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1. The in situ abundance, biomass and mean cell volume of Actinophrys sol (Sarcodina: Heliozoa), the top predator in an extremely acidic German mining lake (Lake 111; pH 2.65), were determined over three consecutive years (spring to autumn, 2001–03). 2. Actinophrys sol exhibited pronounced temporal and vertical patterns in abundance, biomass and mean cell volume. Increasing from very low spring densities, maxima in abundance and biomass were observed in late June/early July and September. The highest mean abundance recorded during the study was 7 × 103 Heliozoa L?1. Heliozoan abundance and biomass were higher in the epilimnion than in the hypolimnion. Actinophrys sol cells from this acidic lake were smaller than individuals of the same species found in other aquatic systems. 3. We determined the growth rate of A. sol using all potential prey items available in, and isolated and cultured from, Lake 111. Prey items included: single‐celled and filamentous bacteria of unknown taxonomic affinity, the mixotrophic flagellates Chlamydomonas acidophila and Ochromonas sp., the ciliate Oxytricha sp. and the rotifers Elosa worallii and Cephalodella hoodi. Actinophrys sol fed over a wide‐size spectrum from bacteria to metazoans. Positive growth was not supported by all naturally available prey. Actinophrys sol neither increased in cell number (k) nor biomass (kb) when starved, with low concentrations of single‐celled bacteria or with the alga Ochromonas sp. Positive growth was achieved with single‐celled bacteria (k = 0.22 ± 0.02 d?1; kb = ?0.06 ± 0.02 d?1) and filamentous bacteria (k = 0.52 ± <0.01 d?1; kb = 0.66 d?1) at concentrations greater than observed in situ, and the alga C. acidophila (up to k = 0.43 ± 0.03 d?1; kb = 0.44 ± 0.04 d?1), the ciliate Oxytricha sp. (k = 0.34 ± 0.01 d?1) and in mixed cultures containing rotifers and C. acidophila (k = 0.23 ± 0.02–0.32 ± 0.02 d?1; maximum kb = 0.42 ± 0.05 d?1). The individual‐ and biomass‐based growth of A. sol was highest when filamentous bacteria were provided. 4. Existing quantitative carbon flux models for the Lake 111 food web can be updated in light of our results. Actinophrys sol are omnivorous predators supported by a mixed diet of filamentous bacteria and C. acidophila in the epilimnion. Heliozoa are important components in the planktonic food webs of ‘extreme’ environments.  相似文献   
Eutrophication of Dutch lakes has led to massive algal growth, disappearance of most of the macrophytes and disturbance of the food chain. The pike population has fallen sharply and bream developed very strongly, in the absence of this predator. Eutrophication problems are primarily being tackled by reducing nutrient loading. Restoration of water quality, however, seems to be impeded by the present structure of the food chain,i.e. the large bream stock. Biomanipulation, especially fish stock control with the aim of reducing the bream stock and increasing that of predatory fish, can accelerate the process of restoration. For the further development of biomanipulation it is very important that water authorities and managers of fish stocks agree on a common strategy.  相似文献   
Morphological colour variation in Idotea baltica basteri Audouin, 1827 (Isopoda: Crustacea) is reported for the first time on populations from a brackish water lake (Kucukcekmece Lagoon) in Turkey. According to pigmentation characteristics, the isopods were described and sorted to ten different colour morphs which are named as maculata, maculata-lineata, uniformis, uniformis-lineata, immaculatum, immaculatum-lineata, nigrum, nigrum-lineata, albafusca, and albafusca-fasciatum. The similarity of the morphs was compared by defining digit codes to some of the visual pigmentation characteristics and calculating the Bray-Curtis similarity index of the colour morphs. The albafusca and albafusca-fasciatum forms were found to be the most similar to each other (similarity 96%), whereas immaculatum forms were considered the most different from maculata-lineata (similarity 50%). The morphs named maculata and maculata-lineata, having the highest abundance with 70%, belong to the most successful forms which may achieve crypsis by background matching in their living habitat in Kucukcekmece Lagoon which has sandy and rocky bottom surface area.  相似文献   
湖泊氮素氧化及脱氮过程研究进展   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
范俊楠  赵建伟  朱端卫 《生态学报》2012,32(15):4924-4931
自然界中氮的生物地球化学循环主要由微生物驱动,由固氮作用、硝化作用、反硝化作用和氨化作用来完成。过去数十年间,随着异养硝化、厌氧氨氧化和古菌氨氧化作用的发现,人们对环境中氮素循环认识逐步深入,提出了多种脱氮途径新假说。对湖泊生态系统中氮素的输入、输出及其在水体、沉积物和水土界面的迁移转化过程进行了概括,对湖泊生态系统中反硝化和厌氧氨氧化脱氮机理及脱氮效率的最新研究进展进行了探讨,并对以后的氮素循环研究进行了展望。  相似文献   
1. Size-fractionated phytoplankton biomass was examined in relation to the hydrodynamics of tropical Lake Alchichica from 1999 to 2002.
