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Paraveinal mesophyll (PVM) is a distinctive anatomical feature of the leaf mesophyll of some plant taxa that may represent a specialized physiological compartment. A comprehensive review of the 42 published references that mention PVM or similar cell layers and a survey of 121 of the 272 species of all nine genera of thePhaseoleae subtribeErythrininae demonstrate that PVM is nearly exclusively found inLeguminosae. InLeguminosae, PVM is either rare or absent in subfamilyCaesalpinioideae, uncommon inMimosoideae, and extensively distributed amongPapilionoideae. In subtribeErythrininae, PVM is ubiquitous inErythrina, and occurs in four other genera. ThreeErythrininae genera (Apios, Mucuna, andCochlianthus) lack PVM. Unique chloroplast-poor, enlarged conical cells (pellucid palisade idioblasts) occur in 80 species ofErythrina but not in any other genus ofErythrininae.  相似文献   
通过试验测定在武育粳2号上水稻拔节期正处于幼穗形成阶段,受褐稻虱危害实粒数减少,产量下降;孕穗期较耐褐稻虱危害,有明显的补偿作用;孕穗末期至灌浆初期为水稻受害最敏感的时期,危害后使结实率和千粒重均明显下降,水稻显著减产;灌浆后期至乳熟期受褐稻虱危害主要导致干粒重降低,且越接近成熟产量损失越低。  相似文献   
水稻种植制度与品种布局对三化螟种群动态的影响   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
唐盛明  曾花生 《昆虫知识》1995,32(6):321-323
三化螟种群系统的最优管理决策   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
张文庆  古德祥 《昆虫学报》1995,38(3):296-304
以三化螟Tryporyza invertulas(Walker)种群动态模型和水稻产量损失预测模型为基础,根据水稻插植期、品种抗性,保护利用自然天敌和杀虫剂多次使用等控制措施以及它们的各种不同组合对该虫种群动态、水稻产量损失串和净收益的影响,以净收益最大为目标函数,研究三化螟种群的最优管理决策。其中,对昆虫种群动态模拟方法作了一点改进,它综合了前人所提出的种群动态模型的优点。建立的系统模型能够提供包括农业防治、生物防治和化学防治措施在内的、对三化螟种群实施有效管理的最优决策方案。  相似文献   
Protein kinase C (PKC) is a ubiquitous enzyme family implicated in the regulation of a large number of short- and long-term intracellular processes. It is hypothesized that modulation of PKC activity may represent, at least in part, a functional link between mutations (genotype) that lead to the pathological accumulation of naturally occurring compounds that affect PKC activity and perturbation of PKC-mediated substrate phosphorylation and cellular function in the corresponding diseases (phenotype). This model provides a unifying putative mechanism by which the phenotypic expression of some inborn errors of metabolism may be explained. Recent studies in a cell-free system of human skin fibroblasts support the hypothesis that alteration of PKC activity may represent the functional link between accumulation of sphingolipids and fatty acyl-CoA esters, and perturbation of cell function in sphingolipidoses and fatty acid oxidation defects, respectively. Further studies will elucidate the effects of these alterations on PKC-mediated short- and long-term cellular functions in these diseases, as well as the possible role of PKC in the pathogensis of other diseases. © 1995 Wiley-Liss, Inc.  相似文献   
Photoreceptor cells that were mostly free of extracellular material and suitable for most electrophysiological study procedures were dissociated from whole heads of the fruit fly, Drosophila melanogaster, by a simple smash technique employing gentle chopping by a razor blade through Parafilm sheets. A variety of commonly available proteolytic and glycolytic digestion enzymes were tested as additions to the basic dissociation procedure described. With the aid of Nomarski interference contrast optics, periodic acid-Schiff staining, and fluorescent labeling and microscopy methods, it was determined that proteolytic enzymatic digestion does little to enhance the dissociation procedure, and instead, often damages the cells that one is attempting to recover. Unexpectedly, certain glycolytic enzymes, when added to the basic procedure, appear to enhance the recovery of intact viable Drosophila photoreceptors that are stripped of most extracellular material. Based on these results, a hypothesis concerning the biochemical nature of the extracellular matrix of the Drosophila retina is proposed. Drosophila photoreceptors are an interesting model system for the study of invertebrate phototransduction and photoreceptor cell biology because of their many well-characterized mutant strains. The technique described here should produce clean viable photoreceptors or ommatidia that respond to light, and that are suitable for patch clamping or cell culture.  相似文献   
The present study describes the effects of 14 days exposure to acidified (pH 4.0) soft water in the absence of aluminium, on the ultrastructure of the skin in rainbow trout (Oncorhynchus mykiss). Compared to control fish, there was a moderate increase in the incidence of necrosis in the filament cells of the fish exposed to pH 4.0, but since the integrity of the tissue appeared to be maintained, most of the ultrastructural changes observed may be considered to be adaptive. There was an increase in epidermal thickness, a higher frequency of electrondense vesicles in filament cells, an increase in the undulation of the basal lamina, and the penetration of the epidermis by cytoplasmatic processes of melanocytes in acid-exposed specimens. An infiltration of leucocytes into the epidermis, and the appearance of serous mucous cells, was also evident. Whether these events were under the control of prolactin and/or -MSH, was also investigated, but no indication for activation or inhibition of either prolactin or -MSH producing cells was obtained. Since a previous study (Balm and Pottinger 1993) had demonstrated that plasma cortisol levels were also identical in control and low pH treated trout throughout a 14 day experimental period, it is concluded that under conditions of environmental acidification, the integument autonomically maintains the adjustments necessary for successful acclimation, presumably via paracrine regulatory circuits.  相似文献   
