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王伟  洪宇 《Acta Botanica Sinica》1997,39(10):914-921
光敏核不育水稻(农垦58S)是我国特有的水稻(Oryza sativa L.)种质材料,光敏色素是光周期诱导其育性转变的受体。报道了育性转换敏感期间的光周期处理对农垦58S及对照“农垦58”叶片中光敏色素A(Phy A)含量及其mRNA丰度的影响。在10个光周期处理的最后一个暗期结束前,收获每株水稻的上部两片叶,用酶联免疫吸附测定法测定Phy A。和长日照(LD)相比,短日照(SD)处理导致农垦58SPhy A相对含量增加38.5%;而“农垦58”只增加18.5%。显然,在较长的暗期中,农垦58S中Phy A的积累比对照快。在水稻幼苗中也得出相似的结果。以光敏色素A基因(phy A)的特异性片段RPA3作探针,用RNA斑点杂交的方法对叶片中Phy A mRNA丰度进行分析的结果表明,光周期处理5d和10d时,两品种水稻的Phy A mRNA丰度都是SD处理的比LD的高,而且SD下农垦58S Phy A mRNA的丰度均比“农垦58”的高。这些结果表明,甲基化水平较低的农垦58S phy A可能比“农垦58”的phy A更活跃地表达。另外,在育性转换敏感期每日主光期结束时(EOD)进行10次短暂的远红光(FR)照射。结果表明,农垦58S植株抽穗和开花期比SD处理推迟2d,而花粉败育率、种子结实率却无变化。暗示农垦58S开花和育性转变过程的光周期反应可能不同。  相似文献   
The Conservation Reserve Program (CRP) is a primary tool for restoring grassland in the United States, in part as wildlife habitat, which has benefited declining grassland bird populations. Among potential mid-contract management practices used to maintain early-successional CRP grasslands, cattle grazing had been prohibited and is currently disincentivized during the primary nesting season for birds (much of the growing season), despite the important role that large herbivores historically played in structuring grassland ecosystems. Conservative grazing of CRP grasslands could increase spatial heterogeneity in vegetation structure and plant diversity, potentially supporting higher densities of some grassland bird species and higher bird diversity. Our objective was to determine the effect of experimental cattle grazing on species-specific relative abundance and occupancy, species diversity, and community dissimilarity of grassland birds on CRP grasslands across the longitudinal extent of Kansas, USA (a 63.5-cm precipitation gradient) during the 2017–2019 avian breeding seasons. Fifty-three of 108 fields were grazed by cattle during the growing seasons of 2017 and 2018 and all fields were rested from grazing in 2019. For all analyses, we examined separate model sets for semiarid western versus more mesic eastern Kansas. Using data from line transect surveys, we modeled relative abundances of 5 songbird species: grasshopper sparrow (Ammodramus savannarum), dickcissel (Spiza americana), eastern meadowlark (Sturnella magna), western meadowlark (Sturnella neglecta), and brown-headed cowbird (Molothrus ater). Grazing had delayed yet positive effects on abundances of grasshopper sparrow in western Kansas, and eastern meadowlark in eastern Kansas, but negative effects on dickcissel abundance in western Kansas and especially on burned fields in eastern Kansas. Somewhat counterintuitively, brown-headed cowbirds in western Kansas were more abundant on ungrazed versus grazed fields in the years after grazing began. In addition, we modeled multi-season occupancy of 3 gamebird species (ring-necked pheasant [Phasianus colcicus], northern bobwhite [Colinus virginianus], mourning dove [Zenaida macroura]) and Henslow's sparrow (Centronyx henslowii); grazing did not affect occupancy of these species. In eastern Kansas, species diversity was highest in grazed, unburned fields. In western Kansas, bird communities in grazed and ungrazed fields were dissimilar, as determined from multivariate analysis. Though regionally variable, conservative stocking of cattle on CRP grasslands during the nesting season as a mid-contract management tool might increase bird species diversity by restructuring habitat that accommodates a greater variety of species and decreasing abundances of species associated with taller, denser stands of vegetation.  相似文献   
