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Significant decrease in precipitation up to 15–20% has been observed in the Mediterranean area in the last two decades as a consequence of climate change. To simulate an analogous scenario, the precipitation regime was altered in replicated experimental plots in a Mediterranean macchia dominated by Arbutus unedo L. species. Two different levels of soil water content (SWC) were obtained during the summer: a mean value of 7% was obtained in water-depleted (D) plots by a partial (−20%) rain exclusion treatment using rain gutters; while a mean value of 14% in SWC was obtained in watered (W) plots supplying water by a sprinkler net. The physiological and structural changes were investigated over the course of two consecutive years by measurement of water potential, gas exchange leaf carbon isotopes, leaf pigments and growth. Apart from short-term responses, mainly related to the elastic response of stomatal conductance to soil water, a more long-lasting and significant acclimation to water availability was observed as a result of the increase in hydraulic resistance in the soil–plant continuum, which persisted even after the return to full water availability during the fall and winter. This response involved the permanent down-regulation of stomatal conductance and photosynthesis, accumulation of photo-protective pigments, as well as a reduction in shoot growth, leaf area index and an increase in shoot-bearing flowers in D plots. This acclimation response prevented the onset of any run-away damage thereby reducing the forest vulnerability to drought. Furthermore, the imposed drought induced a slight increase or no change in intrinsic water-use efficiency (WUEint), as a result of the parallel increase in stomatal and non-stomatal limitations; conversely integrated WUE (i.e., estimated from leaf carbon isotopes) was not affected by drought.  相似文献   
The seasonal variation in 13C values was measured in leaves from 17 upper canopy, five mid- canopy and in four gap tree species, as well as in five epiphyte and five vine species, in a seasonally dry lowland tropical forest at Parque Natural Metropolitano near Panama City, Republic of Panama. No seasonal variation was detected in the 13C values of mature exposed leaves from either the upper or mid- canopy. However, canopy position did influence the 13C value. The mean isotopic composition of leaves from the mid- canopy was more negative than that of the upper canopy throughout the year. The 13C value was also influenced by leaf development, with juvenile leaves on average 1.5 less negative than mature leaves. The five epiphyte species exhibited 13C values that were typical of crassulacean acid metabolism (CAM). Codonanthe uleana, with isotopic values of –19.9 to –22.1, is only the second species in the Gesneriaceae reported to express CAM, whereas values between –14.6 and –22.0 indicate that Peperomia macrostachya can exhibit different degrees of CAM. The isotopic composition of exposed mature leaves from the vines showed little interspecific variation and was similar to the upper-canopy leaves of the trees.  相似文献   
Aims Artemisia gmelinii is a dominant specie naturally established after abandonment of cultivated lands in the Loess Plateau, and Caragana korshinskii is one of the main planted shrub species to control soil erosion. Improved understanding of water use strategies of these two species is of great significance to evaluate the sustainable development of the Loess Plateau under the trend of climate warming and increasing drought events. Methods Stable oxygen-18 isotope was used to determine seasonal variations in the water sources of native A. gmelinii communities established after abandonment of cultivated lands for 7 and 30 years and planted C. korshinskii after 30 years. The contributions of soil water from different depths to water uptake were estimated by the MixSIR Bayesian mixing model. The geometric mean regression method was used to fit the line of precipitation to get the local meteoric water line (LWML). Important findings The stable hydrogen isotope rate (δD) and stable oxygen isotope rate (δ18O) of soil water and xylem water plotted to the right side of the LWML, indicating that the isotopic compositions of soil water were enriched due to evaporation. The native A. gmelinii communities established after abandonment of cultivated lands for 7 years and planted C. korshinskii after 30 years showed plasticity in switching water sources from different soil layers, extracting water from shallow soil (0-40 cm) when soil water was available, but deeper soil (40-80 cm) when shallow soil water was dry. In contrast, A. gmelinii growing in site after cultivation abandonment for 30 years mainly relied on water from the surface soil (0-10 cm) throughout the growing season. Our results suggest that the ability of A. gmelinii to compete for soil water reduces with aging of the community while the planted C. korshinskii will have competitive advantage under the condition of increasing frequency of drought events in the future.  相似文献   
