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Miconia howardiana, which is known only from a diverse moist montane forest in the vicinity of Loma Trocha de Pey (or “Monteada Nueva”), the easternmost peak of the Sierra de Baoruco, is described and illustrated. It is compared to phenetically similar (and probably phylogenetically related) species of theMiconia favosa complex, i.e.,M. favosa, M. xenotricha, M. campanensis M. Sintenisii, M. foveolata, andM. pycnoneura. The species of this complex are characterized by bullate leaves with frequently cordate bases and often six secondary veins. Most species also have large berries and flowers, 5-locular ovaries, large inflorescence bracts and bracteoles, and more or less dendritic multicellular hairs.  相似文献   
Khan  M. A.  Kamuru  F. 《Hydrobiologia》1997,354(1-3):151-156
Seasonal studies were undertaken (August 1983–July 1984) toevaluate the algal distribution and ecology of the RiverDelimi, Jos Plateau, Nigeria at three stations: upstream, withlittle allochthonous input; midstream, receiving heavy domesticaffluents; downstream. A wide amplitude of variability wasdiscernible in physicochemical factors, and photosyntheticactivity and abundance of suspended algae in relation to thedegree of pollution along the first 7-km stretch of the river.Conductivity (µS cm-1) showed a 9-fold increase fromupstream (x = 35) to downstream. The standing crop(Chl a) fluctuated markedly, with 6-times higher valuesfor a polluted midstream site (x = 18.2 mg m-3). Production rate measurements (mg C m-3 d-1) showed significant variability with relatively lowvalues (x = 610) recorded for the upstream andhighest (x = 1050) at the midstream site. Apositive correlation was obtained between production rates andChl a for the polluted midstream zone.  相似文献   
By means of restriction enzymes analysis and molecular hybridization, the distribution of repeated DNA families has been studied in the different DNA components into which the human genome can be fractionated by density gradient techniques. Three classes of DNA molecules have been analyzed: i) an homogeneous DNA component (satellite-like sequences; Q = 1.696 g/cm3, 3% of total DNA, AT repeated), ii) AT rich (Q = 1.698 g/cm3, 30% of total DNA, AT main-band) and GC rich (Q = 1.708 g/cm3, 6% of total DNA, GC main-band) DNA components. By this approach we have observed that Sau3A digestion of GC main-band gives rise to two bands of 75bp and 150bp, absent or under-represented in both AT rich DNA components. A preliminary characterization of these DNA fragments suggests that they contain one or more families of repeated sequences which fail to hybridize to EcoRI, HindIII and AluI families of repeats. In addition, we have observed that EcoRI sequences (alpha-RI DNA) are under-represented in GC main-band and show the same clustered organization in both AT rich DNA components.  相似文献   
Effects of taurine or γ-aminobutyric acid (GABA) on akinesia and analgesia induced by D-Ala2-Met-enkephalinamide were investigated in rats. Administration of taurine (dose range: 2.375×10?2 M–9.5×10?2 M/10 μl) into the left lateral ventricle 10 min prior to the injection of D-Ala2-Met-enkephalinamide (50 μg/10 μl) produced a dose-dependent reduction in the duration of akinesia and to some extent of analgesia, as estimated at 30 min and 60 min following the enkephalinamide injection; at the first estimation-time (10 min), taurine did not alter the duration of akinesia or that of analgesia. The median effective dose (ED50) for akinesia determined at 60 min after D-Ala2-Met-enkephalinamide was 5 times greater and that for analgesia assessed at the same time was 1.7 times greater in taurine-treated rats than the respective doses in control animals. Administration of GABA under similar experimental conditions produced a dose-dependent reduction in the duration of analgesia from the initial estimation time (10 min) following the injection of D-Ala2-Met-enkephalinamide. The ED50 for analgesia determined at 30 min after D-Ala2-Met-enkephalinamide was 3 times greater in GABA-treated rats than in control animals. Unlike the effects of taurine, GABA did not alter the duration of akinesia. Neither the duration of akinesia nor that of analgesia was modified by taurine or GABA alone in rats tested 9 min after the injection of each amino acid. These findings suggest that taurine may promote a recovery from both akinesia and analgesia, while GABA decreases only the analgesia induced by D-Ala2-Met-enkephalinamide.  相似文献   
Abstract. Woody vegetation was studied in 44 sites in Senegal. Species composition and density were analysed with TWINSPAN and Canonical Correspondence Analysis; 16 vegetation types were defined. A supervised, multispectral and multitemporal classification of day and night, dry season NOAA-AVHRR imagery was used to identify their distribution with a classification accuracy ranging from 60–100%.  相似文献   
