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钱灵颖  黄智洵  杨盛昌  曹文志 《生态学报》2021,41(11):4367-4378
生物多样性保护对维持城市生态系统功能具有重要意义。以39种厦门市重点保护植物为对象,通过物种分布模型MaxENT获得物种潜在分布栅格图,利用空间保护优先化定量工具Zonation软件识别理论上既适宜重点保护植物生存又能够保证景观连通性的区域,获得本地重点保护植物景观保护等级。根据2020年全球生物多样性目标,将景观保护等级最高的17%区域视为多物种空间优先保护区,结合Zonation模型生成的随景观丧失物种加权灭绝风险曲线,将保护等级最高的8%区域划为一级保护区,保护等级在8%-17%范围内的区域划为二级保护区。利用MaxENT模型中的jackknife刀切法发现海拔是对本地重点保护植物分布影响最大的环境因子,优先保护区集中分布于海拔较低的海岸带区域。将优先保护区与自然保护地建设现状、厦门市生态功能区规划、土地利用规划、城市总体规划对比发现厦门市岛外西部、北部的优先保护区得到了较好保护;岛外的西南部及东南部、岛内的东部及南部海岸带的优先保护区被建设用地大规模占用,已纳入自然保护地范围的区域较少,存在大量的海岸带优先保护区保护空缺;岛外东南部的部分优先保护区虽未被占用,但规划中属发展备用地,缺乏生态保护。为避免优先保护区面积的进一步萎缩,应重点关注海岸带区域优先保护区的生态保护,将目前属于发展备用地的优先保护区转划为生态留白空间,针对一级、二级优先保护区分别实施刚性和弹性的生态保育措施,在保护生物多样性的同时,严控对海岸带区域优先保护区的进一步开发利用,协调优先保护区内保护与开发利用间的关系。  相似文献   
A transplant experiment was conducted on a sandy beach to elucidate whether salt spray and sandblasting are the major factors inhibiting inland plants from becoming established on coastal sand dunes. Potted inland plants of Miscanthus sinensis and Imperata cylindrica var. koenigii were transplanted in two zones on the beach and in one area far inland from the beach. One zone on the beach (sea side) was located on a front dune that was occupied by native sand-dune plants; the other zone (land side) was located behind the sand dunes, where grassland comprised both sand-dune and inland species. To assess the condition of transplants, we measured changes in the canopy leaf area periodically at all sites. The final dry weight at each site was determined at the end of the experiment. Seasonal changes in sandblasting and salt spray intensities were evaluated periodically at the sites by measurement of the opaqueness of exposed transparent plastic sheets and the amount of sodium trapped in exposed filter papers, respectively. All transplants died in the sea-side zone, where both salt spray and sandblasting were most frequent and intense. The final dry weight was greatest at the inland site, which lacked salt spray and sandblasting. Although salt spray was intense in the land-side zone, the canopy leaf area decreased considerably only in seasons during which salt spray was accompanied by intense sandblasting. We concluded that sandblasting accompanied by salt spray is one of the main factors inhibiting the survival and growth of inland plants on coastal sand dunes.  相似文献   
In many temporary wetlands such as those on the Northern Tablelands of New South Wales Australia, the development of plant communities is largely the result of germination and establishment from a long-lived, dormant seed bank, and vegetative propagules that survive drought. In these wetlands the pattern of plant zonation can differ from year to year and season to season, and depth is not always a good indicator of the plant community composition in different zones. In order to determine which aspects of water regime (depth, duration or frequency of flooding) were important in the development of plant communities an experiment using seed bank material from two wetlands was undertaken over a 16 week period in late spring–early summer 1995–1996. Seed bank samples were exposed to 17 different water-level treatments with different depths, durations and frequencies of flooding. Species richness and biomass of the communities that established from the seed bank were assessed at the end of the experiment and the data were examined to determine which aspects of water regime were important in the development of the different communities. It was found that depth, duration and frequency of inundation influenced plant community composition, but depth was least important, and also that the duration of individual flooding events was important in segregating the plant communities. Species were grouped according to their ability to tolerate or respond to fluctuations in flooding and drying. The highest biomass and species richness developed in pots that were never flooded. Least biomass and species richness developed in pots that were continuously flooded. Short frequent floods promoted high species richness and biomass especially of Amphibious fluctuation-tolerator species and Amphibious fluctuation-responder species that have heterophylly. Terrestrial species were able to establish during dry phases between short floods. Depth was important in determining whether Amphibious fluctuation-tolerator or Amphibious fluctuation-responder species had greater biomass. Longer durations of flooding lowered species richness and the biomass of terrestrial species. Experiments of this kind can assist in predicting vegetation response to water-level variation in natural and modified wetlands.  相似文献   
Elk Kelp, Pelagophycus porra (Leman) Setchell, is commonly observed in deep (20-50 m) water along the outer edge of Giant Kelp, Macrocystis pyrifera (C. Agardh), forests in southern California, USA and northern Baja California, Mexico, but rarely occurs in shallower water or within the adjacent M. pyrifera beds. To investigate the factors that limit P. porra from establishing populations within these shallower habitats, juvenile P. porra sporophytes were transplanted from a deep (20 m) water P. porra zone to shallower (15 and 8 m) sites within and inside an adjacent M. pyrifera beds. Transplanted P. porra exhibited no differences in survival or growth among depths, although reproductive maturity was observed only at the two shallower sites. When P. porra propagules were experimentally introduced to areas under dense M. pyrifera canopies and areas cleared of the M. pyrifera canopies within the shallower M. pyrifera bed, P. porra still failed to recruit even though this procedure resulted in a four-fold increase in recruitment in the natural P. porra zone. Laboratory-based culturing of P. porra microscopic stages revealed that they grew and survived better under low light conditions characteristic of the natural P. porra zone (2-4 μmol photons m− 2 s− 1) than under higher light conditions characteristic of the M. pyrifera beds(18-20 μmol photons m− 2 s− 1). Pulse-amplitude modulated (PAM) fluorometry indicated that while naturally-occurring P. porra's adult sporophytes were able to photoacclimate to increasing irradiance as they grew from the benthos towards the surface, P. porra's microscopic stages were unable to photoacclimate to increased irradiances, and subsequently exhibited 100% mortality under these higher light conditions. Altogether, our study suggests that vulnerability of P. porra microscopic stages to higher irradiances appears to be the primary factor inhibiting P. porra from establishing populations in shallower water and stresses the importance of a multiple life-history approach when investigating species distributions.  相似文献   
