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Diatoms are potentially the most important biomonitors of environmental change in high arctic lakes and ponds, but to date few autecological data are available. Because of the shallow nature of many of these water bodies, a large proportion of taxa are periphytic and planktonic diatoms are absent for the most part. By determining the microhabitat and substrate preferences of these benthic diatom taxa, the potential exists to infer past changes in available habitats from fossil diatom assemblages collected from sediment cores and ultimately to reconstruct past environmental and climatic changes responsible for these shifts in habitat availability. To refine our understanding of high arctic diatom habitat preference, the common diatom taxa found on submerged moss (bryophyte), sediment, and rock substrates from lakes and ponds on Bathurst Island, Nunavut, Canadian High Arctic were examined. The relationships among key limnological variables and the common taxa from each habitat were examined. Many diatom taxa exhibited varying degrees of microhabitat preference, with moss representing the more unique habitat. In addition, the following limnological variables significantly ( P ≤ 0.05) explained the species variance for each of the three substrates: Na + and total nitrogen for moss; total phosphorus (filtered) and pH for rock; and Fe3 + , total phosphorus (unfiltered), total nitrogen, temperature, and pH for sediment. These data can be used to help interpret monitoring and paleolimnological studies in this environmentally sensitive region.  相似文献   
We examined the interaction between a palm and two bruchid beetles along with several mammal species to explore how poachers and habitat fragmentation may indirectly alter the spatial pattern of seed dispersal, seed predation, and seedling recruitment in central Panama. The large, stony endocarps of Attalea butyraceae decay slowly and bear distinctive scars when opened by rodents or beetles. We determined the final distance between endocarps and reproductive trees (which we call an ecologically effective dispersal distance), the predation status of each endocarp, and the distance between seedlings and reproductive trees. The 68 focal trees were divided among 14 sites and four levels of anthropogenic disturbance. Levels of disturbance included full protection from poachers, light and heavy pressure from poachers, and small island habitat fragments. Ecologically effective seed dispersal distances were greatest for protected sites, intermediate for lightly poached sites, and shortest for heavily poached sites and habitat fragments. Seed predation by rodents increased with distance to the nearest reproductive Attalea and was greatest for fully protected sites, intermediate for lightly poached sites, and least for heavily poached sites and habitat fragments. Seed predation by beetles reversed the patterns described for seed predation by rodents. Total seed predation by beetles and rodents combined was independent of distance, greatest for fully protected sites, and lower for poached sites and habitat fragments. Seedling densities were always greatest close to reproductive trees; however, the increase in seedling densities close to reproductive trees was minimal for fully protected sites, clearly evident for poached sites, and pronounced for habitat fragments. Increased seedling recruitment near conspecific trees may in time reduce tree diversity where humans disrupt mammal communities.  相似文献   
