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L. Jerling 《Plant Ecology》1988,74(2-3):161-170
Population fluctuations ofGlaux maritima, along a transect on a Baltle sea shore meadow, were recorded between 1979 and 1983. A bimodal distribution in numbers along the transect reflects the variation in factors regulating numbers: The two maintenance systems of the species, vegetative propagation and sexual reproduction play different roles. Vegetative propagation is fast and responds quickly to variations in the environment. The seeds germinate in strongly fluctuating temperatures which are triggered by disturbances such as flooding, damaging the vegetation.  相似文献   
Abstract. The nearest‐neighbour technique is used to infer competition and facilitation between the three most abundant species in a semi‐arid region of western South Africa. Relationships among the shrubs Leipoldtia schultzei and Ruschia robusta, which are leaf‐succulent members of the Mesembryanthemaceae (‘mesembs’) and Hirpicium alienatum a non‐succulent Asteraceae, were compared on two adjacent sites with different histories of browsing intensity. Competition was more prevalent and more important than facilitation. The only evidence for facilitation was found at the heavily‐browsed site where the palatable Hirpicium was larger under the unpalatable Leipoldtia. Generally the prevalence and importance of competition was reduced at the heavily‐browsed site. Strong evidence was obtained for intraspecific competition in each of the three species; also, competition was evident between the two mesembs, where Leipoldtia was competitively dominant over Ruschia, although neither species inhibited Hirpicium. Minimal competition between the mesembs and the asteraceous shrub was interpreted in terms of differentiation in rooting depth, and competition within the mesembs, in terms of overlap in rooting depth. The mesembs had the bulk of their roots in the top 5 cm of soil, while the asteraceous shrub had the bulk of its roots, and all its fine roots, at greater depths. The shallow‐rooted morphology of the mesembs is well adapted to utilize small rainfall events, which occur frequently in the Succulent Karoo, and do not penetrate the soil deeply. Modifications of existing methods are applied for analysing nearest‐neighbour interactions.  相似文献   
Summary Tylosema esculentum, a perennial geophyte bearing yellow distylous flowers in racemes, maintains a high degree of outbreeding through reciprocal herkogamy. In addition, a viscous liquid, the anther-mucilage, is produced by the anther connective tissue and released concurrently with the pollen. The polysaccharide- and lipid-rich mucilage, which is functional in the shedding and transfer of pollen, is available for more than 1 day due to the gradual solidification of the mucilage. The assimilation of the pollen with the liquid substance significantly affects the pollination biology of T. esculentum. This is the first report on the unique phenomenon of wet pollen in the Caesalpiniaceae.  相似文献   
新疆呼图壁盐化草甸群落的DCA, CCA及DCCA分析   总被引:15,自引:1,他引:14       下载免费PDF全文
 本文应用DCA、CCA及DCCA排序技术对新疆呼图壁盐化草甸群落进行了分析。分析中选取了地下水位、粘土层出现深度、粘土层厚度、地下水pH值及地下水矿化度5个环境因子;同时为了分析空间格局对植被分异影响的大小,建立了样地空间坐标矩阵。结果表明:地下水位和地下水的pH值是引起植被分异的两个主要因素,空间格局对植被分异的影响大于环境因子对植被分异的影响。  相似文献   
