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Many studies have demonstrated the importance of early‐successional forest habitat for breeding bird abundance, composition, and diversity. However, very few studies directly link measures of bird diversity, composition and abundance to measures of forest composition, and structure and their dynamic change over early succession. This study examines the relationships between breeding bird community composition and forest structure in regenerating broadleaf forests of southern New England, USA, separating the influences of ecological succession from retained stand structure. We conducted bird point counts and vegetation surveys across a chronosequence of forest stands that originated between 2 and 24 years previously in shelterwood timber harvests, a silvicultural method of regenerating oak‐mixed broadleaf forests. We distinguish between vegetation variables that relate to condition of forest regeneration and those that reflect legacy stand structure. Using principal components analyses, we confirmed the distinction between regeneration and legacy vegetation variables. We ran regression analysis to test for relationships between bird community variables, including nesting and foraging functional guild abundances, and vegetation variables. We confirmed these relationships with hierarchical partitioning. Our results demonstrate that regenerating and legacy vegetation correlate with bird community variables across stand phases and that the strength with which they drive bird community composition changes with forest succession. While measures of regeneration condition explain bird abundance and diversity variables during late initiation, legacy stand structure explains them during stem exclusion. Canopy cover, ground‐story diversity, and canopy structure diversity are the most powerful and consistent explanatory variables. Our results suggest that leaving varied legacy stand structure to promote habitat heterogeneity in shelterwood harvests contributes to greater bird community diversity. Interestingly, this is particularly important during the structurally depauperate phase of stem exclusion of young regenerating forests.  相似文献   
Invasive alien species are a major threat to biodiversity and human activities, providing a strong incentive to understand the processes by which alien invasion occurs. While it is important to understand the determinants of success at each of several invasion stages—transport, introduction, establishment, and spread—few studies have explored the first of these stages. Here, we quantify and analyze variation in the success of individual animals in surviving the transport stage, based on shipping records of European passerines destined for New Zealand. We mined the original documents of Acclimatisation Societies, established in New Zealand for the purpose of introducing supposedly beneficial alien species, in combination with recently digitized newspaper archives, to produce a unique dataset of 122 ships that carried passerines from Europe to New Zealand between 1850 and 1885. For 37 of these shipments, data on the survival of individual species were available. Using generalized linear mixed models, we explored how survival was related to characteristics of the shipments and the species. We show that species differed greatly in their survival, but none of the tested traits accounted for these differences. Yet, survival increased over time, which mirrors the switch from early haphazard shipments to larger organized shipments. Our results imply that it was the quality of care received by the birds that most affected success at this stage of the invasion process.  相似文献   
Carrion represents an unpredictable and widely distributed primary food source for vultures and other avian scavengers. Avian scavengers in African savanna ecosystems are reported to rely exclusively on visual stimuli to locate carcasses. However, carnivores’ predation of large mammalian herbivores and subsequent competition for access to the carcass can result in considerable noise, often audible over long distances and for prolonged periods. Vultures and other avian scavengers may therefore detect and respond to these auditory cues, as do the mammalian carnivores alongside which vultures have coevolved, but this has not been investigated to date. Working in the Serengeti ecosystem, Tanzania, we used diurnal auditory broadcasts to simulate predation and competitive carnivore feeding interactions. Based on the current understanding of avian scavenger ecology, we hypothesized that avian responses to call‐in stations would be evoked exclusively by visual, rather than auditory, cues. We therefore predicted that (a) the arrival of avian scavengers at call‐in stations should be preceded and facilitated by mammalian carnivores and that (b) the arrival of avian scavengers would be positively correlated with the number of mammalian scavengers present, which would increase detectability. We recorded 482 birds during 122 separate playback events. In 22% of these instances, avian scavengers arrived first, ruling out responses based exclusively on visual observations of mammalian carnivores, thereby contradicting our first prediction. Furthermore, the first avian arrivals at survey sessions were inversely related to the number of hyenas and jackals present, contradicting our second prediction. Since no bait or carcasses were used during the experiments, these responses are indicative of the birds’ ability to detect and respond to audio stimuli. Our findings challenge the current consensus of sensory perception and foraging in these species and provide evidence that avian scavengers have the ability to use sound to locate food resources.  相似文献   
Wetland environment and habitat loss increase the rate of biodiversity decline and affect our ecosystems. Yancheng National Nature Reserve (YNNR) is a protected area dedicated to endangered migratory bird species to overwinter. However, it currently has a record low influx of migrating birds and might therefore be losing its founding purpose. We used remote sensing technology to assess and quantify the impacts and effects of invasive halophytes Spartina alterniflora in the habitat loss and shrinkage of endangered bird wintering habitat from 2003 to 2018. We also attempted to ascertain the causes and triggers of avian population decline and its relationship with habitat loss, as these phenomena threaten and endanger species both locally and globally. Our study shows how YNNR has lost about 80% of migratory bird habitat to invasive S. alterniflora and Phragmites australis, a native halophyte plant in the reserve. Furthermore, shoreline erosion triggered the retraction of S. alterniflora and its backward growth toward Suaeda Salsa, the preferred foraging habitat for migratory birds in the zone, which is a possible cause of their decline.  相似文献   
