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Autogamous species are usually distinguishable from xenogamous relatives by smaller flowers, fewer or even no floral rewards and lower pollen–ovule (P/O) ratios. Many Rhipsalis spp. are small flowered, selfing and include the most widespread species in Cactaceae. However, Rhipsalis also includes a large number of narrowly endemic species and is most diverse in the Atlantic rainforests of Brazil. To investigate the evolution of floral function and the correlation between floral function and range size, we analysed display size, floral reward and P/O ratios of Rhipsalis and its closest relatives, reconstructed ancestral traits and related these patterns to the distributions and range sizes of the species. Display size and sugar amount are reduced in subgenera Goniorhipsalis and Rhipsalis and secondarily increased in Phyllarthrorhipsalis, whereas the P/O ratio is decreased in subgenera Rhipsalis and Phyllarthrorhipsalis. We interpret this pattern as a switch from a predominantly xenogamous to an autogamous reproductive system, followed by a return to a predominantly xenogamous system. None of the floral parameters shows significant correlations with range size, except for display size. Nevertheless, those species with the smallest flowers, lowest sugar amounts per flower and lowest P/O ratios occur either outside southeastern Brazil and/or have comparatively large distribution ranges. Almost all Rhipsalis spp. occurring outside the Atlantic rainforests are restricted to the clade formed by subgenera Rhipsalis and Phyllarthrorhipsalis. Thus, we believe that the evolution of an autogamous reproduction system enabled this lineage of Rhipsalis to diversify and spread in the Atlantic rainforests, in the rest of the Neotropics and even spread to the Old World, where it is the only member of the family.  相似文献   
连翘花的结构与繁育系统研究   总被引:4,自引:2,他引:4  
通过定株观察、解剖和人工套袋交叉授粉试验对连翘花的生长发育和繁殖系统进行研究.结果表明:(1)连翘具有2种避免自交的方式,雌雄异位和雌雄异熟.其雌雄异位表现为长雄蕊短雌蕊花型和短雄蕊长雌蕊花型;雌雄异熟表现为长雄蕊短雌蕊花型为雄蕊先于雌蕊成熟,短雄蕊长雌蕊花型表现为雌蕊先于雄蕊成熟.(2)连翘花P/O值测定和户外套袋交叉授粉试验显示,P/O值为2 000±300;不同类型花的异花授粉结果率在50.64%~80.32%,其中短型花的花粉授到长型花柱头的结果率最高,达80.32%,而长型花和短型花的同型花授粉结果率分别为2.92%和34.15%,表明连翘的异花授粉结果率高于自花授粉,以异交为主,其繁育系统属兼性异交.研究结果认为,连翘雌雄异位和雌雄异熟是其自然结果率低下的主要原因,为进一步探讨连翘在木犀科中的系统进化提供了生殖生态学的依据.  相似文献   
We investigated the pollination system and movement patterns of pollinators among flowers of the nectarless, monoecious vine Akebia quinata in natural populations and experimental floral arrays. Female flowers did not offer any rewards for pollinators and were larger than male flowers. Pollinators of A.quinata , such as small solitary bees and hoverflies, clearly discriminated between male and female flowers. Hoverflies always visited male flowers and rarely visited female flowers. In contrast, solitary bees tended to visit female flowers first when entering the array, but then switched to male flowers within the same foraging bout. This tendency disappeared when the sepal size of female flowers was experimentally reduced to the size of male flowers. Thus, observed non-randomness in flower choice by solitary bees may be caused by female>male sexual dimorphism and may increase the chance of cross-pollination and lower the probability of geitonogamous pollination in a single visit to a plant. Therefore, floral sexual dimorphism in A.quinata is considered to be an adaptation for deceptive pollination associated with discriminating pollinators.  相似文献   
苹果园中凹唇壁蜂和紫壁蜂的生态位比较研究   总被引:10,自引:0,他引:10  
杨龙龙  周伟儒 《昆虫学报》1997,40(3):265-270
本文对凹唇壁蜂Osmia excavata Alfken和紫壁蜂O.jacoti Cockerell的时间、空间、营养和筑巢生态位进行了研究。结果表明,在苹果园内人工释放和管理条件下,两种壁蜂在不同的资源序列上具有不同的生态位宽度、生态位重叠和不同程度的竞争关系。其中在营养上的竞争最为激烈,生态位重叠值和种间竞争系数分别高达0.9690和0.9994。日活动时间生态位竞争次之,其重叠值和种间竞争系数分别为0.7960和0.9350;时间生态位(季节)和空间生态位重叠值则分别为0.6500和0.6710,种间竞争系数为0.8213和0.8234;并且在人工巢管的选择上竞争性最小,生态位重叠值仅为0.4930,种间竞争系数为0.6052。凹唇壁蜂在营养生态位和时间生态位上较高的专一性均表现出其比紫壁蜂对苹果传粉作用更为显著。紫壁蜂在苹果开花后期的传粉作用较强。  相似文献   
Detailed studies were carried out on the phenology, floral biology, pollination ecology and breeding system of Boswellia serrata Roxb. (Burseraceae) the source of 'salai guggul'. The trees remain leafless during the entire period of flowering and fruiting. The inflorescence is a terminal raceme and produces up to 90 bisexual, actinomorphic flowers. On average a flower produces 10 044 ± 1259 starch-filled pollen grains. About 85% of the fresh pollen grains are viable; the pollen to ovule ratio is 3348 : 1. The stigma is of the wet papillate type. The style is hollow with three flattened stylar canals filled with a secretion product. The stylar canals are bordered by a layer of glandular canal cells. The inner tangential wall of the canal cells shows cellulose thickenings. The ovary is trilocular and bears three ovules, one in each locule. Flowers offer nectar and pollen as rewards to floral visitors. The giant Asian honey bee ( Apis dorsata ) and A. cerana var. indica (Indian honey bee) are the effective pollinators. The species is self-incompatible and the selfed pollen tubes are inhibited soon after their entry into the stigma. Self-pollen tubes develop a characteristic 'isthmus' as a result of enlargement of the tube soon after emergence through the narrow germ pore. Cross-pollinated flowers allowed normal pollen germination and pollen tube growth, and resulted in fruit- and seed-set. Under open pollination fruit-set was only about 10%. Although manual cross-pollinations increased fruit set, it was only up to about 20%. Low fruit set appears to be the result of inadequate cross-pollination and other constraints, presumably limitation of available nutrients.  © 2005 The Linnean Society of London, Botanical Journal of the Linnean Society , 2005, 147 , 73–82.  相似文献   