2. Alchichica is a warm monomictic lake, in which mixing takes place from late December to early March. The lake is oligotrophic (mean total chlorophyll- a concentration 4.2 ± 4.2  μ g L−1) and its phytoplankton biomass is dominated (72.3 ± 16.4%) by large individuals (>2  μ m). The degree of dominance of the large size class (nano- and microplankton) over the small size class (picoplankton) throughout the year is mainly determined by the availability of silicate and the Si/N ratio in the hypolimnion prior to the mixing period.
3. This is the first record of an oligotrophic tropical lake dominated by large size fractions of phytoplankton. Because of this dominance, the fate of most primary productivity is rapid sedimentation to the bottom followed by decomposition that promotes an anoxic hypolimnion.
4. Our findings in tropical Lake Alchichica challenge the idea that oligotrophic waters are dominated by small phytoplankton, as has been well established for the oligotrophic ocean and temperate lakes.  相似文献   
The phytoplankton community of river–floodplain ecosystems shows significant temporal fluctuations in response to hydrosedimentological regime. The aim of our study was analyze the effect of the hydrosedimentological regime of the Paraná and Ivinhema Rivers on the interannual variation in the composition, biovolume and functional groups of phytoplankton in an isolated floodplain lake (Ventura Lagoon) of the Ivinhema River State Park, located in the Upper Paraná River floodplain (Mato Grosso do Sul State, Brazil). Samples of phytoplankton were taken at the sub-surface of the pelagic zone of the lake from February 2000 to December 2005. A total of 132 taxa were recorded, and the species that represented greater contributions to the phytoplankton biovolume were grouped into five functional groups (FG) (H1, H2, M, MP and Y). The distribution of the FGs were linked to the high and low water periods in Ventura lagoon. Functional groups MP and Y were the highest contributors to the phytoplankton biovolume during the high water periods, whereas FGs H1, H2 and M contributed more during the low water periods. The FGs were also useful for the interannual characterization of Ventura Lagoon by taking the changes caused by climatological factors into account. There was a strong dominance of Cyanobacteria (H2 and M) in 2000 and 2001 (La Niña periods) coincident with low precipitation and low hydrometric levels of the Paraná and Ivinhema Rivers and, consequently, lower water depths of Ventura Lagoon. In 2002, 2003, 2004 and 2005 (El Niño periods), when higher precipitation, higher hydrometric levels, higher discharge of the Paraná and Ivinhema Rivers and an increased depth of Ventura Lagoon were observed, Cyanobacteria (H1, H2 and M) were dominant, followed by Bacillariophyceae (MP) and Cryptophyceae (Y). These results reported here corroborate the utility of using FGs as indicators of interannual and seasonal variability in floodplain lakes.  相似文献   
Synopsis Ages determined by counts of apparent annuli on scales, sagittae, vertebrae, pectoral fin ray and dorsal fin spine cross sections of largemouth bass from northern populations, which are older and slower growing fish than in the southern parts of its native range, were compared to establish the accuracy of each method. Linear regression techniques indicated strong agreement (r> 0.9) among ages assigned from the examination of scales, sagittae, and vertebrae. The pattern of growth zones on pectoral fin ray and dorsal fm spine cross sections proved too variable for accurate age determination. Limited data suggest that ages greater than 7+ assigned from scales were more likely to underestimate true ages than the other body parts used, although none of these methods gave satisfactory results. Examination of scales from recovered tagged fish, and the similarity between back-calculated lengths of fish through age 7+ to annulus I and observed lengths of juvenile largemouth bass near the end of their first growing season, support the validity of ages determined from scales. Despite a very limited amount of habitat suitable for largemouth bass and severe climatic conditions, growth of this species in Tadenac Lake was similar to growth in other waters north of the Great Lakes. Differences in physical characteristics among these waters does not appear to influence growth rates of largemouth bass, but probably affects production and biomass.  相似文献   
