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Choosing a suitable habitat is a main step in the settlement process, particularly for species having weak movement abilities. Reliable cues are thus needed for habitat selection. In silk-spinning arthropods, silk can be used as a social cue to select an appropriate location. Silk can also provide information on the presence of related or non-related individuals. In this article, we compare the settlement behaviour of two strains of the two-spotted spider mite, Tetranychus urticae, in response to the presence of silk woven by an individual of its own or another strain. We then examined how individuals behaved when confronted with both types of silk (own/another strain) simultaneously. Both strains were sensitive to related silk. Settlement decision for both strains did not differ according to the origin of the silk. Mites used the silk as a communication cue for habitat selection and strain discrimination. Our results provide experimental evidence for the use of multiple social cues in the settlement decision by weaving mites.  相似文献   
Spiders have recently emerged as important diversity hot spots for endosymbiotic bacteria, but the consequences of these symbiotic interactions are largely unknown. In this article, we examined the evolutionary history and effect of the intracellular bacterium Cardinium hertigii in the marbled cellar spider Holocnemus pluchei. We showed that Cardinium infection is primarily transmitted in spider populations maternally via egg cytoplasm, with 100% of the progeny from infected mothers being also infected. Examination of a co‐inherited marker, mitochondrial DNA (mtDNA), revealed that Cardinium infection is associated with a wide diversity of mtDNA haplotypes, showing that the interaction between Cardinium and H. pluchei has a long‐term evolutionary dimension and that horizontal transmission among individuals could also occur. Although Cardinium is well known to exert sex ratio distortion or cytoplasmic incompatibility in various arthropod hosts, we show, however, that Cardinium does not interact with the reproductive biology of H. pluchei. A field survey shows a clear geographical structuring of Cardinium infection, with a marked gradual variation of infection frequencies from ca. 0.80 to 0. We discuss different mechanistic and evolutionary explanations for these results as well as their consequences for spider phenotypes. Notably, we suggest that Cardinium can either behave as a neutral cytoplasmic element within H. pluchei or exhibit a context‐dependent effect, depending on the environmental conditions.  相似文献   
Polymorphism of PBRs of the major histocompatibility complex (MHC) genes is well recognized, but the polymorphism also extends to proximal promoter regions. Examining DQB1 variability in dogs and wolves, we identified 7 promoter variants and 13 exon 2 alleles among 89 dogs, including a previously unknown DQB1 exon 2 allele, and 8 promoter variants and 9 exon 2 alleles among 85 wolves. As expected from previous studies and from a close chromosomal location, strong linkage disequilibrium was demonstrated in both wolves and dogs by having significantly fewer promoter/exon 2 combinations than expected from simulations of randomized data sets. Interestingly, we noticed weaker haplotypic associations in dogs than in wolves. Dogs had twice as many promoter/exon 2 combinations as wolves and an almost 2-fold difference in the number of exon 2 alleles per promoter variant. This difference was not caused by an admixture of breeds in our group of dogs because the high ratio of observed to expected number of haplotypes persisted within a single dog breed, the German Shepherd. Ewens-Watterson tests indicated that both the promoter and exon 2 are under the balancing selection, and both regions appear to be more recently derived in the dog than in the wolf. Hence, although reasons for the differences are unknown, they may relate to altered selection pressure on patterns of expression. Deviations from normal MHC expression patterns have been associated with autoimmune diseases, which occur frequently in several dog breeds. Further knowledge about these deviations may help us understand the source of such diseases.  相似文献   
An effective visual signal elicits a strong receiver response. The visual receptors of most insects are sensitive to ultraviolet (UV), blue and green light. The decorations of certain orb web spiders may be described as a type of visual signal, a sensory trap, as they exploit visual biases in insects. We filtered UV and blue light from the decorations of Argiope keyserlingi , under field conditions, using plastic sheets to test if the UV and blue light reflected affects the type of prey caught. We found that houseflies, blowflies, stingless bees, honeybees and vespid wasps were caught more frequently in webs with decorations than webs without, while ichneumonid wasps were caught less frequently. Blowflies, stingless bees, honeybees and vespid wasps were caught more often in unfiltered decorated webs. These insects also have receptor sensitivities in the blue and UV. We showed that exploiting visual sensory biases plays an integral role in attracting insects to orb web decorations. Whether UV light, blue light, or both, are the most important cue, however, requires further study.  © 2008 The Linnean Society of London, Biological Journal of the Linnean Society , 2008, 94 , 221–229.  相似文献   
We describe two cases of infanticide, two suspected infanticides, and a forced copulation by familiar resident males in two populations of wild spider monkeys (Ateles belzebuth chamek and A. geoffroyi yucatanensis). These are the first known infanticides and forced copulation in spider monkeys. Data were gathered from four neighboring communities of spider monkeys in Manu National Park at the Cocha Cashu Biological Station, Peru and two communities in the Otoch Ma'ax Yetel Kooh Reserve at Punta Laguna, Mexico, during intensive field studies of over 2,000 hr each. These are rare behaviors, but results suggest that mating history and sexual coercion are important in spider monkey social relationships.  相似文献   
