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1. Side‐arms connected to the main stem of the river are key areas for biogeochemical cycling in fluvial landscapes, exhibiting high rates of carbon processing. 2. This work focused on quantifying autochthonous and allochthonous carbon pools and, thereby, on comparing transport and transformation processes in a restored side‐arm system of the River Danube (Regelsbrunn). We established a carbon budget and quantified carbon processing from March to September 2003. In addition, data from previous studies during 1997 to 1999 were assessed. 3. Gross primary production (GPP) and community respiration were estimated by diel oxygen time curves and an oxygen mass balance. Plankton primary production was determined to estimate its contribution to GPP under different hydrological conditions. 4. Based on the degree of connectivity, three hydrological phases were differentiated. Most of the organic matter, dominated by allochthonous carbon, was transported in the main channel and through the side‐arm during floods, while at intermediate and low flows (and thus connectivity), transformation processes became more important and autochthonous carbon dominated the carbon pool. The side‐arm system functioned as a sink for particulate matter [total suspended solids and particulate organic carbon (POC)] and a source of dissolved organic carbon (DOC) and chlorophyll‐a. 5. Autochthonous primary production of 4.2 t C day?1 in the side‐arm was equivalent to about 20% of the allochthonous inputs of 20 t C day?1 (POC and DOC) entering the area at mean flow (1% of the discharge of the main channel). Pelagic photosynthesis was generally high at mean flow (1.3–3.8 g C m?2 day?1), and contributed up to 90% of system productivity. During long stagnant periods at low discharge, the side‐arm was controlled by biological processes and a shift from planktonic to benthic activity occurred (benthic primary production of 0.4–14 g C m?2 day?1). 6. The transformation of the organic matter that passes through the side‐arm under different hydrological conditions, points to the importance of these subsystems in contributing autochthonous carbon to the food web of the main channel.  相似文献   
湘江鳡仔稚鱼个体和耳石生长发育研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
2008 年6 月至7 月间于鳡(Elopichthys bambusa Richardson)的主要繁殖季节在湘江采集鳡仔稚鱼共370尾, 耳石分析表明这些仔稚鱼日龄在4-25d 间, 推算孵化日期为5 月27 日至6 月22 日。仔鱼前弯曲期向弯曲期转化时间为第6 日龄, 弯曲期向后弯曲期转化为第10 日龄, 后弯曲期向稚鱼期转化为15.5 日龄。体长生长和耳石生长均在进入后弯曲期后(12-13 日龄)出现1 个节点: 节点后体长生长速度是节点前的5 倍,节点后耳石生长速度是节点前的2 倍。早期生活史不同阶段鳡微耳石形态显著改变: 前弯曲期耳石为圆形;弯曲期耳石前后轴的生长速度明显超过背腹轴生长, 耳石也变为椭圆形; 后弯曲期耳石进一步延长, 耳石后端形成略尖的突起, 耳石呈梨形; 进入稚鱼期后, 耳石后突起变得较为平滑, 耳石形状呈贝形。耳石半径和体长的关系在后弯曲期阶段出现节点, 节点前后呈不同的直线关系。    相似文献   
How Texas wild rice, Zizania texana, became isolated in the San Marcos River of Central Texas, hundreds of kilometres from other wild rice populations is not known. Zizania seeds are intolerant of short-term desiccation. Seeds desiccated at 14% relative humidity (RH) and 75% RH do not survive after only 5-6 d and 2-3 wk of drying. Water loss is rapid and reaches a maximum at the time of seed death due to drying. And although all Zizania seeds germinate well following a long, cold dormancy period, Z. texana seeds readily germinate in the isothermic water (22°C) of the San Marcos River and Springs without an obligate, cold dormant period. Within 30-60 d of collection, Z. texana seeds germinate in substantial numbers, unlike seeds of Z. palustris, which require a long, cold dormant period. The Texas population of Z. texana may represent a relict population of a once more widely dispersed wild rice population, since the San Marcos springs probably have never gone dry.  相似文献   
水利工程对河流生态系统服务功能的影响评价方法初探   总被引:36,自引:0,他引:36  
通过分析水利工程对河流生态系统服务功能的影响,建立了评价指标体系和定量化的评价方法.评价指标体系包括建立评价指标的原则、对河流生态系统服务功能的分类和指标确定等.本文将河流生态系统的服务功能分为四类即供水及与供水量相关的航运和水电功能、生态支持功能、调节控制功能和文化美学功能.依据不同的功能类型,应用以前的研究成果,针对水利工程产生的生态效应如生物多样性的变化和河流净化功能的变化,确定了不同的调度指标,并建立了相应的数量化评价方法,主要包括指效法和BOD-DO模型方法,这些方法特有助于对水利工程的生态环境效应进行深入的分析与评价。  相似文献   
为了给黄河三角洲贝壳堤岛自然保护区维管植物资源的开发和利用提供理论依据,对黄河三角洲贝壳堤岛自然保护区植物资源进行了调查和研究,初步统计本地区维管植物共有58科、149属、228种。其中,蕨类植物3科、5属、9种;裸子植物1科、1属、1种;被子植物54科、143属、218种。从科、属、种三个层次对其植物区系进行了统计分析后得出结论:该区植物多样性贫乏;区系属的分化程度高;地理成分复杂,分布类型多样;无特有现象。  相似文献   