Abstract. Goat grazing is examined as a possible tool for grassland management. In this paper, goat grazing preferences are described. The proportion of biomass of particular species eaten by a goat was estimated on the basis of comparison of paired quadrats. The control quadrats were clipped before grazing and their biomass was compared with the biomass in grazed quadrats. Estimates of the proportion consumed were calculated for frequent species; they were significantly different among species; the most preferred species was Polygonum bistorta, a species with broad, soft, nutritious leaves. The least grazed species were Agrostis tenuis and Galium harcynicum. Various indices of food selectivity (e.g. forage ratio, electivity index) were calculated and their behaviour was compared. Canonical Correspondence Analysis and Redundancy Analysis with appropriate covariates reflecting the block design of the experiment were used to evaluate overall changes in species composition and yielded results similar to those from the direct estimation of the proportion consumed.  相似文献   
Distribution of net assimilated C in meadow fescue (Fectuca pratensi L.) was followed before and after cutting of the shoots. Plants were continuously labelled in a growth chamber with 14C-labelled CO2 in the atmosphere from seedling to cutting and with 13C-labelled CO2 in the atmosphere during regrowth after the cutting. Labelled C, both 14C and 13C, was determined at the end of the two growth periods in shoots, crowns, roots, soil and rhizosphere respiration. Distribution of net assimilated C followed almost the same pattern at the end of the two growth periods, i.e. at the end of the 14C- and the 13C-labelling periods. Shoots retained 71–73% of net assimilated C while 9% was detected in the roots and 11–14% was released from the roots, determined as labelled C in soil and as rhizosphere respiration. At the end of the 2nd growth period, after cutting and regrowth, 21% of the residual plant 14C at cutting (14C in crowns and roots) was found in the new shoot biomass. A minor part of the residual plant 14C, 12%, was lost from the plants. The decreases in 14C in crowns and roots during the regrowth period suggest that 14C in both crowns and roots was translocated to new shoot tissue. Approximately half of the total root C at the end of the regrowth period after cutting was 13C-labelled C and thus represents new root growth. Root death after cutting could not be determined in this experiment, since the decline in root 14C during the regrowth period may also be assigned to root respiration, root exudation and translocation to the shoots. ei]{gnH}{fnLambers} ei]{gnA C}{fnBorstlap}  相似文献   
科尔沁沙质草甸草场不同牧压条件植物群落分异数量分析   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
本文用TWINSPAN分类和PCA及DCA排序技术分析了沙质草甸草场放牧试验引起地植物群落分异的特征,主要结论为:放牧强度是引起群落分异的主要原因,群落的分异主要表现在高度和现存生物量上。放牧引起群落变化的动力主要是放牧强度。而无牧条件下群落变化的主要动力是植物间的相互作用。当地的放牧强度处于中牧与重牧之间,属于过度放牧。这是引起草场退化及沙漠化的主要原因之一。  相似文献   
为探究滇西北不同退化级别高寒草甸植物群落结构对外界干扰的响应敏感性,以香格里拉市的典型高寒草甸为研究对象,于2018-2020年在三个退化梯度上(严重退化,S1;中度退化,S2;轻度退化,S3)开展控制刈割实验,进而分析草甸植物物种丰富度、群落组成相似性、群落复杂度和关键种的变化规律。结果表明:(1)刈割后,S1的物种丰富度显著增加(P<0.05),S2和S3的物种丰富度未发生显著变化(P>0.05);(2)相较于S2和S3,S1梯度的植物群落组成变化最大;(3) S1、S2和S3的植物群落复杂度在刈割后均呈先下降后增加的趋势,但S1的植物群落复杂度变化幅度高于S2和S3;(4)刈割导致各退化草甸植物群落的关键种发生了变化,2018、2019和2020年S1梯度的关键种在豆科(Leguminsae)和蔷薇科(Rosaceae)之间变化,S2梯度的关键种在禾本科(Gramineae)和菊科(Compositae)之间变化,S3梯度的关键种在蔷薇科(Rosaceae)、菊科(Compositae)和禾本科(Gramineae)之间转变。研究表明,滇西北高寒草甸植物物种丰富度、群落组成和群落复杂度对外界干扰响应的敏感性可能随退化加剧而上升,但群落关键种的响应过程较复杂。  相似文献   
植物对干旱胁迫的响应表现为各功能性状的差异化表达。全球气候变化下,青藏高原地区降水格局发生改变,高寒草甸群落功能性状及功能多样性在不同生长期干旱事件下的响应机制对加深高寒草甸适应气候变化认知具有重要意义。以藏北高寒草甸为研究对象,设置截雨棚模拟生长季前期(ED)、中期(MD)和非生长季时期(ND)干旱事件,通过观测群落物种功能性状,分析高寒草甸群落功能多样性对不同生长期干旱的响应机制。结果表明:(1)叶片功能性状对干旱存在差异响应,表现为叶片小而厚且寿命长,同化速率降低,并受氮元素限制加剧;(2)生长季前期干旱对高寒草甸群落功能性状的影响最强,生长季中期干旱次之,非生长季干旱的影响最弱;(3)生长季干旱处理显著改变了群落的功能多样性,ED处理下功能分散度指数(FDiv)和功能分异度指数(FDis)显著降低(P<0.05),而Rao二次熵指数(RaoQ)显著升高(P<0.05),MD处理下功能均匀度指数(FEve)显著降低(P<0.05);(4)相关性分析得出,群落功能性状与功能多样性对干旱的响应之间存在着联系。本研究发现高寒草甸植物功能性状与群落功能多样性对生长季前期和中期干旱存在差异化响应,指示着高寒草甸植物群落在响应不同时期干旱时可能采取不同的生存策略,即对生长季前期干旱采用耐旱策略、对生长季中期干旱采用避旱策略。探讨了高寒草甸植物群落功能多样性对不同生长时期干旱胁迫的响应机制,为预测未来季节性干旱事件对青藏高原高寒草甸植物功能性状、群落特征和功能多样性的影响提供科学依据。  相似文献   
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