Background and Aims

Spatial (herkogamy) and temporal (dichogamy) separation of pollen presentation and stigma receptivity have been interpreted as reducing interference between male and female functions in hermaphroditic flowers. However, spatial separation leads to a potential conflict: reduced pollination accuracy, where pollen may be placed in a location on the pollinator different from the point of stigma contact.


To understand better how herkogamous flowers resolve this conflict, a study was made of a subalpine herb, Parnassia epunctulata, the nectariferous flowers of which exhibit sequential anther dehiscence (staggered pollen presentation) and stamen movements; usually one newly dehisced anther is positioned each day over the central gynoecium, while the older stamens bend away from the central position.

Key Results

The open flowers were visited by a variety of pollinators, most of which were flies. Seed set was pollinator-dependent (bagged flowers set almost no seeds) and pollen-limited (manual pollination increased seed set over open pollination). Analyses of adaptive accuracy showed that coordinated stamen movements and style elongation (movement herkogamy) dramatically increased pollination accuracy. Specifically, dehiscing anthers and receptive stigmas were positioned accurately in the vertical and horizontal planes in relation to the opposite sexual structure and pollinator position. By contrast, the spatial correspondence between anthers and stigma was dramatically lower before the anthers dehisced and after stamens bent outwards, as well as before and after the period of stigmatic receptivity.


