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We examined the relationship between fruit abundance and chimpanzee (Pan troglodytes) party size by comparing data from four study sites: the Kalinzu Forest Reserve, Uganda, the Djinji Camp and Guga Camp in the Ndoki Forest, Congo, and Kahuzi-Biega National Park, Democratic Republic of Congo. Although the difference in the fruit abundance between the sites was responsible for the difference in the party size between the sites, the seasonal changes in fruit abundance did not explain the changes in the party size in each study site. Across the four study sites, there were significant correlations of the mean and minimum of monthly party size with the mean of monthly fruiting-tree density, and a significant correlation of the maximum of monthly party sizes with the minimum of monthly fruiting-tree density. We proposed a hypothesis that (1) the monthly fruit abundance affects the monthly party size in the sites where the fruit availability is as low as to limit the party size during a major part of a year, while (2) the party size does not increase with the increase in the monthly fruit abundance, but is affected by other social factors, in the sites where the minimum of monthly fruit abundance is high enough for chimpanzees to form parties of an adequate size. Electronic Publication  相似文献   
Accumulation of protein and starch in grain is a key process determining grain yield and quality in wheat. Under drought or waterlogging, endogenous plant hormone levels will change and may have an impact on the yield and quality of wheat. In a greenhouse experiment, four winter wheat (Triticum aestivum L.) varieties differing in grain protein content, Heimai 76, Wanmai 38, Yangmai 10 and Yangmai 9, were subjected to drought (SRWC = 4550%, DR), waterlogging (WL) and moderate water supply (SRWC = 7580%, CK), beginning from 4 days post-anthesis (DPA) to maturity. On the 10 (grain enlargement stage) and 20 (grain filling stage) DPA, endogenous abscisic acid (ABA), gibberellins (GA1+3), indole-3-acetic acid (IAA) and zeatin riboside (ZR) were determined in sink and source organs of wheat plants by enzyme linked immunosorbent assay (ELISA). The patterns of hormonal changes were similar in four varieties. The ABA levels were much higher under DR and WL than under CK. Compared with CK, GA1+3 levels in whole-plant under DR and WL changed a little at 10 DPA, but markedly decreased under DR and WL at 20 DPA. Changes of endogenous IAA level under DR and WL exhibited a complicated pattern, depending on organs and growth stages. Particularly at the 20 DPA, the mean levels of IAA in roots, leaves and grains decreased significantly under DR and WL. In comparison with CK, ZR levels in all organs significantly decreased under DR and WL at both stages. The correlation analyses between yields and contents of starch and protein in grains and levels and ratios of four hormones in source and sink organs indicated that the changes in yield and content of grain starch and protein under DR and WL were associated with the reduced IAA, ZR and GA1+3 levels and elevated ABA level in plants, especially in grains. It was proposed that the changed levels of endogenous hormones under post-anthesis DR and WL might indirectly affect protein and starch accumulation in grains by influencing the regulatory enzymes and processes.  相似文献   
冬小麦原生质体培养的胚状体直接发生   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
冬小麦品种“京花一号”胚性愈伤组织在改良的N6培养基(NBD培养基)上继代得到易碎型胚性愈伤组织,转入改良MS液体培养基(MSDL培养基)后得到胚性悬浮系,分离的原生质体在改良的MS培养基(MSDP培养基)上培养,再生细胞直接产生体细胞胚胎,并再生出完整植株。体细胞胚胎形成过程与小麦合子胚的形成过程十分相似。  相似文献   
This paper presents a 2-year survey ofArtemisia airborne pollen concentrations in Murcia. An importantArtemisia blooming taking place in winter is confirmed in Murcia (SE Spain). This phenomenon could explain the incidence of winter pollinosis in Murcia. On the other hand, for the first time, three consecutive pollen seasons ofArtemisia, corresponding to three different species (A. campestris, A. herba-alba andA. barrelieri) have been noted. Mathematical analyses show the relations between pollen concentrations ofArtemisia in summer and autumn, and precipitation occurring 6–8 weeks before. Blooming outsets seem to be related to cumulative percentage of isolation from 1 March. Meteorological factors do not seem to influence pollen concentration in any significant way once pollination has begun.  相似文献   
