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Summary A method for transposon mutagenesis in Azospirillum lipoferum 29708 is reported with transposon Tn5. The suicide plasmid pSUP2021 was used to deliver Tn5 in A. lipoferum using Escherichia coli SM10 as the donor. Neomycin-resistant transconjugants were detected at a frequency of 6x10-6 per recipient. Different types of mutants were isolated, e.g. auxotrophic, coloured, IAA-negative, and IAA-overproducers. Among the auxotrophic mutants, cysteine and methionine requirers prevailed. Random Tn5-insertion with only one copy per mutant was demonstrated by Southern blotting and hybridization. Tn5-induced mutants are relatively stable, with reversion rates of 2–20×10-8. A gene which is a part of the carotenoid pathway is closely linked to the histidine genes. The existence of two pathways for IAA production in A. lipoferum is discussed.  相似文献   
Summary A localized region of low DNA sequence homology was revealed in two strains of Bacillus subtilis by a specific 100-fold reduction in transformation by W23 DNA of the tag1 locus, a teichoic acid marker of strain 168. Fifty nine rare recombinants, hybrid at this locus, had all acquired donor-specific phage resistance characters, while losing those specific to the 168 recipient. Chemical analysis of isolated cell walls showed that these modifications are associated with major changes in the wall teichoic acids. Genetic analysis demonstrated that determinants for the ribitol phosphate polymer of strain W23 had been transferred to 168, replacing those for the glycerol phosphate polymer in the recipient. All W23 genes coding for poly(ribitol phosphate) in the hybrids and those specifying anionic wall polymers in strain 168 are clustered near hisA. In addition to tag1, the region exchanged extends just beyond gtaA in some hybrids, whereas in others it may include the more distant gtaB marker, encompassing a region sufficient to contain at least 20 average-sized genes. Surface growth, flagellation, transformability and sporulation all appeared normal in hybrids examined. Recombinants without a major wall teichoic acid from either strain were not found, suggesting that an integral transfer of genes for poly(ribitol phosphate) from W23 had occurred in all hybrids isolated. We interpret these results as indicating an essential role for anionic wall polymers in the growth of B. subtillis.  相似文献   
Summary After random Tn5 mutagenesis of the stem-nodulating Sesbania rostrata symbiont strain ORS571, Nif-, Fix- and Nod- mutants were isolated. The Nif- mutants had lost both free-living and symbiotic N2 fixation capacity. The Fix- mutants normally fixed N2 in the free-living state but induced ineffective nodules on S. rostrata. They were defective in functions exclusively required for symbiotic N2 fixation. A further analysis of the Nod- mutants allowed the identification of two nod loci. A Tn5 insertion in nod locus 1 completely abolished both root and stem nodulation capacity. Root hair curling, which is an initial event in S. rostrata root nodulation, was no longer observed. A 400 bp region showing weak homology to the nodC gene of Rhizobium meliloti was located 1.5 kb away from this nod Tn5 insertion. A Tn5 insertion in nod locus 2 caused the loss of stem and root nodulation capacity but root hair curling still occurred. The physical maps of a 20.5 kb DNA region of nod locus 1 and of a 40 kb DNA region of nod locus 2 showed no overlaps. The two nod loci are not closely linked to nif locus 1, containing the structural genes for the nitrogenase complex (Elmerich et al. 1982).  相似文献   
The action of the herbicide glyphosate [N-(phosphonomethyl)-glycine] on phenolic metabolism and phenylalanine ammonia lyase (PAL; EC activity was investigated in yellow nutsedge (Cyperus esculentus L.). Glyphosate caused significant increases in the amount of total soluble hydroxyphenolics in the three fractions studied (neutral, acid and residual). Qualitative and quantitative differences in relation to these fractions and the amount of applied glyphosate were observed. Most of the phenolic compounds which increased after glyphosate treatment were benzoic acids (gentisic. p -OH-benzoic, salicylic and vanillic). Gentisic acid showed the greatest increase in neutral and acid fractions, being twenty- and four-fold, respectively, of the amount found in the control. PAL activity was not affected by the lowest doses of glyphosate (10−4and 10−3 M) , but a dramatic decrease in PAL activity was observed after 10−2 M treatment. These findings, together with the low levels of cinnamic acids measured in treated yellow nutsedge plants, suggest that PAL activity is only marginally involved in glyphosate action. Since the herbicidal action probably takes place at 5-enol-pyruvylshikimate-3-P synthase (EC, an alternative pathway to PAL in phenolic biosynthesis should be activated yielding benzoic acids.  相似文献   
