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The means by which leukocytes, including lymphocytes, monocytes, and neutrophils, migrate from the circulation to sites of acute and chronic inflammation is an area of intense research interest. Although a number of soluble mediators of these important cellular interactions have been identified, a major site of great importance to the inflammatory response is the physical interface between the white cell and the endothelium. This critical association is mediated by an array of cell surface adhesion molecules. Previous data have demonstrated that the integrin subfamily of heterotypic adhesion molecules was a major component of these adhesive interactions, although it was clear that other, non-integrin-like molecules of unknown identity also seemed to be involved during the inflammatory process. A number of these other cell-surface glycoproteins which may be involved with inflammation have recently been characterized by molecular cloning. These glycoproteins, including the peripheral lymph node homing receptor (pln HR), the endothelial cell adhesion molecule (ELAM), and PADGEM/gmp140, are all members of a family of proteins which are unified by the inclusion of three characteristic protein motifs: a lectin or carbohydrate recognition domain, an epidermal growth factor (egf) domain, and a variable number of short consensus repeats (scr) which are also found in members of the complement regulatory proteins. The appearance of lectin domains in all of these adhesion molecules is consistent with the possibility that these glycoproteins function by binding to carbohydrates which are expressed in a cell and/or region specific manner, and the members of this adhesion family have been given the generic name LEC-CAM (lectin cell adhesion molecules).(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 250 WORDS)  相似文献   
Hydrophobic and charge-charge interactions of Salmonella typhimirium and Serratia marcescens were determined and related to their content of fimbriae and lipopolysaccharide (LPS). The cell surface structures were characterized with hydrophobic interaction chromatography (HIC), electrostatic interaction chromatography (ESIC) and particle electrophoresis measurements. The degree of interaction at the air-water interface was tested using a monolayered lipid film applied to an aqueous surface. The cell surface hydrophobicity of S. typhimurium in the presence of fimbriae was less in smooth than in rought bacteria. Examination of a series of rough mutants of S. typhimurium indicates that reduction of the O-side chain and core oligosaccharides was correlated with increased cell hydrophobicity. The enrichment factors at the air-water interface were significantly higher for fimbriated than for non-fimbriated S. typhimurium cells. Fimbriated S. marcescens cells were less hydrophobic and adhered to a lesser degree at the air-water surface than non-fimbriated counterparts. Electrophoretic measurements and adsorption to ion exchangers gives different information about the surface charge of bacteria. The latter technique gives the interaction between localized charged surfaces.Abbreviations HIC hydrophobic interaction chromatography - ESIC electrostatic interaction chromatography - LPS lipopolysaccharide - PBS phosphate buffered saline solution  相似文献   
Correlated ultrastructural and biochemical methods were used to identify and localize Concanavalin A (Con A) receptors in the desmosomes of bovine epidermis. Specific carbohydrate residues were labeled with ferritin-Con A in thin sections of tissue embedded in a hydrophilic resin. Quantitative mapping of ferritin distribution in labeled desmosomes revealed that Con A receptors are localized in the intercellular zone and concentrated along the desmosomal midline or central dense stratum. Labeling was almost entirely absent when sections were treated with ferritin-Con A in the presence of 0.1 M α-methyl mannoside, a hapten-inhibitor of Con A. “Whole” desmosomes and desmosomal intercellular regions (desmosomal “cores”) were purified from bovine muzzle epidermis. Sodium dodecyl sulfate (SDS)-polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis reveals a limited number of major desmosomal protein constituents. Certain of these are glycoproteins and are greatly enriched in the core fraction. Almost all the desmosomal glycoproteins are intensely labeled when electrophoretic gels of whole desmosome or core fractions are exposed to fluorescent Concanavalin A.  相似文献   