The development of spontaneous object manipulation in 5 chimpanzees (Pan troglodytes) from ages 15 to 54 months was investigated, focusing on formal properties of subjects’ acts and the objects they manipulated. Young chimpanzees’ manipulation progress from serial one-at-a-time acts on one object to parallel two-at-a-time acts on two or more objects. With age, simultaneous acts become increasingly transformational and identical or reciprocal to each other. Moreover, the class properties of objects manipulated simultaneously change. When presented with objects belonging to two different classes, subjects shift, with age, from manipulating different objects to manipulating identical or similar objects. In all these respects young chimpanzee’ development is similar to human infants’. In others it differs. Most especially, the onset age is later and the development is slower as well as less structurally complex.  相似文献   
 A field experiment was conducted to determine the seasonal patterns of arbuscular mycorrhiza (AM) in a dryland winter wheat (Triticum aestivum L.) system and to determine wheat growth and P uptake responses to inoculation with mycorrhizal fungus. Broadcast-incorporated treatments included (1) no inoculation with mycorrhizal fungus, with and without P fertilizer, and (2) mycorrhizal fungal inoculation at a rate of 5000 spores of Glomus intraradices (Schenck and Smith), per 30 cm in each row, with and without fertilizer P. Winter wheat was seeded within a day after treatments were imposed, and roots were sampled at five growth stages to quantify AM. Shoot samples were also taken for determination of dry matter, grain yield and yield components, and N and P uptake. No AM infection was evident during the fall months following seeding, which was characterized by low soil temperature, while during the spring, the AM increased gradually. Increases in wheat grain yields by enhanced AM were of similar magnitude to the response obtained from P fertilization. However, responses differed at intermediate growth stages. At the tillering stage, P uptake was mainly increased by P fertilization but not by fungal inoculation. At harvest, enhanced AM increased P uptake regardless of whether or not fertilizer P was added. The AM symbiosis increased with rising soil temperatures in the spring, in time to enhance late-season P accumulation and grain production. Accepted: 15 July 1998  相似文献   
河北塞罕坝冬季黑琴鸡种群密度调查   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:2  
2007年12月对河北塞罕坝地区的黑琴鸡(Lyrurus tetrix)冬季种群密度进行了专项集中调查.越冬期种群密度为3.26只/km2,与历史资料对比,该地区黑琴鸡种群密度呈明显下降趋势.这与该地区栖息地的质量恶化、人类活动日益加剧和偷捕偷猎活动有关.  相似文献   
美洲鲽抗冻蛋白基因的克隆及在E.coli中的表达   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
本文报告了美洲鲽抗冻蛋白基因的克隆及在E.coli中表达的研究,以质粒P~(CT5)作为抗冻蛋白基因的供体,p~(ORF-2)作为表达载体。用HpaⅡ酶从质粒p~(CT5)上切下抗冻蛋白基因片段,再经Bal 31酶,绿豆核酸酶处理,连接上BglⅡ接头,然后插入到p~(ORF-2)的BglⅡ位点上,借助于p~(ORF-2)上的β-半乳糖苷酶基因的活性,使含正确插入抗冻蛋白基因的克隆呈现出蓝色菌落,共获得4000多个转化子,其中有201个蓝色克隆。对于50个蓝色克隆提取质粒DNA,电泳后发现均大于p~(ORF-2)。用BglⅡ消化后,可以发现有300—1500bpDNA片段,同时确定了抗冻蛋白基因在p~(ORF-2)中的插入方向,对于正确插入的克隆作出部分限制性内切酶图谱,测定出插入的抗冻蛋白基因片段的DNA序列,然后将重组质粒从E.coli MH1000菌株转化到E.coliTK1046中,研究分析表达产物,SDS—聚丙烯酰胺凝胶电泳结果证明插入的抗冻蛋白的基因已表达,有明显的融合蛋白带,分子量大于β-半乳糖苷酶、是由大肠杆菌的外膜蛋白F,抗冻蛋白和β-半乳糖苷酶组成。融合蛋白含量占总蛋白的20%左右。  相似文献   
西藏高原田间冬小麦旗叶光合作用研究   总被引:9,自引:0,他引:9       下载免费PDF全文
 西藏高原冬小麦旗叶光合速率日变化曲线为平坦或单峰型,没有明显“午睡”现象。净光合速率日最高值可与平原接近。光合日总量最高值出现在灌浆中期,其值比平原低4%~34%。净光合速率达20μmolCO2·m-2·s-1以上的环境因子组合是光合有效辐射光量子通量密度2000μmol·m-2·s-1以上,气温25~29℃,近地层大气CO2密度0.41mg·dm-3以上,0cm地温18~23℃、5cm地温15~19℃。这样的因子组合在高原同时满足的机率不高,由于CO2浓度与光温因子高值出现时间不同步,更由于CO2密度比内陆平原低1/3,严重制约了光合日总量值,高原冬小麦旗叶光合作用的特点是净光合速率日最高值可与平原接近,但光合日总量却明显低于平原。  相似文献   
气候变化对我国华北地区冬小麦发育和产量的影响   总被引:29,自引:5,他引:29  
验证作物模型在我国华北冬小麦主产区是否适应的基础上,采用作物模型与气候模式相结合的研究方法,定量化地模拟预测了未来100年气候变化对华北冬小麦生产的影响.结果表明,从2000~2004年,华北地区冬小麦产量的模拟值与实测值的变化趋势基本一致,且生育期和产量变化不大.未来100年内华北地区冬小麦的生长期可能会有所缩短,平均缩短8.4 d;产量也会有不同程度的下降,平均减产10.1%.适当采取应对措施可以有效降低冬小麦的减产趋势.  相似文献   
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