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Marked changes in mice pubic symphysis occur by the end of pregnancy. Tissue remodeling involves a dynamic balance between cell proliferation and programmed cell death as well as changes in the extracellular matrix components. Therefore, it is important to consider both of these cellular behaviors when investigating the mechanism that regulates interpubic tissue remodeling, growth during late pregnancy and partus ensuring involution during the postpartum period. Proliferating and programmed death cells were identified by immunohistochemistry (proliferating cell nuclear antigen and TUNEL detection, respectively) and the rates at which these processes occurred were determined by morphometric analysis. The results demonstrated that cellular proliferation was intense during the period of ligament formation, from D15 to D18, thereafter abruptly declining on D19. From parturition (D19) onwards, an ever-increasing decline in the cellular proliferation levels could be observed. The quantitative analyses of cellular death showed opposite results when compared to cellular proliferation. During early pregnancy the cycle of cellular renovation was clearly proliferative and during late mouse pregnancy the cycle was directed by programmed cellular death. Although the high levels of cellular death during postpartum involution could be shown by the TUNEL-positive cells, we were unable to observed picnotic nucleus at the light microscopy.  相似文献   
In context of the semi-sterility exhibited by Drosophila males expressing certain mating-enabling fruitless (fru) mutant genotypes, we examined the transfer of seminal fluid using a transgene that encodes the Sex Peptide (SP) oligopeptide fused to Green Fluorescent Protein (GFP). We found that this fusion construct expresses SP-GFP in a valid manner within accessory glands of the male reproductive system in normal and fru-mutant males. Transfer of SP-GFP to live females was readily detectable during and after copulation. With respect to the pertinent combinations of fru mutations, we demonstrated that these abnormal genotypes cause males to transmit mating-related materials in two aberrant ways: one involving whether any seminal-fluid entities are transferred at all during a given mating; the other revealing an intriguing aspect of these fruitless effects, such that the mutations in question cause males to transfer female-affecting materials in a manner that varies among copulations. In this regard, certain mutant males that do not transfer SP nevertheless are able to transfer sperm: a fru-mated female possessing no GFP who was not fecund initially could produce progeny when seminal-fluid proteins were subsequently supplied by mating with a male that was spermless owing to the effects of a tudor mutation.  相似文献   
Discussions about the evolution of female mating preferences have often suggested that females should express multiple strong preferences when different male traits are correlated with different mating benefits, yet few studies have directly tested this hypothesis by comparing the strength of female preferences for male traits known to be correlated with different benefits. In the variable field cricket, Gryllus lineaticeps, females receive fecundity and fertility benefits from mating with males with higher chirp rates and life-span benefits from mating with males with longer chirp durations. Although females prefer higher chirp rates and longer chirp durations when the other trait is held constant, it is possible that they give priority to one of these song traits when both vary. In this study, we examined the relative importance of chirp rate and chirp duration in female mate choice using single-stimulus presentations of songs that varied in both chirp rate and chirp duration. Females expressed both directional and stabilizing preferences based on chirp rate, responding most strongly to a chirp rate approximately one standard deviation above the population mean. Females did not express preferences based on chirp duration, and did not express correlational preferences. These results suggest that females may give priority to the reproductive benefits provided by males that produce higher chirp rates.  相似文献   
In mating of the dobsonfly, Protohermes grandis (Thunberg), the male attaches the spermatophore externally to the female genitalia. The spermatophore includes a large gelatinous mass which the female detaches and feeds on after mating. While the female consumes this nuptial food gift, sperm is evacuated from the remaining portion of the spermatophore (sperm package) into her reproductive tract. Under laboratory conditions, mated females maintained receptivity throughout their lifetime, and they remated even on the day following copulation. A single insemination may supply enough sperm, as females mated only once deposited fertile eggs throughout life and, when dissected after death, all females had sperm in the spermatheca. There was a positive correlation between longevity and the number of matings. Lifetime fecundity also increased as mating multiplied. However, the size of eggs and hatchlings was not influenced by the number of matings. It seems that large spermatophore consumption by female P. grandis provides nutrients that increase fitness not in offspring quality, but in their quantity.  相似文献   
取食经历对美洲斑潜蝇雌成虫寿命及生殖力的影响   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
在实验室条件下 ,研究了取食经历对美洲斑潜蝇雌Liriomyzasativae成虫寿命和生殖力的影响。结果表明 ,幼虫期在黄瓜取食而成虫期在四季豆上取食时 ,其雌成虫寿命、总产卵量和日平均产卵量均明显小于幼虫期在长豇豆上取食而成虫期在四季豆上取食时 (P <0 0 1 ) ;当幼虫期同在长豇豆上取食时 ,成虫在黄瓜上取食时的雌成虫寿命、总产卵量和日平均产卵量均明显小于成虫在四季豆取食时 (P<0 0 5或P <0 0 1 )。这说明美洲斑潜蝇幼虫和成虫取食经历对其成虫寿命和生殖力均有显著的影响  相似文献   
通过扫描电镜和常规石蜡切片技术,观察了柏科4个属(Fokienia、Cupressus、Chamaecyparis和Juniperus)植物雌球果中胚珠的发育及苞片的结构变化。在所有研究的种类中,可育苞片腋部最先观察到的结构是一扁平的突起,并在其上分化出发育为胚珠的胚珠原基。在雌球果的发育过程中,未观察到独立的珠鳞发育。不同的种中,胚珠的数量和发育顺序有所不同,但苞片的发育是相似的。传粉前,苞片的结构与叶相似。传粉后,由于剧烈的居间生长,苞片发育为盾形,形成球形的球果。另外,在发育后期,苞片内维管系统变得复杂,并且在近轴面有反向的维管束发育。我们还对柏科植物雌球果的形态学特性及其可能的演化趋势进行了讨论。  相似文献   
