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阴山山脉是中国天然侧柏(Platycladus orientalis)林分布的西北界, 侧柏林也是阴山山脉最主要的森林群落之一。它具有较好的固坡、保土、涵养水源及改善生境的作用。为了解阴山山脉天然侧柏林种群、群落特征和空间分布规律以更好地为侧柏林的经营提供理论依据, 我们以阴山山脉大青山及乌拉山段天然侧柏林为研究对象, 通过样方调查, 分析了侧柏林的植物区系特征, 并根据群落各层片物种优势度将该区侧柏林划分为6个群丛类型, 分析了各群丛特征及其空间分布的生态序列。结果表明: (1)阴山山脉天然侧柏林群落共出现维管植物96种, 隶属于30科70属, 种的地理成分包括8个类型18个亚型, 其中东古北极分布最多, 其次为东亚分布; (2)从群落结构分析, 发育良好的侧柏群落表现为完整的乔木层和草本层, 灌木盖度普遍偏低, 基本不能成层, 在干扰较为严重的地段甚至消失; (3)各群丛侧柏的径级结构基本呈正态分布, 属于稳定的群落类型, 侧柏的平均株高随胸径的增大整体呈增长型; (4)该区侧柏林受干扰较严重, 加之严酷的生境条件, 建群种侧柏的平均胸径较小且植株分叉较多, 不适合作为用材林, 建议将其作为生态公益林及种源林加以保护利用。  相似文献   
Wang FY  Ge XJ  Gong X  Hu CM  Hao G 《Biochemical genetics》2008,46(1-2):75-87
The East Himalaya-Hengduan Mountains region is the center of diversity of the genus Primula, and P. sikkimensis is one of the most common members of the genus in the region. In this study, the genetic diversity and structure of P. sikkimensis populations in China were assessed using inter-simple sequence repeat (ISSR) and chloroplast microsatellite markers. The 254 individuals analyzed represented 13 populations. High levels of genetic diversity were revealed by ISSR markers. At the species level, the expected heterozygosity and Shannon’s index were 0.4032 and 0.5576, respectively. AMOVA analysis showed that 50.3% of the total genetic diversity was partitioned among populations. Three pairs of chloroplast microsatellite primers tested yielded a total of 12 size variants and 15 chloroplast haplotypes. Strong cpDNA genetic differentiation (G ST = 0.697) and evidence for phylogeographic structure were detected (N ST = 0.788, significantly higher than G ST). Estimated rates of pollen-mediated gene flow are approximately 27% greater than estimated rates of seed-mediated gene flow in P. sikkimensis. Both seed and pollen dispersal, however, are limited, and gene flow among populations appears to be hindered by the patchiness of the species’ habitats and their geographic isolation. These features may have played important roles in shaping the genetic structure of P. sikkimensis. A minimum-spanning tree of chloroplast DNA haplotypes was constructed, and possible glacial refugia of P. sikkimensis were identified.  相似文献   
祁连山典型流域谷地植被斑块演变与土壤性状   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
植物群落演变与土壤性状变化之间的相互作用和过程研究对于认识生态系统结构和功能演变有着重要的意义.对祁连山谷地灌丛草甸退化演变过程中植物群落物种组成、土壤物理和化学性状特征、及土壤与植被的相互作用进行了研究,结果表明,在祁连山谷地阴坡林线以下较小的空间范围,植被斑块由金露梅群落向金露梅-马蔺群落斑块和马蔺群落斑块演变,植被盖度降低,但物种多样性增加.不同植被斑块之间土壤水分有显著的梯度变化,土壤水分的变化导致植被的退化演替.植被斑块的演变导致土壤性状的明显分异,从金露梅灌丛斑块向金露梅-马蔺群落斑块和马蔺群落斑块演变,土壤容重显著增加,土壤团聚体组成由大粒级的大团聚体(》1mm)破碎为小粒级的大团聚体(1-0.25mm)和微团聚体(《0.25mm),团聚体稳定性降低,表明土壤结构的退化;土壤有机碳含量下降了31.2%和55.9%,干筛各粒级土壤团聚体中有机碳含量金露梅-马蔺群落斑块和马蔺群落斑块显著低于金露梅斑块,土壤团聚体平均重量粒径与有机碳含量存在显著相关,植被退化演变中土壤有机碳的损失部分地由于团聚体的破碎引起;土壤全氮和有效氮不同斑块之间也有显著的差异,植被斑块退化演变使氮的有效性降低;但磷、钾养分对植被变化的响应不敏感.植被的退化演变使土壤团聚体破碎、土壤结构退化,有机碳和全氮含量下降,使其抗侵蚀能力和水源涵养功能显著降低,又进一步加速植被的退化演替.在气候变暖的趋势下,马蔺斑块将进一步向林线逼近,灌丛草甸植被将会进一步退化和萎缩.  相似文献   