Clinical prediction models play a key role in risk stratification, therapy assignment and many other fields of medical decision making. Before they can enter clinical practice, their usefulness has to be demonstrated using systematic validation. Methods to assess their predictive performance have been proposed for continuous, binary, and time-to-event outcomes, but the literature on validation methods for discrete time-to-event models with competing risks is sparse. The present paper tries to fill this gap and proposes new methodology to quantify discrimination, calibration, and prediction error (PE) for discrete time-to-event outcomes in the presence of competing risks. In our case study, the goal was to predict the risk of ventilator-associated pneumonia (VAP) attributed to Pseudomonas aeruginosa in intensive care units (ICUs). Competing events are extubation, death, and VAP due to other bacteria. The aim of this application is to validate complex prediction models developed in previous work on more recently available validation data.  相似文献   
The sorption of Cd(II) and Pb(II) ions was conducted in a continuous fixed-bed column by using dead calcareous skeletons (CS). The column performances were evaluated by varying the adsorbent bed height, influent flow rate and metals initial concentration. The breakthrough curve for the bed height indicated that a longer bed column prolonged the life span of the column with a maximum capacity of 26.447 and 38.460 mg/g for the Cd(II) and Pb(II) column, respectively. The increased flow rate and initial concentration caused the column exhaustion time to occur earlier. The experimental column data were also expressed in column adsorption models, namely, the Thomas, Yoon–Nelson and Adam–Bohart models. The Thomas model fitted well with the Cd(II) data with the correlated curve (r2 > 0.9). The Yoon–Nelson model was selected to predict the 50% breakthrough time achieved by the column system and provided the estimated breakthrough time for the columns that were not exhausted during the operation. The Adam–Bohart model was applicable for the initial part of adsorption with the saturation concentration data at the equilibrium. The saturation index of aragonite and calcite depicted that dissolution of calcium occurred in the aqueous solution. The experimental and theoretical data were correlated with a significant relationship trend (p < 0.01), which showed that the trend of experimental data fit well with the modeling trend. The trends of both the experimental and theoretical data were strongly and significantly correlated due to involving the column parameters and the components of CS.  相似文献   
甘南高山林线岷江冷杉—杜鹃种群结构与动态   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
高山林线是一种典型的生态交错带,是对气候反映最敏感的地区之一。甘肃南部高山林线区域主要以原始岷江冷杉种群和杜鹃种群为优势种,通过对岷江冷杉和杜鹃种群建立静态生命表,绘制存活曲线描述其结构特征,利用种群数量动态预测时间序列分析定量研究未来的发展趋势。结果显示:(1)岷江冷杉种群幼苗比较丰富,能很好的维持种群个体的自疏死亡,存活曲线呈Deevey-Ⅲ型;杜鹃种群幼苗缺乏,存活曲线趋向于Deevey-Ⅰ型;死亡曲线和危险率曲线都随着龄级的增加而增加,杜鹃种群的死亡率在各个龄级一直大于岷江冷杉种群,危险率在Ⅱ龄级以后杜鹃种群也始终大于岷江冷杉种群。(2)岷江冷杉种群结构动态变化指数Vpi大于修正后的种群结构动态变化指数V′pi且大于0,而杜鹃种群结构动态变化指数Vpi小于修正后的种群结构动态变化指数V′pi且小于0,则岷江冷杉种群属于增长型,杜鹃种群属于衰退型,岷江冷杉、杜鹃随机干扰极大值分别为0.027、0.011,说明二者对外界干扰均比较敏感。(3)杜鹃种群时间序列预测为前期幼苗比较缺乏,中期稳定,后期衰退的动态特征,而岷江冷杉种群表现出各龄级时间变化较小,幼苗个体数较多,种群为稳定增长型,岷江冷杉更能适应甘肃南部高山林线区域当前环境。  相似文献   