Zoospores of 17 species in 14 genera of Laminariales, collected in the northeast Pacific Ocean, were studied by electron microscopy. These zoospores are unique in the brown algae in lacking both an eyespot in the single chloroplast and any associated swelling at the base of the shorter, posterior flagellum. Spores of all species examined possess a distal whiplash portion on the longer, mastigoneme-bearing anterior flagellum. This appendage may sometimes be as long as the mastigoneme-bearing portion of the flagellum, but it is only seldom preserved in the preparations for electron microscopy. A microtubular cytoskeleton is probably responsible for maintaining the shape of the spore. It consists of a short band of about 10 microtubules between the two basal bodies, scattered tubules converging at the anterior of the spore, a band of 7–9 tubules directed anteriorly from the anterior basal body, and a band directed posteriorly from the posterior basal body. These anterior and posterior bands may form one continuous band looping around the periphery of the spore. Variation with possible taxonomic significance was found in the ultrastructure of vesicles which apparently contain adhesive material, and which are extruded through the plasmalemma when the zoospores settle.  相似文献   
Previous investigations have shown that laccase catalyzed oxidation of lignin containing wood fibers can enhance the strength of medium density fiberboards. In the present work it was investigated if laccase treatment had any impact on the tensile strength of a high yield unbleached kraft pulp. Treatment with laccase alone had only a very little effect on the wet strength of the pulp, whereas addition of lignin rich extractives increased the wet strength after the enzyme treatment significantly. A mediated oxidation gave a similar improvement of the wet tensile strength although no lignin was added to the fiber suspension. Furthermore, it was found that a heat treatment combined with a mediated oxidation gave a higher improvement in wet tensile strength than could be accounted for by the individual treatments. No change in dry tensile strength from the laccase treatment was observed. It is suggested that the observed improvement in wet tensile strength is related to polymerization of lignin on fibers in the hand sheet and/or coupling of phenoxy radicals on lignin associated to adjacent fibers. For the different mediators studied, a correlation was found between oxygen consumption upon mediated oxidation and generation of wet strength in the pulp.  相似文献   
Designed Ankyrin Repeat Proteins (DARPins) represent a novel class of binding molecules. Their favorable biophysical properties such as high affinity, stability and expression yields make them ideal candidates for tumor targeting. Here, we describe the selection of DARPins specific for the tumor-associated antigen epithelial cell adhesion molecule (EpCAM), an approved therapeutic target on solid tumors. We selected DARPins from combinatorial libraries by both phage display and ribosome display and compared their binding on tumor cells. By further rounds of random mutagenesis and ribosome display selection, binders with picomolar affinity were obtained that were entirely monomeric and could be expressed at high yields in the cytoplasm of Escherichia coli. One of the binders, denoted Ec1, bound to EpCAM with picomolar affinity (Kd = 68 pM), and another selected DARPin (Ac2) recognized a different epitope on EpCAM. Through the use of a variety of bivalent and tetravalent arrangements with these DARPins, the off-rate on cells was further improved by up to 47-fold. All EpCAM-specific DARPins were efficiently internalized by receptor-mediated endocytosis, which is essential for intracellular delivery of anticancer agents to tumor cells. Thus, using EpCAM as a target, we provide evidence that DARPins can be conveniently selected and rationally engineered to high-affinity binders of various formats for tumor targeting.  相似文献   
