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This investigation examines the immunologic basis for specific antigen-induced tube leukocyte adherence inhibition (LAI) reactivity of draining lymph node cells (LNC) from dogs with canine transmissible venereal sarcoma (CTVS). CTVS regressor LNC, macrophage-depleted LNC, and enriched T lymphocyte fractions, but not enriched B lymphocyte fractions, were specifically reactive to CTVS antigen extract in direct tube LAI. In addition, regressor LNC amplified tube LAI responses by generating supernatants with leukocyte adherence inhibition factor (LAIF) activity for normal dog indicator LNC and enriched peripheral blood mononuclear cells (PBMC) in an indirect tube LAI assay. However, macrophage-depleted LNC and enriched T lymphocyte fractions failed to generate supernatants with LAIF activity, suggesting that macrophage accessory cells play a central role in the amplification of tube LAI. Interestingly, CTVS regressor peripheral blood leukocytes (PBL) and PBMC, which were specifically reactive in direct tube LAI, also failed to generate supernatants with LAIF activity. These findings demonstrate a distinction between LAIF-mediated amplification and direct tube LAI reactivity, and suggest that leukocyte populations with differing cellular proportions and from different immunologic compartments may participate in tube LAI via different mechanisms.  相似文献   
报道了产于新疆的驼绒藜(Krascheninnikovia ceratoides(L) Guedenst)2个新变种及昆仑山驼绒藜(K.compacta(Losinsk.)Grub.)1个新变种:叶城驼绒藜(K.compacta var.yechengensis A L Fu.f.nov.)。每一新分类群均有插图。荒漠驼绒藜(Krascheninnikovia ceraroides var. deserticola(Losinsk.)G.Yang comb.nova)主要生于平原荒漠或低山区,常在下部分枝,形成垫状灌丛,叶片狭窄,披针形、狭椭圆形、狭长圆形,两面均被细绒毛。因而两面同色;草原驼绒藜(K.ceratoides var. pratensis(Losinsk.)Z Li comb.nova)主要生在山地草原,分枝也多在上部,叶上面无毛,下面疏毛,因而两面不同色;叶城驼绒藜(K.compacta var. yechengensis A L Fu var.nov.)的叶片跟博乐驼绒藜(变型)很近似,但雌花苞片为淡绿色,分离部分远长于连合部分,而甚易区别,也仅见于叶城昆仑山。  相似文献   
应用随机扩增多态性DNA(RAPD)技术对来自云南西北部高黎贡山和丽江玉龙雪山的6个冬虫夏草Cordycepssinensis(Berk.)Sacc.,来自德钦地区三个地方的8个阔孢虫草C.crassisporaZang,YangetLi以及来自云南昆明的一个蛹虫草C.militaris(Vuill)Fr.进行分析。18个随机引物获得的RAPD谱带清晰并呈现多态。遗传距离分析表明,冬虫夏草/阔孢虫草与蛹虫草之间存在显著的遗传差异。冬虫夏草与阔孢虫草之间的遗传差异较为明显。在同种虫草个体中,来自同一地方的样本间遗传差异较小,不同地方的样本间遗传差异较大。说明云南虫草的不同地理群体间存在遗传分化。应用UPGMA和NJ法构建的分子系统树将来自不同地方的冬虫夏草及阔孢虫草分别聚在一起,提示RAPD标记在虫草群体中有显著的地区特异性。RAPD作为有效的遗传标记,可在分子水平上研究虫草属的遗传分化、起源和系统演化等。  相似文献   
新疆棘豆属一新种   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
假长毛棘豆 新种 图 1OxytropispseudohirsutaQ .WangetC .Y .Yang ,sp .nov .Fig.1SpeciesnovaaffinisO .assiensiVass.,sedcorollaaurea,vexillo 1 7~ 2 0mmlongo ,rostrocarinae 2~ 2 .5mmlongodiffert.Perennis,5~ 1 2cmalta ,basistipulisetpetiolispersistentibusdensevestita,subacaulis.Fo lia 3~ 8cm…  相似文献   
百合科寄主植物对韭菜迟眼蕈蚊的生物效应   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