附生兰科植物是热带林附生植物的主要类群之一,对于维持热带林生态系统的物种多样性及生态功能具有重要的作用。以海南岛霸王岭国家级自然保护区内的6种热带原始林类型(热带季雨林、低地雨林、热带针叶林、山地雨林、山地常绿林及山顶矮林)中的附生兰科植物为研究对象,通过样带调查(每个森林类型设置12个10m×50m的样带,记录每个样带内胸径(DBH)≥5cm的树木及藤本上附生兰科植物的物种名称、株数及附生位置)分析了附生兰科植物的物种多样性、附生位置及其在不同森林类型中的分布规律。结果表明:1)3.6hm2森林调查样带内共记录到附生兰科植物9634株,分属于26属60种;2)除趋势对应分析(DCA)结果表明,6种森林类型中的附生兰科植物可分成5组(其中,山地常绿林与山顶矮林内的附生兰科植物归为一组);3)分布海拔范围相临近的森林类型的附生兰科植物具有较高的相似性,山地常绿林和山顶矮林附生兰科植物的相似性最高(88.9%);4)6种森林类型中,较高海拔的3种森林类型(山地雨林、山地常绿林和山顶矮林)中,附生兰科植物的丰富度和多度均显著高于其在较低海拔的3种森林类型(热带季雨林、低地雨林和热带针叶林),其中,附生兰科植物在山地常绿林内的丰富度和多度均最高;5)热带季雨林、低地雨林、热带针叶林及山地雨林内,宿主冠区附生兰科植物的多度均高于干区;山地常绿林内两者之间无显著差异;而山顶矮林干区的附生兰科植物的多度高于冠区;6)调查木上附生兰科植物的发生率在高海拔森林类型均高于其在低海拔森林类型,各森林类型内附生兰科植物的多度及物种丰富度与宿主胸径均存在显著正相关关系。  相似文献   
海南岛热带天然针叶林附生维管植物多样性和分布   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2       下载免费PDF全文
作为热带林中一个重要的特征性组分, 附生维管植物对于维持热带森林的物种多样性及其生态系统功能均具有重要作用。该文首次系统地报道了热带天然针叶林中的附生维管植物多样性和分布特征。以海南岛霸王岭国家级自然保护区保存完好的热带天然针叶林(我国唯一较大面积分布的南亚松(Pinus latteri)天然林)中的附生维管植物为研究对象, 通过样带调查(共设置12个10 m × 50 m的样带, 记录每个样带内胸径(DBH) ≥ 5 cm树木上附生维管植物的物种名称、株数及附生高度), 分析附生维管植物的物种多样性和空间分布特征。结果表明: 1)热带针叶林0.6 hm 2面积内共有附生维管植物769株, 分属于7科17属27种, 附生兰科植物和萝摩科植物为优势类群; 2)附生维管植物在水平方向上呈现出聚集分布; 3)附生维管植物在垂直方向上, 在中等高度层次(10-20 m)分布最多, 在下层(0-5 m)也有较多的分布; 4)少数附生维管植物对南亚松表现出一定的选择性, 如华南马尾杉(Phlegmariurus fordii)、玫瑰毛兰(Eria rosea)、眼树莲(Dischidia chinensis)和铁草鞋(Hoya pottsii)等; 5)附生维管植物的物种丰富度及多度与宿主胸径均存在显著的正相关关系。  相似文献   
缅甸英雄岛始新世-上新世浮游有孔虫及其古环境意义   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
英雄岛位于印度洋缅甸西海岸,前人在该区所做的工作较少,生物地层研究程度较低.围绕该区石油勘探的进行,作者分析了RM19-3-1井的29件钻井岩屑样品,根据所含浮游有孔虫识别出7次有孔虫生物事件.考虑到研究区处于低纬度地区,故采用Bolli和Saunders(1985)的分带标准建立了7个浮游有孔虫化石带:P12-P17带;P18/19-P21/N2带;P22/N3带,N4-N7带;N8-N10带;N11-N14带和N15-N20?带,其延限时代为始新世-上新世.根据所含有孔虫动物群的演替规律,可将研究区的沉积环境变化由下而上划分为6个阶段,总体具有大陆架-陆坡的沉积环境特征.  相似文献   
采用2013—2014年四季度月在金门岛北部海域获取的浮游植物及环境因子监测数据, 分析该区浮游植物的群落结构和季节变化及其与温度、盐度、悬浮物、营养盐、叶绿素等的关系, 初步探讨涉海工程建设对浮游植物群落的潜在影响。结果显示, 鉴定出的浮游植物隶属3门43属82种(不含未定种), 群落构成以硅藻为主, 其次是甲藻, 蓝藻仅1种。物种组成的季节差异较大, 3月物种贫乏, 1月次之, 7月和11月最丰富。四季丰度平均为47.09×103 cells/L, 1月丰度最高, 7月次之, 11月最低, 3月高于11月少许。四季优势种均为硅藻, 13个优势种分别为柔弱几内亚藻(Guinardia delicatula)、短角弯角藻(Ecampia zoodicaus)、骨条藻(Skeletonema spp.)、具槽帕拉藻(Paralia sulcata)、微小海链藻(Thalassiosira exigua)、标志星杆藻(Asterionella notula)、旋链角毛藻(Chaetoceros curvisetus)、新月菱形藻(Nitzchia closterium)、派格棍形藻(Bacillaria paxillifera)、异常角毛藻(Chaetoceros abmormis)、小细柱藻(Leptocylindrus minutum)、宽角曲舟藻(Pleurosigma angulatum)和美丽曲舟藻(Pleurosigma formosum)。不同季节优势种有一定程度交错, 仅在单季占优的有6种, 有2/3在3个以上季节出现, 具槽帕拉藻、骨条藻为四季优势种。浮游植物物种多样性和均匀度总体较好, 群落结构稳定。与毗邻海区相比, 本区物种丰富度偏低, 丰度高于毗邻海区, 种类组成相似, 优势种却有较大差别。Pearson相关分析表明, 溶解无机氮及活性磷酸盐仅在1月与丰度存在极显著的正相关, 是促使丰度为四季最高的原因。涉海工程施工产生的悬浮物和冲击波是影响浮游植物群落的主要因素, 大量海洋工程建设案例表明, 施工期造成的浮游植物丰度下降趋势和优势种更替混乱在工程结束后能得以恢复。  相似文献   
De Smet  W. H.  Beyens  L. 《Hydrobiologia》1995,(1):29-34
Samples from eight water bodies in the region of Truelove and Sparbo Hardy Lowland, Devon Island (75 ° 30 N, 86 ° 00 W) yielded 70 taxa (4 Bdelloidea, 66 Monogononta) of rotifers, nineteen of which are new records for the Canadian High Arctic.  相似文献   
Algal communities at Gouqi Island in the Zhoushan archipelago, China   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
