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Among the most co-occurring conditions in autism spectrum disorders (ASD), there are sleep disorders which may exacerbate associated behavioral disorders and lead to intensification of existing autistic symptoms. Several studies investigating the use of melatonin in the treatment of sleep disorders in ASD have shown comparative efficiency in sleep with little or no side effects. Here we report a case of ASD with non-24-hour rhythm and the effect of melatonin in circadian parameters by actigraphy. Visual analysis of the first 10 days recorded and the periodogram suggest that this patient showed a non-24-hour rhythm. This ASD subject showed before melatonin administration an activity/rest rhythm lower than 24 hours. The results show that melatonin increased approximately 4.7 times the regularity of circadian activity rhythm and resting staying on average between 00:00 and 06:00 and showed positive effects in improving the quality of sleep and behavior. So, the actigraphy showed an ASD subject with a non-24-hour activity/rest rhythm which changed this rhythm to a 24-hour rhythm after melatonin administration. This result reinforces the prospect of therapy with melatonin for synchronization (increased regularity) of endogenous rhythms and improve sleep quality and hence behavior and indicates the actigraphy as a choice tool to characterize several parameters of the activity/rest rhythm of ASD individuals.  相似文献   
To characterize circadian rest-activity rhythm in COPD, 26 cases (66.9 ± 8.5y) and 15 controls (63.0 ± 10.7y) were assessed by actimetry. Rhythm fragmentation was measured by intradaily variability (IV), while synchronization to the 24-h light-dark cycle was measured by interdaily stability (IS). The average activity during the least active 5-h period (L5) and the average activity during the most active 10-h period (M10) were used to calculate the relative amplitude mean [RAm = (M10-L5)/(M10+L5)]. COPD patients presented higher IVm (0.242 ± 0.097 vs 0.182 ± 0.063) and L5 (36.849 ± 18.239 vs 19.888 ± 12.268) and lower RAm (0.696 ± 0.134 vs 0.833 ± 0.093) than controls. Future studies on the effects of chronotherapy measures in COPD are warranted.  相似文献   
Self-reported eveningness has been previously associated with depressed mood among adults and adolescents. Here, we study how circadian indicators based on actigraphic data differ between depressed and healthy adolescent boys. Our sample consisted of 17 medication-free adolescent boys, aged 14.5 to 17.5 years, of which eight had depressive disorder and were currently depressed and nine were healthy comparison participants. Psychiatric assessment was conducted by diagnostic interviews and complemented with observer-rating and self-rating scales. Actigraphic data were collected with wrist actigraphs for a minimum period of 25 consecutive days (range of 25 to 44 days). The behavioral trait of morningness–eveningness was measured with the 19-item Horne-Östberg Morningness–Eveningness Questionnaire. Based on the self-report, the depressed boys were more prone to eveningness than healthy controls, but based on the actigraphic data, they had earlier phases especially on school days and lower activity levels especially on weekends. On weekends, the depressed boys showed a greater shift toward later-timed phases than healthy controls. Our results confirm a mismatch of the subjective morningness–eveningness preference (late-preference) and the objective rest-activity rhythm (early-prone) during school days in depressed adolescent boys.  相似文献   
Kinematic assessments of the upper limb during activities of daily living (ADLs) are used as an objective measure of upper limb function. The implementation of ADLs varies between studies; whilst some make use of props and define a functional target, others use simplified tasks to simulate the movements in ADLs. Simulated tasks have been used as an attempt to reduce the large movement variability associated with the upper limb. However, it is not known whether simulated tasks replicate the movements required to complete ADLs or reduce movement variability. The aim of this study is to evaluate the use of simulated tasks in upper limb assessments in comparison to functional movements. Therefore answering the following questions: Do simulated tasks replicate the movements required of the upper limb to perform functional activities? Do simulated tasks reduce intra- and inter-subject movement variability? Fourteen participants were asked to perform five functional tasks (eat, wash, retrieve from shelf, comb and perineal care) using two approaches: a functional and a simulated approach. Joint rotations were measured using an optoelectronic system. Differences in movement and movement variability between functional and simulated tasks were evaluated for the thorax, shoulder, elbow/forearm and wrist rotations. Simulated tasks did not accurately replicate the movements required for ADLs and there were minimal differences in movement variability between the two approaches. The study recommends the use of functional tasks with props for future assessments of the upper limb.  相似文献   