Lenssen  J.P.M.  Menting  F.B.J.  Van der Putten  W.H.  Blom  C.W.P.M. 《Plant Ecology》2000,147(1):137-146
In riparian wetlands total standing crop often fails to account for a significant part of the observed variation in species richness and species composition within communities. In this study, we used abundance of the dominant species instead of total standing crop as the biotic predictor variable and investigated its relationships with species composition and species richness in communities dominated by Phragmites australis (Cav.) Trin. ex Steudel. This was done by measuring soil organic matter content, litter cover and elevation, Phragmites abundance (standing crop and stem density) and species composition in 78 relevés. In addition, we tried to identify the environmental boundaries of Phragmites communities by sampling relevés in neighbouring communities.Two gradients were related to a decline in Phragmites abundance: one gradient, perpendicular to the shoreline, was mainly related to increased elevation and the second gradient ran parallel to the shoreline and was related to increased amounts of soil organic matter. Within the relevés dominated by Phragmites, stem density of Phragmites and litter cover were the only factors significantly related to species composition in the RDA solution. Litter cover and standing crop of the dominant accounted for 64% of the variation in species richness within the Phragmites-dominated community. These results show that dead and living biomass of the dominant species may account for a substantial part of the variation in species composition and species richness within a single community.  相似文献   
Zonation of the actions of ethanol on gluconeogenesis and ketogenesis from lactate were investigated in the bivascularly perfused rat liver. Livers from fasted rats were perfused bivascularly in the antegrade and retrograde modes. Ethanol and lactate were infused into the hepatic artery (antegrade and retrograde) and portal vein. A previously described quantitative analysis that takes into account the microcirculatory characteristics of the rat liver was extended to the analysis of zone-specific effects of inhibitors. Confirming previous reports, gluconeogenesis and the corresponding oxygen uptake increment due to saturable lactate infusions were more pronounced in the periportal region. Arterially infused ethanol inhibited gluconeogenesis more strongly in the periportal region (inhibition constant = 3.99 ± 0.22 mM) when compared to downstream localized regions (inhibition constant = 8.64 ± 2.73 mM). The decrease in oxygen uptake caused by ethanol was also more pronounced in the periportal zone. Lactate decreased ketogenesis dependent on endogenous substrates in both regions, periportal and perivenous, but more strongly in the former. Ethanol further inhibited ketogenesis, but only in the periportal zone. Stimulation was found for the perivenous zone. The predominance of most ethanol effects in the periportal region of the liver is probably related to the fact that its transformation is also clearly predominant in this region, as demonstrated in a previous study. The differential effect on ketogenesis, on the other hand, suggest that the net effects of ethanol are the consequence of a summation of several partial effects with different intensities along the hepatic acini.  相似文献   
To obtain the characteristics of Chinese alpine grassy marshland, the vegetation of Ruoergai marshland, which is the largest peatland in China, and of neighboring areas was surveyed along mountain slopes in three areas, Ouhailao, Waqie and Kaharqiao. Based on the clustering of 122 1 m × 1 m quadrats surveyed, the vegetation was grouped into 8 types. From bottom to top of mountain slopes, the dominant species, zonally established, were: 1) Carex enervis and Equisetum limosum; 2) Carex meyeriana; 3) Deschampsia caespitosa, Caltha scaposa and Anemone obtusiloba; 4) Koeleria cristata; 5) Kobresia tibetica and Caltha scaposa; 6) Blysmus sinocompressus; 7) Polygonum sphaerostachyum and Trollius ranuncloides; and 8) Ranunculus pedicularis. In this order, species richness increased gradually along the slopes. A principal component analysis demonstrated that water depth partly regulated the establishment of vegetation. The geographical difference of vegetation was also observed, in particular, in Waqie. Likewise, grazing is considered to modify this vegetation.  相似文献   
A comparative study of the North American salt marshes between Magdalena Plain (Baja California, 24° N)_and the north of San Francisco (California 38° N) is made in order to establish relationships between floristic and zonal gradients. The sigmatistic-phytosociological method along with Average Linkage Clustering are used to describe the zonation of these salt marshes and to define the optimum zone of several halophilous plants and communities.Abbreviations (As) Arthrocnemum subterminalis - (Ds) Distichlis spicata - (Fg) Frankenia salina - (Jc) Jaumea carnosa - (MI) Monanthochloe littoralis - (S1) Sarcocornia pacifica, prostrate biotype - (S2) Sarcocornia pacifica, erect biotype - (Sp) Spartina foliosa  相似文献   
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