The kelp bed of Gouqi Island lies in the east of the East China Sea, in the Shengsi Archipelago. It is a key component of the island-reef ecosystem. This study evaluated kelp beds on intertidal and subtidal zones from 2004 to 2006. We evaluated seasonal variations in the community structure of macroalgae, and their relationship with water temperature, nitrogen and phytoplankton. The Gouqi Island kelp bed consists mainly of species of Sargassum. Sargassum horneri was the dominant species in subtidal zones, representing 90% of the total biomass. The dominant species in intertidal zones were S. fusiforme, S. horneri, S. thunbergii and Undaria pinnatifida. Fifty-four phytoplankton species were found in the Gouqi Island kelp bed, of which 51 species were found inside the kelp beds, 43 species outside the kelp beds, and 40 species were present both inside and outside the kelp beds. Diatoms were dominant both inside and outside the kelp beds. Except in winter, Skeletonema costatum was dominant, and its abundance in autumn was over 98% of the total abundance. Water temperature was found to be the primary factor influencing the growth of S. horneri in the Gouqi Island kelp bed. S. horneri grew slowly from November to March, and rapidly from March to June. The upper temperature limit for growth of S. horneri was about 18°C. Higher water temperatures can result in a decline in the kelp bed. Nitrogen seemed to be a limiting factor for macroalgal growth. This was particularly true for S. horneri and phytoplankton. Since nitrate is the primary nutrient for S. horneri, its absorption by S. horneri resulted in seasonal changes of nitrate in the ecosystem.  相似文献   
Extensive ongoing degradation of coral reef habitats worldwide has lead to declines in abundance of coral reef fishes and local extinction of some species. Those most vulnerable are ecological specialists and endemic species. Determining connectivity between locations is vital to understanding recovery and long‐term persistence of these species following local extinction. This study explored population connectivity in the ecologically‐specialized endemic three‐striped butterflyfish (Chaetodon tricinctus) using mt and msatDNA (nuclear microsatellites) to distinguish evolutionary versus contemporary gene flow, estimate self‐replenishment and measure genetic diversity among locations at the remote Australian offshore coral reefs of Middleton Reef (MR), Elizabeth Reef (ER), Lord Howe Island (LHI), and Norfolk Island (NI). Mt and msatDNA suggested genetic differentiation of the most peripheral location (NI) from the remaining three locations (MR, ER, LHI). Despite high levels of mtDNA gene flow, there is limited msatDNA gene flow with evidence of high levels of self‐replenishment (≥76%) at all four locations. Taken together, this suggests prolonged population recovery times following population declines. The peripheral population (NI) is most vulnerable to local extinction due to its relative isolation, extreme levels of self‐replenishment (95%), and low contemporary abundance.  相似文献   
海南岛的外来植物   总被引:13,自引:0,他引:13  
通过对海南岛野生或半野生外来入侵植物的调查,报道了153种外来植物,并对近年来在海南岛大面积分布而未报道过的入侵种进行简要介绍。对海南外来植物种类组成、原产地、生活型与危害程度的分析发现:(1)外来植物中有66.67%来自美洲,美洲种的96%为热带美洲成分,几乎所有来自美洲的草本植物往往成为遍布海南各地农田、果园、胶林、草地的有害杂草;(2)外来草本与藤本植物具有较强的入侵能力和较大的危害;(3)绝大多数草本与藤本植物常形成单一优势群落,破坏平地、低丘陵原有的生态系统。  相似文献   
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