It is shown for the first time that a combination of movement herkogamy and dichogamy can maintain high pollination accuracy in flowers with generalized pollination. Staggered pollen and stigma presentation with spatial correspondence can both reduce sexual interference and improve pollination accuracy.  相似文献   
Environmental conditions are known to affect the reproductive fitness of insects, as do host plants. Although the highly specialized bracts of Himalayan ‘glasshouse’ plants are thought to be an adaptive morphology that allows the plant to reproduce in harsh alpine environments, little information appears to exist concerning the benefit of these bracts for the pollinating insects. In this study, we examine whether the semi‐translucent bracts of Rheum alexandrae, a giant herb endemic to the alpine zone of the Hengduan Mountains in south‐western China, enhance the reproductive fitness of its pollinator. Rheum alexandrae depends mainly on mutualistic seed‐consuming Bradysia flies for pollination. Bracts increased interior temperature on sunny days, acted as a buffer against fluctuating air humidity, greatly decreased the intensities of ultraviolet B/C radiation and provided shelter from strong winds. Bract removal significantly decreased adult oviposition and offspring performance of pollinators during flowering and fruiting, respectively. Our results indicate that the bracts of R. alexandrae enhance the reproductive fitness of its pollinating seed‐consuming mutualist in alpine environments, which may be attributed to the positive effects of the bracts on the interior microenvironment. © 2015 The Linnean Society of London, Botanical Journal of the Linnean Society, 2015, 179 , 349–359.  相似文献   
西双版纳热带季节雨林风时空变化特征初步分析   总被引:6,自引:1,他引:6  
利用西双版纳热带季节雨林观测铁塔不同高度的风速及风向观测资料,分析了风的年、季节和日变化特征.结果表明,林冠上风速较强,林冠下风速较弱;林内风速的日变化和垂直变化均不明显.30~50 m范围内,风速垂直变化最显著,但年变化不大;50 m以上风速年变化显著,但垂直变化稍小.干热季(3~4月)风速最大,雨季(5~10月)次之,雾凉季(11~翌年2月)最小.昼间风速大于夜间.在昼间,上午风速最小,下午次之,中午最大.受地理位置和地形影响,风向具有明显的日变化特征,主导风向昼间为偏东南风,夜间为偏西风.昼间零平面位移(d) 值上午最大,中午次之下午最小,其年变化幅度呈现下午幅度大,上午和中午幅度小的趋势.粗糙度(Z0)昼间值呈现下午>中午>上午的趋势,且下午Z0值显著大于其他两个时段.  相似文献   
This report presents data from experiments on seed dispersal by wind for ten species of the family Apiaceae. Seed shadows were obtained in the field under natural conditions, using wind speeds between four and ten m/s. The flight of individual seeds was followed by eye, and seed shadows were acquired, with median distances varying from 0.7 to 3.1 m between species. Multiple regression models of wind speed and seed weight on dispersal distance were significant for six out of ten species; wind speed had significant effects in seven cases, but seed weight only once. A good correlation between mean terminal falling velocity of the seeds of a species and median dispersal distance, indicates the promising explanatory power that individual terminal velocity data might have on dispersal distance, together with wind speed and turbulence. The theory that seeds that seem to be adapted to wind dispersal travel much longer distances than seeds that have no adaptation was tested. Flattened and winged seeds were indeed found to be transported further by wind, but not much further. Moreover, the species with wind-adapted seeds were also taller, being an alternative explanation since their seeds experienced higher wind speeds at these greater heights. Furthermore, flattened and winged seeds were disseminated from ripe umbels at lower wind speeds in the laboratory. This means that the observed difference in dispersal distance would have been smaller when species specific thresholds for wind speed were incorporated in the field experiments. We argue therefore, that seed morphology is not always the best predictor in classifying species in groups with distinctly different dispersal ability.  相似文献   
Floral characteristics often indicate the pollinators' functional group visiting the plant and the pollination syndromes associated with them. This idea has been challenged in the past decades due to increasing evidence that most plants, including those exhibiting floral syndromes, are visited by large arrays of species that differ in their effectiveness as pollinators. Our study focuses on Mecardonia tenella (Plantaginaceae) from the Araucaria forest of southern Brazil, which exhibits characteristics of the oil flower pollination syndrome. However, it is visited by three types of functional groups of bees: male orchid bees, oil-collecting bees, and pollen-seeking bees. The relative contribution of each functional group to the plant's reproductive success was estimated based on their pollen load, visitation frequency, and morphology. We assessed resources, phenology, and breeding system of M. tenella . Our results indicate that flowers lack nectar, but volatiles, lipids, and pollen are resources that can be gathered by visitors. This combination of floral traits and visitors' assemblage makes M. tenella a challenge to the concept of pollination syndromes. Our findings indicate that the current interactions may not reflect the circumstances under which some floral traits of this plant were selected.  相似文献   
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