It was hypothesized that seasonality and resource availability altered through tree girdling were major determinants of the phylogenetic composition of the archaeal and bacterial community in a temperate beech forest soil. During a 2-year field experiment, involving girdling of beech trees to intercept the transfer of easily available carbon (C) from the canopy to roots, members of the dominant phylogenetic microbial phyla residing in top soils under girdled versus untreated control trees were monitored at bimonthly intervals through 16S rRNA gene-based terminal restriction fragment length polymorphism profiling and quantitative PCR analysis. Effects on nitrifying and denitrifying groups were assessed by measuring the abundances of nirS and nosZ genes as well as bacterial and archaeal amoA genes. Seasonal dynamics displayed by key phylogenetic and nitrogen (N) cycling functional groups were found to be tightly coupled with seasonal alterations in labile C and N pools as well as with variation in soil temperature and soil moisture. In particular, archaea and acidobacteria were highly responsive to soil nutritional and soil climatic changes associated with seasonality, indicating their high metabolic versatility and capability to adapt to environmental changes. For these phyla, significant interrelations with soil chemical and microbial process data were found suggesting their potential, but poorly described contribution to nitrification or denitrification in temperate forest soils. In conclusion, our extensive approach allowed us to get novel insights into effects of seasonality and resource availability on the microbial community, in particular on hitherto poorly studied bacterial phyla and functional groups.  相似文献   
海南岛热带山地雨林林分生物量估测方法比较分析   总被引:17,自引:3,他引:17  
李意德 《生态学报》1993,13(4):313-320
本文通过对海南岛热带山地雨林林分生物量估测方法的比较分析,表明材积转换法不适宜估算海南岛热带山地雨林林分生物量,其结果与皆伐法相比较一般偏高20%—40%;而用实测资料建立的生物量回归模型,对原始林林分有较好的估测结果,除树枝和树叶生物量外,树干、树皮及地上部分生物量的回归模型值,与皆伐法的结果比较,相对误差一般在±10%以内,为允许误差范围,而对热带山地雨林的更新林生物量的估测则效果较差,应建立相应的估测模型。平均木法有工作量小的优点,且误差也在16%以下,但要注意取样的树种多样性和取样强度,在实际中应当慎用。另外本文对测定热带山地雨林生物量(原始林)的所需面积大小问题作了研究,提出了生物量-面积曲线的概念,确定其最小调查面积为2500m~2以上。  相似文献   
Many bacteria used for biotechnological applications are naturally motile. Their "bio-nanopropeller" driven movement allows searching for better environments in a process called chemotaxis. Since bacteria are extremely small in size compared to the bulk fluid volumes in bioreactors, single cell motility is not considered to influence bioreactor operations. However, with increasing interest in localized fluid flow inside reactors, it is important to ask whether individual motility characteristics of bacteria are important in bioreactor operations. The first step in this direction is to try to correlate single cell measurements with population data of motile bacteria in a bioreactor. Thus, we observed the motility behavior of individual bacterial cells, using video microscopy with 33 ms time resolution, as a function of population growth dynamics of batch cultures in shake flasks. While observing the motility behavior of the most intensively studied bacteria, Escherichia coli, we find that overall bacterial motility decreases with progression of the growth curve. Remarkably, this is due to a decrease in a specific motility behavior called "running". Our results not only have direct implications on biofilm formations, but also provide a new direction in bioprocess design research highlighting the role of individual bacterial cell motility as an important parameter.  相似文献   
张亦琳  潘高  延永  葛颖  王茜 《广西植物》2019,(4):490-498
该研究采用ESI-Q-TOF-MS直接进样分析法对陕西商州、洛南、大荔、丹凤和铜川等五个地区丹参的化学成分进行了比较分析,通过丹参水溶性和脂溶性成分的质谱丰度差异评价了不同地区丹参化学成分含量的变化,对不同产地丹参的化学成分进行了鉴定,综合分析选出了最优的丹参种植产地。结果表明:五地丹参均含有丹参酮ⅡA、隐丹参酮、丹参酮Ⅰ、二氢丹参酮、丹参酚酮、次丹参醌、丹参醌Ⅱ等9种脂溶性化学成分和丹参素、咖啡酸、阿魏酸、迷迭香酸、原紫草酸、紫草酸、原儿茶醛、丹酚酸A、丹酚酸B等9种水溶性化学成分,其中丹参素钠、紫草酸、丹酚酸B和隐丹参酮的含量普遍较高,质谱丰度均大于30%。但是,随着种植环境不同,不同地区丹参的化学成分含量差异很大,如商州产丹参中含有较多具有生物活性的丹参酮类物质,其中丹参酮Ⅰ含量远远高于其他四个产地,质谱丰度达到72.6%,而其他地区丹参酮Ⅰ的质谱丰度为1.8%~11.3%。这表明丹参质量按照地区排序为商州>铜川>大荔>洛南>丹凤。该方法为中药药材质量评价提供了科学、可靠、便捷的途径,为药材规格等级的制定提供了新途径,为陕西丹参种植区域的选择提供了重要信息。  相似文献   
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