The distribution and morphology of crustacean cardioactive peptide-immunoreactive neurons in the brain of the locust Locusta migratoria has been determined. Of more than 500 immunoreactive neurons in total, about 380 are interneurons in the optic lobes. These neurons invade several layers of the medulla and distal parts of the lobula. In addition, a small group of neurons projects into the accessory medulla, the lamina, and to several areas in the median protocerebrum. In the midbrain, 12 groups or individual neurons have been reconstructed. Four groups innervate areas of the superior lateral and ventral lateral protocerebrum and the lateral horn. Two cell groups have bilateral arborizations anterior and posterior to the central body or in the superior median protocerebrum. Ramifications in subunits of the central body and in the lateral and the median accessory lobes arise from four additional cell groups. Two local interneurons innervate the antennal lobe. A tritocerebral cell projects contralaterally into the frontal ganglion and appears to give rise to fibers in the recurrent nerve, and in the hypocerebral and ingluvial ganglia. Varicose fibers in the nervi corporis cardiaci III and the corpora cardiaca, and terminals on pharyngeal dilator muscles arise from two subesophageal neurons. Some of the locust neurons closely resemble immunopositive neurons in a beetle and a moth. Our results suggest that the peptide may be (1) a modulatory substance produced by many brain interneurons, and (2) a neurohormone released from subesophageal neurosecretory cells.  相似文献   
The distribution of noradrenaline and adrenaline in the brain of the urodele amphibian Pleurodeles waltlii has been studied with antibodies raised against noradrenaline and the enzymes dopamine--hydroxylase and phenylethanolamine-N-methyltransferase. Noradrenaline-containing cell bodies were found in the anterior preoptic area, the hypothalamic nucleus of the periventricular organ, the locus coeruleus and in the solitary tract/area postrema complex at the level of the obex. Noradrenergic fibers are widely distributed throughout the brain innervating particularly the ventrolateral forebrain, the medial amygdala, the lateral part of the posterior tubercle, the parabrachial region and the ventrolateral rhombencephalic tegmentum. Putative adrenergic cell bodies were found immediately rostral to the obex, ventral to the solitary tract. Whereas the cell bodies and their dendrites were Golgi-like stained, axons were more difficult to trace. Nevertheless, some weakly immunoreactive fibers could be traced to the basal forebrain. A comparison of these results with data previously obtained in anurans reveals not only several general features, but also some remarkable species differences.Abbreviations Acc Nucleus accumbens - AP area postrema - Apl amygdala, pars lateralis - Apm amygdala, pars medialis - ca commissura anterior - Cb cerebellum - cc central canal - Dp dorsal pallium - epl external plexiform layer - gl glomerular layer of the olfactory bulb - H ganglion habenulae - igl internal granular layer - Ip nucleus interpeduncularis - Lc locus coeruleus - Ll lateral line lobe - Lp lateral pallium - Ls lateral septum - ml mitral cell layer - Mp medial pallium - Ms medial septum - nPT nucleus pretectalis - NPv nucleus of the periventricular organ - nV nervus trigeminus - oc optic chiasm - Poa preoptic area - Ri nucleus reticularis inferior - SC nucleus suprachiasmaticus - sol solitary tract - Str striatum - thd thalamus dorsalis - thv thalamus ventralis - To tectum opticum - TP tuberculum posterius - V ventricle - VH ventral hypothalamic nucleus - III nucleus nervi oculomotorii - IXm nucleus motorius nervi glossopharyngei - Xm nucleus motorius nervi vagi  相似文献   
Larvae of the two southern hemisphere lamprey genera, Mordacia and Geotria, possess one and two intestinal diverticula, respectively, each originating at the oesophageal-intestinal junction. These diverticula comprise an inner layer of simple columnar epithelium composed solely of zymogen and mucous cells, a middle layer consisting mainly of a blood sinus, and an outer serosa layer covered by a simple squamous epithelium (mesothelium). The inner surface is highly folded only in Mordacia. The secretion of mucus probably protects the epithelium from the effects of digestive enzymes secreted by the zymogen cells and/or bile, which enters the diverticulum at its tip. Unlike the situation in southern hemisphere lampreys, the zymogen cells of the larvae of holarctic lampreys are located in the anterior intestine, a condition considered to be primitive. It is thus proposed that intestinal diverticula were developed during the evolution of southern hemisphere lampreys. The relocation of zymogen cells in the diverticula increases the area for these cells, and thus the capacity for the synthesis and secretion of digestive enzymes, particularly in Mordacia where the inner surface is folded.  相似文献   
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