Biomanipulation was carried out in order to improve the water quality of the small hypertrophic Lake Zwemlust (1.5 ha; mean depth 1.5 m). In March 1987 the lake was drained to facilitate the elimination of fish. Fish populations were dominated by planktivorous and benthivorous species (total stock c. 1500 kg) and were collected by seine- and electro-fishing. The lake was subsequently re-stocked with 1500 northern pike fingerlings (Esox lucius L.) and a low density of adult rudd (Scardinius erythrophthalmus). The offspring of the rudd served as food for the predator pike. Stacks of Salix twigs, roots of Nuphar lutea and plantlets of Chara globularis were brought in as refuge and spawning grounds for the pike, as well as shelter for the zooplankton.The impact of this biomanipulation on the light penetration, phytoplankton density, macrophytes, zooplankton and fish communities and on nutrient concentrations was monitored from March 1987 onwards. This paper presents the results in the first year after biomanipulation.The abundance of phytoplankton in the first summer (1987) after this biomanipulation was very low, and consequently accompanied by increase of Secchi-disc transparency and drastic decline of chlorophyll a concentration.The submerged vegetation remained scarce, with only 5 % of the bottom covered by macrophytes at the end of the season.Zooplankters became more abundant and there was a shift from rotifers to cladocerans, comprised mainly of Daphnia and Bosmina species, the former including at least 3 species.The offspring of the stocked rudd was present in the lake from the end of August 1987. Only 19% of the stocked pike survived the first year.Bioassays and experiments with zooplankton community grazing showed that the grazing pressure imposed by the zooplankton community was able to keep chlorophyll a concentrations and algal abundance to low levels, even in the presence of very high concentrations of inorganic N and P. The total nutrient level increased after biomanipulation, probably due to increased release from the sediment by bioturbation, the biomass of chironomids being high.At the end of 1987 Lake Zwemlust was still in an unstable stage. A new fish population dominated by piscivores, intended to control the planktivorous and benthivorous fish, and the submerged macrophytes did not yet stabilize.  相似文献   
Abstract: The Blue Lagoon in Iceland is a shallow geothermal lake with average temperatures of 37°C, pH 7.5 and about 2.5% salinity. It was formed in 1976 from the effluents of the Svartsengi geothermal power plant and is saturated with silica which constantly precipitates in the lake. It has been colonized by a few types of specialized microorganisms which seem to proliferate in this unusual ecosystem. The average bacterial colony count in the lake was 1.3 × 105 ml−1 on plate count agar made with 50% Blue Lagoon fluid but 2.6 × 106 ml−1 when determined with the MPN method. A total of 99 isolates were purified and characterized by 54 phenotypic tests and then grouped using Numerical Taxonomy. At similarity values of 80%, one major cluster was formed containing 85% of the isolates. Four representative strains from this cluster were further characterized and all shown to be Gram-negative, obligately aerobic, non-motile rods. They were oxidase positive, catalase negative and grew optimally at 45°C and in 3.5% NaCl with doubling time of about 80 min.  相似文献   
The late-spring quantitative relationship between epiphyton and macroinvertebrates was analyzed on the basis of units of colonizable plant surface of Typha angustifolia, Phragmites australis and Nuphar lutea (floating leaves) in the shallow euthrophic Lake Loosdrecht (the Netherlands), with a high seston load. The non-predatory chironomid larvae (Glyptotendipes viridis, Endochironomus albipennis, Pentapedilum sordens, Cricotopus sylvestris agg.) dominated among the macroinvertebrate taxa, controlling the diversity and resemblance of macroinvertebrate assemblages. There was a gradient in functional feeding groups among the chironomids from continuous filtering of the seston to prevailing utilization of epiphyton. We found no direct relationship between the total macroinvertebrate abundance and the epiphyton mass on the plants surface. We attribute this to the filter feeding-strategy of the most abundant species, Glyptotendipes viridis, that utilizes seston in the eutrophicated lake.  相似文献   
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