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Killer whales (Orcinus orca) have a global distribution, but many high‐latitude populations are not well studied. We provide a comprehensive review of the history and ecology of killer whales in the Canadian Arctic, for which there has previously been little information. We compiled a database of 450 sightings spanning over 15 decades (1850–2008) to document the historical occurrence, distribution, feeding ecology, and seasonality of killer whales observed throughout the region. Sighting reports per decade increased substantially since 1850 and were most frequent in the eastern Canadian Arctic. The mean reported group size was 8.3 (median = 4, range 1–100), but size varied significantly among regions and observed prey types. Observations of predation events indicate that Canadian Arctic killer whales prey upon other marine mammals. Monodontids were the most frequently observed prey items, followed by bowhead whales (Balaena mysticetus), phocids, and groups of mixed mammal prey. No killer whale sightings occurred during winter, with sightings gradually increasing from early spring to a peak in summer, after which sightings gradually decreased. Our results suggest that killer whales are established, at least seasonally, throughout the Canadian Arctic, and we discuss potential ecological implications of increased presence with declining sea ice extent and duration.  相似文献   
Impaired flight ability--a cost of reproduction in female blue tits   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
When prey are attacked by predators, escape ability has an obvious influence on the probability of survival. Laboratory studieshave suggested that flight performance of female birds mightbe affected by egg production. This is the first study of changesin take-off ability, and thus potentially in predation risk,during reproduction in wild birds. We trapped individual maleand female blue tits repeatedly during the breeding season.Females were 14% heavier and flew 20% slower (probably as aconsequence of a lower ratio of flight muscle to body mass)during the egg-laying period than after the eggs had hatched.However, flight muscle size did not change to compensate for changes in body mass over this period. In contrast, males showedno changes in either body mass, muscle size, or flight abilityover the same period. Furthermore, the impairment of flightin females increased with the proportion of the clutch thathad been laid, an effect that was independent of body mass and muscle size. This indicates that egg production causes additional physiological changes in the female body that produce impairedlocomotor performance. We suggest that courtship feeding offemale blue tits by their mates might reduce predation riskduring the period when female take-off ability is impairedby reducing the time females have to spend foraging and thusreducing the time they are exposed to increased predation.  相似文献   
The central assumption of evolutionary theory is that natural selection drives the adaptation of populations to local environmental conditions, resulting in the evolution of adaptive phenotypes. The three‐spined stickleback (Gasterosteus aculeatus) displays remarkable phenotypic variation, offering an unusually tractable model for understanding the ecological mechanisms underpinning adaptive evolutionary change. Using populations on North Uist, Scotland we investigated the role of predation pressure and calcium limitation on the adaptive evolution of stickleback morphology and behavior. Dissolved calcium was a significant predictor of plate and spine morph, while predator abundance was not. Stickleback latency to emerge from a refuge varied with morph, with populations with highly reduced plates and spines and high predation risk less bold. Our findings support strong directional selection in three‐spined stickleback evolution, driven by multiple selective agents.  相似文献   

After good seedfalls by southern beech (Nothofagus spp.), density indices for mice increased, the breeding season for adult females was brought forward, and winter breeding was observed. The end of the breeding season of the following summer was brought forward only slightly if the maximum density achieved was not great; incomplete data on 2 very high-density populations suggested a much earlier end to breeding. In early winter following a good seedfall the recruitment of juveniles was temporarily increased. After spring, few young mice entered the population, though breeding continued. The distribution of age classes shifted steadily upwards as population density rose. The peak population of 1976–77 comprised mainly old mice, still breeding, but without significant recruitment. No effects of density on sex ratio, litter size, or body weight could be detected from these data. In all populations studied, density decreases were ultimately due to failure of recruitment and the disappearance of ageing, non-breeding mice. The proximate causes of this mortality were probably the onset of cold weather in 1976–77 and predation by stoats in 1979–80.  相似文献   
Distinct faunal aggregates are described from the Middle Jurassic (uppermost Bajocian/lowermost Bathonian and Middle Bathonian) clay deposits of Częstochowa area, south-central Poland. These aggregates are composed of molluscs (scaphopods, gastropods, bivalves, ammonites and belemnites), articulate brachiopods and echinoderms (asteroids, crinoids and echinoids). A large percentage of the fossils, especially bivalves, are fragmented, but some fossils are complete. Although most of the fossils are crushed and fragmented, they are still identifiable to at least the genus level. Thorough statistical analysis of taphonomic features indicates that the preservation of asteroid marginal plates is distinct from the ossicles derived from the host clays. The high frequency of bite marks and the good state of preservation suggest that the accumulations are the products of predation activities and most probably are the effect of regurgitation. Taking into account the rich and diverse fauna, the predator was a bottom-feeding generalist. Possible predators include palaeospinacid sharks, a tooth of which was collected from the same bedding surface, but not associated with regurgitated remains. Although the bite marks on the asteroid ossicles point to sharks as potential producers of regurgitates, other vertebrates, like durophagous pycnodontiform fish, cannot be excluded.  相似文献   
