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野鸦椿的植物化学成分研究   总被引:10,自引:1,他引:9  
从野鸦椿 (EuscaphisjaponecaKantiz)枝叶的甲醇提取物分离得到 6个化合物 ,通过波谱分析鉴定为 5 ,7 dihydroxy 2 methyl benzopyran 4 one(Ⅰ ) ,3,4 ,5 trihydroxy benzoicacidmethylester(Ⅱ ) ,3,7 dihydroxy 5 octanolide(Ⅲ ) ,methyl 5 ,7 dihydroxy 2 (Z) octenoate(Ⅳ ) ,7 hydroxy 2 octen 5 olide(Ⅴ )和vomifoliol(Ⅵ )。  相似文献   
nisZ启动子结构与功能的研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
应用βGlucuronidase基因(gusA)作为报告基因,通过定点突变方法分别缺失nisZ编码区上游两个启动子结构(promoter1和promoter2)中的一个,发现只有靠近编码区的promoter2是nisZ启动子诱导表达所必需。将promoter2中10区及其上游的一个碱基突变为乳酸菌中典型的组成型启动子的10区结构,该改变使nisZ启动子诱导功能下降;将promoter2的10区和35区的间隔区由20个碱基缺失突变为17个碱基,则nisZ启动子失去诱导功能。据此认为该间隔区的结构与nisZ启动子的诱导表达密切相关。  相似文献   
中国石斛属一新种   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
Dendrobium fanjingshanense Z. H. Tsi ex X. H. Jin et Y. W. Zhang, sp. nov. Fig. 1 Habitu D. wilsonii Rolfe simile, a quo tepalis revolutis fulvis, lobo labelli intermedii infra medium macula una flabellata purpurea ornato. Epiphyticum; caulis teres, 20~40 cm altus, 2~3 mm crassus, caespitosus, superne 5~6-foliatus, internodiis 1~1.5 cm longis. Folia oblongo-lanceolata, subcoriacea, 2~5 cm longa, 5~15 mm lata, apice obtusa et plus minusve hamata, basi vaginis tubulatis membranaceis obtecta. Inflorescentiae e lateribus partium superarum caulium annotinorum defoliatorum nascentes, versus apicem caulis laterales, 1~2-florae; pedunculi 2~3 mm longi, ca. 1 mm crassi, basi vaginis 3~4 membranaceis 3~4 mm longis instructi; bracteae ovato-triangulatae, 3~5 mm longae, apice acutae, macula atro-fusca ornatae. Flores patentes; pedicelli cum ovario ca. 2~3 cm longi; tepala revoluta, fulva, apice obtusa; sepalum intermedium oblongum 2 cm longum, medio 6~7 mm latum, apice fere obtusum; sepala lateralia paulo oblique ovato-lanceolata, sepalo intermedio aequilonga sed medio paulo angustiora, apice obtusa, basi cum pede columnae mentum obconoideum ca. 8 mm longum 6 mm latum apice obtusum formantia; petala subelliptica, ca. 2 cm longa, medio 6 mm lata, apice subobtusa; labellum fulvum, basi purpureum et dense velutinum, obscure trilobatum, lobis lateralibus semiorbiculatis erectis, basi (inter lobos laterales) callo uno purpureo praeditis, lobo intermedio ovato, ca. 1 cm longo, 7 mm lato, apice subacuto et recurvo, supra medio carinato, glabro; columna alba, ca. 3 mm longa, basi in pedem ca. 9 mm longum producta, pede medio purpurato, glabro; operculum antherae album, ambitu rhombicum, glabrum; pollinia 4.  相似文献   
巧花兜兰——越南中部兰科一新种   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
在今年年初的一次访问云南南部的旅行中,笔者曾购得数苗小型的兜兰,据兰商称系采自越南中部,又叫越南黄花仔。此种兜兰的叶甚似小叶兜兰PaphiopedilumbarbigerumTangetWang和海伦兜兰Paph.helenaeAveryanov,但花却有着明显的不同。小叶兜兰的花大,直径达5.5~7cm;合萼片狭窄,其宽度仅为中萼片的1/2~3/5。海伦兜兰花纯黄色;花瓣线形或宽线形。而此种兜兰的花直径3~3.5cm,呈淡黄绿色,唇瓣表面、合萼片中脉下半部和花瓣的中脉及中脉上方一侧均有枣红色晕;合萼片宽度为中萼片的4/5;…  相似文献   
As an extension of our recently published work (Mlejnek and Kuglík [2000] J. Cell. Biochem. 77:6-17), the role of caspases in N(6)-benzylaminopurine riboside (BAPR)-induced apotosis in HL-60 cells was evaluated in this study. Here, BAPR-induced apoptosis was accompanied by activation of caspase-3 and caspase-9. However, when these caspases were selectively inhibited, the progression of BAPR-induced apoptosis was not markedly affected. Besides that, activation of caspase-3 and caspase-9 was found to be rather late event in apoptotic process. These results suggested that other caspases might be critically implicated. Indeed, pan-specific caspase inhibitor, Z-VAD-FMK, completely prevented DNA cleavage and apoptotic bodies formation. However, Z-VAD-FMK failed to prevent cell death and it was incapable to fully counteract the main apoptotic hallmark-chromatin condensation. Finally, our data indicate that cellular decision between apoptosis and necrosis is made upon the availability of both caspase proteases and intracellular ATP.  相似文献   
A bacterial consortium capable of degrading the fumigant 1,3-D ((Z)- and (E)-1,3-dichloropropene) was enriched from an enhanced soil. This mixedculture degraded (Z)- and (E)-1,3-D only in the presence of a suitable biodegradable organic substrate, such as tryptone, tryptophan, or alanine. After 8 months of subculturing at 2- to 3-week intervals, a strain of Rhodococcus sp. (AS2C) that was capable of degrading 1,3-D cometabolically in the presenceof a suitable second substrate was isolated. (Z)-3-chloroallyl alcohol (3-CAA) and (Z)-3-chloroacrylic acid (3-CAAC), and (E)-3-CAA and (E)-3-CAAC were the metabolites of (Z)- and (E)-1,3-D, respectively. (E)-1,3-D was degraded faster than (Z)-1,3-D by the strain AS2C and the consortium. AS2C also degraded (E)-3-CAA faster than (Z)-3-CAA. Isomerization of (E)-1,3-D to (Z)-1,3-D orthe (Z) form to the (E) form did not occur.  相似文献   
We have isolated and characterised the pht1 gene from the fission yeast Schizosaccharomyces pombe. The sequence of the predicted translation product has revealed a striking similarity to the family of H2A.F/Z histone variant proteins, which have been found in a variety of different organisms. Cells deleted for the pht1 gene locus grow slowly, exhibit an altered colony morphology, increased resistance to heat shock and show a significant decrease in the fidelity of segregation of an S. pombe minichromosome. We propose that the histone H2A variant encoded by the pht1 gene is important for chromosomal structure and function, possibly including a role in controlling the fidelity of chromosomal segregation during mitosis.  相似文献   
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