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鸭血清胆碱酯酶的纯化及性质研究   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
首次采用新技术双水相萃取方法作为鸭血清胆碱酯酶(EC. CHE) 纯化的第一步,后经 DEAE-Sephadex A50,sephadex G200 柱层析,获得电泳纯鸭血清胆碱酯酶,提纯倍数1018倍,酶活力回收43.4%,比活274.9U/mg。鸭血清胆碱酯酶性质研究表明:此酶是糖蛋白和酸性蛋白水解酶,等电点 4.2 左右,最适 pH7.5 左右;对底物碘化硫代丁酰胆碱的 Km=9.8×10-5mol/L;SDS-PAGE 电泳和聚丙烯酰胺梯度电泳表明,鸭血清胆碱酯酶以相同亚基组成的不同聚合体形式存在,亚基分子量 78000,具有完整的酶活性.不同聚合体带电状态相同.  相似文献   
Forty different chiral molecules were studied by liquid chromatography with a Pirkle-type, (R)-N-(3,5-dinitrobenzoyl) phenylglycine (DNBPG), chiral stationary phase column. The dramatic effect of a small molecular change on chiral recognition was demonstrated using DL-amino acid derivatives. The inductive effect on chiral recognition was also studied using trifluoro-, trichloro-, dichloro-, monochloroacetyl, and acetyl derivatives of four different chiral amines. The study of the enantiomer separation of 11 different crown ethers of 2,2′-binaphthyldiyl showed that the rigidity of the chiral center can be an additional parameter in chiral recognition for the DNBPG phase but not for a β-cyclodextrin bonded chiral phase. It is apparent from this study that steric effects, inductive effects, and molecular rigidity play important roles in chiral recognition with DNBPG chiral stationary phases.  相似文献   
A solvent mixture containing dioxane, acetonitrile, and hexane was found to be suitable as a mobile phase to resolve oxazepam enantiomers by chiral stationary phase high performance liquid chromatography using covalent Pirkle columns. The resolved oxazepam enantiomers in this solvent mixture had a racemization half-life greater than 3 days at 23°C. When desiccated at 0°C as dried residue, OX enantiomers were stable for at least 50 days with less than 2% racemization. The conditions which stabilized OX enantiomers significantly facilitated the determination of racemization half-lives of OX enantiomers in a variety of aqueous and nonaqueous solvents and at different temperatures. © 1992 Wiley-Liss, Inc.  相似文献   
Lactobacillus plantarum is part of the natural microbiota of many food fermentations as well as the human gastro-intestinal tract. The cytosolic fraction of the proteome of L. plantarum WCFS1, whose genome has been sequenced, was studied. 2-DE was used to investigate the proteins from the cytosolic fraction isolated from mid- and late-log, early- and late-stationary phase cells to generate reference maps of different growth conditions offering more knowledge of the metabolic behavior of this bacterium. From this fraction, a total of 200 protein spots were identified by MALDI-MS and a proteome production map was constructed to facilitate further studies such as detection of suitable biomarkers for specific growth conditions. More than half (57%) of the identified proteins were predicted to be involved in metabolic pathways of the bacterium. The protein profile changed during the growth of the bacteria such that 29% of the identified proteins involved in anabolic pathways were at least twofold up-regulated throughout the mid- and late-exponential and early-stationary phases. In the late-stationary phase, six proteins involved in stress or with a potential role for survival during starvation were up-regulated significantly.  相似文献   
A two‐dimensional HPLC method based on the direct injection of biological samples has been developed and validated for the determination of lansoprazole enantiomers in human plasma. The lansoprazole enantiomers were extracted from the biological matrix using an octyl restricted access media bovine serum albumin column (C8 RAM BSA) and the enantioseparation was performed on an amylose tris(3,5‐dimethoxyphenylcarbamate) chiral column using acetonitrile:water (35:65 v/v) and UV detection at 285 nm. Analysis time was 25 min with no time spent on sample preparation. The method was applied to the analysis of the plasma samples obtained from nine Brazilian volunteers who received a 30 mg oral dose of racemic lansoprazole and was able to quantify the enantiomers of lansoprazole in the clinical samples analyzed. Chirality 2010. © 2009 Wiley‐Liss, Inc.  相似文献   