Lavandula stoechas L. (Lamiaceae) is an attractive shrub native to the Mediterranean regions used for ornamental, melliferous, aromatic and medicinal purposes. Furthermore, this species presents an increasing interest in cosmetics, perfumery and pharmaceutical industries. The variability of qualitative and quantitative metabolic traits among nine wild germplasms representing the distribution area of this species in Tunisia was undertaken. A total of 45 essential oil components were identified in the aerial parts of the studied germplasms. The main essential oil components were camphor (15.32–50.63%), fenchone (6.57–34.70%), 1,8-cineole (0.05–13.45%) and γ-gurjunene (1.10–12.15%). In addition to the well known chemotypes camphor/fenchone and camphor/1.8-cineole, a new chemotype camphor/γ-gurjunene was detected in Tunisian L. stoechas L. Six phenolic acids (quinic acid, gallic acid, p-coumaric acid, 4,5-di-O-caffeoyquinic acid, salviolinic acid and trans cinnamic acid) and five flavonoids (luteolin-7-o-glucoside, naringin, apegenin-7-o-glucoside, quercetin and kampherol) were identified in the ethanolic extracts. Salviolinic acid (46.30–615.18 μg/g) and luteolin-7-o-glucoside (5.98–38.54 μg/g) were the most abundant phenolic compounds. A high significant phytochemical variability (p ˂ 0.01) in the accumulation of volatile and phenolic secondary metabolites among the studied germplasms was recorded. The conducted multivariate (PCA) and clustering (HCA) analyses revealed different classification pattern for essential oil and phenolic compounds. The detected phytochemical polymorphism among the investigated lavender ecotypes didn't show accordance with bioclimatic and geographical areas which suggests genetic background as the main explaining factor. The detected secondary metabolites polymorphism valorises Tunisian L. stoechas L. genetic resources as valuable plant material in further breeding programs. Moreover, an urgent in situ and ex situ conservation measures are required for these wild germplasms threatened by human over-harvesting practices and the occurring dramatic changes in climatic conditions.  相似文献   
Infrastructure development can affect avian populations through direct collision mortality. Estimating the exposure of local bird populations to the risk of direct mortality from infrastructure development requires site- and species-specific data, which managers may find difficult to obtain at the scale over which management decisions are made. We quantify the potential exposure of sandhill cranes (Antigone canadensis) to collision with horizontal structures (e.g., transmission lines) within vital wintering grounds of the Middle Rio Grande Valley (MRGV), New Mexico, USA, 2014–2020. Limited maneuverability and visual acuity make sandhill cranes vulnerable to collisions with infrastructure bisecting their flight paths. We used data from 81 global positioning system (GPS)-tagged cranes to estimate the spatially explicit flight height distribution along the MRGV, the passage rate across hypothetical transmission lines, and the resulting exposure rate (exposed passes/crane/day). The exposure rate ranged from 0–0.28 exposed passes/crane/day (median = 0.015) assuming an exposure zone of 7–60 m above ground level, and identified hotspots of potential exposure within the MRGV. Mapped exposure rates can assist in the siting of proposed high-voltage transmission lines, or other infrastructure, to limit effects on sandhill cranes and other avian species at risk of collision. Our approach can be replicated and applied in similar situations where birds are exposed to possible collision with power lines. © 2021 The Authors. The Journal of Wildlife Management published by Wiley Periodicals LLC on behalf of The Wildlife Society.  相似文献   

Firstly, the author describes the anatomical and histological structures of Mimosa pudica L. during the stages of development of the young plant prior to the appearing of cambium. She then discusses, in the light of previous literature on the subject, the three principal features of Mimosa pudica: herbaceous bearing, stable tetrarchy with intercotyledonal bundles along the plumule, and small sized germination.

Finally, the author concludes that Mimosa pudica appears to be an individual with tree-like rather than herbaceous symmetry (stable tetrarchy), in which the size of germination has diminished parallelly to reduction in size of the adult individual.  相似文献   
Human beings have been credited with unparalleled capabilities for digital prehension grasping. However, grasping behaviour is widespread among tetrapods. The propensity to grasp, and the anatomical characteristics that underlie it, appear in all of the major groups of tetrapods with the possible exception of terrestrial turtles. Although some features are synapomorphic to the tetrapod clade, such as well‐defined digits and digital musculature, other features, such as opposable digits and tendon configurations, appear to have evolved independently in many lineages. Here we examine the incidence, functional morphology, and evolution of grasping across four major tetrapod clades. Our review suggests that the ability to grasp with the manus and pes is considerably more widespread, and ecologically and evolutionarily important, than previously thought. The morphological bases and ecological factors that govern grasping abilities may differ among tetrapods, yet the selective forces shaping them are likely similar. We suggest that further investigation into grasping form and function within and among these clades may expose a greater role for grasping ability in the evolutionary success of many tetrapod lineages.  相似文献   
云南及周边地区野菜和野果资源   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
本文是根据“云南及周边地区生物资源调查”项目的系统调查结果汇总的。云南及周边地区野菜和野果资源,指的是该地区栽培蔬菜、果树及其野生近缘植物之外的可食的野菜和野果。云南及周边地区是多个少数民族聚居区,各少数民族都有采食野菜和野果的习俗,并且在长期采食野菜和野果中,积累了丰富的食用方法。本文介绍云南及周边地区的野菜和野果,旨在为深入研究和开发利用这些资源,并为国家制定野生植物保护有关政策提供基础数据和信息。  相似文献   
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