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Summary The water relations of Picea abies in a healthy stand with green trees only and a declining stand with trees showing different stages of needle yellowing were investigated in northern Bavaria. The present study is based on observations of trees differing in their nutritional status but apparently green on both sites in order to identify changes in the response pattern which might be caused by atmospheric concentrations of air pollutants and could lead to the phenomenon of decline. Transpiration was measured as water flow through the hydroactive xylem using an equilibrium mass-flow measurement system. Total tree transpiration was monitored diurnally, from July 1985 until October 1985 at both sites. The relationship between transpiration and meteorological measurements indicated that transpiration was a linear function of the vapor pressure deficit. No differences in transpiration of green trees were observed between the two sites. Canopy transpiration was 57%–68% of total throughfall and 41%–54% of total rainfall. Due to this positive water balance, soil water potential at 10 and 20 cm depths remained close to-0.02 MPa (max.-0.09 MPa) for most of the summer. Soil water potential was correlated with the difference between the weekly precipitation and transpiration. No differences in the water relations of apparently healthy trees in the two P. abies stands were observed. It is concluded that differences between green trees at the two sites in terms of nutrient relations or growth rate cannot be explained by changes in whole-tree transpiration or soil water status.  相似文献   
Summary Ten seedlings each of Eucalyptus kitsoniana Maiden and Eucalyptus globulus Labill. were subjected to two levels of water stress and two levels of nutrient stress (macro and micro-nutrients) in a greenhouse for 3 weeks. The objectives were to determine the degree to which seedlings show differences in sap chemistry, photosynthesis and transpiration that relate to the environments in which these two species live. Whole plants were then extracted for xylem sap using a pressure chamber and the sap was analyzed for 14 elements using an inductively coupled plasma spectrometer and a nitrometer. For E. kitsoniana water and nutrient stress, applied separately or in combination, significantly reduced leaf conductance, transpiration, photosynthesis and midday water potential. Nutrient stress alone had less effect than water stress on most functions measured. Water stress alone reduced the root/shoot ratio; the combination of water and nutrient stress increased the root/shoot ratio, primarily because of reduced shoot weight. In E. kitsoniana, water stress alone or in combination with nutrient stress increased the xylem sap concentrations of B and Si. Multi-nutrient stress alone, or in combination with water stress, significantly decreased sap Zn and K. For this species, sap N was decreased by nutrient stress, but increased by water stress. E. globulus had significantly lower transpiration rates and less root mass than E. kitsoniana. Slightly lower leaf conductance and photosynthesis were not significant in E. globulus compared to E. kitsoniana. Water and nutrient stress reduced conductance, transpiration (except for nutrient stress) and photosynthesis, and the effects of water stress on E. globulus were greater than the effects of nutrient stress. Midday water potential was reduced by water stress. Water or nutrient stress alone did not alter seedling root/shoot ratio, but the combination of water and nutrient stress significantly increased the root/shoot ratio for both species. For E. globulus, sap concentrations of Mn, Na, Si and K were increased by water stress (alone or in combination with nutrient stress). Sap N increased with water stress or combined stresses, but decreased under nutrient stress alone. When the two species were compared, E. globulus generally had lower or similar nutrient concentrations in the sap, with Ca, Mg, Mn and P significantly lower than in E. kitsoniana. Seedlings of these two species show strong site adaptations to water and nutrient availability.  相似文献   
We present a hybrid dual‐wavelength optoacoustic and ultrasound bio‐microscope capable of rapid transcranial visualization of morphology and oxygenation status of large‐scale cerebral vascular networks. Imaging of entire cortical vasculature in mice is achieved with single capillary resolution and complemented by simultaneously acquired pulse‐echo ultrasound microscopy scans of the mouse skull. The new approach holds potential to facilitate studies into neurological and vascular abnormalities of the brain. Further details can be found in the article by Johannes Rebling, Héctor Estrada, Sven Gottschalk, et al. ( e201800057 ).


The objective of this study was to determine how adjustment in stomatal conductance (g s) and turgor loss point (tlp) between riparian (wet) and neighboring slope (dry) populations of Acer grandidentum Nutt. was associated with the susceptibility of root versus stem xylem to embolism. Over two summers of study (1993–1994), the slope site had substantially lower xylem pressures (px) and g s than the riparian site, particularly during the drought year of 1994. The tlp was also lower at the slope (-2.9±0.1 MPa; all errors 95% confidence limits) than at riparian sites (-1.9±0.2 MPa); but it did not drop in response to the 1994 drought. Stem xylem did not differ in vulnerability to embolism between sites. Although slope-site stems lost a greater percentage of hydraulic conductance to embolism than riparian stems during the 1994 drought (46±11% versus 27±3%), they still maintained a safety margin of at least 1.7 MPa between midday px and the critical pressure triggering catastrophic xylem embolism (pxCT). Root xylem was more susceptible to embolism than stem xylem, and there were significant differences between sites: riparian roots were completely cavitated at -1.75 MPa, compared with -2.75 MPa for slope roots. Vulnerability to embolism was related to pore sizes in intervessel pit membranes and bore no simple relationship to vessel diameter. Safety margins from pxCT averaged less than 0.6 MPa in roots at both the riparian and slope sites. Minimal safety margins at the slope site during the drought of 1994 may have led to the almost complete closure of stomata (g s=9±2 versus 79±15 mmol m-2 s-1 at riparian site) and made any further osmotic adjustment of tlp non-adaptive. Embolism in roots was at least partially reversed after fall rains. Although catastrophic embolism in roots may limit the minimum for gas exchange, partial (and reversible) root embolism may be adaptive in limiting water use as soil water is exhausted.  相似文献   
The purpose of our work was to investigate the functioning of K+ channels in protoplasts of laticifers of Hevea brasiliensis Muell. Arg., anastomosed into a network devoid of large central vacuoles, after tapping stress. Physiological functions such as proton pump activity and uptake of sucrose (a rubber precursor) were maintained, when the voltage-clamp method was used in vivo to record the whole-cell K+ current during the stress response.