The activity of the enzymes 5'-nucleotidase (EC, adenosine nucleosidase (EC, adenine phosphoribosyl transferase (EC and acid phosphatase (EC was determined in sections of tomato plant ( Lycopersicon esculentum Mill. cv. Bellina). The distribution of the enzymes changed markedly during development and a role for these enzymes in cytokinin metabolism is suggested.  相似文献   
Summary C-banding patterns and nucleolar activity were analyzed in Dasypyrum villosum, its added chromosomes to hexaploid wheat and the hexaploid amphiploid Triticum dicoccum-D. villosum. Two different populations of the allogamous species D. villosum (2n= 14, VV) from Greece and Italy were analyzed showing a similar polymorphism for C-banding pattern. Six of the seven addition lines were identified by their characteristic C-banding pattern. No polymorphism between both members of each added alien chromosome was found. Furthermore, nucleolar activity and competition were studied by using silver staining procedure. In D. villosum only one chromosome pair, A, was found to be responsible for organizing nucleoli. The results obtained in the amphiploid and in the addition lines demonstrate that nucleolar activity is restricted to SAT-chromosomes 1B and 6B of wheat, while those of D. villosum remain inactive.  相似文献   
The mechanism of hypercholesterolemia effect of Cu2+ deficiency was studied in rats. There was increased activity of hepatic hydroxymethylglutaryl-coenzyme A reductase and increased incorporation of labelled acetate into free cholesterol of liver in the Cu2+ deficient rats. Incorporation of label into ester cholesterol was however decreased in the liver. Concentration of bile acids in the liver was not significantly altered. Increase in the incorporation of labelled acetate into serum cholesterol and increase in the concentration of cholesterol and apo B in the low density lipoproteins + very low density lipoproteins fractions were observed. Activity of lipoprotein lipase of the extrahepatic tissues decreased in the Cu2+ deficient rats.  相似文献   
The galactose-binding lectin of human Placenta has been Purified to homogeneity by affinity chromatograPhy on asialo-fetuin column. The Protein, extractable from the tissue only with lactose is aPParently membrane-bound. Molecular weight determination of native Protein and subunit indicated a dimer of l3.4 kDa subunits. Inhibition of haemagglutination with various saccharides indicate that thiodigalactoside is the best inhibitor followed by lactose. However,P-nitroPhenyl-and 1-O-methyl derivatives of galactose showed that α-anomers inhibited slightly better than β-anomer. Modification of amino acid residues indicated involvement of arginine, lysine and histidine residues at the saccharidebinding site. Cysteine residue modificatioin also abolished haemagglutinating activity. Amino acid comPosition of the lectin is also Presented.  相似文献   
Summary It is proposed that nucleotide strands of opposite handedness may strongly associate and thereby provide the key step of a mechanism for the amplification of a small enantiomeric excess in an initially near-racemic mixture of poly- or oligonucleotides. This hypothesis, if confirmed by experimentation, may have important implications for the question of the origin of biomolecular chirality. The results of preliminary NMR experiments are given, which do show evidence of a strong association between pentanucleotide RNA strands whose monomers have opposite chirality. Simple kinetic equations are solved to demonstrate the conditions under which such association can produce amplification of chirality.  相似文献   
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