A greenhouse experiment was conducted in order to understand the adaptation responses to different water and N conditions, and further explore if additional N supply could improve the water-use efficiency (WUE) and adaptability of Sophora davidii seedlings under dry conditions. Two-month-old seedlings were subjected to a completely random design with three water (80, 40 and 20% water field capacity (FC)) and three N supply (N0: 0, Nl: 92 and Nh:184 mg N kg−1 soil) regimes. Drought stress dramatically decreased seedlings height, basal diameter, leaf number, leaf area, root length, and biomass production. An increase in below-ground biomass was observed indicating a higher root/shoot ratio (R/S) under drought stress conditions, and drought further decreased relative water content (RWC) and WUE. On the other hand, S. davidii seedlings exhibited strong responses to N supply, but the responses were inconsistent with the various N supply levels. Low N supply (Nl) increased seedlings height, basal diameter, leaf number, leaf area, and biomass production, but decreased root length. In contrast, high N supply (Nh) decreased or had little effect on these growth characteristics. N supply increased leaf percentages, but decreased fine root percentages. In addition, Nl rather than the other two N treatments increased leaf area ratio (LAR), leaf/fine root mass ratio (L/FR), R/S and RWC under severe drought stress (20% FC), even though these parameters could increase with the Nh treatment under well-watered condition (80% FC). Moreover, Nl also increased WUE under three water conditions, but Nh had little effect on WUE under drought stress conditions (40% FC and 20% FC). The results suggested that water and N co-limited the growth of S. davidii seedlings, and the seedlings exhibited great positive responses to Nl in this study. Appropriate or low N supply, therefore, would be recommended to stimulate growth, enhance WUE, alleviate drought stress, and consequently contribute to S. davidii seedling establishment under dry condition, but excess N supply should be avoided.  相似文献   
生长于100%、40%和16%自然光下的荷木和黧蒴幼苗叶片稳定碳同位素比(δ13C,-‰),细胞间CO2浓度(Ci)和水分利用效率(WUE)有一定的差别。16%和40%弱光下,δ13C的负值增加-0.54J‰到-0.89‰。Ci增大8.1-13.2μiL-1,WUE则下降6-24%。结果表明,叶片的水分和气体交换特性受生长光强的调节,叶片的δ13C值可反映其生长过程中受光的强弱状况。  相似文献   
Summary Seedlings of Scots pine (Pinus sylvestris L.) from Russia (59°58N) and Poland (53°34N) were grown for 4 months in controlled environment chambers, simulating the photoperiod conditions of 50° and 60° N. The Russian population grown at 50° N showed earlier height growth cessation than the Polish population. Photoperiodic conditions of 60° N increased proportional allocation of dry mass to shoots and lowered allocation to roots in the Russian population, which also had greater allocation to roots than the Polish population in both treatments. Total non-structural carbohydrate concentrations in roots and secondary needles of both populations were significantly higher at the end of the 4 month growing season at 50° compared to 60° N. Net photosynthesis rates were similar for both provenances and both treatments. The rate of transpiration was higher and water-use efficiency lower for plants grown in long-day conditions of 60° N. The mean respiration rate of roots ranged between 30 and 36 nmol CO2 · g-1 dry mass · s-1 and was 2–4 times higher than values observed for needles. Root respiration rates were greater in the Polish than the Russian population. Despite this, the greater allocation to root dry mass of the Russian population resulted in greater root respiratory cost as a proportion of daily carbon gain. Overall, root respiration accounted for between 18 to 34% of the total daily net carbon assimilation of these populations. Root and total respiration as a proportion of net daily carbon assimilation were greater at 50° than 60°N. Mean net integrated CO2 gains were 2.2–2.5 mmol CO2 · day-1 for seedlings from Russia compared to 3 mmol CO2 · day-1 for Poland.  相似文献   
Summary To assess the role of photosynthetic acclimation in the response of tropical understory herbs to treefall light gaps, photosynthetic response curves were determined for three species of herbaceous bamboo growing in treatments of sun and shade at Barro Calorado Island, Panama. Increased maximum photosynthetic capacity did not always accompany higher ramet production in the sun treatment. Pharus latifolius reproduced abundantly in both treatments, and produced more ramets and developed higher maximum photosynthetic capacity under higher irradiance. Streptochaeta spicata also produced a high percentage of reproductive ramets in both treatments and produced more ramets in the sun, did not show any significant differences in photosynthetic parameters between treatments. Streptochaeta sodiroana did not change maximum photosynthetic capacity in the sun, and had higher photosynthetic efficiency and lower mortality in the shade. Stable carbon isotope composition of leaves indicated that all three species developed higher water-use efficiency under higher irradiance. Photosynthetic flexibility may contribute to the ability of P. latifolius to reproduce in treefall gaps, whereas S. spicata and S. sodiroana may maintain the ability to fix carbon efficiently in low irradiance even when growing or persisting in gaps.  相似文献   