A time-dependent inward current was induced in 50 m M KCl and rapidly inactivated (about 100 ms). The activation potential of this inward K+ channel was not closely dependent on Ek. This would be coherent with the 'valve model' of Schroeder and Fang (1991, Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. USA 88: 11583–11587) involving the activation of a H+-pump accounting for the K+ uptake observed in laticiferous cells under stress. The activation half-time of outward currents was clearly voltage dependent: from about 350 to 60 ms for 125 and 155 mV, respectively. Time-dependent outward current sensitivity to 5 m M BaCl2 or CaCl2 or to 5 μ M Erythrosin B showed that the K+ channels could be Ca2+-dependent. Because of the positive values of the activation potential of the outward current, the possibility opens that an action potential exists, these cells being specialized for stress response.  相似文献   
Hydrodynamic effects on BHK cells grown as suspended natural aggregates   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Baby hamster kidney (BHK) cell aggregates grown in stirred vessels with different working volumes and impeller sizes were characterized. Using batch cultures, the range of agitation rates studied (25-100 rpm) led to aggregates with maximum sizes of 150 mum. Necrotic centers were not observed and cell specific productivity was independent of aggregate size. High cell viability was found for both single and adherent cells without an increase in cell death when agitation rate was increased. The increase in agitation rate affected aggregates by reducing their size and increasing their concentration and cell concentration in aggregates, while increasing the fraction of free cells in suspension. The experimental relationship between aggregate size and power dissipation rate per unit of mass was close to -1/4, suggesting a correlation with a critical turbulence microscale; this was independent of vessel scale and impeller geometry over the range investigated. Viscous stresses in the viscous dissipation subrange (below Kolmogoroff eddies) appear to be responsible for aggregate breakage. Under intense agitation BHK cells grown in the absence of microcarriers existed as aggregates without cell damage, whereas cells grown on the surface of microcarriers were largely reduced. This is a clear advantage for scaleup purposes if aggregates are used as a natural immobilization system in stirred vessels. (c) 1995 John Wiley & Sons, Inc.  相似文献   
Xylem sap and foliar compositions (P, Cu, Zn, Mn) were examined over 4 months in control and P-fertilized maritime pine in a 7-year-old plantation. The absorption of copper, zinc, and boron appears to be reduced by phosphate fertilization. Manganese concentrations are positively related to P-supply increase. Foliar analysis and sap provides the same type of information in terms of antagonism or synergism between elements but the response to treatment is more often significant with sap throughout the seasons and is completely non-existent on a single classical autumn diagnosis with foliar concentration (i.e. Zn and Cu). In consequence foliar analysis is not sensitive enough for copper or zinc deficiency diagnoses in young plantations where nutritional growth disorders appear in a short period of spring, and xylem chemistry appears to be a convenient tool in monitoring micronutrient disorders in pine plantations.  相似文献   
Stems of cut rose flowers were exposed to air at 20°C and 60% relative humidity and then placed in water. The rate of water uptake in Frisco, Sonia, Madelon, and Cara Mia roses was maximally inhibited after 72, 36, 24, and 3 h of exposure to air. respectively. Anatomical observations showed no tyloses, gums, or deposition of hydrophobic material in the xylem conduits (tracheids and vessels) of any of the investigated cultivars. Frisco, Sonia, Madelon, and Cara Mia roses showed no difference in the number, the length, the wall thickness, or the diameter of the lumina of either the tracheids or the vessels. This indicates that differences in recovery are not related to capillary diameter or length.
During exposure to air the decrease in transpiration rate, fresh weight, and water potential was the same in Sonia, Madelon, and Cara Mia roses. Upon exposure to air Frisco roses lost less water than the other cultivars studied In Frisco roses stomatal conductance was similar to that of other cultivars, but the rate of cuticular transpiration was lower.
It is concluded that conservation of water through low cuticular transpiration is one of the reasons for the relatively slow development of the vascular occlusion in Frisco roses, but the differences between Sonia. Madelon and Cara Mia roses were not related to their rates of transpiration.  相似文献   
A survey of root pressures in vines of a tropical lowland forest   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
Pre-dawn xylem pressures were measured with bubble manometers attached near the stem bases of 32 species of vines on Barro Colorado Island, Panama, to determine if pressures were sufficient to allow for possible refilling of embolized vessels. Of 29 dicotyledonous species 26 exhibited only negative xylem pressures, even pre-dawn during the wet season. In contrast, three members of the Dilleniaceae exhibited positive pre-dawn xylem pressures, with a maximum of 64 kPa in Doliocarpusmajor. A pressure of 64 kPa is sufficient to push water to a height of 6.4 m against gravity, but the specimens reached heights of 18 m. Thus, in all 29 dicotyledons examined, the xylem pressures were not sufficient to refill embolized vessels in the upper stems. In contrast, two of the smaller, non-dicotyledonous vines, the climbing fern Lygodiumvenustrum and the viny bamboo Rhipidocladumracemiflorum, had xylem pressures sufficient to push water to the apex of the plants. Therefore, a root pressure mechanism to reverse embolisms in stem xylem could apply to some but not to most of the climbing plants that were studied. Received: 18 March 1996 / Accepted: 24 October 1996  相似文献   
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