汉江流域旧石器时代文化遗存丰富,南方砾石石器工业和北方小石片石器工业类型的遗存并存,对研究中国南北旧石器文化交流和发展演化具有重要的意义。2016-2018年夏天,我们在汉江流域进行野外调查,新发现十个含更新世晚期旧石器遗存的地点,利用热转移光释光(TT-OSL)方法对各遗址的地层进行了测年。测年结果表明,这几处旧石器地点的古人类活动主要发生在距今20-5万年之间,涵盖了L2、S1和L1三个阶段,与之前汉江流域第二级阶地发现的旧石器遗址年代基本一致。新发现的十个旧石器地点丰富了汉水流域旧石器遗存,为进一步研究该区域古人类旧石器遗址年代学和石器技术提供了新的材料。  相似文献   
天山南麓山前平原植物群落物种多样性及空间分异研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
荒漠灌丛是天山南麓山前平原主要植被类型.本研究定量分析了山前平原植物群落物种多样性及生境尺度异质性的影响.结果表明:(1)天山南麓山前平原的植物群落多样性指数Simpson、均匀度指数McIntosh及丰富度指数Margalef都较低,在地貌带的过渡上,植物分布呈现均匀化.(2)海拔和地下水埋深是影响天山南麓山前平原植物群落物种多样性的重要环境指标.海拔梯度与物种多样性指数Simpson、Margalef及McIntosh均呈显著的线性正相关关系,物种多样性均随海拔高度的增加而增加;地下水埋深与物种多样性指数呈极显著的线性负相关关系,物种多样性随地下水埋深的增加而减小.(3)土壤含盐量与物种多样性指标无显著关系,但土壤含盐量与地下水埋深相关性显著,这是天山南麓山前平原土壤盐分空间异质性的一个重要特点.土壤盐分含量变化影响着植物群落物种组成,随土壤盐分含量增加,群落中盐生植物种类逐渐占据优势.(4)海拔的变化是决定天山南麓山前平原灌丛群落生境差异的主导因子.海拔差异表征了山前平原地貌、水文地质条件及土壤的变化,而随海拔变化的水热、水盐等干扰体系的差异则进一步导致了异质性的生境,进而影响不同植被类型中群落组成结构和多样性的差异.  相似文献   
采用样带网格调查方法和α、β多样性指数分析方法,研究了长白山河岸带原始林和次生林群落木本植物多样性沿海拔梯度分布规律及其对采伐干扰的响应.结果表明:不同海拔区域河岸带原始林群落均由11~13个树种组成,其在群落中的地位随海拔升高而发生变化,阔叶树种优势地位逐步被针叶树种所取代,采伐干扰不仅改变了群落树种丰富度及其在群落中的地位,而且使针叶树种取代阔叶树种的趋势有所增强;河岸带原始林群落物种多样性沿海拔梯度呈现出中、低海拔区域相对较高且比较恒定(2.454~2.544),高海拔区域(2.250)下降的分布规律,采伐干扰改变了其沿海拔梯度分布格局(波动型),加大了不同海拔区域群落间的波动性(2.174~2.692);河岸带原始林群落树种沿海拔梯度的变动速率相对较低(1.5~3.5),且群落相似性较高(0.85~0.94),采伐干扰使次生林群落树种沿海拔梯度的变动幅度增大(0.5~6.0),群落相似性下降(0.68~0.91),但次生林群落沿海拔梯度分布仍具有较高连续性.  相似文献   
Research investigating the geographical context of speciation has primarily focused on abiotic factors such as the role of Pleistocene glacial cycles, or geotectonic events. Few study systems allow a direct comparison of how biological differences, such as dispersal behaviour, affect population genetic structure of organisms that were subdivided during the Pleistocene. Mormon crickets exist in solitary and gregarious 'phases', which broadly correspond with an east-west mtDNA division across the Rocky Mountains. Gregarious individuals form bands that can move up to 2 km daily. This study assessed whether population genetic structure results mainly from deep Pleistocene vicariance or if we can also detect more recent genetic patterns due to phase and dispersal differences superimposed on the older, deeper divisions. We found that separation in refugia was a more important influence on genetic divergence than phase, with the Rockies acting as a barrier that separated Mormon cricket populations into eastern and western refugia during Pleistocene glacial cycles. However, patterns of isolation by distance differ between eastern and western clades for both mitochondrial and nuclear DNA, with greater divergence within the eastern, solitary clade. An mtDNA haplotype mismatch distribution is compatible with historical population expansion in the western clade but not in the eastern clade. A persistent (and possibly sex-biased) difference in dispersal ability has most likely influenced the greater population genetic structure seen in the eastern clade, emphasizing the importance of the interaction of Quaternary climate fluctuations and geography with biotic factors in producing the patterns of genetic subdivision observed today.  相似文献   
