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在哈尔滨地区使用液体菌种栽培红平菇技术初探 总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3
从福建三明真菌研究所(福建省三明市375000)购入红平菇优良菌株,在哈尔滨地区对其进行了用液体菌种代替固体原料的栽培技术研究。包括一级种培养基的筛选、液体菌种培养基的筛选、栽培种制作与培养以及出菇管理技术。结果表明:对于一级种,红平菇在PDA和马铃薯半组合培养基上都生长良好,菌丝洁白、粗壮、浓密,7~8d长满斜面;红平菇在玉米粉葡萄糖蛋白胨和麦麸葡萄糖蛋白胨液体培养基上生长较好,7d时菌丝长满培养液,菌丝量较多;用与平菇相似的常规方法制作栽培种、养菌处理与出菇管理,红平菇的产量达100%~150%。由于采用了液体菌种的栽培模式,从制种到采收的整个过程共需要50~60d,比二级种为固体菌种的常规方法缩短26~31d,大大地缩短了生产周期,提高了经济效益。 相似文献
Summary Methods are described which demonstrate the use of unidirectional influx of14C-tetraphenylphosphonium (14C-TPP+) into isolated intestinal epithelial cells as a quantitative sensor of the magnitude of membrane potentials created by experimentally imposed ion gradients. Using this technique the quantitative relationship between membrane potential () and Na+-dependent sugar influx was determined for these cells at various Na+ and -methylglucoside (-MG) concentrations. The results show a high degree of dependence for the transport Michaelis constant but a maximum velocity for transport which is independent of . No transinhibition by intracellular sugar (40mm) can be detected. Sugar influx in the absence of Na+ is insensitive to 1.3mm phlorizin and independent of . The mechanistic implications of these results were evaluated using the quality of fit between calculated and experimentally observed kinetic constants for rate equations derived from several transport models. The analysis shows that for models in which translocation is the potential-dependent step the free carrier cannot be neutral. If it is anionic, the transporter must be functionally asymmetric. A model in which Na+ binding is the potential-dependent step (Na+ well concept) also provides an appropriate kinetic fit to the experimental data, and must be considered as a possible mechanistic basis for function of the system. 相似文献
Summary Patch-clamp techniques were used to study a K channel in the cell membrane of MDCK cells. This cell line derives from the kidney of a normal dog, presumably from the distal nephron, a region involved in potassium secretion. The cells were cultured in confluent monolayers and approached from the apical side. The K channel we describe is Ca2+ and voltage activated, has a conductance of 221±7 pS, and can be inhibited by 10mm tetraethylammonium and by 1mm quinidine, but not by 4-aminopyridine, nor by 1mm Ba2+ added to the outer side. Using the whole-cell configuration, we find that most of the cationic conductance of the membrane is constituted by a K-specific one (maximum K conductance 32.1±3.9 nSvs. a leak conductance of 1.01±0.17 nS). Comparisons of the maximum K conductance with that of a single K channel indicates that an MDCK cell has an average of 145 such channels. The membrane capacity is 24.5±1.4 pF. 相似文献
Fire as a key driver of Earth's biodiversity 总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1
Tianhua He Byron B. Lamont Juli G. Pausas 《Biological reviews of the Cambridge Philosophical Society》2019,94(6):1983-2010
Many terrestrial ecosystems are fire prone, such that their composition and structure are largely due to their fire regime. Regions subject to regular fire have exceptionally high levels of species richness and endemism, and fire has been proposed as a major driver of their diversity, within the context of climate, resource availability and environmental heterogeneity. However, current fire‐management practices rarely take into account the ecological and evolutionary roles of fire in maintaining biodiversity. Here, we focus on the mechanisms that enable fire to act as a major ecological and evolutionary force that promotes and maintains biodiversity over numerous spatiotemporal scales. From an ecological perspective, the vegetation, topography and local weather conditions during a fire generate a landscape with spatial and temporal variation in fire‐related patches (pyrodiversity), and these produce the biotic and environmental heterogeneity that drives biodiversity across local and regional scales. There have been few empirical tests of the proposition that ‘pyrodiversity begets biodiversity’ but we show that biodiversity should peak at moderately high levels of pyrodiversity. Overall species richness is greatest immediately after fire and declines monotonically over time, with postfire successional pathways dictated by animal habitat preferences and varying lifespans among resident plants. Theory and data support the ‘intermediate disturbance hypothesis’ when mean patch species diversity is correlated with mean fire intervals. Postfire persistence, recruitment and immigration allow species with different life histories to coexist. From an evolutionary perspective, fire drives population turnover and diversification by promoting a wide range of adaptive responses to particular fire regimes. Among 39 comparisons, the number of species in 26 fire‐prone lineages is much higher than that in their non‐fire‐prone sister lineages. Fire and its byproducts may have direct mutagenic effects, producing novel genotypes that can lead to trait innovation and even speciation. A paradigm shift aimed at restoring biodiversity‐maintaining fire regimes across broad landscapes is required among the fire research and management communities. This will require ecologists and other professionals to spread the burgeoning fire‐science knowledge beyond scientific publications to the broader public, politicians and media. 相似文献
