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The interactions of several affinity reagent displayed T7 and M13 phage particles with their corresponding target molecules were examined using Fluorescence Correlation Spectroscopy (FCS). Diffusion times, relative fractions of each component in the recognition reactions at the equilibrium state, and ultimately the dissociation constants were deduced from analyzing the fluorescence autocorrelation curves. Although the sample preparation and FCS characterization of icosahedral T7-related systems were relatively straight forward, procedures with filamentous M13-related systems were complicated by the physical size of M13 and its aggregate formation. Methods that accommodate the FCS measurement of the M13 phage via changing confocal optics, fitting procedures, and aggregate discrimination are presented and discussed.  相似文献   
The horizontal transfer and effects on host fitness of a neutral gene cassette inserted into three different genomic loci of a plant-colonizing pseudomonad was assessed in a model ecosystem. The KX reporter cassette (kanamycin resistance, aph, and catechol 2, 3, dioxygenase, xylE) was introduced on the disarmed transposon mini-Tn5 into: (I) the chromosome of a spontaneous rifampicin resistant mutant Pseudomonas fluorescens SBW25R; (II) the chromosome of SBW25R in the presence of a naturally occurring lysogenic-phage (phage Phi101); and (III) a naturally occurring plasmid pQBR11 (330 kbp, tra+, Hgr) introduced into SBW25R. These bacteria were applied to Stellaria media (chickweed) plants as seed dressings [c. 5 x 104 colony-forming units (cfu)/seed] and the seedlings planted in 16 microcosm chambers containing model plant and animal communities. Gene transfer to pseudomonads in the phyllosphere and rhizosphere was found only in the plasmid treatment (III). Bacteria in the phage treatment (II) initially declined in density and free phage was detected, but populations partly recovered as the plants matured. Surprisingly, bacteria in the chromosome insertion treatment (I) consistently achieved higher population densities than the unmanipulated control and other treatments. Plasmids were acquired from indigenous bacterial populations in the control and chromosome insertion treatments. Plasmid acquisition, plasmid transfer from inocula and selection for plasmid carrying inocula coincided with plant maturation.  相似文献   
Brain-derived neurotrophic factor (BDNF) shows potential in the treatment of neurodegenerative diseases, but the therapeutic application of BDNF has been greatly limited because it is too large in molecular size to permeate blood-brain barrier. To develop low-molecular-weight BDNF-like peptides, we selected a phage-displayed random peptide library using trkB expressed on NIH 3T3 cells as target in the study. With the strategy of peptide library incubation with NIH 3T3 cells and competitive elution with 1 μg/mL of BDNF in the last round of selection, the specific phages able to bind to the natural conformation of trkB and antagonize BDNF binding to trkB were enriched effectively. Five trkB-binding peptides were obtained, in which a core sequence of CRA/TXΦXXΦXXC (X represents the random amino acids, Φ represents T, L or I) was identified. The BDNF-like activity of these five peptides displayed on phages was not observed, though all of them antagonized the activity of BDNF in a dose-dependent manner. Similar results were obtained with the synthetic peptide of C1 clone, indicating that the 5 phage-derived peptides were trkB antagonists. These low-molecular-weight antagonists of trkB may be of potential application in the treatment of neuroblastoma and chronic pain. Meanwhile, the obtained core sequence also could be used as the base to construct the secondary phage-displayed peptide library for further development of small peptides mimicking BDNF activity.  相似文献   
The alternative splicing and variable expression of the exons near to the N-terminus of the leukocyte common antigen (L-CA, CD45) result in distinct extracellular isoforms expressed by cells with different functional and developmental properties. Here we report the tissue reactivity pattern and epitope specificity of a novel rat monoclonal antibody (IBL-8) against a restricted epitope of mouse CD45. We found that this mAb reacts with an epitope displayed by B cells and their precursors (both in newborn spleen and adult bone marrow). Moreover, peripheral CD8-positive T cells were also recognised at an intermediate intensity, whereas the CD4 T cell subset was weakly reactive. The epitope of this mAb was determined with M13 filamentous phages that display cysteine constrained nonapeptides on their coat proteins. The isolated bacteriophages expressing the putative epitope showed an isoform-specific inhibition of the binding of exon-specific mAbs. Deduced amino acid sequence data of these phages indicate that the epitope recognised by the IBL-8 mAb lies at the 136-144 region of the mouse CD45 molecule within its C exon, with a TAFP consensus sequence at its centre.  相似文献   