The aim of this study was to explore differences between left-and right-handed subjects in sleep duration. Sleep and activity patterns were continuously registered for 12 days using actometers on 20 left-handed and 20 right-handed medical students in Berlin. Handedness was determined by a modified version of the Edinburgh handedness inventory. Each participant wore one actometer on each wrist. Actiwatch® Sleep Analysis Software (CNT, UK) was used to evaluate the data, and statistical calculations were performed with a non-parametric variance analysis. A significant difference in mean sleep duration between left-handers (7.9 h) and right-handers (7.3 h) was determined (p=0.025 for measurement made on the dominant hand and p=0.013 for ones made on the non-dominant hand). In contrast, the maximal phase of daily activity (acrophase) did not show any difference between the two groups. The difference in sleep duration might be caused by either the greater effort required for left-handers to cope in a right-handed world or by structural brain differences.  相似文献   
Human movement generally involves multiple degrees of freedom (DOF) coordinated in a graceful and seemingly effortless manner even though the underlying dynamics are generally complex. Understanding these dynamics is important because it exposes the challenges that the neuromuscular system faces in controlling movement. Despite the importance of wrist and forearm rotations in everyday life, the dynamics of movements involving wrist and forearm rotations are currently unknown.  相似文献   
Sivapithecus is a Miocene great ape from South Asia that is orangutan-like cranially but is distinctive postcranially. Work by others shows that the humerus resembles large terrestrial cercopithecoids proximally and suspensory hominoids distally, but most functional interpretations nevertheless situate Sivapithecus in an arboreal setting. We present a new quantitative analysis of the Sivapithecus capitate and hamate. Though the functional morphology of both bones suggests some degree of arboreality, the overall morphology is most similar to knuckle-walking African apes. Other features of the Sivapithecus humerus and hind limb are also functionally consistent with knuckle-walking, and we suggest that this locomotor behavior is a valid alternative functional interpretation of the postcranial morphology. We speculate that knuckle-walking in Sivapithecus would have evolved independently from African apes, perhaps for similar ecological reasons. The discovery of a possible pongine knuckle-walker challenges the hypotheses that (1) knuckle-walking evolved only once in hominoids and (2) knuckle-walking is too highly specialized to be the positional behavior from which human bipedalism evolved. The possibility of knuckle-walking in Sivapithecus may help to explain not only the curious combination of characters that typify the postcranium but also the unique postcranial morphology of extant Pongo. Furthermore, it may clarify the distribution of fossil pongines across many ecological zones in Eurasia in the Miocene and Pleistocene, as well as, independently, the spread of African apes across a diversity of environments in equatorial Africa.  相似文献   
目的:实时监测睡眠状况,从而帮助人们特别是老人找到影响睡眠的原因。方法:设计了一个低功耗便携式睡眠监测仪,它是通过加速度传感器采集腕动信号、蓝牙4.0低功耗无线传输、Micro-SD卡存储、上位机显示等实现对睡眠状态的检测。为了验证睡眠监测仪的准确性,本文采用了视频分析方法,并且对不同人群进行监测。结果:研制的睡眠监测仪具有便携低功耗等特点,能够准确监测睡眠状态。结论:睡眠监测仪的研制对使用者特别是老人帮助很大,能够帮助使用者方便适时了解自己的睡眠状况,找到影响睡眠原因和改善睡眠质量方法。  相似文献   
A mathematical model of Ihe human upper limb was developed based on high-resolution medical images of the muscles and bones obtained from the Visible Human Male ( HM) project. Three-dimensional surfaces of the muscles and bones were reconstructed from Computed Tomography (CT) images and Color Cryosection images obtained from the VHM cadaver. Thirteen degrees of freedom were used to describe the orientations of seven bones in the model: clavicle, scapula, humerus, radius, ulna, carpal bones, and hand. All of the major articulations from the shoulder girdle down to the wrist were included in the model. The model was actuated by 42 muscle bundles, which represented the actions of 26 muscle groups in the upper limb. The paths of the muscles were modeled using a new approach called the Obstacle-set Method (33) The calculated paths of the muscles were verified by comparing the muscle moment arms computed in the model with the results of anatomical studies reported in the literature, In-vivo measurements of maximum isometric muscle torques developed at the shoulder, elbow, and wrist were also used to estimate the architectural properties of each musculotendon actuator in the model. The entire musculoskeletal model can be reconstructed using the data given in this paper, along with information presented in a companion paper which defines the kinematic structure of the model (26)  相似文献   
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