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In the Blackcap (Aves: Sylvia atricapilla), a widespread passerine noctural migrant, a “migratory divide” between SE- and SW-migrating populations exists in Central Europe at about 14° E and south of 52° N. The autumn migratory directions are known to have a genetic basis and are expressed in orientation cages in captivity. Migratory directions of birds in the contact zone between the two populations were studied by analysing ringing data and by testing three groups of hand-raised individuals in orientation cages. Available ringing data are insufficient to establish migratory directions in the contact zone north of the Alps. Hand-raised birds from south-west Germany and the most eastern part of Austria oriented SW and SE, respectively, confirming directions known from ringing recoveries. A sample of birds from the contact zone near Linz (Austria) oriented SW to NW (mean = 268°) and was significantly different from both adjoining populations. This contrasts with results of a cross-breeding experiment with mixed pairs of SW- and SE-migrants bred in captivity: The F1-offspring chose southerly directions, intermediate between both parental populations (Helbig, 1991). It is suggested, therefore, that a distinct subpopulation with a large fraction of birds wintering in the British Isles has established itself in the contact zone. Differences in directional choices between groups of siblings from this area indicate that intrapopulation genetic variability is present. This may have led to a rapid spread of the novel W-NW migratory direction, because north of the Alps strong selection seems to be acting against mixing of SE- with SW-migrating populations.  相似文献   
利用排除法和引入昆虫的方法相结合,研究越南篦齿苏铁(Cycas elongata)的传粉媒介.结果表明,越南篦齿苏铁靠风媒传粉和虫媒传粉的雌株结实率分别55.3%和57.2%,自然传粉的结实率为63.5%,说明风和象鼻虫都是越南篦齿苏铁的有效传粉媒介.越南篦齿苏铁散粉高峰在白天,夜间散粉很少,在3.0 m以内风传花粉的密度较高,3.0 m之外的密度急剧下降.可见,风媒和虫媒都是越南篦齿苏铁的有效传粉途径,与泽米铁类植物为专一寄主性昆虫传粉的结论不一致.  相似文献   
西双版纳热带季节雨林风时空变化特征初步分析   总被引:6,自引:1,他引:6  
利用西双版纳热带季节雨林观测铁塔不同高度的风速及风向观测资料,分析了风的年、季节和日变化特征.结果表明,林冠上风速较强,林冠下风速较弱;林内风速的日变化和垂直变化均不明显.30~50 m范围内,风速垂直变化最显著,但年变化不大;50 m以上风速年变化显著,但垂直变化稍小.干热季(3~4月)风速最大,雨季(5~10月)次之,雾凉季(11~翌年2月)最小.昼间风速大于夜间.在昼间,上午风速最小,下午次之,中午最大.受地理位置和地形影响,风向具有明显的日变化特征,主导风向昼间为偏东南风,夜间为偏西风.昼间零平面位移(d) 值上午最大,中午次之下午最小,其年变化幅度呈现下午幅度大,上午和中午幅度小的趋势.粗糙度(Z0)昼间值呈现下午>中午>上午的趋势,且下午Z0值显著大于其他两个时段.  相似文献   
树冠结构参数及附近风场特征的风洞模拟研究   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
根据风洞模型实验,分析了树冠结构参数(疏透度β、透风系数α)和际近的风速场特征,结果表明,透风系数与疏透度之间符合幂函数关系α=β^0.6,树冠附近的风速减弱区为椭球形立体空间,减弱区随树高,冠幅的增大而增大,随透风系数(或疏透度)的增大而减小,在水平和垂直剖面上,等风速线分别为椭圆形和椭圆线段。  相似文献   
Ecological interactions between flowers and pollinators greatly affect the reproductive success. To facilitate these interactions, many flowers are known to display their attractive qualities, such as scent emission, flower rewards and floral vertical direction, in a rhythmic fashion. However, less is known about how plants regulate the relationship between these flower traits to adapt to pollinator visiting behavior and increase reproduction success. Here we investigated the adaptive significance of the flower bending from erect to downward in Trifolium repens. We observed the flowering dynamic characteristics (changes of vertical direction of florets, flowering number, pollen grain numbers, pollen viability and stigma receptivity over time after blossom) and the factors affecting the rate of flower bending in T. repens. Then we altered the vertical direction of florets in inflorescence of different types (upright and downward), and compared the pollinator behaviors and female reproductive success. Our results showed that florets opened sequentially in inflorescence, and then bend downwards slowly after flowering. The bending speed of florets was mainly influenced by pollination, and bending angle increased with the prolongation of flowering time, while the pollen germination rate, stigma receptivity and nectar secretion has a rhythm of “low-high-low” during the whole period with the time going. The visiting frequency of all the four species of pollinators on upward flowers was significantly higher than that of downward flowers, and they especially prefer to visit flowers with a bending angle of 30°–60°, when the flowers was exactly of the highest flower rewards (nectar secretion and number of pollen grains), stigma receptivity and pollen germination rate. The seed set ratio and fruit set ratio of upward flowers were significantly higher than downward flowers, but significantly lower than unmanipulated flowers. Our results indicated that the T. repens could increase female and male fitness by accurate pollination. The most suitable flower angle saves pollinators’ visiting energy and enables them to obtain the highest nectar rewards. This coordination between plants and pollinators maximizes the interests of them, which is a crucial factor in initiating specialized plant-pollinator relationships.  相似文献   
