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The quality of shoots in cultures of the apple rootstock, M4, was used as a criterion for the selection of an optimum medium. The frequency of shoots in defined shoot clases was monitored for each of five media, which differed in the type and concentration of phytohormone. Media containing BA (1.15 mg l-1) and IBA (either 0.15 or 0.20 mg l-1) produced the maximum number of shoots that were desirable for transplantation and acclimatization.  相似文献   
云南兔Lepus comus G.Allen是云贵高原和滇西山地目前发现的唯一的一种野兔,初由G.M.Allen(1927)根据采自云南西部腾冲的标本命名。其后,国内外学者(包括G.M.Allen本人在内)对云南兔究竟是一独立种或为高原兔Lepus oiostulus(Hodgson)的一个地理亚种意见纷纭(罗泽珣,1981;高耀亭等,1964;Allen,1938;Ellerman et al.,1951;Angermann,1967;Corbet,1978。我们曾对国内有关单位所收藏的这两个类群的100余号标本进行较详细的对比研究。发现云南兔在形态上与高原兔确有明显区别,在分布上又有同域现象,因而主张仍应将云南兔保持其原定种的种级地位;同时,又查对了采于各地的云南兔所有标本,发现云南北部(丽江)至中部(景东、景谷)标本以及云南东部、南部和贵州西部标本都有异于滇西地模标本,且占有不同的地理分布区。经研究,应属两个新的亚种。其中,云南东部,南部和贵州西部的新亚种,为纪念先师彭鸿绶先生毕生献身于云、贵、川的科学考察事业和他的指导与培养,特以彭先生之姓氏命名,以资纪念。  相似文献   
Summary The seasonal occurrence ofAtyaephyra desmaresti in The Netherlands has been studied by sampling the cooling-water filtering screens of power stations situated along the rivers Rhine and Meuse. The shrimps were only found in large numbers at the two power stations with vegetation in the cooling-water intake areas. Fluctuations in the seasonal occurrence showed great similarity for these two localities. Highest numbers of shrimps were impinged in November. High numbers also occurred in September, while a lower peak in numbers was found in May.Changes in the numbers of records during the last 30 years in The Netherlands were compared with climatological fluctuations (severe or mild winters), indicating that this mainly southern-European species is living here at the limits of its ecological and geographical range.The distribution in The Netherlands reveals thatAtyaephyra desmaresti mainly occurs in freshwater habitats, although it tolerates higher chlorinities.  相似文献   
Oxygen demand and long term changes of profundal zoobenthos   总被引:3,自引:3,他引:0  
The paper attempts to combine the low oxygen content of the hypolimnion during stratification and the oxygen uptake of zoobenthos. Data of declining oxygen content in the hypolimnion and critical limits of respiration are combined for Chironomus anthracinus, Potamothrix hammoniensis and three species of Pisidium, P. casertanum, P. subtruncatum and P. henslowanum. The respiratory adaptation to low oxygen content influences both growth and population dynamics of the different species. The results have important bearing on eutrophication of the Lake Esrom ecosystem and temperate eutrophic lakes in general as well as the composition of profundal zoobenthos and its population dynamics.Publication No. 389 from Freshwater-Biological Laboratory, University of Copenhagen.  相似文献   
Genetic variation is described at 15 loci in 2 neotenic and 12 nonneotenic populations of red-spotted newts. Though high levels of genetic similarity (I=0.990) were found among all populations, allele frequencies at six of the eight most polymorphic loci show significant heterogeneity across populations. Change in allele frequencies at two of these loci (Pep-2 and Ldh-1) is significantly correlated with latitude. Interspecific homologies are established for newt peptidases based on substrate specificities and lactate dehydrogenases based on tissue distribution, thermal stability, and kinetic properties. Nonneotenic populations are highly variable (H=0.157) and neotenic populations are only slightly, but significantly, less variable (H=0.120). The high levels of heterozygosity detected in nonneotenic populations may result from large effective population size and/or environmental heterogeneity. The unexpectedly high heterozygosity values obtained for the neotenic populations may indicate adult dispersal or the presence of some previously undetected red efts at these localities. In any case, a major change in life history has apparently had little effect on the genetic structure of these populations.This research was supported by grants from the Blakeslee Fund of Smith College.  相似文献   
用数学方法推导出了自交作物群体遗传组成的分析公式。根据所推出的公式,可以计算出任何自交世代群体的基因型频率和同一表现型中各基因型的频率。对自交群体遗传组成的分析可用于质量性状的选择,确定选择时需要的有效群体大小和选出有效群体的大小,亦有助于确定选择的最佳世代。  相似文献   
In the use of age structured population models for agricultural applications such as the modeling of crop-pest interactions it is often essential that the model take into account the distribution in maturation rates present in some or all of the populations. The traditional method for incorporating distributed maturation rates into crop and pest models has been the so-called distributed delay method. In this paper we review the application of the distributed delay formalism to the McKendrick equation of an age structured population. We discuss the mathematical properties of the system of ordinary differential equations arising out of the distributed delay formalism. We then discuss an alternative method involving modification of the Leslie matrix.  相似文献   
  • 1 Temporal constancy in the structure of grasshopper assemblies (about forty-five species each) from two types of North American grasslands was assessed; one site was followed 25 years and the other 7 years.
  • 2 Densities and relative abundances varied but composition of assemblies based on ranks suggested significant structure when three or more species were included in the analysis.
  • 3 Results compared favourably with other insect herbivore assemblies which have been examined; variability in population change was intermediate along the spectrum of organisms which have been studied.
Examination of dispersional characteristics of Pratylenchus scribneri and Hoplolaimus galeatus indicated that there were patches within soybean fields in which both survival and reproduction wexe enhanced in spite of apparent homogeneity of soil type and topography. Treatment with carbofuran reduced the patchiness (or increased the dispersion) for H. galeatus while it had the opposite effect for P. scribneri. P. scribneri was less highly dispersed in conventional tillage plots than in the zero tillage plots. Populations from quadrats contained entirely within the patches could be described by the normal distribution (in the case of P. scribneri) or by the Poisson distribution (in the case of H. galeatus), while populations from quadrats contained entirely outside the patches could be described by the Poisson distribution for both nematodes. None of the distributions tested (Poisson, normal, negative binomial, Neyman''s) gave an adequate fit when populations from both inside and outside the patches were considered together. In all instances, log₁₀ and ln transformations reduced the goodness of fit of the data to all of the distributions tested. Even with logarithmic transformations, parametric statistics were not appropriate for analysis of data in most instances.  相似文献   
Critique of Wynne-Edwards' views on population regulation and sociality suppose a population of discrete, mutually exclusive groups essential to his thought. Yet both his past and present work focus on continually distributed, philopatric populations; his critics have argued the untenability of a position never his own. Wynne-Edwardsian ‘group selection’ focuses on local population productivity under philopatry. A ‘group’ is a local confluence of genotypes which need not be reified, and group selection consists of the differential replication (hence heritability) of the local social environment in which a genotype is embedded. Differential productivity contingent on social environment can eliminate some relational structures on genotypes in favor of others, creating an expanding wave of population productivity as in Wright's shifting balance metaphor. Such a process is inherent in the evolution of reciprocity, where cooperators must cluster to successfully invade a population of defectors. Regulation of resource exploitation in continuously distributed populations may be modeled as overlapping n-person Prisoner's Dilemmas, where each individual participates in several distinct commons and defection represents local over-exploitation of resources.  相似文献   
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