Free cytosolic Ca2+ ([Ca2+ ]cyt ) is an ubiquitous second messenger in plant cell signaling, and [Ca2+ ]cyt elevation is associated with Ca2+ -permeable channels in the plasma membrane and endomembranes regulated by a wide range of stimuli. However, knowledge regarding Ca2+ channels and their regulation remains limited in planta . A type of voltage-dependent Ca2+ -permeable channel was identified and characterized for the Vicia faba L. guard cell plasma membrane by using patch-clamp techniques. These channels are permeable to both Ba2+ and Ca2+ , and their activities can be inhibited by micromolar Gd3+ . The unitary conductance and the reversal potential of the channels depend on the Ca2+ or Ba2+ gradients across the plasma membrane. The inward whole-cell Ca2+ (Ba2+ ) current, as well as the unitary current amplitude and NPo of the single Ca2+ channel, increase along with the membrane hyperpolarization. Pharmacological experiments suggest that actin dynamics may serve as an upstream regulator of this type of calcium channel of the guard cell plasma membrane. Cytochalasin D, an actin polymerization blocker, activated the NPo of these channels at the single channel level and increased the current amplitude at the whole-cell level. But these channel activations and current increments could be restrained by pretreatment with an F-actin stabilizer, phalloidin. The potential physiological significance of this regulatory mechanism is also discussed. 相似文献
An in situ method for cultivating microorganisms using a double encapsulation technique 总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1
The lack of cultured microorganisms represents a bottleneck for advancement in microbiology. The development of novel culturing techniques is, therefore, a crucial step in our understanding of microbial diversity in general, and the role of such diversity in the environment, in particular. This study presents an innovative method for cultivating microorganisms by encapsulating them within agar spheres, which are then encased in a polysulfonic polymeric membrane and incubated in a simulated or natural environment. This method stimulates growth of the entrapped microorganisms by allowing them access to essential nutrients and cues from the environment. It allows for the discovery of microorganisms from dilutions that are 10–100-fold greater than possible with conventional plating techniques. Analysis of microorganisms grown in such spheres incubated in and on a number of different substrates yielded numerous novel ribotypes. For example, spheres incubated on the mucus surface of a Fungiid coral yielded numerous ribotypes, with only 50% sharing similarity (85–96%) to previously identified microorganisms. This suggests that many of the species represent novel ribotypes. Hence, the technique reported here advances our ability to retrieve and successfully culture microorganisms and provides an innovative tool to access unknown microbial diversity. 相似文献
探讨古环境和古气候变化与哺乳动物演化之间的关系是目前古生物学研究领域中的一个热点,而哺乳动物化石牙齿釉质的碳、氧同位素分析是恢复古环境和古气候的一个重要手段。以往的哺乳动物化石牙齿釉质稳定同位素分析多集中在大哺乳动物化石,这主要是受到技术手段的限制,所需的样品量较大所决定的。但最近几年随着激光和离子显微探针技术的应用,对小哺乳动物化石(如啮齿类和兔形类)的牙齿釉质碳、氧同位素的分析和应用日趋成熟和广泛。除了传统的化学处理方法之外,对小哺乳动物化石牙齿釉质碳、氧同位素的分析还有以下三种方法:1)激光剥蚀气相色谱/同位素比值质谱分析;2)直接激光氟化技术;3)离子显微探针技术(SHRIMPII)。这些技术需要的样品量少,对标本的破损小,准确度和精密度高,所以在小哺乳动物化石和一些珍贵标本(如古人类化石)的稳定同位素分析中起到了重要作用。相对于大哺乳动物化石,小哺乳动物化石数量多、演化速度快,更能反映多个层位长时间序列的古环境和气候变化;而且小哺乳动物通常没有长距离迁徙的行为,栖息地局限,所以更能准确反映化石埋藏地点的古环境和气候状况。 相似文献
Shahid M. Nayeem 《Biochemical and biophysical research communications》2010,401(4):544-547
Despite sequence and structural similarity, TGF-β3 has low solubility among other isoforms of TGF-β. We used nanosecond of molecular dynamic simulations (MD) with explicit solvent, alone and in presence of urea, to investigate the intermediates resulting from the unfolding process of TGF-β3 and TGF-β1. MD simulations of the full-length proteins show a very early loss of α-helix in TGF-β3 compared to the one in the TGF-β1. MD simulation of a small fragment consisting of H3 α-helix of TGF-β3 shows conversion of this segment to β-sheet. Relative instability of H3 α-helix in TGF-β3 and its propensity to form β-sheet may explain the poor solubility of TGF-β3 compared to TGF-β1. The other reasons for poor solubility of TGF-β3 may be the hydrophobic patches on its surface and low charge over the entire range of pH. 相似文献