朱伟峰  陈露  王芳  胡波  陈萌萌 《微生物学报》2021,61(10):3264-3275
巴氏杆菌(主要是多杀性巴氏杆菌)可以引起多种动物疫病(巴氏杆菌病),同时也引起人类感染发病。[目的] 研究巴氏杆菌糖酵解酶对宿主细胞(兔肾细胞)和两种常见分子[纤连蛋白(fibronectin,Fn)和血浆纤维蛋白溶解酶原(plasminogen,Plg)]的黏附作用。[方法] 采用原核表达系统对多杀性巴氏杆菌的糖酵解酶进行表达并纯化及制备多克隆抗体,通过菌体表面蛋白定位检测、黏附与黏附抑制等实验探究巴氏杆菌糖酵解酶的黏附作用。[结果] 菌体表面蛋白检测结果显示除烯醇化酶和丙酮酸激酶外的7个糖酵解酶在多杀性巴氏杆菌表面存在。这7个糖酵解酶均能黏附兔肾细胞,但仅有磷酸葡萄糖异构酶的多克隆抗体能对多杀性巴氏杆菌黏附宿主细胞产生抑制作用。Far Western blotting结果显示9个糖酵解酶均能结合宿主Fn和Plg。招募抑制实验结果显示磷酸葡萄糖异构酶、醛缩酶、磷酸甘油酸变位酶的抗体对多杀性巴氏杆菌结合Fn和Plg都有抑制作用,磷酸果糖激酶、丙糖磷酸异构酶、甘油醛-3-磷酸脱氢酶、磷酸甘油激酶抗体仅对多杀性巴氏杆菌结合Fn或Plg有抑制作用。[结论] 多杀性巴氏杆菌糖酵解酶成员葡萄糖异构酶、磷酸果糖激酶、醛缩酶、丙糖磷酸异构酶、甘油醛-3-磷酸脱氢酶、磷酸甘油激酶、磷酸甘油酸变位酶在多杀性巴氏杆菌黏附宿主细胞或分子过程中发挥作用。该研究的完成将加深巴氏杆菌病分子发病机制的认识,并为巴氏杆菌病的诊断标识筛选、新型疫苗创制和药物靶标筛选等提供基础数据。  相似文献   
Endothelial cell lines express markers and are assumed to exhibit other endothelial cell responses. We investigated E-selectin expression from human umbilical vein endothelial cells, the spontaneously transformed ECV304 line and the hybrid line EA.hy926 by flow cytometry and immunofluorescence, mRNA and soluble E-selectin release. In cells exposed to tumour necrosis factor alpha (TNF-alpha) and interleukin-1beta (IL-1beta), median (range) percentage of E-selectin-positive HUVECs increased from 1.6(0.9-6. 2)% to 91.4(83.0-96.1)%, (P=0.001) using flow cytometry. In contrast, E-selectin expression by ECV304 and EA.hy926 cell lines was 100-fold lower. E-selectin mRNA was detectable after 2 h, maximal at 6 h in HUVECs and undetectable in EA.hy926 and ECV304 cell lines after exposure to TNF-alpha/IL-1beta. sE-selectin accumulation increased (P=0.004) in HUVECs only. Neutrophil adherence to ECV304 and EA.hy926 cells was poor compared to HUVECs (P=0.004). The cell lines ECV304 and EA.hy926 do not exhibit normal endothelium expression of E-selectin, and may not be appropriate for studies of adhesion.  相似文献   
Gicerin is a novel cell adhesion molecule in the immunoglobulin superfamily and has both homophilic adhesion and heterophilic adhesive activity to neurite outgrowth factor (NOF), an extracellular matrix protein in the laminin family. We investigated the possible involvement of gicerin in oviductal development, regeneration, and metastasis of oviductal adenocarcinomas of the chicken. In the oviductal epithelium, gicerin was expressed strongly during development, disappeared after maturation, and reappeared during regeneration. NOF was constitutively expressed in the basement membrane of the epithelium. These molecules were expressed strongly in oviductal adenocarcinomas in both primary and metastatic lesions in the mesentery. An anti-gicerin antibody inhibited the attachment of adenocarcinoma cells to the mesentery in vitro. Many cells migrated from adenocarcinoma tissues on NOF, which were inhibited by an anti-gicerin antibody. These results suggest that gicerin might play a role in oviductal development and regeneration and also in the metastasis of adenocarcinomas.  相似文献   
Angiogenesis is a fundamental step in several important physiological events and pathological conditions including embryonic development, wound repair, tumor growth and metastasis. PRKX was identified as a novel type-I cAMP-dependent protein kinase gene expressed in multiple developing tissues. PRKX has also been shown to be phylogenetically and functionally distinct from PKA. This study presents the first evidence that PRKX stimulates endothelial cell proliferation, migration, and vascular-like structure formation, which are the three essential processes for angiogenesis. In contrast, classic PKA demonstrated an inhibitory effect on endothelia vascular-like structure formation. Our findings suggest that PRKX is an important protein kinase engaged in the regulation of angiogenesis and could play critical roles in various physiological and pathological conditions involving angiogenesis. PRKX binds to Pin-1, Magi-1 and Bag-3, which regulate cell proliferation, apoptosis, differentiation and tumorigenesis. The interaction of PRKX with Pin-1, Magi-1 and Bag-3 could contribute to the stimulating role of PRKX in angiogenesis.  相似文献   
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