不同生境条件下滨海芦苇湿地C、N、P化学计量特征   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
为阐明不同生境对黄河三角洲滨海芦苇湿地土壤和植物碳(C)氮(N)磷(P)含量及生态化学计量特征的影响,选取新生湿地和退耕湿地两种湿地类型为研究对象,对土壤和植物体C、N、P含量及其化学计量特征进行研究。研究表明:1)退耕芦苇湿地土壤TC、TN的含量明显增加,TP的含量变化不大。2)新生湿地和退耕湿地土壤R_(C、N、P)分别为42.6:1.6:1、71.2:2.0:1,R_(NP)低于全球平均水平(13.1)和我国平均水平(5.2),土壤表现为N限制。新生湿地土壤剖面中,R_(CN)和R_(CP)变化剧烈;R_(NP)值随深度的增加而减小;退耕湿地土壤R_(C、N、P)值规律性较好,R_(CN)随深度的增加而变大,R_(CP)和R_(NP)值随深度的增加而减小。3)新生湿地和退耕湿地中芦苇整株R_(CN)、R_(CP)和R_(NP)平均值分别为78.2、1753、22.4;67.0、1539、23.0。开垦活动可以降低芦苇植物体R_(CN)和R_(CP)值,但由于芦苇植物体本身对R_(NP)的约束性较高,对R_(NP)值的影响不大,芦苇植株R_(NP)约为23。以上结论可以为黄河三角洲国家级自然保护区正在进行的湿地保护与恢复工作提供借鉴和参考。  相似文献   
辽西大凌河流域生态安全评价   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
王宏昌  魏晶  姜萍  吴钢 《应用生态学报》2006,17(12):2426-2430
生态安全包括自然生态安全、经济生态安全和社会生态安全,尤指自然和半自然生态系统的安全,即生态系统完整性和健康的整体水平反映.通过专家评议,从生态系统的状态-压力-效应3个方面选取28项指标,对辽西大凌河流域不同时期的生态安全进行综合评价.结果表明,1987年(7.48)与2002年(7.51)大凌河流域生态安全处于良好状态,但2002年面临的生态压力比1987年增加了32.5%.1987~2002年大凌河流域生态安全水平没有显著下降的主要原因是朝阳市政府实施了大规模的小流域治理.大凌河流域2002年生态状态和生态效应分别是1987年1.29和1.42倍.  相似文献   
Mitochondrial DNA haplotypes (control region, partial cytochrome b and ATPase6 genes) indicate a sister relationship between Vrljika and Neretva softmouth (Adriatic) trout Salmo obtusirostris . This relationship was supported by a tree of individuals based on microsatellite results [allele sharing distances ( D AS)], which revealed three distinctive clusters, corresponding to Jadro softmouth, Neretva brown trout Salmo trutta and Neretva softmouth trout. Within the latter taxon, Vrljika trout are clearly separated from other trout. The genetic results contradict the synonymy of Jadro with Vrljika softmouth trout, as recently proposed in the Red Book of Freshwater Fish in Croatia. Vrljika softmouth trout appear to have originated from a vicariance that split a common ancestor into large (Neretva) and small (Vrljika) fragmented populations 135 000–270 000 years ago. Vrljika softmouth trout can be distinguished by an array of derived phenotypic and molecular character states. For conservation, this population should be recognized formally at the same taxonomic level as the other geographically separated populations of softmouth trout.  相似文献   
Global climate change is apparent within the Arctic and the south‐western deserts of North America, with record drought in the latter reflected within 640 000 km2 of the Colorado River Basin. To discern the manner by which natural and anthropogenic drivers have compressed Basin‐wide fish biodiversity, and to establish a baseline for future climate effects, the Stream Hierarchy Model (SHM) was employed to juxtapose fluvial topography against molecular diversities of 1092 Bluehead Sucker (Catostomus discobolus). MtDNA revealed three geomorphically defined evolutionarily significant units (ESUs): Bonneville Basin, upper Little Colorado River and the remaining Colorado River Basin. Microsatellite analyses (16 loci) reinforced distinctiveness of the Bonneville Basin and upper Little Colorado River, but subdivided the Colorado River Basin into seven management units (MUs). One represents a cline of three admixed gene pools comprising the mainstem and its lower‐gradient tributaries. Six others are not only distinct genetically but also demographically (i.e. migrants/generation <9.7%). Two of these (i.e. Grand Canyon and Canyon de Chelly) are defined by geomorphology, two others (i.e. Fremont‐Muddy and San Raphael rivers) are isolated by sharp declivities as they drop precipitously from the west slope into the mainstem Colorado/Green rivers, another represents an isolated impoundment (i.e. Ringdahl Reservoir), while the last corresponds to a recognized subspecies (i.e. Zuni River, NM). Historical legacies of endemic fishes (ESUs) and their evolutionary potential (MUs) are clearly represented in our data, yet their arbiter will be the unrelenting natural and anthropogenic water depletions that will precipitate yet another conservation conflict within this unique but arid region.  相似文献   
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