α-Hemolysin (HlyA) is a protein toxin, a member of the pore-forming Repeat in Toxin (RTX) family, secreted by some pathogenic strands of Escherichia coli. The mechanism of action of this toxin seems to involve three stages that ultimately lead to cell lysis: binding, insertion, and oligomerization of the toxin within the membrane. Since the influence of phase segregation on HlyA binding and insertion in lipid membranes is not clearly understood, we explored at the meso- and nanoscale—both in situ and in real-time—the interaction of HlyA with lipid monolayers and bilayers. Our results demonstrate that HlyA could insert into monolayers of dioleoylphosphatidylcholine/sphingomyelin/cholesterol (DOPC/16:0SM/Cho) and DOPC/24:1SM/Cho. The time course for HlyA insertion was similar in both lipidic mixtures. HlyA insertion into DOPC/16:0SM/Cho monolayers, visualized by Brewster-angle microscopy (BAM), suggest an integration of the toxin into both the liquid-ordered and liquid-expanded phases. Atomic-force-microscopy imaging reported that phase boundaries favor the initial binding of the toxin, whereas after a longer time period the HlyA becomes localized into the liquid-disordered (Ld) phases of supported planar bilayers composed of DOPC/16:0SM/Cho. Our AFM images, however, showed that the HlyA interaction does not appear to match the general strategy described for other invasive proteins. We discuss these results in terms of the mechanism of action of HlyA.  相似文献   
In this work, the effect of Trametes pubescens laccase (TpL) used in combination with a low-molecular-weight ultra-filtered lignin (UFL) to improve mechanical properties of kraft liner pulp and chemi-thermo-mechanical pulp was studied. UFL was isolated by ultra-filtration from the kraft cooking black liquor obtained from softwood pulping. This by-product from the pulp industry contains an oligomeric lignin with almost twice the amount of free phenolic moieties than residual kraft pulp lignin. The reactivity of TpL on UFL and kraft pulp was studied by nuclear magnetic resonance spectroscopy and size exclusion chromatography. Laccase was shown to polymerise UFL and residual kraft pulp lignin in the fibres, seen by the increase in their average molecular weight and in the case of UFL as a decrease in the amount of phenolic hydroxyls. The laccase initiated cross-linking of lignin, mediated by UFL, which gives rise to more than a twofold increase in wet strength of kraft liner pulp handsheets without loosing other critical mechanical properties. Hence, this could be an interesting path to decrease mechano-sorptive creep that has been reported to lessen in extent as wet strength is given to papers. The laccase/2,2′-azino-bis(3-ethylbenzothiazoline-6-sulphonic acid) (ABTS) mediator system showed a greater increase in wet tensile strength of the resulting pulp sheets than the laccase/UFL system. However, other mechanical properties such as dry tensile strength, compression strength and Scott Bond internal strength were negatively affected by the laccase/ABTS system.  相似文献   
Trypanosoma cruzi strains from distinct geographic areas show differences in drug resistance and association between parasites genetic and treatment response has been observed. Considering that benznidazole (BZ) can reduce the parasite burden and tissues damage, even in not cured animals and individuals, the goal is to assess the drug response to BZ of T. cruzi II strains isolated from children of the Jequitinhonha Valley, state of Minas Gerais, Brazil, before treatment. Mice infected and treated with BZ in both phases of infection were compared with the untreated and evaluated by fresh blood examination, haemoculture, polymerase chain reaction, conventional (ELISA) and non-conventional (FC-ALTA) serologies. In mice treated in the acute phase, a significant decrease in parasitaemia was observed for all strains. Positive parasitological and/or serological tests in animals treated during the acute and chronic (95.1-100%) phases showed that most of the strains were BZ resistant. However, beneficial effect was demonstrated because significant reduction (p < 0.05%) and/or suppression of parasitaemia was observed in mice infected with all strains (acute phase), associated to reduction/elimination of inflammation and fibrosis for two/eight strains. BZ offered some benefit, even in not cured animals, what suggest that BZ use may be recommended at least for recent chronic infection of the studied region.  相似文献   