The feeding habitat selection of blue sheep (Pseudois nayaur) was studied by direct observation method in the Helan Mountains, China during winter (from November to December) and spring (from April to June) from 2003 to 2004. We established 25 line transects to collect information on feeding habitats used by blue sheep. Blue sheep in the study area preferred mountain savanna forests, a habitat dominated by Ulmus glaucescens, with medium tree density (<4 individuals / 400 m2), moderate tree height (4–6 m), higher shrub density (> 5 individuals / 100 m2), higher shrub (> 1.3 m), higher food abundance (> 50 g), moderate distance to human disturbance (< 500 m), and mild distance to bare rock (< 2 m). Such habitats characterized by 12 ecological factors were preferred as feeding areas by blue sheep during winter. Similar to habitat selection by the species during winter, blue sheep also showed a preference for mountain savanna with tree dominated by Ulmus glaucescens and medium tree density (< 4 individuals / 400 m2) during spring. Nevertheless, blue sheep preferred medium tree height (< 6 m), moderate tree density (5–10 individuals / 100 m2), medium shrub height (1.3–1.7 m), higher food abundance (> 100 g), moderate altitude (< 2 000 m), moderate distance to water resource (< 500 m), and medium hiding cover (50%–75%) during spring. Selection of the feeding habitats by sheep showed a significant difference in vegetation type, landform feature, dominant tree, tree height, shrub density, distance to the nearest shrub, food abundance, slope direction, slope degree, distance to water resource, and hiding cover between winter and spring. Results of principal components analysis indicated that the first principal component accounted for 24.493% of the total variance among feeding habitat variance during winter, with higher loadings for vegetation type, dominant tree, tree height, distance to the nearest tree, shrub density, shrub height, altitude, distance to water resource, and distance to human disturbance. In spring, the first principal components explained 28.777% of the variance, with higher loadings for vegetation type, distance to the nearest tree, shrub height, distance to the nearest shrub, food abundance, altitude, and distance to human disturbance. Translated from Zoological Research, 2005, 26(6): 580–589 [译自: 动物学研究]  相似文献   
秦岭川金丝猴的一次家庭雄性替代   总被引:1,自引:2,他引:1  
家庭雄性替代已在亚洲叶猴的许多种类中有所报道。 2 0 0 3年 ,我们在一种亚洲叶猴———秦岭的川金丝猴 (Rhinopithecusroxellana)的一个单雄家庭中观察到一次完整的家庭雄性替代过程。此次替代发生于 4月 2 8日 - 5月 2日的五天时间内。在家庭雄性发生替代后的第六个月 ,该家庭中的婴猴消失。本文是首次对野生川金丝猴家庭雄性替代进行详细的报道。通过本次观察证明野生川金丝猴的确存在家庭雄性替代的现象。且像亚洲叶猴的许多种类一样 ,野生川金丝猴的家庭雄性替代同样发生于产仔季节和交配季节之间。但我们仍无法确定在本次雄性替代中婴猴最终的消失是否是雄性杀婴的结果  相似文献   
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