Studies that have tested and failed to support the hypothesis that escalated species (e.g., those with predation-resistant adaptations) are more susceptible to elimination during mass extinctions have concentrated on the distribution and degree of morphological defenses in molluscan species. This morphological approach to determining level of escalation in bivalves may be oversimplified because it does not account for metabolic rate, which is an important measure of escalation that is less readily accessible for fossils. Shell growth rates in living bivalves are positively correlated with metabolic rate and thus are potential indicators of level of escalation. To evaluate this approach, we used oxygen isotopes to reconstruct shell growth rates for two bivalve species (Macrocallista marylandica and Glossus markoei) from Miocene-aged sediments of Maryland. Although both species are classified as non-escalated based on morphology, the isotopic data indicate that M. marylandica was a faster-growing species with a higher metabolic rate and G. markoei was a slower-growing species with a lower metabolic rate. Based on these results, we predict that some morphologically non-escalated species in previous tests of extinction selectivity should be reclassified as escalated because of their fast shell growth rates (i.e., high metabolic rates). Studies that evaluate the level of escalation of a fauna should take into account the energetic physiology of taxa to avoid misleading results.  相似文献   
Selection by wild birds on artificial dimorphic prey on varied backgrounds   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
Our aim was to test the effects of prey frequency and background composition on selection by free-ranging birds. We did three series of experiments with populations of grey and orange pastry prey scattered among coloured stones that made the prey either conspicuous or inconspicuous. Series 1 tested whether the predicted equilibrium frequency of the two prey types was influenced by the frequency of matching grey and orange stones. Birds at a single site were given a random sequence of combinations of prey frequency and stone frequency. Selection was dependent on background and the effect of prey frequency also varied with background. In series 2, we explored the frequency-independent effect of background: birds at five sites were given equal numbers of the two prey in three frequencies of matching stones and two of non-matching. There was a higher risk of predation for prey that matched rarer stones. In series 3 we attempted to measure, at a single site, the actual equilibrium prey frequencies in three different backgrounds: two extreme stone frequencies and one intermediate. Each experiment started with a population of equal numbers of grey and orange prey. After half the prey had been eaten we calculated the frequencies of the survivors and presented a new population of the original size but with the new prey frequencies; each experiment ran for 25 such 'generations'. The results suggested that at equilibrium the commoner 'morph' was the one that resembled the commoner colour of stone. Overall, our findings support the idea that visual selection can result in morph frequencies becoming related to the proportions of their matching background components and that this equilibrium will 'track' temporal or spatial changes in the background.  相似文献   
Primate fruit choice among plant species has been attributed to different morphological plant and fruit characteristics. Despite a high abundance of animal-dispersed plant species in the savanna–forest mosaic of West Africa, few data are available on the interplay between morphological fruit traits and primate fruit consumers in this ecosystem. We tested whether olive baboons (Papio anubis) at Comoé National Park, north-eastern Ivory Coast, prefer fruit species with particular characteristics relative to the availability of these traits among the woody plant species at the study site. Specifically we were interested in the suites of traits that best predict fruit choice and seed handling by baboons. The baboons ate fruit/seeds from 74 identified plant species, representing 25 percent of the regional pool of woody plant species. They preferred trees to shrubs and lianas as fruit sources. Otherwise, baboons seemed to consume whatever fruit type, color, and size of fruit and seeds available, though they especially included larger fruit into their diet. Against expectations from the African bird–monkey fruit syndrome of brightly colored drupes and berries, baboons ate mostly species having large, dull-colored fruit. Fruit type and color best described whether baboons included a species into their diet, whereas fruit type and seed size best predicted whether baboons predated upon the seeds of their food plant species. As most plant species at the study site had medium-sized to large fruits and seeds, large frugivores like baboons might be particularly important for plant fitness and plant community dynamics in West African savanna–forest ecosystems.  相似文献   
Males that search widely for females and perform conspicuous courtship displays run a high risk of being detected by their predators. Therefore, gains in reproductive success might be offset by increased mortality due to predation. Male brush‐legged wolf spiders (Schizocosa ocreata) with larger decorative traits (foreleg tufts) are preferred by females as mates, but are more readily detected by predators. However, predation risk may also be influenced by the interaction between components of signals and the environment in which signaling occurs. Courting male spiders were readily accepted as prey by a sympatric predator, the American toad (Anaxyrus americanus). We used video playback to tease apart the interactive effect between visual signals and the signaling environment on the ability of toads to detect courting spiders as a function of distance, background contrast, the presence or absence of male foreleg tufts, and behavioral activity. The response of toads to video sequences of male spiders was similar to their response to live male spiders. Toad response varied over distance toward spiders displayed against high contrast (sunny) vs. low contrast (shaded) backgrounds. Beyond 30 cm, more toads detected courting male spiders against light, ‘sunny’ backgrounds and detected them faster when compared to the same spider stimulus against darker, ‘shady’ backgrounds. In choice tests, toads oriented more often toward courting males with leg tufts than those without. Toad responses also varied with male spider behavior in that only videos of moving males were attacked. Latency to orient and detection by toads was significantly greater for walking males than courting males, and this effect was most evident at distances between 30 cm and 50 cm. Results supported that courting wolf spiders are at significant risk of predation by visually acute predators. Distance, background contrast, and the presence of foreleg decorations influence detection probability. Thus, the same complex visual signals that make males conspicuous and are preferred by females can make males more vulnerable as prey to toads.  相似文献   
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