The disruption of the natural post-disturbance recovery process, either by changes in disturbance regime or by another disturbance, can trigger transitions to alternative degraded states. In a scenario of high disturbance pressure on ecological systems, it is essential to detect recovery indicators to define the period when the system needs more protection as well as the period when the system supports certain use pressure without affecting its resilience. Recovery indicators can be identified by non-linear changes in structural and functional variables. Fire largely modulates the dynamic and stability of plant communities worldwide, and is this the case in northwestern (NW) Patagonia. The ultimate goal of this study is to propose a structural–functional approach based on a reference system (i.e. chronosequence) as a tool to detect post-disturbance recovery indicators in forests from NW Patagonia. In NW Patagonia (40–42°S), we sampled 25 Austrocedrus chilensis and Nothofagus spp. communities differing in post-fire age (0.3–180 years). In each community we recorded structural (woody species cover and height, solar radiation, air temperature, relative humidity) and functional (annual recruitment of woody and tree species) attributes. We modeled these attributes in function of post-fire age and analized the relationship between a functional attribute and a Structural Recovery Index (SRI). Communities varying in time-since-last-fire were structurally and functionally different. Moreover, response variables showed non-linear changes along the chronosequence, allowing the selection of recovery indicators. We suggest to use vegetation variables instead of environmental variables as structural recovery indicators. Horizontal and Vertical Vegetation Heterogeneity indices provided the information necessary to describe vegetation spatial reorganization after fire. Tree species annual recruitment was a good indicator of the functional recovery of forest communities. The relationship between a functional attribute and SRI allowed us to detect phases with high- and low-risk of degradation during post-fire succession. High-risk phases (<36 years old) had the highest horizontal vegetation heterogeneity and scarce tree seedling density (<7000 seedlings ha−1 year−1). Whereas, low-risk phases (>36 years old) had the highest vertical vegetation heterogeneity and tree species seedling density (>10,000 seedlings ha−1 year−1). Due to the low structural–functional levels, communities at high-risk phases would be more vulnerable to antropic pressure (e.g. livestock raising, logging) than communities at low-risk phases. The proposed approach contributes to the sustainable management of forest communities because it allows to estimate the minimum structural–functional levels from which forest communities could be harvested.  相似文献   
Introduction – Beta vulgaris var. cicla (BV) leaves contain chemopreventive compounds that have been investigated for new drug discovery. These compounds belong to the family of the apigenin‐glycosides. Since the leaves are seasonal products containing high percentages of water, they are easily degradable during storage in fresh conditions. To be stored they require a drying process, consuming time and a large amount of energy. The extraction of apigenin‐glycosides may also be conveniently performed from BV seeds, which represent a stable and year‐long available biomass. Objectives – The present report was undertaken to find a strategy of purification of bioactive flavonoids from BV seeds and test their ability to inhibit proliferation both on human colon cancer (RKO) cells and normal human fibroblasts (HF). Materials and methods – The ethyl‐acetate extract of BV seeds was fractionated on a Sephadex LH 20 column. A fraction of this extract, labeled as P4, exploited a marked antiproliferative activity on RKO cells. The components of P4 were purified on an RP18 column chromatography and identified by HPLC‐ESI‐MS as 2,4,5‐trihydroxybenzaldehyde, 2,5‐dihydroxybenzaldehyde, vanillic acid, xylosylvitexin, glucopyranosyl‐glucopyrasyl‐rhamnetin and glucopyranosyl‐xylosyl‐rhamnetin. All of them were tested for cytostatic and cytotoxic activity on RKO and HF cells. Results – Xylosylvitexin exhibited the strongest antiproliferative activity on RKO cells, together with an enhancement of the apoptosis, an increase of cells in the G1 phase and a reduction of cells in the S phase; on the contrary, the proliferation of HF was significantly stimulated. Conclusion – Xylosylvitexin is the main and more efficient chemopreventive compound in BV seeds, but the natural cocktail of molecules, represented by P4 fraction, showed a better compromise between the antiproliferative activity on RKO cells and the enhancement of HF proliferation. Copyright © 2011 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   
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