Thirty-two species of Cladocera and 27 species of free-living copepods were identified in a series of samples collected in 25 localities in and around the Fouta Djalon mountains, West Africa. Beside great richness in numbers of species, the nature of the fauna is noteworthy: at least 20% of the Cladocera and 50% of the copepods are endemic to West Africa. Possible palaeoclimatological reasons for this are discussed. The cladoceran genus Streblocerus is recorded from Africa for the first time. It is an element of northern origin in the fauna of West Africa. More examples of this kind are documented among the Copepoda Cyclopoida and Harpacticoida, but the bulk of the fauna is evidently of tropical origin. In particular, great adaptive radiation is occurring in the local representatives of the genus Tropocyclops. Three new species of Parastenocaris are described; they are the first representatives of this genus found in West Africa.  相似文献   
This paper describes a highly specific method for determining urinary 17-hydroxycorticosteroids, which has been developed by (i) changing the composition of the Porter-Silber reagent and (ii) removing contaminants interfering with the color reaction by addition of sodium bisulfite to β-glucuronidase-hydrolyzed urine before extraction with solvent. For a reference method the Norymberski-Riondel (J. K. Norymberski and A. Riondel 1970, Biochem. J. 120, 493–498) gas chromatography (glc) was used: Correlation coefficient between the present method and GLC = 0.988, deviation from the theoretical regression LINE = 6.8%, and coefficient of SIMILARITY = 0.56. These results are much better than those obtained by I. Ernest, B. Håkansson, J. Lehmann, and B. Sjögren (1964, Acta Endocrinol. 46, 552–562) for the original Porter-Silber method in comparison with the chromatographic measurement of grouped and individual steroids.  相似文献   
A biosynthetic labeled peptide structurally related to the thymic peptide ubiquitin was first identified fortuitously in bovine pars intermedia cells in regard to its partial NH2 terminal amino acid sequence (Met 1, Leu 8, 15 and Lys 6, 11, 27, 29, 33) after a protein segment data bank search. A peptide with the same behavior on carboxymethylcellulose chromatography and polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis has been purified after labeling experiments in two areas of rat brain, hypothalamus and striatum, and in a mouse and a human ACTH-secreting pituitary tumors. It represents about 1 to 10% of the total labeled proteins in the various experiments. Its identity with the above mentioned bovine pituitary peptide was confirmed by microsequence analysis with respect to Met 1, Lys 6, 11 in hypothalmus, Met 1 in striatum, and Lys 6, 11, 27, 29, 33 in the two pituitary tumors. The availability of standard purified ubiquitin allowed us to show that labeled and cold peptides have the same electrophoretic mobility and elution volume on Sephadex G-50 chromatography this further confirms their identity. Possible interests of such a biosynthetic characterization of a ubiquitin-related peptide are discussed, particularly in view of the structural relationship of ubiquitin to the non histone component of nuclear protein A-24, and as a test of tissue viability and biosynthetic efficiency in our in vitro biosynthetic systems.  相似文献   
Submandibular secretions collected from children with cystic fibrosis (CF) showed increased protein concentration (milligrams/milliliter) and increased amylase specific activity (units/milligram of protein) relative to normal secretions. These differences between normal (N) and CF secretions were as follows: protein, 1.25 ± 0.51 (N), 1.75 ± 0.35 (CF) (P < 0.02); and amylase, 58 ± 18 (N), 80 ± 19 (CF) (P < 0.001). To determine the basis for elevated protein in CF saliva, several major proteins resolved by polyacrylamide disc gel electrophoresis were quantitated by densitometry. These included four phosphoproteins (PP), serum albumin, an acid phosphatase-containing fraction, amylase, and an unidentified protein referred to as PI-7.1. Together, these proteins comprise greater than 75% of the total protein in the secretion. Differences in individual protein concentrations (milligrams/milliliter) resolved from normal and CF secretions, respectively, were as follows: PP2, 0.02 ± 0.01, 0.03 ± 0.02 (NS, not significant); PP3, 0.06 ± 0.04, 0.05 ± 0.03 (NS); acid phosphatase fraction, 0.06 ± 0.04, 0.12 ± 0.07 (P < 0.05); amylase, 0.09 ± 0.04, 0.27 ± 0.16 (P < 0.01); and pI-7.1, 0.04 ± 0.02, 0.13 ± 0.08 (P < 0.02). Amylase, the most significant contributor to the elevated protein, comprised 26% of the total protein of normal secretions and 38% of the total protein of CF secretions. Thus, our results do not support the concept of a generalized increase in all organic components in CF submandibular secretions but, rather, increases in specific proteins, namely amylase, component pI-7.1, and an acid phosphatase-containing fraction.  相似文献   
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