Speciation by sexual selection is generally modeled as the coevolution of female preferences and elaborate male ornaments leading to behavioral (sexual) reproductive isolation. One prediction of these models is that female preference for conspecific males should evolve earlier than male preference for conspecific females in sexually dimorphic species with male ornaments. We tested that prediction in darters, a diverse group of freshwater fishes with sexually dimorphic ornamentation. Focusing on the earliest stages of divergence, we tested preference for conspecific mates in males and females of seven closely related species pairs. Contrary to expectation, male preference for conspecific females was significantly greater than female preference for conspecific males. Males in four of the 14 species significantly preferred conspecific females; whereas, females in no species significantly preferred conspecific males. Relationships between the strength of preference for conspecifics and genetic distance revealed no difference in slope between males and females, but a significant difference in intercept, also suggesting that male preference evolves earlier than females’. Our results are consistent with other recent studies in darters and suggest that the coevolution of female preferences and male ornaments may not best explain the earliest stages of behavioral isolation in this lineage.  相似文献   
Seminal gifts range from important material donations to items that provide little direct benefit to females. Promiscuous, female silk corn flies Euxesta eluta expel and consume male ejaculates immediately after mating. The evolution and function of this peculiar behavior are currently unknown. We performed a series of experiments aimed to: determine if females under different dietary regimes derive nutrients or water for survival and/or reproduction from ejaculate consumption, if males suffer a fitness cost from supplying females with ejaculates, and if females prefer to mate and/or are more likely to store sperm from well fed than nutritionally stressed presumably inferior males. Experiments revealed that protein deprived E. eluta females derive nutrients for ovarian development through consumption of ejaculates of protein fed males. No seminal products affecting survival appear to be transferred in the consumed ejaculate. However, ovarian development, in contrast to testes growth, occurs in detriment of longevity. Females preferred to mate with protein fed males, yet sperm retention in spermathecae was extremely rare after a single mating. This finding suggests that females could be exerting post copulatory control. A key question that remained to be addressed for the understanding of this puzzling and promiscuous mating system is what ecological factors or male traits drive females to retain sperm from one or several males in order to achieve and/or maximize fertilization potential.  相似文献   
Post‐copulatory sexual selection processes, including sperm competition and cryptic female choice (CFC), can operate based on major histocompatibility (MH) genes. We investigated sperm competition between male alternative reproductive tactics [jack (sneaker) and hooknose (guard)] of Chinook salmon (Oncorhynchus tshawytscha). Using a full factorial design, we examined in vitro competitive fertilization success of paired jack and hooknose males at three time points after sperm activation (0, 15 and 60 s) to test for male competition, CFC and time effects on male fertilization success. We also examined egg‐mediated CFC at two MH genes by examining both the relationship between competitive fertilization success and MH divergence as well as inheritance patterns of MH alleles in resulting offspring. We found that jacks sired more offspring than hooknose males at 0 s post‐activation; however, jack fertilization success declined over time post‐activation, suggesting a trade‐off between sperm speed and longevity. Enhanced fertilization success of jacks (presumably via higher sperm quality) may serve to increase sneaker tactic competitiveness relative to dominant hooknose males. We also found evidence of egg‐mediated CFC (i.e. female × male interaction) influencing competitive fertilization success; however, CFC was not acting on the MH genes as we found no relationship between fertilization success and MH II β1 or MH I α1 divergence and we found no deviations from Mendelian inheritance of MH alleles in the offspring. Our study provides insight into evolutionary mechanisms influencing variation in male mating success within alternative reproductive tactics, thus underscoring different strategies that males can adopt to attain success.  相似文献   
Why do females of socially monogamous species engage in extra-pair copulations? This long-standing question remains a puzzle, because the benefits of female promiscuous behavior often do not seem to outweigh the costs. Genetic constraint models offer an answer by proposing that female promiscuity emerges through selection favoring alleles that are either beneficial for male reproductive success (intersexual pleiotropy hypothesis) or beneficial for female fecundity (intrasexual pleiotropy hypothesis). A previous quantitative genetic study on captive zebra finches, Taeniopygia guttata, reported support for the first, but not for the second hypothesis. Here, we re-examine both hypotheses based on data from lines selected for high and low male courtship rate. In contrast to previous conclusions, our new analyses clearly reject the hypothesis that male and female promiscuity are genetically homologous traits. We find some support for a positive genetic correlation between female promiscuity and fecundity. This study also shows that the behavioral outcome of extra-pair courtships primarily depends on individual-specific female preferences and not on the “attractiveness” of the social mate. In contrast, patterns of paternity are strongly influenced by the social partner and the pair bond, presumably reflecting variation in copulation behavior, fertility, or sperm competitiveness.  相似文献   
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