薛明  庞云红  王承香  李强 《昆虫学报》2005,48(6):914-921
室内分别用百合科韭菜、大葱、大蒜和圆葱饲喂韭菜迟眼蕈蚊Bradysia odoriphaga Yang et Zhang幼虫,研究了4种寄主植物对其生长发育和繁殖的影响;用气-质谱联用分析技术,检测了人工合成大蒜素及大蒜、圆葱和韭菜的乙醇提取物的主要化学成分。结果表明,4种供试寄主植物对韭菜迟眼蕈蚊生长发育和繁殖的影响存在差异,幼虫取食韭菜最有利于其生长发育和繁殖;取食大蒜和圆葱对其生长发育和繁殖表现出明显的不利性,主要表现为幼虫死亡率增加,幼虫期延长,蛹重减轻,单雌产卵量降低;而取食大葱的影响介于取食韭菜与取食大蒜和圆葱之间。大蒜、圆葱的乙醇提取物和人工合成的大蒜素均对韭菜迟眼蕈蚊1龄幼虫有不同程度的杀虫活性,大蒜和圆葱的乙醇提取物(干粉,2 g/mL)稀释100和200倍,处理后48 h对1龄幼虫的校正死亡率分别达54.7%、28.0%和49.4%、22.7%;10%大蒜素稀释500和1 000倍,处理后48 h校正死亡率达100%和80.0%。成分分析表明硫醚类化合物可能是大蒜和圆葱中含有的杀虫活性物质之一。  相似文献   
本文报道了广东3属14种和变种的小煤炱菌,其中含笑生附丝壳(Appendiculella michelicola Yang)、马比花生小煤炱(Meliola mappianthicola Yang)是新种,其余为国内新记录。文中有种和变种检索表。  相似文献   
易同培  杨林 《植物研究》2006,26(6):641-643
绵竹榆的花秋季开放,翅果柱头面被毛,其两侧的翅较果核为窄,果核位于翅果上端接近缺口处,与榔榆(Ulmus parvifolia Jacq.)相似,但树皮深灰色,不规则鳞块状浅裂,叶片先端渐尖,花被片裂至基部,宿存,边缘上部生纤毛,翅果狭椭圆形,中部最宽,向两端渐变窄,果梗与花被等长,长约2 mm,果序梗长约1 mm,而明显不同。  相似文献   
Protein functions are determined by their three-dimensional structures and the folded 3-D structure is in turn governed by the primary structure and post-translational modifications the protein undergoes during synthesis and transport. Defining protein functions in vivo in the cellular and extracellular environments is made very difficult in the presence of other molecules. However, the modifications taking place during and after protein folding are determined by the modification potential of amino acids and not by the primary structure or sequence. These post-translational modifications, like phosphorylation and O-linked N-acetylglucosamine (O-GlcNAc) modifications, are dynamic and result in temporary conformational changes that regulate many functions of the protein. Computer-assisted studies can help determining protein functions by assessing the modification potentials of a given protein. Integrins are important membrane receptors involved in bi-directional (outside-in and inside-out) signaling events. The beta3 integrin family, including, alpha(IIb)beta3 and alpha(v)beta3, has been studied for its role in platelet aggregation during clot formation and clot retraction based on hydroxyl group modification by phosphate and GlcNAc on Ser, Thr, or Tyr and their interplay on Ser and Thr in the cytoplasmic domain of the beta3 subunit. An antagonistic role of phosphate and GlcNAc interplay at Thr758 for controlling both inside-out and outside-in signaling events is proposed. Additionally, interplay of GlcNAc and phosphate at Ser752 has been proposed to control activation and inactivation of integrin-associated Src kinases. This study describes the multifunctional behavior of integrins based on their modification potential at hydroxyl groups of amino acids as a source of interplay.  相似文献   
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