Interaction of DNA-binding protein HU from Bacillus stearothermophilis (HUBst) with coliphage T2 DNA was investigated by observing an elongational flow-induced birefringence, Deltan, of a T2-phage DNA aqueous solution at various HU concentrations. Localized flow birefringence was observed in the pure elongational flow region, and the strain rate dependence of Deltan had a critical strain rate epsilon;(c) for the appearance of flow birefringence at all of the HU concentrations examined, indicating that a coil-stretch transition occurred at epsilon;(c) in each DNA-HU system. For strain rates larger than epsilon;(c), Deltan increased rapidly and then gradually, approaching a plateau value. The value of epsilon;(c) increased with an increase in HU concentration. Analysis based on the relationship between epsilon; (c) and the Rouse-Zimm relaxation time revealed that the increase in epsilon;(c)with increase in HU can be explained by the decrease in the size of the DNA-HU complex. The plateau birefringence value, Deltan(p), decreased at small HU concentrations but did not change at larger HU concentrations. Considering that Deltan(p) is related to the orientational order parameter of segments, it was concluded that there were at least two stages in the process of compaction of DNA induced by HU.  相似文献   
Two hairpin-loop domains in cystatin family proteinase inhibitors form an interface surface region that slots into the active site cleft of papain-like cysteine proteinases, and determine binding affinity. The slot region surface architecture of the soybean cysteine proteinase inhibitor (soyacystatin N, scN) was engineered using techniques of in vitro molecular evolution to define residues that facilitate interaction with the proteinase cleft and modulate inhibitor affinity and function. Combinatorial phage display libraries of scN variants that contain mutations in the essential motifs of the first (QVVAG) and second (EW) hairpin-loop regions were constructed. Approximately 1010-1011 phages expressing recombinant scN proteins were subjected to biopanning selection based on binding affinity to immobilized papain. The QVVAG motif in the first hairpin loop was invariant in all functional scN proteins. All selected variants (30) had W79 in the second hairpin-loop motif, but there was diversity for hydrophobic and basic amino acids in residue 78. Kinetic analysis of isolated scN variants identified a novel scN isoform scN(LW) with higher papain affinity than the wild-type molecule. The variant contained an E78L substitution and had a twofold lower Ki (2.1 pM) than parental scN, due to its increased association rate constant (2.6 +/- 0.09 x 107 M-1sec-1). These results define residues in the first and second hairpin-loop regions which are essential for optimal interaction between phytocystatins and papain, a prototypical cysteine proteinase. Furthermore, the isolated variants are a biochemical platform for further integration of mutations to optimize cystatin affinity for specific biological targets.  相似文献   
The phase diagram of Pf1 solutions has been studied indirectly by observation of 2H quadrupole splittings of the solvent signal and measurement of dipolar couplings in solute macromolecules. At low volume fractions of Pf1 and at high ionic strength, alignment of both the phage and the solute depends strongly on the strength of the magnetic field. Both the theoretical and experimentally determined phase diagram of Pf1 show that at low concentrations and high ionic strengths the solution becomes isotropic. However, just below the nematic phase boundary the behavior of the system is paranematic, with cooperative alignment which depends on the strength of the applied magnetic field. Above 16 mg/ml Pf1 is fully nematic up to 600 mM NaCl. Alignment of proteins with a significant electric dipole moment, which tends to be strong in Pf1, can be reduced by either high ionic strength or low phage concentration. Because ionic strength modulates both the orientation and magnitude of the alignment tensor in Pf1 medium, measurement at two ionic strengths can yield linearly independent alignment tensors.  相似文献   
We report the construction of a phage-displayed repertoire of mutants of the ribonuclease barnase from Bacillus amyloliquefaciens. The construction was guided by the natural variability between two closely related ribonucleases, barnase and binase from Bacillus intermedius. This repertoire was selected using a proteolytic selection method, allowing sorting of the library according to the resistance of the mutants toward proteolysis. Susceptibility toward proteolysis has been correlated with flexibility and unfolding, and is thus expected to yield mutants with increased thermal stability.Enrichment of barnase mutants with specific combinations of amino acid residues at four of the randomised positions was observed. Three of these enriched amino acid residues are present in neither barnase nor binase. For some of the mutations, the improvement in proteolytic stability does not lead to a pronounced improvement in thermodynamic stability, indicating that the factors governing the proteolytic stability in some cases may be different from those governing the thermodynamic stability, e.g. propensity to local unfolding.The results obtained add important knowledge to a novel use of phage display technology for selection of thermodynamically stable proteins. Only by carefully establishing the parameters that can be adjusted, and recognising the influence this will have on the outcome of selection, will it be possible to realise the powerful technique of proteolytic selection.  相似文献   
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