Snowdrop (Galanthus nivalis) lectin has previously been shown to have anti-feedant and insecticidal activity towards sap-sucking insects. However, its effectiveness against plant-parasitic mites has not been demonstrated. In this study, the commercial papaya (Carica papaya L.) cultivar Kapoho, which is highly susceptible to mites, was transformed with the snowdrop lectin (G. nivalis agglutin [GNA]) gene. Polymerase chain reaction confirmed the presence of the transgene and six independent transformed lines were selected for expression analysis. Western blot analysis showed that the lines expressed a recombinant protein with a molecular weight similar to that of the native snowdrop lectin. Leaf extracts containing the recombinant GNA protein agglutinated trypsinized rabbit erythrocytes thus, showing the GNA protein to be biologically active. ELISA and indirect measurement from the agglutination assay showed there to be variation in GNA expression among the lines produced. A laboratory bioassay using carmine spider mites (Tetranychus cinnabarinus) suggested improved pest resistance in the transgenic papaya plants. This is the first report that a transgenic plant expressing the GNA gene possesses enhanced resistance to a plant-parasitic mite.  相似文献   
Abstract:  The host plant-mediated impact of simulated acid rain (pH 3.0, 3.5, 4.0, 5.6, and 6.8) on the behaviour, development, and reproduction of carmine spider mite, Tetranychus cinnabarinus (Boisduvals), were evaluated at 25°C in a series of laboratory trials. The results indicated that the adults of carmine spider mite prefer to aggregate on pH 4.0 acid rain-treated eggplant leaves. The developmental times of nymph, larva and the pre-oviposition period of the mite on kidney bean leaves were significantly affected by acid rain treatments. The developmental times for the immature stages ranged from 11.4 days on pH 4.0 acid rain-treated leaves to 12.7 days on other acid rain-treated leaves. The survival of immatures varied from 85.14% on pH 4.0 acid rain-treated leaves to 78.83% on deionized water-treated leaves (pH 6.8). The mites feeding on acid rain-treated leaves (pH 3.0–5.6) had significantly greater reproductivity and longevity than those feeding on deionized water-treated leaves. The average greatest reproductivity (74.6 eggs per female) and longest female longevity (8.9 days) were recorded on pH 4.0 acid rain-treated leaves. Accordingly, the intrinsic rate of increase ( r m ) for the mite on pH 4.0 acid rain-treated leaves was the highest. Jackknife estimates of r m varied from 0.201 on pH 4.0 acid rain-treated leaves to 0.158 on pH 5.6 acid rain-treated leaves. The results implied that the population growth of the mite were enhanced by application of acid rain (pH 3.0–5.6) on host plants.  相似文献   
In spitting spiders Scytodes globula collected in the field, anterior leg loss was more frequent on the left than on the right side, possibly as an outcome of predatory episodes. A laboratory study was performed in which intact adult females of S. globula were placed with individuals from three species of recluse spiders, Loxosceles intermedia, L. gaucho, and L. laeta. The frequency of probing touches by spitting spiders to their prey was significantly higher with left leg I than with right leg I. Left leg II and right leg II also differed in touching frequency, but in a less marked way. The results, which may represent the first evidence of behavioral laterality in a spider species, suggest that behavioral asymmetry may be an ancient evolutionary trait.  相似文献   
Interactions such as competition, intraguild predation (IGP), and cannibalism affect the development and coexistence of predator populations and can have significance for biological control of commonly exploited pest organisms. We studied the consequences of combined versus single release of two predaceous mite species (Phytoseiidae), with differing degrees of diet specialization, on their population dynamics and the suppression of the carmine spider mite, Tetranychus cinnabarinus Boisduval (Tetranychidae), on greenhouse-grown gerbera. Population growth of the specialist predator Phytoseiulus persimilis Athias-Henriot was greater and population decline steeper when released in combination with the generalist Neoseiulus californicus McGregor than when released alone. In contrast, the N. californicus population grew and declined more gradually when released in combination with P. persimilis, compared to the single species release. The differential impact on each other's population dynamics can be primarily attributed to contrasting properties in competition, IGP, and cannibalism. At the same overall predator density and as long as prey was abundant, the specialist P. persimilis was more strongly affected by intraspecific competition than by interspecific competition with the generalist N. californicus. In contrast, interspecific competition with P. persimilis had a greater impact on N. californicus than intraspecific competition. After prey depletion, the generalist predator N. californicus was more likely to engage in IGP than was the specialist predator P. persimilis. Overall, the study demonstrates that prey specificity has significance for the quality and intensity of predator–predator interactions and indicates potential implications for biological control of spider mites. All predator releases (i.e., either species alone and both species in combination) resulted in reduction of the spider mite population to zero density. Individual release of the specialist P. persimilis led to the most rapid spider mite suppression. Nonetheless, in perennial greenhouse-grown crops P. persimilis and N. californicus could have complementary effects and a combination of the two predators could enhance long-term biological control of spider mites. The potential risks and benefits associated with the release of both species are discussed.  相似文献   
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