通过对中国38个地区共147属,984种兰科植物的区系成分的统计,分析了各地区兰科植物的属种热带成分/温带成分(R/T)值随纬度的变化趋势;并利用SPSS 20.0软件对各地区兰科植物的区系成分进行聚类分析。结果表明:(1)38个地区147属兰科植物可划分为11种分布区类型和9种变型,984种兰科植物可划分为12种分布区类型和6种变型。(2)属级水平上R/T值随纬度的升高总体呈下降趋势,38个地区中23个地区为热带性质,13个地区为温带性质,峨眉山和金佛山的热带性质和温带性质相等;种级水平上除俄贤岭的特殊岛屿石灰岩环境造成极强的热带性质外,其他地区的R/T值随纬度的升高而降低,表现出明显的纬向地带性特点。(3)38个地区兰科植物属种级区系类型存在分异现象,即147属兰科植物以热带亚洲分布(24.71%)、北温带分布(19.14%)和热带亚洲至热带大洋洲分布(15.32%)为主,而984种兰科植物除热带亚洲分布(30.28%)外,则以中国特有分布(26.89%)和中国-日本分布(12.85%)为主。(4)属种级聚类结果显示,种级水平的聚类分析比属级水平的聚类更能体现出纬度相近其区系成分也相近的特点。  相似文献   
植物形态性状叶面积简单易测, 能够反映植物对环境的适应与响应, 指示生态系统的功能与过程。在野外测定叶面积时, 叶片取样数量往往采用约定俗成的10-20片, 但到底采集多少叶片才是最优和最具代表性, 却少有探究。该研究以浙江金华山常绿落叶阔叶混交林的优势树种木荷(Schima superba)与枫香树(Liquidambar formosana)为研究对象, 通过对5个胸径等级植株和每个植株6个方位开展大批量叶片取样(>2 500个), 分析两个树种的叶面积变异特征, 探讨叶片取样数量为多少才能最代表该森林类型的叶片大小性状规律。结果表明, 常绿乔木木荷平均叶面积与变幅均小于落叶乔木枫香树。木荷叶面积与胸径无显著相关性, 而枫香树叶面积与胸径有较显著相关性, 但两个树种均在中胸径等级(15-20 cm)差异不显著; 两个树种的叶面积与采样方位无显著相关性, 但在东、西和底部的差异不显著。因此, 综合考虑代表性与野外可操作性, 叶片采集首选中胸径成树的底部叶片。随机抽样统计可知, 树木叶面积测定的最适叶片采集数量因物种而异, 木荷的最适叶片采集数量为40, 而枫香树最少为170片。因此, 在叶面积测定时, 叶片采集的数量应该不能只局限在10-20片, 在人力、物力和时间等条件允许的情况下, 应该尽可能多地测定较多叶片的叶面积。  相似文献   
通过对2010—2015 年获批的药物代谢和药物动力学(DM/PK)国家自然科学基金项目的分析,总结我国DM/PK 研究取得的 进展,展望其重要研究方向,为DM/PK 学科发展规划的制定提供参考。  相似文献   

This study aimed to examine the reliability and the time-of-day effect of the 505 change of direction (CoD), 10-m sprint, and change of direction deficit test (CoDD). At two different time of days, 39 young diurnally active physical education male students performed different physical tests: 505 CoD, and sprint tests. Measurements were taken at two separate testing sessions, i.e. in the morning (07:00–08:30 h) and early evening (17:00–18:30 h) in a randomized and counter-balanced setting on nonconsecutive days in 21 of them (21.5 ± 1.5 y of age). The results showed that the 505 CoD test, 10-m sprint, and CoDD performances were a reliable test, and performances were better in the evening the 505 CoD, 10-m sprint, and CoDD testing provided reliable and sensitive scores. In addition, phase 2 showed that CoD, speed, and CoDD are affected by the time of day.  相似文献   
Effective shelter has been demonstrated to reduce neonatal lamb mortality rates during periods of inclement weather. Periods of high wind speed and rainfall have been shown to influence shelter usage; however, it is not yet known how ewe factors such as breed, age and body condition score influence shelter-seeking behaviour. This study, conducted on a working upland farm in the UK, examined impact of artificial shelter on the biological and climatic factors that influence peri-parturient ewe behaviour. Pregnant ewes (n = 147) were randomly allocated between two adjacent fields which were selected for their similarity in size, topography, pasture management, orientation to the prevailing wind and available natural shelter. In one field, three additional artificial shelters were installed to increase the available shelter for ewes, this field was designated the Test field; no additional artificial shelter was provided in the second field which was used as the Control field. Individual ewes were observed every 2 h between 0800 and 1600 for 14 continuous days to monitor their location relative to shelter. Ewe breed (Aberfield and Highlander), age (2–8 years) and body condition score were considered as explanatory variables to explain flock and individual variance in shelter-seeking behaviour and the prevalence of issues which required the intervention of the shepherd, termed ‘shepherding problems’. Any ewe observed with dystocia, a dead or poor vigour lamb or who exhibited mismothering behaviour was recorded as a shepherding problem. The prevalence of these shepherding problems which necessitate human intervention represents arguably the most critical limiting factor for the successful management of commercial sheep flocks in outdoor lambing systems. Overall, ewes in the Test field with access to additional artificial shelter experienced fewer shepherding problems than those in the Control field (P < 0.05). A significant breed effect was also observed, with Highlander ewes more likely to seek shelter than Aberfield ewes (P < 0.001), and experiencing significantly fewer shepherding interventions (P < 0.05). These findings demonstrate the substantial and significant benefits to animal welfare and productivity that can be achieved through the provision of shelter in commercial, upland, outdoor lambing systems in the UK.  相似文献   
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