 Black and white spruce (Picea mariana and P. glauca) exhibit a striking micro-geographic distribution pattern at the southern edge of the boreal forest. Black spruce grows in flooded nutrient-poor muskegs, while white spruce is found primarily on drier upland sites, and the two rarely form mixed stands. In an attempt to characterize the physiological and, hence, mechanistic basis of this pattern, we sampled five adjacent populations of black and white spruce from northern British Columbia and measured a suite of physiological and allocative characteristics, and associated trade-offs, that may be important to survival in habitats limited in nutrient or water availability. Two laboratory experiments were conducted: a greenhouse dry-down experiment to assess relative degree of drought tolerance; and a 2×2 nested factorial experiment in which seedlings were subjected to varying water and nitrogen regimes for approximately 16 weeks. White spruce was more drought-tolerant (i.e., maintained positive net photosynthesis at lower shoot water potential) and more efficient in water-use (as indicated by carbon isotopic composition) than black spruce. Black spruce was found to be significantly less sensitive to nitrogen stress, exhibited greater plasticity in nitrogen-use efficiency (measured as the carbon-to-nitrogen ratio in total plant tissue), and had a greater specific N absorption rate under high-N conditions than white spruce. Trade-offs hypothesized to be associated with these nitrogen and water relations traits were examined, but few were confirmed. Water-use efficiency and nitrogen-use efficiency did not trade-off between species, but did trade-off plastically (i.e., across treatments) within species. When exposed to simultaneous limitations of N and water both species were forced to utilize each resource with suboptimal efficiency. The change in isotopic composition per unit change in C/N ratio was not the same in the two species. This difference may reflect optimization of the trade-off, whereby each species maximizes the use efficiency of the most limiting resource (respective to its habitat), while minimizing the concomitant reduction in the use efficiency of the other resource. Received: 10 June 1996 / Accepted: 8 October 1996  相似文献   
To evaluate the effects of air pollution on the decline of Pinus densiflora forests, various research has been conducted around Mt. Gokurakuji (34° 23N, 132° 19E, 693 m a.s.l.) north of the Seto Inland Sea, west Japan. To investigate the mechanisms responsible for decreases in photosynthesis (Pn) and stomatal conductance (gl), 13C of needles and seasonal changes in the water content (WC) and abscisic acid concentration (ABA) of needles were measured in various stands. The 13C values were less negative in declining stands and younger needles. ABA and WC were not correlated with each other. WC decreased consistently with needle age while the ABA showed a minimum in August and a smaller content in older needles. Monthly precipitation and the daily maximum vapor pressure were not correlated with ABA and WC. In declining stands, WC and ABA tended to be higher and lower, respectively, than in nondeclining stands. These results suggest that the trees in declining stands received less water stress than those in nondeclining stands and the differences in gl and 13C are not caused by the difference in water stress. The possibilities of the effects of air pollution and the infection of pine-wood nematode on the physiological decline on the pine needles are discussed.  相似文献   
In order to scale up from the ecophysiological characters of individual plants to population-level questions, we need to determine if character patterns in natural populations are stable through time, and if the characters are related to growth and survival. We investigated these questions in a 3-year study for one character, integrated water-use efficiency (WUE) as estimated by carbon isotope discrimination () in a population of the Great Basin shrub, Chrysothamnus nauseosus. WUE was a conservative character for a given plant within and across seasons, and a previously documented difference between two size classes (represented by juveniles and adults) was maintained; smaller juveniles had a lower WUE than larger adults. The lower WUE of juveniles was often accompanied by higher rates of photosynthesis and stomatal conductance as compared to adults even though juveniles generally had more negative xylem pressure potentials. Although many discussions of the role of WUE in natural populations have been based on the expectation that higher WUE (lower ) is generally associated with less growth, we found no such relation-ship for juvenile plants in this population (i.e was not positively correlated with height increase). In addition, juvenile plant mortality was not correlated with . Although there were stable patterns of WUE for plants in this population, the positive correlation between WUE and size, and the lack of a negative correlation between WUE and height growth, make it unlikely that the WUE of an individual plant will be related in a simple manner to its growth and survival in the population.  相似文献   
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