiasis may contribute to high infertility rates in cattle kept in endemic areas.  相似文献   
Two species ofPenaeaceae (Penaea mucronata andSaltera sarcocolla), a unique South African family ofMyrtales, were investigated embryologically.Penaeaceae clearly agrees with otherMyrtales in its basic embryological characteristics, and further is characterized by its highly specialized features: ephemeral endothecium, 16-nucleatePenaea-type embryo sac, and unique ovular form. A wider range of affinities of families includingPenaeaceae, Oliniaceae, Rhynchocalycaceae, Alzateaceae, andCrypteroniaceae sensu stricto, as well as a possible common divergence from an ancestral line leading toLythraceae and/orMelastomataceae, are discussed on embryological and other grounds.  相似文献   
This article outlines some of the advantages inherent in domestic animal reproductive technology development and compares them to the disadvantages in such development in wildlife species. Species program planning (as proposed by the American Association of Zoological Parks and Aquariums' Species Survival Plan) is offered as an important first step in organizing appropriate research toward reproductive technology development in wildlife species.  相似文献   
Summary Pituitary glands were examined using reference staining (hematoxylin and eosin, periodic acid-Schiff and alcian blue) and the peroxidase-labeled antibody method, for 1) invading anterior cells in the posterior lobe, 2) intermediate colloid forming follicles, and 3) pars tuberalis cells.The results showed: 1) that the majority of cases possessed invading anterior cells of various amount. Most of these cells were positive for ACTH1–18, ACTH17–39 and -MSH. However, on a few occasions, scattered GH, PRL, FSH, FSH, LH and even TSH cells were also present. 2) Colloid forming follicular cells were mostly ACTH cells, but also contained occasional other hormone-secreting cells. Hormone negative cells were correlated with salivary type epithelium. Well established acinic type salivary glands and ciliated epithelium were negative for any hormones immunohistochemically. 3) Pars tuberalis cells were predominantly gonadotrophs but also included TSH and ACTH cells. Some cells appeared to contain both FSH and LH. When these cells underwent squamous metaplasia, they seemed to lose their hormone secreting activity.Part of this study was supported by a Grant-in-Aid for Cancer Research from the Ministry of Education, Science and Culture, Japan  相似文献   
Hydroxycinnamic acid (HCA) amides in fertile and cytoplasmic male sterile lines of maize were determined in reproductive organs, developing grains and cobs. HCA amides occurred in large amounts in the anthers of fertile plants (line F7N) and were absent from the anthers of cytoplasmic male sterile lines (lines F7T and F7C). Restoration of fertility was associated with the production of these compounds (line FC31). Considerable variations were observed in the concentrations of HCA amides at different stages of growth and grain maturation. Changes of HCA amides in the grains which were to produce sterile plants followed a pattern similar to that obtained with the grains which were to produce fertile plants. Accumulation of HCA amides was substantially higher in fertile lines whatever their genotype (F7N, FC31 and F7T x FC31) than in sterile lines. Marked changes occurred in the HCA amide content of embryo and endosperm during grain development. Many changes in HCA amides were observed in cobs during development and maturation, but no substantial differences could be observed between fertile and sterile lines.  相似文献   
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